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Awards Name Year Awards Type Awards Level Offer
输电等级单断口真空断路器关键技术及应用 2018 国家技术发明奖 second prize 科技部
环境友好型输电等级单断口真空断路器关键技术及应用 2015 省部级科技成果奖 First Prize 教育部
新型智能电力测量、控制与保护关键技术及其应用 2012 省部级科技成果奖 一等奖 陕西省
智能电器理论、关键技术及系列产品开发 2008 国家科技进步奖 二等奖 国家奖励办
智能电器专用集成电路的设计、测试及应用 2007 省部级科技成果奖 一等奖 陕西省
空气介质电弧的测试、仿真、调控的关键技术及其应用 2004 国家科技进步奖 二等奖 国家奖励办


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Republication Author Republication date Publisher
Switching Arc Phenomena in Transmission Voltage Level Vacuum Circuit Breakers 刘志远、王建华、耿英三、王振兴 2021-09-01 Springer
输电等级单断口真空断路器理论及其技术 王建华,耿英三,刘志远 2016-09-01 机械工业出版社


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Patent Name Application Number Application Date
一种新型永磁体复合磁场触头结构及其应用的真空灭弧室 ZL 201610027665.0 Invention 2017.11.03
一种新型永磁复合磁场触头结构及其应用的真空灭弧室 ZL201610027665.0 Invention 2017.09.05
一种用于开关柜内部局部放电在线监测的超高频传感器 ZL201410804047.3 Invention 2017.08.01
一种用于开关柜内部局部放电在线监测的超高频传感器 ZL201410804047.3 Invention 2017.08.01
一种具有液氮冷却循环系统的封闭开关设备 ZL201510164304.6 Invention 2017.04.05
一种高可靠性的高压真空断路器触头簧传动装置 ZL 201410038219.0 Invention 2016.08.17
一种可适用于多种电池类型的电池内阻在线监测装置 ZL 201521063665.3 Utility model 2016.06.29
一种组合式直流开关设备及其控制方法 ZL 201410310512.8 Invention 2016.06.29
一种可扩展的串联电池组中电池选择装置 ZL 201521063163.0 Utility model 2016.06.08
适用于容性电流开断的真空灭弧室复合触头结构及灭弧室 ZL 201310438602.0 Invention 2016.05.04
一种高压直流气体断路器 ZL 201310198976.X Invention 2016.05.04
一种具有宽电流范围的高压直流气体断路器 ZL 201310198850.2 Invention 2016.05.04
带有屏蔽罩功能结构的绝缘外壳及其应用的真空灭弧室 ZL 201510394368.5 Invention 2016.05.04
一种带有固定断口的真空灭弧室 ZL 201280057122.3 Invention 2016.04.13
一种新型复合磁场触头结构及其应用的真空灭弧室 ZL 201510394330.8 Invention 2016.04.13
VACUUM INTERRUPTER US9281145B2 Invention 2016.03.08
一种高气体压力下真空灭弧室波纹管的保护结构及应用 ZL 201510224387.3 Invention 2015.12.30
一种快速多间隙真空隔离开关 ZL 201410160599.5 Invention 2015.12.02
一体化永磁机构真空开关 ZL 201410020182.9 Invention 2015.08.26
一种新型复合触头真空灭弧室及其应用的真空断路器 ZL 201310534332.3 Invention 2015.08.26


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Paper Name Author Publication/Completion Time Magazine Name
Inrush Currernt Prestrike Arc Behaviours of Contact Materials CuCr50/50 and CuW10/90 余勇祥,耿云,耿英三,王建华,刘志远 2017-02-01 IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science
Effects of an anode sheath on energy and momentum transfer in vacuum arcs 王振兴,周志鹏,田云博,王浩然,王建华,耿英三,刘志远 2017-01-01 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Anode Spot Threshold Current of Four Pure Metals Subjected to Uniform Axial Magnetic Field in High Current Vacuum Arcs 张在秦,马慧,易修立,刘志远,耿英三,王建华 2017-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE
High-Current Vacuum Arc Mode Transition of a Horseshoe-Type Axial Magnetic Field Contact With Long Contact Gap 李昊旻,王子寒,耿英三,王建华,刘志远 2017-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE
The impact of inrush current on field emission current of vacuum interrupters during capacitive current switching 余勇祥,王建华,杨和,耿英三,刘志远 2016-02-01 IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
Vacuum arcing behavior between transverse magnetic field contacts subjected to variable axial magnetic field 马 慧,王建华, 刘志远,耿英三,王振兴,闫 静 2016-01-01 Physics of Plasmas
Effect of Axial Magnetic Field and Arc Current on Anode Current Density in Diffuse Vacuum Arcs 马 慧,耿英三, 刘志远,王建华, 王振兴,张在秦 2016-01-01 Physics of Plasmas
Deformation of contact surfaces in a vacuum interrupter after high-current interruptions 王浩然,王振兴,周志鹏,姜炎君,王建华,耿英三,刘志远 2016-01-01 Journal of Applied Physics
Fully kinetic model of breakdown during sheath expansion after interruption of vacuum arcs 王振兴,王浩然, 周志鹏,田云博, 耿英三,王建华,刘志远 2016-01-01 Journal of Applied Physics
Investigation on X-Radiation for 126 kV Vacuum Interrupters 闫 静,刘志远,耿英三,张 胜,张颖瑶 2016-01-01 Plasma Science & Technology
Modelling of crater formation on anode surface by high-current vacuum arcs 田云博,王振兴,姜炎君,马 慧,刘志远,耿英三,王建华,Nordlund, K,Djurabekova, F 2016-01-01 JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS
Asymmetrical AC Field Emission Current Characteristics of Vacuum Interrupters Subjected to Inrush Current 余勇祥,王建华,杨 和,耿英三,刘志远 2016-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON DIELECTRICS AND ELECTRICAL INSULATION
Development and Type Test of a Single-Break 126-kV/40-kA/2500-A Vacuum Circuit Breaker 姚晓飞,王建华,耿英三,闫 静, 刘志远,Yao, J.,Liu, P 2015-01-01 IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery
Decay Modes of Anode Surface Temperature After Current Zero in Vacuum Arcs-Part II: Theoretical Study of Dielectric Recovery Strength 王振兴,田云博,马 慧,耿英三,刘志远 2015-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE
Anode Erosion Pattern Caused by Blowing Effect in Constricted Vacuum Arcs Subjected to Axial Magnetic Field 马 慧,田云博,耿英三,王振兴,刘志远,王建华 2015-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE
Anode Current Density Distribution Measurements for Different Vacuum Arc Modes Subjected to Axial Magnetic Field 马 慧,张在秦,刘志远,王振兴,耿英三,王建华 2015-01-01 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE
Effect of high-frequency high-voltage impulse conditioning on inrush current interruption of vacuum interrupters 张颖瑶,杨 和,耿英三,刘志远,金立军 2015-01-01 IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation
An Approach for Minimum Percussion Welding in Closing Operation of a 126 kV Vacuum Circuit Breaker 余 砾,耿英三,李 倩,王建华,刘志远 2014-01-01 IEEE Transactions on Components Packaging and Manufacturing Technology
A Permanent Magnetic Actuator for 126kV Vacuum Circuit Breakers 王振兴,孙丽琼, 何塞楠,耿英三,刘志远 2014-01-01 IEEE Trans. Magnetics
Estimation of Critical Axial Magnetic Field for Prevention of Anode Spot Formation in Vacuum Interrupters 刘志远,孔国威,马 慧,耿英三,王建华 2014-01-01 IEEE Trans. Plasma Sci