Academic Exchange















[1]   谢永慧、袁瑞山、张哲源、张荻,一种定向降温的低噪声风扇,专利号:ZL2014107431963

[2]   谢永慧、周琴、张荻、申仲旸,基于超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环的紧凑式透平机械装置,专利号:ZL2014107663481

[3]   谢永慧、陈会勇、张荻,一种利用太阳能的燃气-超临界二氧化碳联合动力发电系统,专利号:ZL2014104940942

[4]   张荻、郭帅、谢永慧、申仲旸,一种利用生物质燃料的防结渣燃气轮机燃烧室[P].中国:ZL104456630A.

[5]   谢永慧、陈会勇、张荻,一种燃气、柴油及超临界二氧化碳发电船舶动力驱动系统[P].中国:ZL201410741203.6,2016.02.24.

[6]   谢永慧、高科科、张荻,一种降低透平机械调节级低频气流激振力的喷嘴隔板结构[P].中国:ZL201410471372.2,2015.10.28.

[7]   谢永慧、高科科、张荻,一种降低透平级气流激振力的静叶结构[P].中国:ZL201410172276.8,2015.07.01

[8]   谢永慧、袁瑞山、张荻,一种具有压电材料减振结构的阻尼叶片[P].中国:ZL201410073226.4,2015.07.01

[9]   谢永慧、隋永枫、丁旭东、陈金铨、张荻、蓝吉兵、毛汉忠、应博芬、刘象拯,排汽面积5.0m2大负荷末级叶片[P].中国:ZL201310526910.9,2015.08.26

[10]   谢永慧、袁瑞山、张荻,具有围带和凸台拉金结构汽轮机叶片的测试装置[P].中国:ZL201310717934.2,2016.03.30

[11]   谢永慧、李平、张荻,带球窝/球凸流动控制结构的流体流动换热实验装置[P].中国:ZL201310545250.9,2015.08.05

[12]   谢永慧、袁瑞山、张荻,湿蒸汽环境下的金属摩擦阻尼特性测试试验系统[P].中国:ZL201310525213.1,2015.12.02

[13]   谢永慧、申仲旸、张荻,一种汽轮机叶片拉筋孔凸台结构及其与松拉筋的配合结构[P].中国:ZL201310278148.7,2015.03.04

[14]   谢永慧、申仲旸、张荻,一种汽轮机叶片阶梯状叶根结构及其与隔叶块配合结构[P].中国:ZL201310280161.6,2015.01.21

[15]   谢永慧、吴君、袁瑞山、张荻,一种汽轮机叶片拉筋孔结构及其松拉筋安装结构[P].中国:ZL201210591415.1,2015.03.04

[16]   谢永慧、申仲旸、张荻、张明辉,一种透平机械叶片松拉筋结构[P].中国:ZL201210579812.7,2014.12.10

[17]   谢永慧、赵鹏飞、李亚鸽、刘乐、张荻,一种低温工质向心透平和离心压气机转速测试系统[P].中国:ZL201210140073.1,2014.07.02

[18]   谢永慧、李亚鸽、刘乐、屈焕成、吴君、张荻,一种风能太阳能联合蓄能发电系统[P].中国:Z201110416414.9,2014.01.29

[19]   谢永慧、李亚鸽、张荻,一种太阳能抽真空水力发电系统及其操作方法[P].中国:ZL201110136500.4,2013.07.10

[20]   张荻、韩永强、谢永慧,高压水射流旋转冲击水蚀实验装置[P].中国:ZL201110071624.9,2013.04.17

[21]   谢永慧、蓝吉兵、张荻,汽轮机静叶自射流二次流控制结构[P].中国:ZL201110068860.5,2013.11.06

[22]   张荻、吴君、谢永慧,一种具有围带阻尼块和叶根楔形阻尼块的汽轮机叶片振动特性试验测量装置[P].中国:ZL201110072247.0,2012.09.05

[23]   孔建强、毛汉忠、丁旭东、徐志明、杨雄民、陈金铨、谢永慧、隋永枫,发电用水冷汽轮机低压叶片级组[P].中国:ZL201020670558.8,2011.08.17(实用新型)

[24]   周振杰、谢永慧、周显丁、吴其林、范小平、曹守洪、孙奇、李伯武、钟刚云、李泽培,汽轮机围带的阻尼结构[P].中国:ZL200810046068.8,2011-05-04

[25]   谢永慧、谈芦益、张荻,一种分布式太阳能利用系统[P].中国:ZL200810150386.9,2011.07.27

[26]   谢永慧、韩永强、汪勇、张荻,汽轮机叶片水蚀试验装置[P].中国:ZL200710018830.7,2011.07.20

[27]   何东、谢永慧、卢中俊、王建录、梁小兵、徐荣冬、何斌、张荻,汽轮机叶片振动试验方法及装置[P].中国:ZL200710049671.7,2010.08.25 

[28]   王为民、王建录、潘家成、吴其林、周显丁、范小平、曹守洪、钟刚云、李曦滨、冯斌、谢永慧、孙奇、赵萍、李伯武、黄永东、袁永强,汽轮机末级动叶片[P].中国:ZL200510021382.7,2007.09.26





[1]    谢永慧、姜伟、张荻、吕坤,利用振荡翼型的摇摆-扭转耦合运动采集流体动能的发电装置[P].中国:CN105257457A,公开日:2016.01.20,申请日:2015.11.04.

[2]    张荻、赵伟、袁瑞山、谢永慧,一种动叶片叶根平台减振承压阻尼结构[P].中国:CN105156155A,公开日:2015.12.16,申请日:2015.07.06.

[3]    谢永慧、袁瑞山、王宇璐、张荻,一种直接将热能转换为电能的磁流体发电系统[P].中国:CN105024522A,公开日:2015.11.04,申请日:2015.07.27.

[4]    张荻、陈会勇、谢永慧,一种地热、燃气以及超临界二氧化碳联合发电系统[P].中国:CN104791204A,公开日:2015.07.22,申请日:2015.03.24.

[5]    张荻、杨可、谢永慧,一种微小型高速透平机械数据采集显示系统[P].中国:CN104634572A,公开日:2015.05.20,申请日:2014.12.29.

[6]    谢永慧、周琴、张荻、申仲旸,基于超临界二氧化碳布雷顿循环的紧凑式透平机械装置[P].中国:CN104632308A,公开日:2015.05.20,申请日:2014.12.11.

[7]    谢永慧、袁瑞山、张哲源、张荻,一种阻尼结构优化叶片测试实验台及其实验方法[P].中国:CN104568351A,公开日:2015.04.29,申请日:2014.12.03.

[8]    谢永慧、赵伟、赵鹏飞、张荻,一种大直径高速液体射流撞击试验装置[P].中国:CN104535440A,公开日:2015.04.22,申请日:2014.12.23.

[9]    谢永慧、高科科、张荻,一种采用低燃值气体燃料的紧凑型燃气轮机装置[P].中国:CN104533620A,公开日:2015.04.22,申请日:2014.10.30.

[10]  谢永慧、袁瑞山、张哲源、张荻,一种定向降温的低噪声风扇[P].中国:CN104500422A,公开日:2015.04.08,申请日:2014.12.03.

[11]  谢永慧、刘天源、赵鹏飞、张荻,汽轮机叶片材料及强化涂层抗冲蚀和腐蚀性能试验系统[P].中国:CN104502214A,公开日:2015.04.08,申请日:2014.12.23.

[12]  谢永慧、陈会勇、张荻,一种利用太阳能的燃气-超临界二氧化碳联合动力发电系统[P].中国:CN104405599A,公开日:2015.03.11,申请日:2014.09.24.

[13]  张荻、陈会勇、谢永慧,燃气-超临界二氧化碳联合动力的液化天然气生产系统[P].中国:CN104266454A,公开日:2015.01.07,申请日:2014.09.05.

[14]  谢永慧、袁瑞山、赵伟、张强、张荻,一种持续稳定的正压力加载装置[P].中国:CN103940458A,公开日:2014.07.23,申请日:2014.04.25

[15]  谢永慧、姜术华,一种降噪冷却风扇[P].中国:CN103790842A,公开日:2014.05.14,申请日:2014.03.03

[16]  谢永慧、李平、郑璐、张荻,红细胞—固体壁面高速碰撞显微可视化实验装置[P].中国:CN102879399A,公开日:2013.01.16,申请日:2012.09.25

[17]  谢永慧、申仲旸、张荻,带顶部切圆的汽轮机叶片半剖式松拉筋结构[P].中国:CN102720543A,公开日:2012.10.10,申请日:2012.06.19

[18]  谢永慧、莫哈、宋亚军,一种带有劈缝结构的水平轴流式风力涡轮叶片[P].中国:CN102606387A,公开日:2012.07.25,申请日:2012.07.25

[19]  谢永慧、李平、李亚鸽、张荻,一种太阳能热气流发电集热棚材料[P]. 中国:CN102563934A,公开日:2012.07.11,申请日:2011.12.12

[20]  谢永慧、韩永强、张荻,均匀连续式液滴产生装置[P].中国:CN101433885,公开日:2009.05.20,申请日:2009.05.20

[21]  周振杰、谢永慧、范小平、赵萍、李伯武、曹守洪,枞树型叶根动叶片[P].中国:CN101285400,公开日:2008.12.10,申请日:2008.06.03

[22]  谢永慧、谈芦益、张荻、孔祥林、王建录、商宇、潘家成、孙奇,利用多个分散余热热源、多种余热载体介质发电的方法及装置[P].中国:CN101178018,公开日:2008.05.14,申请日:2008.07.09











[1]  Ping Li, Lu Zheng, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Yi Feng, Gongnan Xie. Investigation of High-Speed Erythrocyte Flow and Erythrocyte-Wall Impact in a Lab-on-a-chip[J]. Artificial Organs. (SCI源刊, IF=2.05)

[2]  Lu Zheng, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Gongnan Xie. Thermal performance of dimpled/protruded circular and annular microchannel tube heat sink[J]. Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineer, 2016,60:342-351.(SCI源刊,IF=3,EI=20160901998388)

[3]  Yonghui xie, Zhongyang Shen, Di zhang, Phil Ligrani. Numerical analysis of flow structure and heat transfer characteristic in dimpled channels with secondary protrusions[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer.( SCI源刊,IF=1.45,EI=20154701580819)

[4]  Lu Zheng, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Haoning Shi. Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Channels with Groove-Protrusions and Combination Effect with Ribs[J]. ASME Journal of Heat Transfer, 2016,138:014501.(SCI: DA3RC,IF=1.45,EI: 20153401182463)

[5]  Zhongyang Shen, Yonghui xie*, Di zhang. Experimental and Numerical Study on Heat Transfer in Trailing Edge Cooling Passages with Dimples/Protrusions Under the Effect of Side Wall Slot Ejection[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016,92:1218-1235.(SCI: CW3ID,IF=2.383,EI=20154201402539

[6]  Xiaolong Zhang, Ruishan Yuan, Yonghui xie, Study on Impeller Fracture Model Based on Vibration Characteristics and Fractal Theory[J]. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2015,2015: 1-9.(SCI: CI3UD,IF=1.1)

[7]  Jun Wu, Ruishan Yuan, Zhenwu He, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Experimental Study on Dry Friction Damping Characteristics of the Steam Turbine Blade Material with Nonconforming Contacts[J]. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2015.849253(15pp.).(SCI: CA7RV,IF=0.744,EI=20150700507765

[8]  Yonghui xie, Zheyuan Zhang, Di zhang, Zhongyang Shen, Numerical Investigation of Non-Newtonian Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics in Rectangular Tubes with Protrusions[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2015. (SCI: CP8LR,IF=0.762,EI: 20153501221249)

[9]  Zhongyang Shen, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Numerical predictions on fluid flow and heat transfer in U-shaped channel with the combination of ribs, dimples and protrusions under rotational effects[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015,80: 494-512.(SCI=AT8SK,IF=2.383,EI=20144300124548)

[10]  Yonghui xie, Zhongyang Shen, Tianyuan Liu, Gongnan Xie, Experimental and numerical investigation of thermal performance of channels with staggered array-based dimples[J]. Thermal Science, 2015,19(1):213-219.(SCI=CN3PD,IF=1.222)

[11]  Lu, Kun; Xie, Yonghui; Zhang, Di; Xie, Gongnan, Systematic investigation of the flow evolution and energy extraction performance of a flapping-airfoil power generator[J]. Energy, SEP 2015,89:138-147.(SCI=CR3SD,IF=4.844,EI=20153401196244)

[12]  Qu, Huancheng; Liu, Tianyuan; Chen, Huiyong; Xie, Yonghui, Numerical investigation of laminar jet arrays impinging onto dimpled target surface[J]. Canadian Journal of Physics, Jun 2015,663-670.( SCI:CJ6HZ,IF=0.964,EI=20152400933297)

[13]  Zhang D, Yang K, Huan-Cheng Q, Gao, J, Numerical investigation of heat transfer performance of synthetic jet impingement onto dimpled/protrusioned surface[J]. Thermal Science, 2015, 19(suppl. 1): 221-229.( SCI:CN3PD,IF=1.222)

[14]  Xie, Yonghui; Qu, Huancheng; Zhang, Di, Numerical investigation of flow and heat transfer in rectangular channel with teardrop dimple/ protrusion[J]. International Journal of heat and mass transfer, May 2015,84:486-496.( SCI: CE4KH,IF=2.383,EI: 20150500479352)

[15]  Kun Lu, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Numerical investigations into the nonsinusoidal motion Eeffects on aerodynamics of a pitching airfoil[J]. Energy Procedia, 2014,61:2497-2500.

[16]  Zhongyang Shen, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Heat transfer enhancement in gas turbine U-shaped channel with rib tabulators uner rotational effect[J]. Energy Procedia, 2014,61:2501-2504.

[17]  Kun Lu, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Nonsinusoidal motion effects on energy extraction performance of a flapping foil[J]. Renewable Energy, 2014,64:283-293.( SCI:AA0XS,IF=3.476,EI: 20135117104500)

[18]  Yonghui xie, Kun Lu, Di zhang, Investigation on energy extraction performance of an oscillating foil with modified flapping motion[J]. Renewable Energy, 2014,63:550-557.( SCI:300YT,IF=3.476,EI: 20134516957152)

[19]  Yonghui xie, Kun Lu, Le Liu, and Gongnan Xie, Fluid-Thermal-Structural Coupled Analysis of a Radial Inflow Micro Gas Turbine using Computational Fluid Dynamics and Computational Solid Mechanics[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014,640560(10pp.).(SCI:AG2KJ,IF=0.762,EI: 20142217760913)

[20]  Yonghui xie, Kun Lu, Di zhang, and Gongnan Xie, Computational Analysis of Propulsion Performance of Modified Pitching Motion Airfoils in Laminar Flow[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014,420436(13pp.)(SCI: AE0DT,IF=0.762,EI: 20141517562920)

[21]  Yuan Ruishan; Zhou Qin; Zhang Qiang; Xie Yonghui, Fractal Theory and Contact Dynamics Modeling Vibration Characteristics of Damping Blade[J]. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2014,549430(7pp.).(SCI: AF5IP,IF=1.1)

[22]  Li Ping, Zhang Di, Xie Yonghui, Heat transfer and flow analysis of Al2O3 water nanofluids in microchannel with dimple and protrusion[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014,73:456-467.(SCI: AH7YV,IF=2.383)

[23]  Zhang Di; Zhao Pengfei; Zhao Wei; Luo Yaoyuan; Xie Yonghui, Experimental Study of Laser Cladding Methods on Water Erosion Resistance to LP Blades Materials of Steam Turbine[J]. Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, 2014,765064(10 pp.).(SCI: AJ0YV,IF=0.862)

[24]  Zhang Di; Guo Shuai; Shen Zhongyang; Xie Yonghui, Numerical Study on Flow and Heat Transfer Performance of Rectangular Heat Sink with Compound Heat Transfer Enhancement Structures[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014,457650(8 pp.).(SCI: AF9HW,IF=0.575)

[25]  Shen Zhongyang, Xie Yonghui, ZhangDi and Xie Gongnan, Numerical Calculations on Flow and Heat Transfer in Smooth and Ribbed Two-Pass Square Channels under Rotational Effects[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2014,981376(7 pp.).(SCI: AH70V,IF=0.762,EI: 20142417814775)

[26]  Zhang Di; Zheng Lu; Xie Gongnan; Xie Yonghui, An Experimental Study on Heat Transfer Enhancement of Non-Newtonian Fluid in a Rectangular Channel With Dimples/ Protrusions[J]. Journal of Electronic Packaging of the ASME, 2014,136(2):021005.(SCI: AH2AF,IF=0.856,EI: 20141917703443)

[27]  Xie Yonghui, Shen Zhongyang, Zhang Di and Lan Jibing, Thermal Performance of a Water-Cooled Microchannel Heat Sink With Grooves and Obstacles[J]. Journal of Electronic Packaging, 2014,136(2):021001.(SCI: AH2AF,
IF=0.856,EI: 20141917699955)

[28]  Zhang Yi, Yuan Ruishan, Lu kun, Xie Yonghui, Asymmetric Sinusoidal Motion Effect on Aerodynamics of a Plunging Airfoil[J]. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2013,712-715:1410-1413.(SCI: BGU94,IF=1.1,EI: 20133016541001)

[29]  Xie Yonghui, Li, Ping; Yuan, Ruishan; Chen, Jianhui; Zhang, Di, Design of a miniature low-grade heat-driven ORC system and performance evaluation of its partial admission radial turbine[J]. Advances in Mathematical Physics, 2013,2013.(EI: 20142817918409)

[30]  Yonghui xie, Keke Gao, Jibing Lan, and Gongnan Xie, Computational Fluid Dynamics Modeling Three-Dimensional Unsteady Turbulent Flow and Excitation Force in Partial Admission Air Turbine[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013,251926(11pp.).(SCI: 279NT,IF=0.762,EI: 20140817346157)

[31]  Yonghui xie, Jianhui Chen, Huancheng Qu, Gongnan Xie, Di zhang, and Mohammad Moshfeghi, Numerical and Experimental Investigation on the Flow Separation Control of S809 Airfoil with Slot[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013,301748(14 pp.).(SCI: 276TO,IF=0.762, EI:20140817346274)

[32]  Huancheng Qu, Zhongyang Shen, and Yonghui xie, Numerical Investigation of Flow and Heat Transfer in a Dimpled Channel among Transitional Reynolds Numbers[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2013,989237(10pp.).(SCI: 271ZE,IF=0.762,EI: 20140817346436)

[33]  Zhongyang Shen, Huancheng Qu, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Effect of bleed hole on flow and heat transfer performance of U-shaped channel with dimple structure[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013,66:10-22.(SCI: 242BF,IF=2.383,EI: 20133316604418)

[34]  Yonghui xie, Ping Li, Jibing Lan, Di zhang, Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of Single Jet Impinging on Dimpled Surface[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 2013,135(5):052201(15pp.).(SCI: 241JW,IF=1.45,EI: 20132016335310

[35]  Li Ping; Zhang Di; Xie Yonghui; Lan Jibing, Numerical investigation of root canal irrigation adopting innovative needles with dimple and protrusion[J]. Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics, 2013,15(1):43-50.( SCI:142FK,IF=0.894)

[36]  Di zhang, Huancheng Qu, Jibing Lan, Jianhui Chen, Yonghui xie, Flow and heat transfer characteristics of single jet impinging on protrusioned surface[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2013,58(1-2):18-28.(SCI: 090TB,IF=2.383,EI: 20130215874051

[37]  Di zhang, Lu Zheng, Ping Li, Gongnan Xie, and Yonghui xie, A Combined Numerical and Experimental Analysis on Erythrocyte Damage Mechanism in Microscale Flow[J]. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2013,962658(10 pp.).(SCI: 277AF,IF=0.575)

[38]  Kun Lu, Yonghui xie, Di zhang and Jibing Lan, Numerical investigations into the asymmetric effects on the aerodynamic response of a pitching airfoil[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2013,39:76-86.(SCI: 147MP,IF=2.021,EI: 20132916521428)

[39]  Kun Lu, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Numerical study of large amplitude, nonsinusoidal motion and camber effects on pitching airfoil propulsion[J]. Journal of Fluids and Structures, 2013,36:184-194.(SCI: 076YT,IF=2.021,EI: 20130415928047)

[40]  Jibing Lan, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Flow and heat transfer in microchannels with dimples and protrusions[J]. Journal of Heat Transfer-Transactions of the ASME, 2012,134(2):021901(9pp.).(SCI: 868QH,IF=1.45,EI: 20115114608981)

[41]  Mohammad Moshfeghi, Yajun Song, Yonghui xie, Effects of near-wall grid spacing on SST-K-ω model using NREL Phase VI horizontal axis wind turbine[J]. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2012,107:94-105.(SCI: 980GP,IF=1.414,EI: 20122815227575)

[42]  Di zhang, Zhongyang Shen, Yajun Song, Yonghui xie, Numerical study on flow and heat transfer in a rectangular channel with 45 DEG rib turbulators and bleed holes[J]. Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2012,19(5):477-487.(SCI: 052ZV,IF=0.244,EI: 20125115806215) 

[43]  Jibing Lan, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Effect of leading edge boundary layer thickness on dimple flow structure and separation control[J]. Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 2011,25(12):3243-3251.(SCI: 861JG,IF=0.838,EI: 20123615400882)





[1]  Wei Zhao, Liangliang Li, Di zhang, Study on Vibration Characteristics of Damping Blade with Snubber and Shroud Based on Fractal Theory[C]. International Conference Applied Mathematics in Heat and Fluid Flows.(已接收)

[2]  Zhongyang Shen, Qi Jing, Yonghui xie, et alThermal performance of mini-scale heat sink with jet impingement and roughened surface[C]. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 5th international conference on micro/nanoscale heat and mass transferMNHMT2016-6324,2016.(已接收)

[3]  Qiuwan Du, Zhaoli Zheng,Yonghui xie, Optimization on Start-up Process of Highpressure Rotor for Large Power Steam Turbine[C]. International Conference Applied Mathematics in Heat and Fluid Flows,2016.(已接收)

[4]  Qiuwan Du,Jiaobin Ma,Qi Jing,Di zhang, Research on optimization for the mushroom-shaped root-rim structure of turbine blades[C]. International Conference on Manufacturing Science and Engineering,2016.(已接收)

[5]  Liangliang Li,Hao Dang,Dongbo Shi,Yonhui Xie, Dynamic testing on material (2Cr12NiWMoV) friction damping[C]. ICCERE 2015,2015.(已接收)

[6]  Qi Jing, Qiuwan Du, Li Xiong, Di zhang, Numerical Predictions of Heat Transfer Performance in Dimple/Protrusion Channels with the Working Fluid of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide at High Re[C]. International Conference on Electromechanical Control Technology and Transportation,2015.(已接收)

[7]  Dongbo Shi, Liangliang Li, Yanyao Zhang and Yonghui xie, Thermodynamic Design and Aerodynamic Analysis of Supercritical Carbon Dioxide Turbine[C]. ICECTT,2015.(已接收)

[8]  Zhaoli Zheng, Yuqi wang, Di zhang, An Efficient Optimization Method for Structures with Local Nonlinearity[C]. International Conference Applied Mathematics in Heat and Fluid Flows,2015.(已接收)

[9]  Zhaoli Zheng, Zheyuan Zhang, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Study on Structural Optimization of Large Power Steam Turbine High Pressure Rotor based on Thermal-Structural Coupling Analysis[C]. International Conference on Energy and Environment Protection,2015.

[10]  Zhaoli Zheng, Zheyuan Zhang, Di zhang, Design optimization for fir-tree root of turbine blade based on substructure method and genetic algorithm[C]. International Conference on Design, Manufacturing and Mechatronics,2015.

[11]  Ruishan Yuan, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Study on Response of Turbine Damping Blade Based on Finite Element Method with Microslip Models[C]. Proceeding of the international conference on power engineering-15,ICOPE-15-1182, YokohamaJapan,November 30-December 4,2015.

[12]  Lu Zheng, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristic in Water and Al2O3-Water Nanofluid Microchannel Heat Sink with Cylindrical Groove and Protrusion[C]. The 5th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, June 21-24, 2015, Busan, Korea.

[13]  Yi Zhang, Pu Zhou, Qiang Zhang, Yonghui xie, Coupling Vibration Research of a Turbine Blade-Disc System with Symmetric-Acyclic Structure[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014.670-671.(ISTP: BB9KK,EI: 20150300428895)

[14]  Qiang Zhang, Wei Zhao, Tianyuan Liu, Yonghui xie, Modal Analysis of a Turbine Blade Based on Fluid-Thermal-Structural Coupling[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,641-642:300-303.(EI: 20145000306238)

[15]  Huiyong Chen, Shuai Guo, Numerical Study of Heat Transfer Characteristics in Narrow Channel with Staggered Dimples[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,535:71-74.(ISTP: BB9TF,EI: 20141217487826)

[16]  Qin Zhou, Wei Zhao, Stress state of turbine blade root and rim considering manufacturing variations[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,492:56-59.(ISTP: BA8DG,EI: 20140517249089)

[17]  Yuan Ruishan, Liu Tianyuan, Numerical study on creep properities of the governing stage blade for large power steam turbine considering airflow force[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014,490-491:437-441.(ISTP: BA6EP, EI: 20140817356924)

[18]  Ping Li, Jianhui Chen, Huancheng Qu, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Investigation on heat transfer enhancement of nanofluids in microchannel with blocks and grooves[C]. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Summer Meeting, FEDSM2013-16535, July 7-11, 2013, Incline Village, Nevada, USA.

[19]  Huancheng Qu, Ping Li, Jianhui Chen, Zhongyang Shen, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Numerical investigation of flow separation control of low-pressure high-lift blade with different grooves and protrusions[C]. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting, FEDSM2013-16536, July 7-11, 2013, Incline Village, Nevada, USA.(ISTP: BD2PF,EI: 20140517253340)

[20]  Jianhui Chen, Huncheng Qu, Ping Li, Yage Li, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Numerical study on flow separation control for high-lift low-pressure turbine split blade[C]. Proceedings of the ASME 2013 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting,FEDSM2013-16537, July 7-11, 2013, Incline Village, Nevada, USA.

[21]  Zhongyang Shen, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Yage Li, Conjugate heat transfer research on simulated film-cooled turbine blade leading edge including an adjacent internal cooling passage[C]. The 4th Asian Symposium on Computational Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow, Hong Kong, 3-6 June 2013.

[22]  Huiyong Chen, Qiang Zhang, Qin Zhou, Yonghui xie, Study of a Hybrid Wind and Solar Energy Power System[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,316-317:28-31.(EI: 20131716237296)

[23]  Qin Zhou, Minghui Zhang, Huiyong Chen, Yonghui xie, Design optimization for fir-tree root of turbine blade considering manufacturing variations[C]. Advanced Materials Research, 2013,694-697:2733-2737.(ISTP: BGD88,EI: 20132416421330)

[24]  Jun Wu, Ruishan Yuan, Pengfei Zhao, Yonghui xie, The Vibration Characteristics of Steam Turbine Blades with New Friction Damping Structures[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,312:268-272.(EI: 20133416636167)

[25]  Ji Gao, Ruishan Yuan, Minghui Zhang, Yonghui xie, Numerical Study on Thrust Generation Performance of Plunging Airfoils[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,312:235-238.(EI: 20133416636160)

[26]  Mohammad Moshfeghi, Kun Lu, Yonghui xie, A new method for horizontal axis wind turbine angle of attack determination[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2013,291-294:425-428.(ISTP: BFM20,EI: 20131916312430)

[27]  Yonghui xie, Zhongyang Shen, Tao Fan, Study on flow separation control by vortex generator jets with different parameters[C]. 2012 International Conference on Advances in Mechanics Engineering,ICAME, Hong Kong August 3-5, 2012.(EI: 20125015793312)

[28]  Jun Wu, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Minghui Zhang, Experimental friction damping characteristic of a steam turbine blade coupled by shroud and snubber at standstill set-up[C]. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012, GT2012-69472, June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.(ISTP: BA4JO,EI: 20133316600733)

[29]  Yongqiang Han, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Numerical study on high-speed impact between a water droplet and a deformable solid surface[C]. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2012, GT2012-69700, June 11-15, 2012, Copenhagen, Denmark.(ISTP: BHC51,EI: 20133316600558)

[30]  Yongqiang Han, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Numerical study of liquid-solid impact using Lagrangian-Eulerian coupling method[C]. Advanced Materials Research, 2012,433-440:1926-1932.(ISTP: BZN21,EI: 20120414712434)

[31]  Minghui Zhang, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Design optimization for double-T root and rim of turbine blade with three-dimensional finite element method[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012,215-216:239-243.(ISTP: BEI97,EI: 20125015780633)

[32]  Jun Wu, Minghui Zhang, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Experimental study on friction damping characteristics of metallic materials with non-conforming contact[C]. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2012,217-219:2402-2405.(ISTP: BFC28,EI: 20125015780514)

[33]  Huancheng Qu, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Shouhong Cao, Qilin Wu, Numerical simulation of unsteady flow phenomena and exciting force in control stage of steam turbine under multiple working conditions[C]. Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Power Conference, POWER 2011-55261, July 12-14, 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.(ISTP: BFI65,EI: 20133516663444)

[34]  Ping Li, Jianhui Chen, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Study on the steady and unsteady aerodynamic performance of a radical inflow turbine with small partial admission in a miniature ORC system, Proceedings of the ASME 2011 Power Conference, POWER 2011-55268, July 12-14, 2011, Denver, Colorado, USA.

[35]  Jibing Lan, Yonghui xie, Di zhang, Heat transfer enhancement in a rectangular channel with the combination of ribs, dimples and protrusions[C]. Proceeding of ASME Turbo Expo 2011, GT2011-46031, June 6-10, 2011, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.(ISTP: BFR71,EI: 20123615387538)

[36]  Yajun Song, Di zhang, Yonghui xie, Numerical study on flow and heat transfer in a rectangular channel with 45 deg rib turbulators and bleed holes[C]. 2011 International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control, Xian, China, 2011.(EI: 20125115806215)

[37]  Yonghui xie, Jibing Lan, Di zhang, Heat transfer and fluid flow in a rectangular channel with the combination of dimples, protrusions and orthogonal ribs[C]. International Gas Turbine Congress 2011, Grand Cube Osaka, Japan, 2011.





[1]  谢永慧,张荻,吴君,丰镇平,核电汽轮机末级长叶片振动特性研究进展[J]. 热力透平, 2015,04:239-248+257.

[2]  张荻,郭帅,谢永慧, 基于球窝结构冷却通道的强化传热数值及实验研究[J]. 应用数学和力学, 2014,03:254-263.

[3]  谢永慧,屈焕成,何海宇, 流动参数对合成射流控制叶栅流动分离的影响[J]. 航空动力学报, 201328(3):1-10.(EI: 20131716238651)

[4]  吕坤,谢永慧张荻, 非正弦振型对沉浮翼型推力产生的影响[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2013,47(9):55-59.(EI: 20133916790293)

[5]  陈建辉,谢永慧,申仲旸,张荻, 采用动网格技术的合成射流控制叶栅流动分离数值研究[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2013, 33(23):126-133.(EI: 20133516679451)

[6]  申仲旸,谢永慧张荻, 布置球窝的U型冷却通道传热性能研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2013,47(3):108-113.(EI: 20131416175155)

[7]  谢永慧,屈焕成,张荻,雒旭涛, 考虑汽封条件下汽轮机调节级多工况的数值研究[J]. 热科学与技术, 2013,12(1):84-89.

[8]  张明辉,张荻,谢永慧,基于三维热弹性接触的汽轮机调节级叶片枞树型叶根轮缘结构的优化[J]. 动力工程学报, 2012,07:501-507+516.

[9]  谢永慧,马丹丹,张荻,丰镇平, 汽轮机叶片枞树型叶根轮缘优化研究[J]. 热力透平, 2012,41(2):116-121.

[10]  张明辉,张荻谢永慧, 基于三维热弹性接触的汽轮机调节级叶片纵树型叶根轮缘结构的优化[J]. 动力工程学报, 2012,32(7)501-507.

[11]  张荻,樊涛,蓝吉兵,谢永慧, 涡旋射流控制逆压梯度平板边界层分离的涡结构研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012,46(1):1-8.(EI: 20120714767023)

[12]  张荻,申仲旸,谢永慧, 二次球窝/凸结构的流动控制及强化传热分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2012,32(17):44-50.(EI: 20123115297072)

[13]  吴君,张荻,马丹丹,张明辉,谢永慧, 利用三维接触有限元法的透平叶片枞树型叶根轮缘优化[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2012,46(5):25-31.(EI: 20122615179389)

[14]  周显丁,谢永慧,吴君, 新型阻尼结构叶片振动特性试验研究[J]. 东方汽轮机, 2011,04:4-10.

[15]  申仲旸,谢永慧,张荻,蓝吉兵, 不同球窝/球凸结构的旋转矩形通道传热及阻力特性研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2011,11:52-57.

[16]  屈焕成,张荻,谢永慧,曹守洪,吴其林, 汽轮机调节级非定常流动的数值模拟及汽流激振力研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2011,11:39-44+57.

[17]  宋亚军,李童,张荻 蓝吉兵,谢永慧, 燃气轮机叶片内部扰流肋冷却方式研究进展[J]. 热力透平, 2011,40(4):235-244,261.

[18]  屈焕成,张荻,蓝吉兵, 谢永慧, 汽轮机调节级三维复杂流动的数值研究[J]. 热科学与技术, 2011,10(1):82-87.

[19]  曹守洪,谢永慧, 考虑制造偏差的高温叶片热弹性接触应力研究[J]. 热力透平, 2011,40(2):103-109.

[20]  刘乐,谢永慧, 微型航空喷气发动机转子动力学特性数值模型研究[J]. 热力透平, 2011,40(2):121-124.

[21]  谢永慧,吴君,张荻,周代伟,陆伟, 具有整体围带和凸台拉筋汽轮机长叶片阻尼振动特性实验研究[J]. 汽轮机技术, 2011,53(2):81-84.

[22]  李平,张荻,何林,谢永慧, 具有阻尼拉金的汽轮机末级三维流动特性研究[J]. 热科学与技术, 2011,10(1):159-165.

[23]  叶冬挺,张荻,蓝吉兵,谢永慧, 合成射流控制下低压高负荷透平叶片边界层分离大涡模拟[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2011,45(3):58-64.(EI: 20111713935840)

[24]  李平,张荻,何林,谢永慧, 具有阻尼拉金和叶顶间隙的汽轮机末级复杂三维流动特性[J].中国电机工程学报, 2011,31(8):80-86.(EI: 20111713935867)

[25]  韩永强,谢永慧张荻,蓝吉兵, 空气环境中水滴和半空间弹性体撞击力学行为的数值模拟[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2011,45(5):102-107.(EI: 20112414057985)

[26]  蓝吉兵,谢永慧张荻, 微通道中球窝/球凸强化传热特性研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2011,45(7):89-94.(EI: 20113114207630)

[27]  谢永慧,邓实,张荻,丰镇平,漆小兵,赵世全,王为民, 基于热流固耦合分析的重型燃气轮机透平高压叶片寿命研究[J]. 热力透平, 2011,40(3):151-158.

[28]  吕坤,谢永慧张荻, 风力机翼型挥舞摆振非定常气动特性分析[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2011,45(9):47-53.(EI: 20114214431643)

[29]  屈焕成,张荻谢永慧,曹守洪,吴其林, 汽轮机调节级非定常流动的数值模拟及气流激振力研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2011, 45(11):39-44.(EI: 20114814563454)

[30]  申仲旸,谢永慧张荻,蓝吉兵, 不同球窝/凸结构的旋转矩形通道传热及阻力特性研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报, 2011,45(11):52-57.(EI: 20114814563456)

[31]  吕坤,张荻谢永慧, 不同来流下薄平板流固耦合特性分析[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2011,31(26):76-82.(EI: 20114214431859) 

[32]  谢永慧,韩永强,张荻, 高速液固撞击弹塑性响应的数值模拟[J]. 兵工学报, 2011,12(32) (增刊2)150-156.(EI: 20121114853448)




[1]  陈会勇,屈焕成,申仲旸,谢永慧,布置叉排球窝结构的窄通道流动传热特性的数值研究. 高等学校工程热物理第二十届全国学术会议论文集,2014.

[2]  谢永慧,张明辉,周琴,张荻,丰镇平, 透平复杂阻尼结构叶片强度与振动特性优化研究. 2014透平专委会.

[3]  谢永慧,屈焕成,Mohammad Moshfeghi,高骥, 合成射流对S809翼型不同攻角下流动分离控制的数值研究. 中国高等教育学会工程热物理专业委员会第十九届全国学术会会议, 郑州,2013.

[4]  谢永慧,常姣姣,张明辉,张荻,丰镇平, 大功率汽轮机高温叶片蠕变特性数值研究. 2013年透平专委会, 山东青岛,2013.

[5]  谢永慧,张明辉,周琴,张荻,丰镇平, 透平机械叶根轮缘结构优化研究进展. 2012年透平专委会, 江苏无锡,2012.

[6]  谢永慧,申仲旸,张荻, 球窝的流动控制及分离转捩特性研究. 中国高等教育学会工程热物理专业委员会第十八届全国学术会会议, 广州,2012.

[7]  谢永慧,屈焕成,张荻,雒旭涛, 考虑汽封条件下汽轮机调节级多工况的数值研究. 高等学校工程热物理第十七届全国学术会议, 大庆,2011.

[8]  谢永慧,韩永强,张 荻,蓝吉兵, 高速液固撞击弹塑性响应的数值模拟. 第十届全国冲击动力学学术会议, 太原,2011.

[9]  谢永慧,马丹丹,张荻,丰镇平, 基于三维接触有限元方法的透平叶片枞树型叶根轮缘优化研究. 2011年透平专委会, 四川德阳,2011.