Work Experience

                                颜虹,男,1957年11月生人,教授,博士生导师,西安交通大学医学院院长。1979年毕业于西安医学院,1986年获医学硕士学位, 1997年获澳大利亚Newcastle大学流行病学专业医学硕士学位。





Contact Information


Research Fields

研究领域:  为健康与营养评价、疾病控制与健康促进、卫生管理统计等。完整地获得了中国西部11个省110多个县农村预防保健、基本医疗服务、妇女儿童保健的基础性资料(1999-2005),研究成果为卫生部、各省区政府制定农村基层卫生政策提供依据。1997年运用“性成熟”调节法评价中国儿童发育状况。率先试办公共卫生硕士(MPH)教育。主持国家科技支撑计划重大项目课题、国家自然科学基金、卫生部、联合国儿童基金会等国内外项目15项。在国内外学术刊物发表论文和向陕西省人民政府、卫生部递交大型调查报告100余篇,主编、副主编国家规划教材4部,副主编、参编专著5部。曾分享部、省级科技奖励2项。曾荣获全国优秀教师称号。

(1.)Basic Information

YAN Hong, male, was born in November 1957, professor in epidemiology and health statistics and Dean of Xi’an Jiaotong University College of Medicine. He completed medical education in Xi’an Medical University in 1979, and received his master degree in health statistics in 1986. Furthermore he also got his second master degree of epidemiology in 1997 from University of Newcastle, Australia.

Since 1980, Professor Yan has been teaching postgraduates and undergraduates courses such as Health Statistics, Advanced Topics of Biostatistics, Medical Demography and Research Protocol Design. As editor in chief, his book “Medical Statistics” for 8-year system medical students in China published in 2005 by People’s Medical Publishing House. In1993, he received the award of National Outstanding Teacher.

Professor Yan’s research interests are on evaluation of population health, public nutrition, health promotion, data management and analysis, and medical education. As a principal investigator, he has conducted a number of projects supported by National Key Technologies R&D Program, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), Ministry of Health of China, UNICEF, CDC of USA, etc. He developed data-base about baseline information and monitor status of primary health care, maternal and child health care, health services system in 110 poor counties of 11 provinces in western China in 1999-2005, which provided the strong evidence for government making decision in the area. In addition, he has finished a pioneer research project by using “sexual mature adjustment” method to assess the developmental status of adolescents in China and also initiated the first master program of public health (MPH) in China. In past, he has published 100 papers in international and domestic journals.

Now, he is president of Health Statistics Committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, standing committee member of Chinese Public Health Education Committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, vice president of Shaanxi Medical Association, vice president of Preventive Medicine Association of Shaanxi Province, standing committee member of Population Association of Shaanxi Province, committee member of Asia-Pacific Academic Consortium for Public Health.

Contact information
Tel: 029-82655001; 029-82655387
Mailing address: Deans’ Office
Xi’an Jiaotong University College of Medicine
P.O box, 139
No.76 West Yanta Road
South Suburb of Xi’an
Xi’an city, 710061,
Shaanxi Province