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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Synergistical reduction of PM and NO formation in preheating co-firing of coal and biomass Yu Ying, Xu Liang, Zhu Guangqing, Liu Yi, Niu Yanqing* 2023-09-25 Journal of Cleaner Production
Effect of Preheating Co-firing of Biomass and Coal on the Synergistic Reduction of PM and NO Source Emissions Liang Xu, Guangqing Zhu, Niu Yanqing* 2023-08-15 Journal of Cleaner Production
A percolation model of fly ash formation during the combustion of non-uniform porous char Liu Siqi, Niu Yanqing*, Shang Yimin, Zhu Guangqing, Hui Shi’en 2023-05-01 Combustion and Flame
Investigation on ash fusion and slagging properties of coal under reducing atmosphere Niu Yanqing*, Lei Yu, Lv Yuan, Wang Guangyao, Liu Siqi, Hui Shi’en 2023-01-02 Combustion Science and Technology
Influence of H2O Thermal Effect on the Formation of Ultrafine PM During Char Combustion Lv Yuan, Niu Yanqing*, Lei Yu, Zhu Guangqing, Zhang Zhixiang, Xue Ning, Hui Shi’en 2023-01-01 Combustion Science and Technology
Experimental Studies on Thermal Effect of H2O on the Combustion of Pulverized Coal Char Hui Shi’en, Liu Siqi, Niu Yanqing*, Lei Yu, Yan Bokang, Lv Yuan, Wang Denghui 2022-07-27 Combustion Science and Technology
Co-disposal and reutilization of municipal solid waste and its hazardous incineration fly ash Niu Yanqing*, Wen Liping, Guo Xin, Hui Shi’en 2022-07-10 Environment International
Investigation on the regulation mechanism of Fe2O3/SiO2 on ash melting and flow behavior under gasification conditions Haoyong Kan, Ping Li*, Min Li, Cai Chen, Yue Yang, Yanqing Niu 2022-07-01 Combustion Science and Technology
Separate physicochemical effects of CO2 on the coal char combustion: An experimental and kinetic study Liu Siqi, Wen Liping, Niu Yanqing*, Yan Bokang, Lei Yu, Wang Denghui, Hui Shi’en 2022-01-08 Combustion and Flame
Assisting effect of Al2O3 on MnOx for NO catalytic oxidation Wang Denghui*, Li Hui, Yao Qi, Hui Shi’en, Niu Yanqing 2021-12-01 Green Energy & Environment
Experimental and kinetics studies on the evolution and effects of ash film during pulverized coal char combustion Liu Siqi, Niu Yanqing*, Wen Liping, Kang Yaqian, Wang Yufeng, Wang Denghui, Hui Shi’en 2021-10-13 Combustion and Flame
Study on NOx emissions during the coupling process of preheating-combustion of pulverized coal with multi-air staging Zhu Guangqing, Gong Yanhao, Niu Yanqing*, Wang Shuai, Lei Yu, Hui Shi’en 2021-04-10 Journal of Cleaner Production
Experimental and kinetics studies on separate physicochemical effects of steam on coal char combustion Niu Yanqing*, Liu Siqi, Yan Bokang, Lv Yuan, Lei Yu, Wang Denghui, Hui Shi’en 2020-10-06 Combustion and Flame
Effects of FGR and changeable combustion parameters and coal/char properties on the formation of ultra-fine PMs during pulverized coal char combustion under various O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres Niu Yanqing*, Liu Siqi, Gong Yanhao, Liang Yang, Zhang Xiao, Yan Bokang, Hui Shi’en 2019-12-03 Combustion Science and Technology
Biomass torrefaction: properties, applications, challenges, and economy Niu Yanqing*, Lv Yuan, Lei Yu, Liu Siqi, Liang Yang, Wang Denghui, Hui Shi’en 2019-11-19 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
An intrinsic kinetics model to predict complex ash effects (ash film, dilution, and vaporization) on pulverized coal char burnout in air (O2/N2) and oxy-fuel (O2/CO2) atmospheres Niu Yanqing*, Liu Siqi, Shaddix Christopher R, Hui Shi’en 2019-02-25 Proceedings of the Combustion Institute
Ultra-fine particulate matters (PMs) formation during air and oxy-coal combustion: Kinetics study Niu Yanqing, Yan Bokang, Liu Siqi, Liang Yang, Dong Ning, Hui Shi’en* 2018-05-15 Applied Energy
A numerical investigation of the effect of flue gas recirculation on the evolution of ultra-fine ash particles during pulverized coal char combustion Niu Yanqing, Liu Xing, Wang Shuai, Hui Shi’en*, Shaddix Christopher R* 2017-09-08 Combustion and Flame
Kinetic modeling of the formation and growth of inorganic nano-particles during pulverized coal char combustion in O2/N2 and O2/CO2 atmospheres Niu Yanqing*, Wang Shuai, Shaddix Christopher R, Hui Shi’en 2016-11-09 Combustion and Flame
Ash-related issues during biomass combustion: alkali-induced slagging, silicate melt-induced slagging (ash fusion), agglomeration, corrosion, ash utilization, and related countermeasures Niu Yanqing*, Tan Houzhang, Hui Shi’en 2016-02-01 Progress in Energy and Combustion Science


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Patent Name Application Number Application Date
Premixed Low-Nitrogen Gas Boiler 18/053,776 Invention 2022.11.09
一种可承压的双螺旋水冷盘管卧式预混燃气锅炉 ZL202210860266.8 Invention 2022.07.01
一种全预混水冷燃气锅炉 ZL202210620996.0 Invention 2022.06.02
一种飞灰熔渣固化成型造粒回收系统 ZL202210539099.7 Invention 2022.05.18
一种预混低氮燃气锅炉 ZL202210464524.0 Invention 2022.04.29
一种螺旋环肋水冷型冷焰燃气燃烧器 ZL202110906487.X Invention 2021.08.09
一种可承压式多重水冷预混燃气装置 ZL202110641874.5 Invention 2021.06.09
一种异径环肋水冷型表面燃烧燃气装置 ZL202110641872.6 Invention 2021.06.09
一种深度分级表面水冷部分预混燃气炉 ZL202011473094.6 Invention 2020.12.15
一种可调节的风-煤逐级混合低NOx燃烧装置 ZL202010811902.9 Invention 2020.08.13
一种极低热值伴生气资源化利用与炭黑燃尽低NOx燃烧器 ZL202010491102.3 Invention 2020.06.02
一种分段运行的飞灰熔融处理装置及飞灰熔融处理方法 ZL202010056958.8 Invention 2020.01.16
一种基于烟气冷凝与化学吸附的消白烟装置(校企合作) ZL201911206434.6 Invention 2019.11.29
一种变异微通道冷却型表面火焰低NOx燃气装置 ZL201911092431.4 Invention 2019.11.11
一种蛇形通道紊流低温低NOx均匀燃烧燃气装置 ZL201911088238.3 Invention 2019.11.08
一种空气分流自旋部分预混双燃料低NOx燃烧器 ZL201910950436.X Invention 2019.10.08
一种带有均流防磨扭曲叶片的煤、气两用燃烧器(专利权技术转让) ZL201910952445.9 Invention 2019.10.08
一种带有肋片异径燃气自旋预混多用途燃烧器 ZL201910951223.9 Invention 2019.10.08
一种低能耗垃圾飞灰熔融处理的调控方法 ZL201910900547.X Invention 2019.09.23
一种垃圾焚烧飞灰颗粒均匀连续给料装置 ZL201910841350.3 Invention 2019.09.06