Science Project

No entries were found.
Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
202404148 华能德州电厂适应于火电机组调峰/调频/供汽的模块化熔盐储能装置的开发与应用项目水动力 其他 2024-02~2024-08 负责人 Other
20240236 吸收式热泵系统变负荷性能仿真测试 其他 2023-12~2024-02 负责人 Other
2023-YBGY-287 燃气供热锅炉系统余热全回收热泵技术研究 陕西省重点研发计划 2023-01~2024-12 负责人 Vertical project
TC220H072-2.1 高电压高温复杂氛围服役性能和系统研究 工信部产业链项目 2022-10~2025-09 负责人 Vertical project
S2022-YD-QFY-0085 甲醇燃料清洁高效热力燃烧关键技术与智能化应用研究 陕西省科技厅重点项目(区域创新能力引导计划专项) 2022-01~2024-12 骨干成员 Vertical project
2021YFF0600 复杂条件典型燃烧设备能效评价NQI协同创新技术 国家重点研发计划(NQI专项) 2021-11~2025-10 骨干成员 Vertical project
xxxxxx 高原燃气锅炉小型移动试验平台方案预研 企业项目 2021-03~2021-12 骨干成员 horizontal project
CXY-2020-044 煤化工废料混醇用于农业大棚一体化供热供CO2的关键技术 榆林市科技支撑项目 2021-01~2022-12 负责人 Other
2020MK178 高原燃气锅炉能效与排放特性研究 国家市场监督管理总局科技计划项目 2020-12~2022-12 骨干成员 Other
xxxxxx 2020年工信部节能诊断服务 政府项目 2020-09~2020-12 负责人 Other
xxxxxx 清洁供热综合解决方案研究 企业项目 2020-04~2021-09 负责人 horizontal project
2020JQ-061 半焦燃烧反应行为及煤粉炉大比例掺烧半焦技术研究 陕西省自然科学基金(青年项目) 2020-01~2021-12 负责人 Vertical project
xxxxxx 2019年工信部节能诊断服务 政府项目 2019-09~2019-12 负责人 Other
2019M653623 煤粉O2/CO2燃烧孔隙演化行为的实验与分子模拟研究 国家博士后基金(面上项目) 2019-08~2021-07 负责人 Vertical project
51906192 煤焦O2/CO2燃烧反应性及孔隙演化行为的实验与分子模拟研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2019-01~2022-12 负责人 Vertical project



序号 专利名称 知识产权类别 专利号 授权公告日期
1 一种以飞灰残炭为原料的脱汞吸附剂制备装置及方法 发明专利 ZL 201611192807.5 2018-12-18
2 一种减缓SCR催化剂失活和空气预热器堵塞的系统和方法 发明专利 ZL 201611192800.3 2018-08-28
3 一种生物质燃料与半焦混燃的系统及方法 发明专利 ZL201811371993.8 2019-10-11
4 一种热解炉-煤粉锅炉联用的低NOx掺烧系统剂方法 发明专利 ZL 201811520916.4 2019-10-11
5 一种混合燃料加压连续给料系统和方法 发明专利 ZL201910054146.7 2020-10-27
6 一种锅炉烟气酸洗和干燥生物质的系统及方法 发明专利 ZL201910324539.5 2020-10-27
7 一种煤化工VOCs综合处理与热能利用系统及方法 发明专利 ZL201811555005.5 2020-05-19
8 一种流化床气化飞灰的燃用系统 发明专利 ZL201910563521.0 2020-05-22
9 一种通过化学链空分实现半焦低NOx掺烧的电站系统与方法 发明专利 ZL201910562387.2 2020-05-22
10 一种低挥发分型煤环保节能炉 发明专利 ZL201811367919.9 2020-06-19
11 一种低NOx燃烧与白烟消减耦合的电站系统和方法 发明专利 ZL201910562400.4 2020-03-31
12 一种旋风炉高效低NOx掺烧气化残炭的系统 发明专利 ZL202010501976.2 2021-04-20
13 一种可燃固废分段富氧气化协同处理系统 发明专利 ZL202010469728.4 2021-08-13
14 一种O2/H2O燃烧锅炉褐煤和气化残炭低NOx掺烧的系统和方法 发明专利 ZL202010305221.5 2021-03-12
15 一种高水分固废干化与高效掺烧处理的系统及方法 发明专利 ZL202010220395.1 2021-04-20
16 一种碳基固体燃料化工多联产耦合低NOx混燃的系统及方法 发明专利 ZL201911342403.3 2021-02-09
17 一种避免燃气锅炉烟气再循环管道中水蒸气冷凝的系统 发明专利 ZL201911235804.9 2021-01-19
18 一种天然气超低NOx燃烧系统及方法 发明专利 ZL201910912935.X 2020-10-27
19 一种低热值含氮燃气燃烧系统及方法 发明专利 ZL201910912983.9 2021-05-28
20 一种燃用低挥发燃料的高效热冷联供式炉具 发明专利 ZL201910562353.3 2021-01-19
21 一种用于燃气锅炉烟气脱硝的冷凝式换热器及方法 发明专利 ZL201811550924.3 2021-01-19



序号 专利名称 知识产权类别 申请号 申请日期
1 一种甲醇锅炉烟气全热回收及燃料全气化的系统和方法 发明专利 CN202210542559.1 2022-05-18
2 一种耦合屏障风与分级燃烧的燃气低氮燃烧器及燃烧方法 发明专利 CN202210542495.5 2022-05-18
3 一种气化飞灰利用系统及方法 发明专利 CN202110043892.3 2021-01-13



  1. Jingkun Zhang, Yongbo Du, Qiong Xu, et al. Effects of sub-atmospheric pressure on appearance and pollutant formation of inverse diffusion flame within a confined space. Experimental Thermal And Fluid Science 2025.
  2. Yongbo Du, Nan Zhao, Yuanhang Zhang, Defu Che. Mechanism whereby fuel feeding rate influences self-excited thermoacoustic instability. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 2025.


  1. 张锦萍,陈磊,沈靖淳,徐鲁橹,杜勇博,车得福. O2/N2O2/CO2气氛下煤半焦-生物质的混燃特性及影响因素.节能技术,2024.
  2. 徐琼,杜勇博,张井坤,等. 吸收-压缩式热泵回收高水分杂醇烟气余热研究.节能技术,2024.
  3. Qiang Lyu, Yu Guan, Yongbo Du, et al. Review and Perspectives on Mercury Release and Migration during Chemical Looping Combustion of Solid Fuels. Energy & Fuels 2024.
  4. Yongbo Du, Yuanhang Zhang, Jingkun Zhang, Defu Che. The self-excited thermoacoustic instability behavior of a premixed hedge combustor with an elbow-connection or T-shape supply system. Proceedings Of The Institution Of Mechanical Engineers Part A-Journal Of Power And Energy 2024.
  5. Yuanhang Zhang, Yongbo Du, Jingkun Zhang, Defu Che. Experimental studies on mechanism whereby premixed chamber length and equivalence ratio collaboratively influence self-excited thermoacoustic instability. Asia-Pacific Journal Of Chemical Engineering 2024.


  1.  Yongbo Du, Meng Xing, Jingkun Zhang, et al. Combustion characteristic of low calorific gas under pilot ignition conditionExploring the influence of pilot flame products. Fuel 2023.
  2. Yongbo Du, Jingkun Zhang, Kai Liu, et al. NO-chemistry during methanol combustion from rich to lean conditionsexploring the fuel property influence mechanisms on different NO pathways. Journal of the Energy Institute 2023.
  3. Yongbo Du, Meng Xing, Jingkun Zhang, et al. Investigation on NO reduction behavior within complex atmosphere during pilot ignition of low calorific gas. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy 2023.
  4. Yongbo Du, Yuanhang Zhang, Xiaojin Li, et al. Self-excited thermoacoustic instability behavior of a hedge premixed combustion system with an asymmetric air/fuel supply or combustion condition. Applied Sciences 2023.
  5. Yongbo Du, Siyu Zong, Chang'an Wang, et al. Study on mechanisms of NOx formation and inhibition during the combustion of NH3/CH4 and NH3/CO mixtures. Applied Sciences 2023.
  6. Jingkun Zhang, Yongbo Du, Jimin Yu, et al. The influence of altitude on combustion characteristics within gas-fired boiler by numerical simulation. Asia-pacific journal of chemical engineering 2023.
  7. Jingkun Zhang, Yongbo Du, Siyu Zong, et al. An experimental study on the combustion characteristics of a methane diffusion flame within a confined space under sub-atmospheric pressure. Applied Sciences 2023.
  8. Gaofeng Fan, Meijing Chen, Chang'an Wang, Qinqin Feng, Yunlei Sun, Jie Xu, Yongbo Du*, Defu Che. Numerical study on oxy-fuel combustion characteristics of industrial furnace firing coking dry gas. Energy 2023.
  9. 张井坤,杜勇博,于吉明,等.低气压条件下甲烷预混燃烧CONO生成机理研究动力工程学报,2023.


  1. Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Changan ; Che, Defu ; Mathews, Jonathan. The influence of char particle morphology on char burnout behavior by atomistic simulation. Fuel. 2022.
  2. Liu, Chengchang ; Wang, Changan ; Wang, Chaowei ; Du, Yongbo ; Tang, Guantao ; Li, Guangyu ; Che, Defu. Experimental investigation on sodium migration and mineral transformation in ash deposit during gasification of Zhundong coal using a drop tube furnace. Clean Coal and Sustainable Energy. 2022.
  3. 张井坤,杜勇博,姚峤鹏,等. 高原燃气锅炉炉膛出口烟温热力计算方法研究. 锅炉技术,2022.


  1. Wang, Changan ; Sun, Ruijin ; Tang, Guantao ; Yuan, Maobo ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Effects of ash compositions in Zhundong coal on its ash fusion behavior and crystal phase transformation. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2021.
  2. Wang, Chang’an ; Gao, Xinyue ; Liu, Chengchang ; Zhou, Lei ; Zhao, Lin ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Experimental investigation on physical and chemical properties of solid products from co-pyrolysis of bituminous coal and semi-coke. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2021.
  3. Zhang, Yuanhang ; Wang, Chang’an ; Liu, Xuan ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Study on passive control of the self-excited thermoacoustic oscillations occurring in combustion systems. Combustion Science and Technology. 2021.
  4. 杜勇博,袁茂博,张井坤,王成,段洋,车得福.基于清洁供热技术组合的厂区综合能源解决方案算法研发.节能技术,2021.
  5. 孙瑞金,孙峰,慕鹏飞,王长安,赵磊,刘成昌,杜勇博,车得福.气氛及硅铝添加剂对高碱煤灰成分转化特性的影响.煤炭学报,2021.
  6. Wang, Chang’an ; Zhao, Lin ; Yuan, Maobo ; Wang, Chaowei ; Wang, Pengqian ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. NO heterogeneous reduction on semi-coke and residual carbon with the presence of O2 and CO. Fuel. 2021.


  1. Wang, Pengqian ; Wang, Changan ; Yuan, Maobo ; Wang, Chaowei ; Zhang, Jinping ; Du, Yongbo ; Tao, Zichen ; Che, Defu. Experimental evaluation on co-combustion characteristics of semi-coke and coal under enhanced high-temperature and strong-reducing atmosphere. Applied Energy. 2020.
  2. Wang, Pengqian ; Wang, Changan ; Wang, Chaowei ; Yuan, Maobo ; Zhang, Jinping ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Investigation on co-gasification characteristics of semicoke and bituminous coal in a CO2 atmosphere at high temperatures. Energy & Fuels. 2020.
  3. Wang, Pengqian ; Wang, Chang’an ; Wang, Chaowei ; Yuan, Maobo ; Du, Yongbo ; Zhang, Jinping ; Che, Defu. Synergistic effects in rapid co-pyrolysis of semi-coke and coal at high temperature. Fuel. 2020.
  4. Du, Yongbo ; Zhao, Nan ; Wang, Junxiong ; Zhang, Jinping ; Wang, Chang’an ; Che, Defu. Effect of CO2 on coal devolatilization in oxy-fuel combustion: Exploring the influence of temperature and inherent alkali/alkaline earth metal. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 2020.
  5. Du, Yongbo ; Yu, Pengfei ; Wang, Junxiong ; Zhang, Jinping ; Wang, Chang’an ; Che, Defu. The competitive behavior for O2 and CO2 reaction during char oxy-fuel combustion: Effects of temperature and inherent minerals. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2020.
  6. 杜勇博,笪耀东,刘学敏,张井坤,车得福.高原锅炉运行性能及设计方法的研究进展.工业锅炉,2020.
  7. 杜勇博,张井坤,笪耀东,刘学敏,车得福.高原锅炉燃料燃烧和烟气特性的研究与进展.工业锅炉,2020.


  1. Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Changan ; Xin, Haihui ; Che, Defu ; Mathews, Jonathan. Atomistic simulation of coal char oxy-fuel combustion: Quantifying the influences of CO2 to char reactivity. Energy & Fuels. 2019.
  2. Wang, Changan ; Zhao, Lei ; Sun, Ruijin ; Hu, Yueyi ; Tang, Guantao ; Chen, Wufeng ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Effects of silicon-aluminum additives on ash mineralogy, morphology, and transformation of sodium, calcium, and iron during oxy-fuel combustion of Zhundong high-alkali coal. International Journal of Greenhouse Gas Control. 2019.
  3. Wang, Pengqian ; Wang, Changan ; Du, Yongbo ; Feng, Qinqin ; Wang, Zhichao ; Yao, Wei ; Liu, Jiali ; Zhang, Jinping ; Che, Defu. Experiments and simulation on co-combustion of semicoke and coal in a full-scale tangentially fired utility boiler. Energy & Fuels. 2019.
  4. Wang, Changan ; Feng, Qinqin ; Lyu, Qiang ; Zhao, Lin ; Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Pengqian ; Zhang, Jingwen ; Che, Defu. Numerical investigation on co-firing characteristics of semi-coke and lean coal in a 600 MW supercritical wall-fired boiler. Applied Sciences. 2019.


  1. Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Changan ; Xin, Haihui ; Che, Defu ; Mathews, Jonathan. Competitive or additive behavior for H2O and CO2 gasification of coal char? Exploration via simplistic atomistic simulation. Carbon. 2018.
  2. Wang, Chang’an ; Wang, Pengqian ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Experimental study on effects of combustion atmosphere and coal char on NO2 reduction under oxy-fuel condition. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2018.
  3. Wang, Chang’an ; Wang, Pengqian ; Zhao, Lin ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Experimental study on NOx reduction in oxy-fuel combustion using synthetic coals with pyridinic or pyrrolic nitrogen. Applied Sciences. 2018.
  4. Lyu, Qiang ; Wang, Chang’an ; Liu, Xuan ; Du, Yongbo ; Li, Debo ; Che, Defu. Combustion and heat transfer characteristics of co-firing biomass and coal under oxy-fuel condition. International Journal of Energy Research. 2018.
  5. Wang, Chang’an ; Zhang, Yuanhang ; Wang, Pengqian ; Zhang, Jinping ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Effects of silicoaluminate oxide and coal blending on combustion behaviors and kinetics of Zhundong coal under oxy-fuel condition. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2018.
  6. Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Chang’an ; Wang, Pengqian ; Meng, Yi ; Wang, Zhichao ; Yao, Wei ; Che, Defu. Computational fluid dynamics investigation on the effect of co-firing semi-coke and bituminous coal in a 300 MW tangentially fired boiler. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy. 2018.
  7. Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Chang’an ; Wang, Pengqian ; Lyu, Qiang ; Che, Defu. Numerically study on combustion and NOx emission characteristics in tangentially fired boiler co-firing semi-coke. ASME 2018 Power Conference collocated with the ASME 2018 12th International Conference on Energy Sustainability and the ASME 2018 Nuclear Forum.


  1. 王鹏乾,王长安,杜勇博,张龙飞,车得福.O_2/CO_2燃烧条件下NO_2还原特性的实验研究.西安交通大学学报,2017.
  2. Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Chang’an ; Lyu, Qiang ; Li, Debo ; Liu, Hu ; Che, Defu. CFD investigation on combustion and NOx emission characteristics in a 600 MW wall-fired boiler under high temperature and strong reducing atmosphere. Applied Thermal Engineering. 2017.
  3. Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Changan ; Wei, Xiaoyang ; Lyu, Qiang ; Zhao, Yonggang ; Cao, Peiqing ; Deng, Lei ; Che, Defu. The regeneration effect of H2SO4 on V-W-TiO2 SCR catalyst deactivated by Alkali Metal. ASME 2017 Power Conference Joint With ICOPE-17 collocated with the ASME 2017 11th International Conference on Energy Sustainability, the ASME 2017 15th.
  4. Li, Xiaoyu ; Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Pengqian ; Wei, Xiaoyang ; Zhao, Zhenxing ; Deng, Lei ; Wang, Changan ; Che, Defu. Numerical investigation on heat transfer characteristics of high-pressure syngas in the membrane helical-coil cooler of a 2,000 t/d gasifier. Numerical Heat Transfer, Part A: Applications. 2017.


  1. 刘璇,邓磊,曹培庆,吕强,王长安,白杨,杜勇博,车得福.携带流燃烧时SCR催化剂碱金属失活机理研究.工程热物理学报,2016.
  2. Du, Yongbo ; Wang, Chang’an ; Lyu, Qiang ; Deng, Lei ; Che, Defu. Influence of sodium on deactivation and regeneration of SCR catalyst during utilization of Zhundong coals. Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2016.
  3. Wang, Chang’an ; Du, Yongbo ; Jin, Xi ; Che, Defu. Pyridine and pyrrole oxidation under oxy-fuel conditions. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects. 2016.
  4. Wang, Chang’an ; Li, Guangyu ; Du, Yongbo ; Yan, Yu ; Li, Hao ; Che, Defu. Ash deposition and sodium migration behaviors during combustion of Zhundong coals in a drop tube furnace. Journal of the Energy Institute. 2016.
  5. Wang, Chang’an ; Han, Tao ; Du, Yongbo ; Liu, Yinhe ; Che, Defu. Diffusional effects on differences of coal char reactivity between air and oxy-fuel combustion in thermogravimetric experiments. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 2016.


  1. Wang, Changan ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Study on N2O reduction with synthetic coal char and high concentration CO during oxy-fuel combustion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 2015.


  1. Wang, Changan ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Reactivities of coals and synthetic model coal under oxy-fuel conditions. Thermochimica Acta. 2013.


  1. Wang, Changan ; Du, Yongbo ; Che, Defu. Investigation on the NO reduction with coal char and high concentration CO during oxy-fuel combustion. Energy & Fuels. 2012.