Science Project

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Project number Project name Project origin Start time Roles Project kind
2020JM-044 宽馏分燃料多组分替代物简化动力学机理及其低温燃烧特性的研究 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划   2020-01~2021-12 负责人 Vertical project
51776162 反应活性可控氛围下发动机颗粒物微观理化特性及其形成机理的研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2018-01~2021-12 Leader Vertical project
S2016YFJM0823 不同含氧条件下柴油颗粒物的微观特性及PAHs形成机理 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划 2016-01~2018-12 负责人 Vertical project
91541118 预混活性可控氛围下高十六烷值燃料燃烧着火机理研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2016-01~2018-12 Leader Vertical project
LLEUTS-201506 二甲醚-柴油预混压缩低温燃烧发动机高效清洁燃烧的基础研究 重点实验室开放基金 2015-01~2016-12 负责人 Vertical project
20161140 混合动力汽车运行策略研究 其他 2015-01~2016-07 负责人 horizontal project
KF09102 车用醇醚燃料的生命周期研究 重点实验室开放基金 2009-01~2010-12 负责人 Vertical project
50706038 DME预混合引导进气和缸内直喷柴油实现复合燃烧的基础研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2008-01~2010-12 负责人 Vertical project
20070698030 煤基清洁代用燃料润滑性改善及其润滑性评定方法的基础研究 国家教育部项目 2008-01~2010-12 负责人 Vertical project
2001CB209207 二甲醚燃料燃烧边界条件与燃料化学协同控制关键科学问题的研究 973项目 2004-01~2006-12 骨干成员 Vertical project
2003BA408B12B 二甲醚汽车的研究开发 国家“十五”科技攻关项目 2004-01~2005-12 骨干成员 Vertical project
50136040 代用清洁燃料在内燃机中的燃烧特性与排放控制问题的研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2002-01~2005-12 骨干成员 Vertical project


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Awards Name Year Awards Type Awards Level Offer
陕西普通高校优秀教材《内燃机学》 2013 其他 一等奖 陕西省教育厅
二甲醚汽车及发动机实现超低排放的基础理论研究 2006 局厅级科技成果奖 一等奖 陕西省教育厅


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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Parameter optimization for two-stroke direct-injection spark-ignition aviation kerosene engine Ying Wang *, Qiongyang Zhou 2024-05-28 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress
Effects of PODE substitution rate and fuel injection timing on combustion, emission characteristic and energy balance in PODE-gasoline dual direct-injection engine Botao Ding , Ying Wang * , Yuanqi Bai , Manyao Xie , Jinge Chen 2024-04-03 Energy
Design and optimization of an integrated liquid cooling thermal management system with a diamond-type channel Wenhe Li , Ying Wang *, Wenxu Yang , Kaibo Zhang 2024-02-26 Thermal Science and Engineering Progress
Impacts of injection parameters on the mixture formation and performance of two-stroke spark-ignition direct-injection aviation kerosene engine Ying Wang*, Qingyang Zhou 2024-02-01 Journal of Energy Resource Technology-Transactions of the ASME
Energy Management Strategy Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning and Speed Prediction for Power-Split Hybrid Electric Vehicle with Multidimensional Continuous Control Xing Liu, Ying Wang,* Kaibo Zhang, and Wenhe Li 2023-06-01 Energy Technology
Development of reduced and optimized mechanism for ammonia/ hydrogen mixture based on genetic algorithm Xing Liu, Ying Wang *, Yuanqi Bai, Wenxu Yang 2023-05-01 Energy
Experimental study of the bioethanol substitution rate and the diesel injection strategies on combustion and emission characteristics of dual-fuel-direct-injection (DFDI) engine Wenxu Yang, Ying Wang*, Yuanqi Bai, Lei Hao, Xing Liu. 2023-02-01 Journal of the Energy Institute
Optimization study of air-cooled stagger-arranged battery pack with reverse-layered airflow Wenxu Yang , Ying Wang *, Funan Guo , Yuanqi Bai , Xing Liu 2022-11-15 Journal of Energy Storage
Experimental study on the effects of injection timing and n-butanol energy ratio on combustion and emissions of n-butanol /diesel DFDI engine. Yuanqi Bai, Ying Wang*, Lei Hao 2022-09-15 Fuel
Understanding the role of exhaust gas recirculation in gasoline/diesel dual-fuel combustion soot feature Xiaochen Wang , Ying Wang , Qimeng Duan and Yuanqi Bai. 2022-07-02 International Journal of Engine Research
Numerical investigation on the n-heptane spray flame at hydrous ethanol premixed condition Ying Wang, Peng Wang 2022-03-31 Journal of Energy Resource Technology-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME
Development and verification of a physical–chemical surrogate model of RP-3 kerosene with skeletal mechanism for aircraft SI engine Xing Liu , Ying Wang *, Yuanqi Bai , Qiongyang Zhou , Wenxu Yang 2022-03-01 Fuel
Experimental investigation into the oxidation reactivity, morphology and graphitization of soot particles from diesel/n-octanol mixtures Qiongyang Zhou, Ying Wang∗ , Xiaochen Wang, Yuanqi Bai 2022-01-02 Journal of Environmental Science
Oxidation and nanostructural characterization of exhaust particulates from gasoline/diesel dual-fuel combustion Xiaochen Wang , Ying Wang * , Yuanqi Bai , Funan Guo , Dongxing Wang 2021-08-15 Fuel
Energy management strategy on a parallel mild hybrid electric vehicle based on breadth first search algorithm Lei Hao , Ying Wang * , Yuanqi Bai , Qiongyang Zhou 2021-06-17 Energy conversion and management
Development of a skeletal mechanism for four-component biodiesel surrogate fuel with PAH Yuanqi Bai , Ying Wang * , Xiaochen Wang 2021-06-03 Renewable Energy
Oxidation behaviors and nanostructure of particulate matter produced from a diesel engine fueled with n-pentanol and 2-ethylhexyl nitrate additives Xiaochen Wang, Ying Wang*,YuanqiBai 2021-03-15 Fuel
Properties and oxidation of exhaust particulates from dual fuel combustion: A comparative study of premixed gasoline, n-butanol and their blends Xiaochen Wang, Ying Wang*, Yuanqi Bai, Qimeng Duan. 2021-02-15 Environmental Pollution
Development of physical-chemical surrogate models and skeletal mechanism for the spray and combustion simulation of RP-3 kerosene fuels Yuanqi Bai, Ying Wang*, Xiaochen Wang, Qiongyang Zhou, Qimeng Duan 2021-01-15 Energy
Impact of n-hexanol blending on morphology, nanostructure, graphitization and oxidation characteristics of diesel particles Dongxing Wang, Ying Wang*, Xiaochen Wang, Funan Guo, Yuanqi Bai 2020-09-09 Energy& Fuel