- Jiazhou Wang#, Jue Tian#, Gaoxi Xiao, Yang Liu, Hao Huang, Yadong Zhou and Ting Liu*, On Stealthiness and Effectiveness of Moving Target Defense in Smart Grids, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024.
- Hanqi Zhou, Yalin He*, Ting Liu*, Yang Liu, Jingao Shang and Xiangming Wang, NEST: Network-Energy-Stress Threat against Thermal Energy Equipment, IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 2024.
- Yang Liu, Long Meng, Xiangming Wang, Shenjian Qiu, Zhuo Lv, Pengfei Liu and Ting Liu*, PIL-MDRS: Physical Intrusion Localization based on Multi-Device Reflection Signals in ICS, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024.
- Zijun Wang, Yang Liu, Nanpeng Yu, Qinqin Wu, Jiang Wu, Yadong Zhou and Ting Liu*, Data Inference from Publicly Available Data:Threats and Defense Methods in Power Systems, IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2024.
- Jiazhou Wang, Jue Tian, Nanpeng Yu, Yang Liu, Haichuan Zhang, Yadong Zhou and Ting Liu*, A Dynamic and Static Combined State Recovery Method against FDI Attacks in Power Grids, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2024.
- Xiangming Wang, Yang Liu*, Kexin Jiao, Pengfei Liu, Xiapu Luo and Ting Liu, Intrusion Device Detection in Fieldbus Networks based on Channel-State Group Fingerprint, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 2024. (CCF A类)
- Wentao Jin, Yadong Zhou*, Yang Liu, Ting Liu. Stealthy Data Integrity Attack against Consensus Based Distributed Energy Management Algorithm. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2024.
- Xingyue Zhao, Zhongyu Li, Xiangde Luo, Peiqi Li, Peng Huang, Jianwei Zhu, Yang Liu, Jihua Zhu, Meng Yang, Shi Chang, Jun Dong. Ultrasound Nodule Segmentation Using Asymmetric Learning with Simple Clinical Annotation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 2024.
- Yang Liu#, Chenyang Yang#, Nanpeng Yu, Jiazhou Wang, Jue Tian, Hao Huang, Yadong Zhou* and Ting Liu, CFDI: Coordinated False Data Injection Attack in Active Distribution Network, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2024.
- 刘烃*, 王子骏, 刘杨, 周亚东, 吴江, 鲍远义, 吴桐, 管晓宏. 数据推断: 信息物理融合系统数据泄露威胁范式和防御方法.中国科学:信息科学. 2023. (CCF A类中文期刊)
- Jiazhou Wang, Jue Tian*, Yang Liu, Xiaohong Guan, Dong Yang and Ting Liu, Multi-stage Moving Target Defense: A Security-enhanced D-FACTS Implementation Approach, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
- Pengfei Liu, Yang Liu*, Xiangming Wang, Yuanyi Bao, Dong Yang, Wenqing Wang, Tong Wu, Zhuo Lv and Ting Liu, A Reflection-Based Channel Fingerprint to Locate Physically Intrusive Devices in ICS. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 2022.
- Yang Liu, Zisen Xu, Ming Fan*, Yu Hao, Kai Chen, Hao Chen, Yan Cai, Zijiang Yang and Ting Liu, ConcSpectre: Be Aware of Forthcoming Malware Hidden in Concurrent Programs. IEEE Transactions on Reliability, 2022.
- Yang Liu, Jue Tian*, Xiaoshu Yuan*, Binger Ye, Zi Sang, Xiangzhen Yao, Lin Li, Ting Liu. Real-time pricing response attack in smart grid, IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 2022.
- Pengfei Liu, Yang Liu*, Xiangming Wang, Chao Fang, Xiaohong Guan and Ting Liu*. Channel-State-Based Fingerprinting against Physical Access Attack in Industrial Field Bus Network, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022.
- 王子骏,刘杨*,鲍远义,管晓宏,吴桐,卢建刚,余志文,袁晓舒,刘烃*.电力系统安全仿真技术:工程安全、网络安全与信息物理综合安全,中国科学:信息科学, 2022, 52(3): 399–429. (CCF A类中文期刊)
- 袁晓舒, 吴桐, 刘杨, 管晓宏, 能源装备的网络安全要素分析, 东方电气评论, 2021, 35(140): 6-11.
- Yang Liu, Ting Liu*, Hong Sun, Kehuan Zhang, Pengfei Liu, Hidden electricity theft by exploiting multiple-pricing scheme in smart grids. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security (TIFS),2020. (CCF A 类)
- 刘杨, 桂宇虹, 安豆, 管晓宏, 刘烃*, 分布式电源接入场景下的电网振荡攻击建模与检测, 信息安全学报, 2019, 4(3): 70-82.
- Yang Liu, Nanpeng Yu*, Wei Wang, Xiaohong Guan, Zhanbo Xu, Bing Dong and T. Liu, Coordinating the operations of smart buildings in smart grids, Applied Energy, 2018.
- Ting Liu, Yang Liu, Yashan Mao, Yao Sun, Xiaohong Guan, Weibo Gong and Sheng Xiao, A dynamic secret-based encryption scheme for smart grid wireless communication. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2014,5(3):1175-1182.
- Ting Liu, Yanan Sun, Yang Liu, Yuihong Gui, Yuchen Zhao, Dai Wang and Chao Shen, Abnormal traffic-indexed state estimation: A cyber-physical fusion approach for smart grid attack detection. Future Generation Computer Systems, 2015,49:94-103.
- 刘烃, 孙鸿, 刘杨, 程海军, 姜丕杰, 智能电网安全实验平台: 设计, 实现与仿真, 武汉大学学报: 理学版, 2014, 60(5): 413-418.