(1.)Basic Information





 “An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.”


Office room 807, Management Building






 April, 2011 – May, 2011
Instructor, Strategic Management of Technology (Master2009), XJTU.
 March, 2011 – April, 2011
Instructor, Technology Innovation (Master2009), XJTU.
 December 15 – 19, 2010
Instructor, Managerial Economics (in Chinese. UTA EMBA, Shenzhen).
 September 03, 2010 – October 30, 2010

Instructor, Engineering Economics (undergraduate 2008 and 2009), School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 

 August 31, 2010 – October 28, 2010

Instructor, Engineering Economics (undergraduate 2008), School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 

 April 21, 2010 – May 27, 2010

Instructor, Engineering Economics (graduate, XIAN Classs997), School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University. 

 March 02, 2010 – April 22, 2010

Instructor, Engineering Economics (undergraduate 2008), School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University.
 October 19, 2009 – October 24, 2009

Instructor, Engineering Economics (graduate, LUOYANG), School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 March 02, 2009 – May 10, 2009

Instructor, Management of Technology (Master2008), XJTU.
 October 10, 2008 – October 19, 2008

Instructor, Managerial Economics (MBA849, Qingdao), XJTU.

 September 22, 2008 – September 28, 2008

Instructor, Managerial Economics (MBA852, Zhengzhou), XJTU.

 May 13, 2008 – August 12, 2008

Research Associate (Honorary), Management Department, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, New Territories, HK.

 February 25, 2008 – April 27, 2008

Instructor, Management of Technology (Master2007), Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 December 07, 2007 – January 05, 2008

Instructor, Managerial Economics (MBA601), Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 August 02, 2007 – August 03, 2007

Participant, the 2007 Workshop “Building Balanced Research-Centered Academic Career” for Chinese Scholars in Strategic Management at Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

 August 11, 2006August 15, 2006

Participant, the 2006 AOM Meeting in Atlanta.

 August 5, 2006August 14, 2007

Postdoctor, Mays Business School, Texas A&M University (College Station, TX.), Advisor: Michael A. Hitt.

 June 28, 2006July 18, 2006

Counselor of Undergraduates (Class 2005) of the School of Management during the period of Students Training at Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 Feburary 28, 2006 – May 08, 2006

Instructor, Entrepreneurial Management (undergraduate), Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 March 25, 2006May 12, 2006

Instructor, Engineering Economics (graduate), School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 August 30, 2005 – November 09, 2005

Instructor, Engineering Economics (Undergraduate), School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 July 21, 2005July 24, 2005

Presentater, Workshop of IACMR 2005, Xi’an.

 July 21, 2005July 24, 2005

Teaching Assistant, Strategic Management (EMBA2004), Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 April, 1998July, 1998

Instructor, Marketing, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University.

 September, 1997 – December, 1997

Teaching Assistant, Marketing (MBA9602), Xi’an Jiaotong University


  • Awarded the Prize of Science Technology in Shannxi Province. “Research on the System and Police on the promotion of Innovational Capabilities of High-tech Firms in Shaanxi Province”, the second participant, 2008.
  • Awarded the Prize of Science Technology in Shannxi Province. “Research on the Mode of Strategic Alliance Under the Network Environment”, Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),No. 70072022, the ninth participant, 2006.
  • Awarded the Prize of Science Technology in Shannxi Province. “Research on the Formation and Control of Corporations’ Flexible Strategy”, Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),No. 79870021, the fourth participant, 2004.


Author has not add any content in this web component.


Ph. D. of Management, 2004, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Doctoral Dissertation: “Studies on the Relationship between Knowledge Acquisition and Sharing, Organizational Capabilities, and Strategic Change”.

Advisors: Dr. Yuan Li and Dr. Yi Liu

Master of Economics, 1999, School of Management, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Dissertation: “The Systematic Analysis on the Environmental Factors of the Enterprise Strategy Change”.

Advisor: Dr. Yi Liu

Bachelor of Engineering, 1992, College of Power & Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University

Major: Compressor Design

(5.)Scientific Research


  • 2017.01~2020.12, “Studies on Dual-Driver Model of Emerging Technology Innovation Based on Dominant Logic”, Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),No.71672142, Applicant.
  • 2013.01~2016.12, “Studies on the Mechanism of  TMT in the process of Building of Dynamic Managerial Capabilities”, Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),No.71272135, Applicant.  
  • 2007.01~2009.12, “Theoretical and Empirical Research on the Firm’s Strategic Change Based on the Dynamic Capabilities”, Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),No.70672051, Applicant.  
  • 1999.10~2003.12, “Research on the mutual relation of the competence and technology innovation action”, Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),No.79925004, Main member. 
  • 1998.9~2002.12, “Research on the formation and control of corporations’ Flexible Strategy”, Project of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC),No. 79870021, Main member.
  • 2000.5~2000.10, “Strategy and Innovation in the Process of SOEs’ Reform”, the cooperative project between London Business School and Xi’an Jiaotong University. (As a team leader, I had interviewed more than thirty Top Management Team members.) 
  • 2007.10~2008.5, The HR design of Yantai EBARA Air Conditioning Equipment Co.,Ltd., Principal.  
  • 2004.11~2005.5, The managerial process reengineering and cost management of SuZhou SanGuang Science & Technology Ltd., Chief Member. 
  • 2001.5~2001.10, The strategy design of Shannxi ZhongYuan Industry Development Ltd, Chief Member. 
  • 2001.1~2001.6, The planning of the system reform of Xi’an High Voltage Power Supply Bureau, Main member. 
  • 2000.8~2001.3, The design of the competitive strategy, incentive system, and business processes of Xi’an New Land Company, Main member. 
  • 2000.9~2000.12, The strategy design of Xi’an But’one Joint-Stock Company, Chief Member. 
  • 2000.5~2000.10, The organizational processes reengineering of CaiHong Fluorescence Material Ltd. of CaiHong Group, Chief Member. 
  • 2000.2~2000.5, The strategy design of CaiHong Fluorescence Material Ltd. of CaiHong Group, Chief Member. 
  • 1999.10~2000.1, The marketing strategy design of CaiHong Fluorescence Material Ltd. of CaiHong Group, Chief Member. 
  • 1999.8~1999.10, The design of the organizational structure and incentive system of XinJiang Markor Furniture Ltd., Chief Member. 
  • 1999.6~1999.8, Organizational processes reengineering in XinJiang Special Type Transformer Joint-Stock Company, Chief Member. 
  • 1997.12~1998.5, Research on the competitive strategy of IRCO firm, Main member.



[38] Yi, Y., Chen, Y., & Li, D. 2021. Stakeholder ties, organizational learning, and business model innovation: A business ecosystem perspective. Technovation, Available online 20 December 2021.  

[37] Ji, J., & Yi, Y. 2021. Value variations of political ties in the acquisition of R&D capabilities: The roles of non-SOEs and dysfunctional competition, Industrial Marketing Management, 20211201 online. (10.1016/j.indmarman.2021.11.012)

[36] Yi, Y., Ji, J., & Lv, C. 2021. How do TMT polychronicity and interfunctional coordination affect the relationship between exploratory innovation and NPD quality? Journal of Knowledge Management,  20210912 online.  (10.1108/JKM-04-2021-0292)

[35] Yi, Y., Wang, Y., & Shu, C. 2020. Business model innovations in China: A focus on value propositions. Business Horizonshttps://doi.org/10.1016/j.bushor.2020.07.002

[34]He, X., Yi, Y., & Wei, Z. 2018/2019. New product development capabilities in China: The moderating role of TMT cooperative behavior. Asian Business & Management, 18(2): 73-97.

[33]Yi, Y., Ndofor, H, He, X., and Wei, Z. 2018. Top management team tenure diversity and performance: The moderating role of behavioral integration. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 65(1): 21-33.

[32]Yi, Y., Gu, M., Liu, Y., & Ma, R. 2018. Dynamic capabilities, ambidextrous learning and NPD performance. Science Research Management, 39(1): 74-82. (in Chinese)

[31] Yi, Y., Gu, M., and Wei, Z. 2017. Bottom-up learning, strategic flexibility, and strategic change. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 30(2): 161-183.

[30]   Yi, Y., Li, Y., Hitt, M. A., Liu, Y., and Wei, Z. 2016. Resource Bundling and the Speed of Strategic Change: Moderating Effects of Relational Capital. Asia Pacific Journal of Management 33(2): 435-467.

[29] Yi,Y., He,X., Ndofor,H, and Wei,Z. 2015. Dynamic Capabilities and the speed of strategic change: Evidence from China. IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management, 62(1): 18-28.

[28] Wei, Z., Yi, Y., and Guo, H. 2012 Organizational Learning Ambidexterity, Strategic Flexibility, and New Product Development. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 31(4): 832-847.

[27] Wang, G., Jiang,X.,Yuan,C., and Yi,Y. 2011. Mangerial ties and firm performance in an emerging economy. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 30(2): 537-559.
[26] Wei, Z., Yi, Y., and Yuan, C. 2011. Bottom up learning and ambidextrous innovation. Journal of Organizational Change Management, 24(3): 314-329.
[25] Yi,Y.,  Liu, Y.,  He, H., and Li, Y. 2010. Environment, governance, controls, and radical innovation during institutional transition. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, DoI10.1007/s10490-010-9231-7.
[24] Li, Y., Guo, H., Yi, Y., and Liu, Y. 2010. Ownership concentration and product innovation in Chinese firms: The mediating role of learning orientation. Management and Organization Review, 6(1): 77-100. 
[23] Yang, Zhiping., Yi, Yaqun. and Li, Yuan. External Capabilities and Radical Innovation. Shanghai Management Science, 2010(3): 19-23. (in Chinese).
[22] Yi, Yaqun. and Xiang, Qin. Analysis of New Energy Vehicles Industry in China. China Soft Science, 2009(S1), pp.60-63. (in Chinese).
[21] Li, Yuan. & Yi, Yaqun. Resource management, strategic change, and strategic orientation. Strategic Management Review, Vol.1, No.1, pp. 13-29. (in Chinese).

[1] Yi, Yaqun., Chen, Longbo., and Zhao, Yongbin. The Relationship Between Knowledge-based Resources Slack, Organizational Flexibility and Performance. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), Vol.29, No.3, 2009, pp. 13-17, (in Chinese).
[2] Yi, Yaqun. and Yue, Jiawen. Balance between Explorative Learning and Exploitative Learning in Firms. Science of Science and Management of S.&T. 2009(5s), pp. 84-88, (in Chinese).
[3] Xu, Qiang., Wei, Zelong, Li, Yuan., and Yi, Yaqun. A framework of relationship between TMT characteristics and strategic change during transition. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), Vol.29, No.1, 2009, pp. 29-34, (in Chinese).
[4] Wei Zelong, Yi Yaqun, Li Yuan. A Study on the Relationship Between Dynamic Capability and Different Types of Innovation under Dynamic Environment. Science of Science and Management of S.&T., 2008, Vol.29, No.5, pp.44-47. (in Chinese).
[5] Yi Yaqun, Liu Yi, Li Yuan. Studies on the Characteristics of Strategic Change. Journal of Industrial Engineering/Engineering Management, 2007, No. 2, pp. 1-4. (in Chinese).
[6] Zhao Yongbin, Yi Yaqun. The Relationship between Slack Knowledge and Technological Innovation. Studies in Science of Science, 2007, Vol.25, No.1, pp. 173-177. (in Chinese).
[7] Yi Yaqun, Li Yuan, Liu Yi. The Construction of Dynamic Capabilities and Its Effects on Corporations’ Strategic Change: A Theoretical Framework. Management Review, 2006, Vol.18, No.10, pp.32-36. (in Chinese) 
[8] Xie Tong, Yi Yaqun. The Study on the Effects of IT on the Process of Knowledge Creation. Group Technology & Production Modernization, 2006, Vol.23, No.3, pp.15-19. (in Chinese).
[9] Yi Yaqun, Liu Yi, Li Yuan. The Methods to Overcoming the Corporation’s Inertia: Strategic Innovation of Entrepreneur and Group Innovation. Science of Science and Management of S.&T., 2005, Vol.26, No.6, pp.142-146. (in Chinese). Reprinted in China Entrepreneurs Survey System (Ed.) Entrepreneur Individual Learning, Organizational Learning and Enterprise Innovation (M). Beijing: China Machine Press, 2006. (in Chinese).
[10] Yi Yaqun, Li Yuan. Sources and Key Sectors of Corporation Strategic Innovation. Science of Science and Management of S.&T., 2003, Vol.24, No.7, pp.65-67. (in Chinese).
[11] Yi Yaqun, Li Yuan, Liu Yi. Reviews on the Analysis Patterns of Strategic Change, Studies in Science of Science, 2003, Vol.21, No.4, pp.400-404. (in Chinese).
[12] Yi Yaqun, Liu Yi, Li Yuan. The Mechanism and Effects Analysis of the Resources Synergic of Organization, Economic Management. New Management, 2003, pp. 12-16. (in Chinese).
[13] Yi Ya-qun, Liu Yi, Li Yuan. Analysis on the Environmentof Corporate Strategy in the Dynamic Environment. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences), Vol.23, No.1, 2003, pp23-28, (in Chinese).
[14] Yi Yaqun, Li Yuan, Liu Yi. The Enterprise Strategic Designing Pattern under Uncertainty Environment, Modern Economic Science, Vol.25, No.4, 2003, pp.56-60, (in Chinese).
[15] Yi Ya-qun, Li Yuan. Analysis of Business Process Reengineering (BPR) And Corporate Strategy, Group Technology & Production Modernization, Vol.20, No.1, 2003, pp. 46-50, (in English).
[16] An Youngman, Yi Yaqun, Liu Yi. The Empirical Study on the Cross-border M&A of Korea Enterprises, Management Sciences in China, 2003, Vol.16, No.4, pp. 38-42. (in Chinese).
[17] Yi Yaqun, Liu Yi, Fu Qibo. Review on Porter’s The Competitive Advantage of Nations, China Soft Science. No. 1, 1999, pp62-65. (in Chinese)
[18] Yi Yaqun, Liu Yi. Strategy Alliance — Another Choice For the State-owned Enterprises’s Reforming, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences). Vol.18, No.4, 1998, pp.44-47. (in Chinese)
[19] Zhao Yongbin, Li Yuan, Yi Yaqun.. Three Characteristics of Motivation. Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University (Social Sciences). Vol.24, No.1, 2004, pp.39-43. (in Chinese)
[20] Gu HaiJie and Yi Yaqun. Chain Operation in Field of Material Circulation, Business Economics and Management. No. 6, 97, pp.23-25. (in Chinese)

Publications in Conference Proceedings


[20] Wang, Y., Yi, Y., & Wei, Z. 2021. Managerial internal social capital, environmental dynamism, and business model design[C]. Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. July29-August4, 2021. Academy of Management Annual Meeting Proceedings 2021(1):10222.   --Best Paper.

[19]  Ji, J., Yi, Y., and Ndofor, H. 2020. How can resource bundling affect NPD speed? The moderating role of business model designs[C]. 2020 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Vancouver, Canada, Aug.7-11, 2020.

[18] Yi, Y., Ndofor, H. 2019. Firm’s dominant logic, business model innovation and performance: Moderating role of political ties. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, Aug.9-13, 2019

[17] Yi, Y., Li, D., and Chen, Y. 2019. Intra- and extra-industry stakeholder ties, organizational learning, and business model innovation. 2019 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, MA, Aug.9-13, 2019.

[16] Wang, L.,Wei,Z., Zhao,W., and Yi, Y. Entrepreneurial learningm novelty-centered business model design, and new venture growth. Accepted for paper presentation at 2017 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Atlanta, Georgia, Aug.4-8, 2017.

[15] Yi, Y., He, X., & Wei,Z. TMT Tenure Diversity and Its Performance: The Moderating Role of Behaviorial Integration. Accepted for paper presentation at 2014 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Philadelphia, PA., August 1-5, 2014.
[14]  Wei, Z., Yi, Y., & Wang, L. Middle-way strategic orientation, strategic flexibility, and organizational ambidexterity. Accepted for paper presentation at 2013 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Orlando, August 9-13, 2013.
[13] Yi, Y., He, X., Wei,Z. & Xiang, Q. Organizational capabilities and the speed of strategic change: Moderating effects of risk propensity. Accepted for paper presentation at 2012 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Boston, August 3-8, 2012.
[12] Li, Y., Yi, Y. Hitt, M.A., and Liu, Y. Resource Bundling and the Speed of Strategic Change: Moderating Effects of Relational Capital. Accepted for paper presentation at 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, August 12-16, 2011.
[11] Wang, Y., Ma, Xufei., Yi, Yaqun., and Li, Yuan. How do firms develop capabilities for strategic change in dynamic environments? Accepted for paper presentation at 2011 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, San Antonio, Texas, August 12-16, 2011.
[10] Yi, Yaqun. Resource slack and strategic change The mediating role of flexibility. Accepted for paper presentation at 2010 Asia Academy of Management, Macau, December 12-14, 2010. 
[9] Ren, R., Yi,Y.,and Yuan,F. 2010. How Guanxi influences employee creativity? An examination in a Chinese context. 2010 IACMR conference, Shanghai, China.
[8] Ren, Run. and Yi, Yaqun. The Influence of Procedural Justice and FWC on Employee Creativity: The Role of Traditionality [C]. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Chicago, Illinois. August 7-11, 2009.
[7]Yi, Yaqun., Wang, Xufang., and Tan, Guohua. Huaxing Corporation’s Diversification Dilemma. Conference on Chinese Enterprises Management Cases (2008), School of Business at Renmin University of China, November15-16, 2008, Beijing, China, P108-114.(in Chinese).
[6] Yi Ya-qun, Li Yuan, and Zhu Hong. Resource Bundling, Exploitative and Exploratory Learning, and Strategic Change Capabilities. 2007 AOM Annual meeting, in Philadelphia.
[5] Yi, Yaqun., Li, Yuan., and Ren., Feng. 2006. The Effects of Tacit Knowledge on Innovation Selection: A Perspective of Organizational Flexibility. 2006 IACMR Conference, Nanjing, China.
[4] Yi Ya-qun, Liu Yi, Li Yuan. Where is Y Corporation Going?. Conference on Chinese Enterprises Management Teaching Cases, China: Hong Kong, March 2001, Reprinted in Cheng Siwei(Ed.) Research on the Cases of the Contemporary Businessof the China, Second Ed.. Beijing: People University of China Press, 2003. (in Chinese).
[3] Yi Ya-qun, Li Yuan. Innovation of Strategic Thinking: Towards an Integrating Mode. Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Management of Technology and Innovation (ISMOT’02, ICMIT2002, SMTI, CSD), Zhejiang University Press, October25-27, 2002, Hangzhou, China. (ISTP, IDS Number: BAK78, ISBN: 7-900647-20-1)
[2] Ya-qun Yi, Yuan Li. The System Arrangement of Personnel Allocation and Diffluence in the Monopolistic State-Owned Enterprises, Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology Press, October22-24, 2002, Moscow, Russia, P2624-2627. ( ISTP, IDS Number: BW04N, ISBN: 7-5603-1793-6)
[1] Ya-qun Yi, Jinxian Chen, and Yi Liu. Game Theory Explanation on First-Mover Advantage of Enterprise Strategy Changes. Proceedings of International Conference of Pacific Rim Management 11th Annual Meeting, August3-5, 2001, Toronto, Canada, pp.280-284. ( ISSN: 1532-8260)

Unpublished Paper

  • Ya-qun Yi, Yi Liu. Where will ARIC Go?. Xi’an Jiaotong University Case Series, 2002.

Working Paper 

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