(1.)Basic Information

Dr. Yinhe LIU

Professor, PhD Supervisor
School of Energy and Power Engineering
Xi'an Jiaotong University
Xi'an, 710049, China



Address: Department of Thermal Engineering, School of Energy and Power Engineering, Xi 'an Jiaotong University, No. 28, Xianning West Road, Xi 'an, Shaanxi

Zip code: 710049

E-Mail: yinheliu@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Office: 415, Energy Hall, Xingqing Campus, Xi 'an Jiaotong University

Telephone: 029-82664971


 Boiler principle                  Multiphase flow and its progress    

 Clean coal technology      Introduction to environmental engineering           

 Energy strategy and energy economy 

 Gas-liquid two-phase flow and boiling heat transfer 

MOOC   Boiler Principle(https://www.icourse163.org/course/XJTU-1207106807)

              Energy and human civilization development(https://www.icourse163.org/course/XJTU-1003407003)

(5.)Scientific Research

 Advanced energy system and energy level upgrading theory          

 Green, low carbon, efficient and safe utilization of solid fuels  

 Gas combustion and pollutant control                                                

 Thermal treatment and valorization of organic solid waste

Renewable power accommodation: P2X (storage and production of thermal energy and hydrogen)       


Educational Background

 B. A., Thermal Engineering,   Xi 'an Jiaotong University 1993-1997

 M. A., Thermal Engineering,  Xi 'an Jiaotong University 1997-2000

 Ph.D., Thermal Engineering,  Xi’an Jiaotong University   2000-2005 


Working Experience

 Lecturer, Associate Professor, Professor, Thermal Engineering,  Xi’an Jiaotong University  2005-Now

 Visiting Scholar, Sandia National Laboratories, 2009-2010