Educational Experience

2019.11 - 2020.11 宾夕法尼亚州立大学 心理系 联合培养博士研究生,导师:Dr. Roger E. Beaty

2015.09 - 2022.12 陕西师范大学,现代教学技术教育部重点实验室,发展与教育心理学,博士,导师:胡卫平教授 

2011.09 - 2015.06 陕西师范大学,心理学院,应用心理学,学士

Work Experience

2023.07 - 至今 西安交通大学外国语学院,助理教授 

2023.07 - 至今 西安交通大学人文学院 博士后,导师:边燕杰教授



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  1. 国家资助博士后研究人员计划(B档)GZB2024061236W,主持。​​​​​​​
  2. 陕西省博士后基金,项目批准号:2023BSHEDZZ46主持。
  3. 陕西师范大学博士生自由探索项目,项目批准号:2018TS0872018-2020,主持。
  4. 国家大学生创新创业训练计划项目,项目批准号:cx-13022,2013-2014,主持。
  5. 中德共塑创新项目(CHINATIV),研究骨干。
  6. 2021年科技创新后备人才成长规律研究报告,项目批准号:20212YIP2282021/07-2022/07,参与。
  7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:314709772015-2018参与
  8. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:318711182019-2022参与
  9. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目批准号:317009762018-2020参与
  10. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,项目批准号:316009192017-2019参与
  11. 陕西省哲学社会科学项目,项目批准号:2021P0252021-2023参与
  12. 教育部人文社科项目,项目批准号:17XJC1900022017/07-2020/0参与
  13. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划青年人才项目,项目批准号:2016JQ30192016-2017参与​​​​​​​
  14. 陕西省社会科学基金年度项目,项目批准号:2017P0052017-2019参与

Academic Exchange


  1. Li, Y., Beaty, E. R., Hu, W., Kenett, Y. N. (2024). High crystallized intelligence involves more flexible semantic network structure and related to higher divergent thinking. Learning and individual differences. Under review. JCR 一区
  2. Li, Y., Beaty, E. R., Hu, W.* (2023). Accelerating creativity: Effects of transcranial direct current stimulation on the temporal dynamics of divergent thinking. Creativity Research Journal, online published. JCR 二区

  4. Li, Y., Kenett, Y. N., Hu, W., Beaty, E. R.* (2021). Flexible semantic network structure supports the production of creative metaphor. Creativity Research Journal, 33(3), 209-223. JCR二区
  5. Li, Y., Zhang, X., & Dai, D. Hu, W.* (2021). Curriculum innovation in the COVID-19 pandemic: The thinking-based instruction theory and its application. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 601607. JCR 一区
  6. 李阳萍齐森青,李欣颐,张睆,李亚丹,陈熙彤,侯雪珍,胡卫平*. (2018). 参考选择影响情绪加工的ERPs.心理科学. 41(6), 1310-1317. 中文权威
  7. 李阳萍*,刘笑,朱芳婷. (2014). 自尊水平对大学生状态焦虑情绪的影响. 中国健康心理学杂志, 11, 1725-1727. 中文核心
  8. Xiang, S., Li, Y., Daker, R. J., Li, Y., Guo, X., Lei, R., & Hu, W.* (2023). The relationship between creativity anxiety and two creative cognitive styles: chain mediating effects of creative self-efficacy and novelty seeking. Creativity Research Journal.(JCR 二区, IF = 2.8; accept)
  9. Jiang, L., Yang, C., Pi, Z., Li, Y., Liu, S., & Yi, X.* (2023). Individuals with high metacognitive ability are better at divergent and convergent thinking. Journal of Intelligence, 11(8), 162.
  10. Xiang, S. (相硕琪), Li, Y. (李亚丹), Yang, W., Ye, C., Li, M., Dou, S., Lyu, Y., Jiang Z., Li, Y.(李阳萍), Qi, S., & Hu, W (胡卫平)*. (2023). The Interplay between Scientific Motivation, Creative Process Engagement, and Scientific Creativity: A Network Analysis Study. Learning and Individual Differences. (JCR 一区, IF = 4.2; accept)
  11. Shang, X., Li, R., & Li, Y. (2023). Presentation of structured stepwise cueing and its effect on students’ learning: An eye-tracking study. Frontiers in Psychology.
  12. 衣新发, …, 李阳萍. (2015). 基础教育教学和学习中最重要的20项心理学原理. 美国心理学会.电子书.
  13. Xiang, S., Qi, S., Li, Y., Wang, L., Dai, D. Y., & Hu, W.* (2021). Trait anxiety moderates the effects of tDCS over the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) on creativity. Personality and Individual Differences, 177, 110804. JCR 二区
  14. Wang, X., …, Li, Y., & Hu, W.* (2021). Role of avoidance-motivation intensity in creative thinking: Similar and differential effects across creative idea generation and evaluation. Creativity Research Journal, 1-18. JCR 三区
  15. Benedek, M.*, , Li, Y., Hu, W. (2021). Creativity myths: Prevalence and correlates of misconceptions on creativity. Personality and Individual Differences, 182, 111068. JCR 二区
  16. Jia, X., Hu, W., …, Li, Y. (2019). The neural mechanism of insight in children and adults: An ERPs study of Chinese-generation task. Psychology (Savannah, Ga.), 10(13), 1856. 
  17. Qi, S., Li, Y., …, Hu, W.* (2017). The temporal dynamics of detached versus positive reappraisal: An ERP study. Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 17(3), 1-12. JCR 二区
  18. ​​​​​​​Qi, S., Luo, Y., Tang, X., Li, Y., Zeng, Q., Duan, H., Li, H., & Hu, W.* (2016). The temporal dynamics of directed reappraisal in high-trait-anxious individuals. Emotion, 16(6), 886-896. JCR 一区

Basic Information



主要研究方向:(1)语义网络影响创造力的认知神经机制;(2)语言学习的认知神经机制;(3)创新人才选拔与培养。在Learning and Individual differences、Creativity Research Journal、Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience、Emotion、《心理科学》、《心理科学进展》等国内外知名期刊发表16篇学术论文。主持陕西省博士后基金1项,校级项目2项(均已结项);参与中德国际项目1项,国家级自然科学基金项目3项,省部级项目5项,市级横向课题2项。参加美国心理学大会(APA)、创造力认知神经科学会议(SfNC)并作口头报告及海报4次,参加国内全国性及领域内大会并作口头报告数次。




Research Fields
