Basic Information



Honorary Title

  • 高分子膜传热传质
  • 基于膜分离过程的环境热湿调控技术
  • 有机-无机纳米复合膜材料
  • ​​​​​复合膜气体输运特性
  • 分子动力学模拟

Education and Work Experience

2023.07至今, 西安交通大学,助理教授(青秀)/博士后,人居环境与建筑工程学院建筑学系
                (导师:Assoc. Prof. Fei duan, Dro. Jincai Su)
2013.09-2017.06,西安交通大学,工学学士(双学位), 建筑环境与能源应用工程/会计学

Academic positions



Contact Information



Research Project



国家资助博士后研究人员计划,GZC20232076, 集成膜除湿-蒸发冷却系统的热湿耦合传递特性研究, 2024-01至2026-12,主持。










academic exchange

2022年,Membranes期刊特刊编委——“Membrane-based Gas Dehumidification and Drying”

Academic Achievement


1. Liu Y L, Chai J C, Jin L W*, et al. Multi-objective optimization of air dehumidification membrane module based on response surface method and genetic algorithm[J]. Energy Reports, 2023, 9: 2201-2212.

2. Liu Y L, Li N, Jin L W*, et al. A review on the morphology and material properties of gas separation membrane: molecular simulation[J]. Membranes, 2022, 12, 1274. 

3. Liu Y L, Cui X, Jin L W*, et al. A molecular level based parametric study of transport behavior in different polymer composite membranes for water vapor separation[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 326: 120007. 

4. Liu Y L, Su J C, Jin L W*, et al. Molecular simulation of enhanced separation of humid air components by GO-PVA nanocomposite membranes under differential pressure[J]. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2022, 24: 16442-16452. 

5. Liu Y L, Cui X, Jin L W*, et al. Effects of fiber bundle nonuniformity on dehumidification performance and energy efficiency of pressure-driven membrane modules[J]. International Journal of Energy Research. 2022, 1-15. 

6. Liu Y L, Zhang S C, Jin L W*, et al. Flow behavior and mass transfer of humid air across fiber membrane bundles[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 207: 118200. 

7. Liu Y L, Cui X, Jin L W*, et al. Analysis of pressure-driven water vapor separation in hollow fiber composite membrane for air dehumidification[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 251:117334. 

8. Liu Y L, Wei Y Y, Jin L W*, et al. Surface-modified PVA/PVDF hollow fiber composite membrane for air dehumidification[J]. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55: 5415-5430.

9. Liu Y L, Jin L W, Zhang L Y*, et al. Experimental and Numerical Study on Heat and Mass Transfer of Cross-Flow Liquid Desiccant Dehumidifier/Regenerator[J]. Heat Transfer Engineering, 2020, 41: 9-10, 867-881.

10. Yan W C, Cui X, Liu Y L, et al. Evaporative cooling performance prediction and multi-objective optimization for hollow fiber membrane module using response surface methodology[J]. Applied Energy, 2022, 325: 119855. 

11. Yan W C, Cui X, Liu Y L, et al. Performance evaluation and parameter sensitivity analysis of a membrane-based evaporative cooler with built-in baffles[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2022, 208: 118228. 

12. Cui X, Yan W C, Liu Y L, et al. Performance analysis of a hollow fiber membrane-based heat and mass exchanger for evaporative cooling[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 271: 115238. 

13. Liu Y L, Su J C , Li N*, et al. Multiple-factor analysis of dehumidification performance and flow resistance for the cross-flow membrane module based on orthogonal test[J]. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 1074: 012020. (EI)

14. Liu Y L, Su J C, Jin L W*, et al. Nanoparticles filled PVA/PVDF hollow fiber membrane towards enhanced performance for air dehumidification[J]. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 463: 012096. (EI)

15. Liu Y L, Jin L W, Su J C*, et al. Development of robust energy-efficient membrane dehumidifier for indoor air humidity control[J]. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 268: 012146. (EI)

16. Yan W C, Thiam H S, Meng X Z, Liu Y L, et al. Experimental and numerical investigation of a counter-flow hollow fiber membrane-based evaporative cooler[J]. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2022, 268: 012017. (EI)

17. Cui X, Liu Y H, Liu Y L, et al. Studying the performance of a liquid desiccant indirect evaporative cooling system[J]. Energy Procedia, 2019, 158: 5659-5665. (EI)

18. Cui X, Jia G S, Liu Y L, et al. Performance analysis of a counter-flow indirect evaporative cooling system[J]. IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 268: 012145. (EI)

19. Qin S Y, Gao S, Cao Y, Liu Y L, et al. Research on Design and Operation Methods of Radiant Panel with Fresh Air System, IOP Conference Series Earth and Environmental Science, 2019, 268: 012076. (EI)

20. 白青松,郭增旭,刘亦琳,杨肖虎,金立文. 通孔金属泡沫强化蓄冰实验研究[J]. 西安交通大学学报. 2018.52(01): 20-25. (EI)