Science Project

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Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
20180921 电动汽车空调压缩机联合研发 其他 2018-8~ 负责人 horizontal project
20180352 同步回转油气混输装备研发及产业化项目 其他 2018-3~ 负责人 horizontal project
20180114 涡旋汽车空调压缩机结构优化设计 其他 2018-1~ 负责人 horizontal project
20181238 汽车空调电动压缩机性能测试 其他 2018-11~ 负责人 horizontal project
20170907 车用无油涡旋空气压缩机研制 其他 2017-9~ 负责人 horizontal project
51406150 容积式油气混输泵内固体颗粒破坏性弱化机理研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2015-1~ 负责人 Vertical project
2013M542348 高进口含气率下同步回转式多相混输泵内部工作机理研究 博士后科学基金 2013-9~2016-9 负责人 Vertical project
2011ZX05054 超临界注入技术研究 国家重大科技专项子项 2011-1~2015-12 骨干成员 Vertical project


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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Suction port design for a synchronal rotary multiphase pump Yang Xu, Qu Zongchang 2018-01-01 Proc IMechE Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
Design and dynamic analysis of a novel double-swing vane compressor for electric vehicle air conditioning systems Yang Xu, Dong Chen, Qu Zongchang 2017-01-13 International Journal of Refrigeration
Theoretical and experimental study of a synchronal rotary multiphase pump at very high inlet gas volume fractions Yang Xu, Hu Congcong, Hu Yao, Qu Zongchang 2017-01-05 Applied Thermal Engineering
Optimal Structural Design of Swing Double-Vane Compressor Ma Junjie, Chen Xiang, Yang Xu, Qu Zongchang 2016-07-01 2016 23rd International Compressor Engineering Conference at Purdue
Leakage Loss Study of a Synchronal Rotary Multiphase Pump With a Full Range of Inlet Gas Volume Fractions Yang Xu, Qin Yao, Qu Zongchang 2016-07-01 ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering
Analytical study of the end-face friction loss in a synchronal rotary multiphase pump Yang Xu, Xiang Chen, Junjie Ma, Qu Zongchang 2016-05-01 Proc IMechE Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering
Design optimization of a synchronal rotary multiphase pump Yang Xu, Zhang Jiang, Hu Xu, Qu Zongchang 2016-04-01 Proc IMechE Part E: Journal of Process Mechanical Engineering
Theoretical study on frictional losses of a novel automotive swing vane compressor Hu Xu, Qu Zongchang, Yang Xu, Sun Jinju 2013-03-01 International Journal of Refrigeration
Leakage Analysis of a Synchronal Rotary Multiphase Pump Yang Xu, Qu Zongchang, Wu Yuyuan 2012-08-01 Advanced Materials Research
Theoretical and experimental performance analysis of a synchronal rotary multiphase pump with the inlet gas volume fractions of 0–0.9 Yang Xu, Qu Zongchang, Hu Xu, Wu Yuyuan 2012-06-01 Proc IMechE Part A: J Power and Energy
Analyze Swing Vane Compressor Shaft Dynamic Motion to Improvement Its Efficiency Hu Xu, Qu Zongchang, Yang Xu 2012-04-01 Proc of the 2012 International Conference on Electric Information and Control
同步回转式混输泵端面的相对运动及摩擦分析 杨旭,屈宗长,吴裕远,于漠南 2011-09-01 西安交通大学学报
Frictional Loss Studies and Experimental Performance of a New Synchronal Rotary Multiphase Pump Yang Xu, Qu Zongchang, Wu Yuyuan 2011-05-01 ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering
同步回转式混输泵的工作原理与动力特性研究 杨旭,屈宗长,吴裕远 2010-05-01 西安交通大学学报
同步回转式压缩机动力分析及计算 杨旭, 屈宗长, 束鹏程 2007-11-01 流体机械


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Patent Name Application Number Application Date
一种带有端面吸入孔口的同步回转油气混输泵 ZL201720534375.5 Utility model 2017.05.12
单机二级压缩的旋转式压缩机 ZL2016 10038216.6 Invention 2016.01.20


2016年中国机械工业科学技术奖 二等 第4完成人

2016年江苏省科技进步奖 二等 第7完成人