Awardee of National Scholarship for postgraduate 中国国家奖学金获奖者
Ruonan Wang (2024) Qianxiang Gao (2024) Zhengshuai Liu (2023) Yanzhao Ren (2023) Ruonan Wang (2022) Shuting Ren (2021) Peilin Hui (2021) Zhengshuai Liu (2020) Chao Zhang (2020) Bei Yan (2018 & 2019) Shuting Ren (2017) Xiangbiao Liu (2014) Yong Qi (2012) |
Distinguished PhD students 优秀博士研究生
Ruonan Wang 王若男 (Approaching PhD) |
Bingjie Su 苏冰洁 (Approaching PhD) |
Yi Xiang 向异 (Approaching PhD) TBD |
Zhengshuai Liu 刘正帅 (Approaching PhD) Transient eddy current testing of damages in stratified conductors: semi-analytical modelling and experiments |
Xuan Gao 高轩 (Approaching PhD) Comprehensive inspection and indication of vibration in piping system |
Shuting Ren 任淑廷 (Ph.D 2023) Imaging and evaluation of defects in nonmagnetic structures via Gradient-field pulsed eddy current inspection (GPEC) 毕业去向:航空工业成都飞机工业(集团)有限责任公司 |
Bei Yan 闫贝 (M.Sc 2016, Ph.D 2021) Pulse-modulation eddy current technique (PMEC) for imaging subsurface corrosion in aviation structures 毕业去向:西安电子科技大学“华山准聘副教授”(直聘) |
Outstanding Master students 优秀硕士研究生
Yirong Wang 王艺融 (Approaching M.Sc, Expected: 2027) |
Wenbin Ren 任文彬 (Approaching M.Sc, Expected: 2027) |
Wenlong Gao 高文龙 (Approaching M.Sc, Expected: 2026) |
Zhen Zhao 赵桢 (Approaching M.Sc, Expected: 2027) |
Jin Wang 王瑾 (Approaching M.Sc, Expected: 2025) |
Hongbo Wei 危洪波 (Approaching M.Sc, Expected: 2026) |
Hafiz Muhammad Ubaid ur rehman Subhani (Approaching M.Sc, Expected: 2024) |
Qianxiang Gao 高乾祥 (Approaching M.Sc, Expected: 2025) |
Yanzhao Ren 任延钊 (M.Sc 2024) 毕业去向:比亚迪(深圳)汽车工程研究院 |
Mengqi Li 李孟奇 (M.Sc 2023) 毕业去向:比亚迪(西安)汽车工程研究院 |
Peilin Hui 回沛林 (M.Sc 2023) 毕业去向:CSC公派出国留学,英国纽卡斯尔大学博士研究生 |
Chao Zhang 张超 (M.Sc 2021) Near- and remote-field pulsed eddy current evaluation (NRPEC) 毕业去向:中国航空工业第六一八研究所 |
Rui Cai 蔡瑞 (M.Sc 2020) EMAT guided wave inspection 毕业去向:中国商飞上海飞机设计研究院 |
Jinhua Hu 胡金花 (M.Sc 2020) Microwave NDT for characterisation of impact damages in GFRP 毕业去向:华天科技(南京)有限公司 |
Jianguo Tan 谭建国 (M.Sc 2020) Microwave NDT for evaluation and imaging of defects in composite materials 毕业去向:北京伏尔特技术有限公司 |
Yi Wang 王翼 (M.Sc 2019) Analytical modeling of electromagnetic NDT 毕业去向:山西大同大学机电工程学院 讲师 |
Xiyu Zhang 张曦郁 (M.Sc 2018) Pulsed remote field eddy current technique 毕业去向:定向(强军计划) |
Haoqing Jing 敬好青 (M.Sc 2018) Electromagnetic acoustic transduction, FREM-EMAT 毕业去向:美林数据技术股份有限公司 |
Da Li 李达 (M.Sc 2016) Multi-frequency eddy current evaluation of thermal barrier coating Pulse-modulation eddy current inspection of tubular conductors 毕业去向:中国航发商用航空发动机有限责任公司 |
Yili Li 李一力 (M.Sc 2016) Evaluation of tubular conductors via Electromagnetic acoustic transduction 毕业去向:中航工业飞机强度研究所 |
Xiangbiao Liu 刘相彪 (M.Sc 2015) Pulsed remote field eddy current inspection of corrosion in double-casing pipes 毕业去向:华为西安研究所 |
Yong Qi 齐勇 (M.Sc 2013) Magnetic field-based pulsed eddy current inspection 毕业去向:定向(强军计划) |