- Yao, Z., Chai, Y., Zhao, R., & Wang, F. (2024). The effects of language switching experience and acute stress on bilingual advantages in cognitive flexibility. International Journal of Bilingualism (SSCI).
- Zhao,R., Wei,H., Yao,Z.*(2024).The effects of L2 proficiency on L2 word reading strategies: Evidence from Chinese–English bilinguals.Applied Psycholinguistics (SSCI).
- Yao, Z., Huang, X.L.,Chai, Y., Zhang, J.F. (2024). Conventionality and context jointly modulate the effect of inhibitory control on L2 metaphor comprehension. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (SSCI).
- 许莎,锁倩倩,何晓丽,姚昭(通讯作者)(2024). 工作记忆刷新对负性情绪调节的影响及其迁移效应. 《心理科学》(CSSCI).
- Yao, Z., Chai, Y., Yang,P.Y.,& Zhao,R. (2022). Effects of social experience on abstract concepts in semantic priming.Frontiers in Psychology (SSCI).
- 禹得水,李佳蔚,姚昭(通讯作者). 基于共词分析法的国内智慧教育研究热点分析. 西安电子科技大学学报:社会科学版,2020,30(4):6.
- Yao, Z., Xuan, Y., & Zhu, X. (2019). Effect of experience information on emotional word processing in alexithymia. Journal of affective disorders, 259, 251-258. (SSCI, 5 year IF=4.160)
- Yao, Z., Zhu, X., & Luo, W. (2019). Valence makes a stronger contribution than arousal to affective priming. PeerJ, 7, e7777. (SCI, IF=2.216)
- Yao, Z., Wang, Y., Lu, B., & Zhu, X. (2019). Effects of valence and arousal on affective priming vary with the degree of affective experience denoted by words. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 140, 15-25. (SSCI, 5 year IF=3.174)
- Yao, Z., Wu, J., Zhang, Y., & Wang, Z. (2017). Norms of valence, arousal, concreteness, familiarity, imageability, and context availability for 1,100 Chinese words. Behavior research methods, 49(4), 1374-1385. (SSCI, 5 year IF=4.885)
- Yao, Z., Yu, D., Wang, L., Zhu, X., Guo, J., & Wang, Z. (2016). Effects of valence and arousal on emotional word processing are modulated by concreteness: Behavioral and ERP evidence from a lexical decision task. International Journal of Psychophysiology,110, 231-242. (SSCI, 5 year IF=3.174)
- 姚昭, 朱湘茹, 王振宏. (2016).语义表征具身理论:情绪在概念表征中的作用.心理科学, 2016,39 (1): 69-76. (CSSCI).
- Yao, Z., Wang, Z.H. (2014). Concreteness of Positive Words Contributions to Affective Priming: an ERP study. International Journal of Psychophysiology,93 (3), 275–282. (SSCI, 5 year IF=3.174)
- Yao, Z., Wang, Z.H. (2013). The Effects of the Concreteness of Differently Valenced Words on Affective Priming. Acta Psychologica, 43, 269-276. (SSCI, 5 year IF=2.258).
- Wang, Z. H., Yao, Z*. (2012). Concreteness effects of emotional noun words: Evidences from ERP. Acta Psychologica Sinica, 44(2), 154–165. (CSSCI).
- 王振宏, 姚昭*. 情绪名词的具体性效应:来自 ERP 的证据. (2012).心理学报,44(2), 154-165.(CSSCI).
- 姚昭, 王振宏, 雷榕.词-面孔任务中的情绪效价冲突效应及性别差异(2011).心理与行为研究,9(3),181-184. (CSSCI).
- 姚昭, 王振宏. 多元智能理论在自闭症儿童干预中的应用(2009). 教学与管理: 理论版, (4): 67-68.
- 1.Wang, Y.*, Di, M., Zhao, J., Hu, S., Yao, Z., & Wang, Y*. (2020). Attentional modulation of unconscious inhibitory visuomotor processes: An EEG study. Psychophysiology, 57(8), e13561.
- Wang, Y.*, Liu, P., Yao, Z., & Wang, Y. (2020). Why do you often stop your impulsive behavior at the last moment?. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 27(3), 498-503.
- Wang, Y.*, Yao, Z., & Wang, Y. (2019). The internal temporal dynamic of unconscious inhibition related to weak stimulus–response associations. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(3), 344-356.
- 主持(2021.09-2024.10),陕西省社会科学基金,多元具身视域下儿童抽象词汇的发展规律及其影响因素(2021K013).
- 主持 (2017.01-2019.12), 国家自然科学基金青年项目, 经验信息影响情绪词加工的神经机制及其大脑可塑性(31600885).
- 主持 (2018.12-2020.12), 中央高校基本科研业务费重点项目, 基于微博大数据分析的心理计算:针对心理健康状态和主观幸福感.
- 主持 (2019.01-2020.12), 西安电子科技大学教育教学改革研究项目, MOOC在通识教育中的实施有效性研究.
- 主持 (2019.01-2019.12),陕西智慧社会发展战略研究中心重点资助项目,公众对“智慧社会”认知度的现状调查与分析.
- 主持 (2016.09-2018.08), 西安电子科技大学自由探索项目,经验信息影响情绪词加工的时间进程.
- 主持 (2016.06-2018.06), 中央高校基本科研业务费, 述情障碍个体的情绪词加工特点及其干预研究(20101166146).
- 主持 (2015.01-2016.01), 西安电子科技大学基本科研业务费, 不同愉悦度抽象词的阈下情绪启动效应(7214614603).
- 主持 (2012.04-2013.04), 陕西师范大学博士研究生创新基金, 词汇的具体性水平对情绪启动效应的影响(2012CXB002).
- 主持 (2009.04-2010.04), 陕西师范大学硕士研究生创新基金, 情绪名词的具体性效应.
- 参与(2022.04-2024.04),后疫情时代陕西家庭语言环境研究:家校共育下的儿童社会情绪发展规划与管理.
- 参与(2023-2026),中国英语学习者词汇阅读的认知神经机制研究 国家资助博士后研究人员计划(GZC20232117)
- 参与 (2015.01-2017.12), 国家自科学基金青年项目, 前颞叶的认知功能定位及其在中文句法加工中的工作机制研究(31400962). 排名 4.
- 参与 (2015.01-2017.12), 国家自科学基金青年项目,情绪性语境调控下词汇学习的认知神经机制(31400871). 排名5.