
  • Yuyang Tang, Yu Yang, Min An, Jikun Xie, Yunlong Wang, Feiran Wang, and Fuli Li. Critical properties of quantum Fisher information of SU(1,1)-dynamic systems. Physical Review A 110, 022611 (2024) (共同一作)
  • Yu Yang, Haidong Yuan, and Fuli Li. Quantum multiparameter estimation enhanced by a topological phase transition. Physical Review A 109, 022604 (2024)
  • Min An, Shihao Ru, Yunlong Wang, Yu Yang, Feiran Wang, Pei Zhang, and Fuli Li. Physical Review A 109, 012603 (2024)
  • Yu Yang, Federico Belliardo, Vittorio Giovannetti, and Fuli Li. Untwining multiple parameters at the exclusive zero-coincidence points with quantum control. New Journal of Physics, 24, 123041 (2022)
  • Yu Yang, Shihao Ru, Min An, Yunlong Wang, Feiran Wang, Pei Zhang, and Fuli Li. Multiparameter simultaneous optimal estimation with an SU(2) coding unitary evolution. Physical Review A, 105, 022406 (2022)
  • Shihao Ru, Min An, Yu Yang, Rui Qu, Feiran Wang, Yunlong Wang, Pei Zhang, and Fuli Li. Quantum state transfer between two photons with polarization and orbital angular momentum via quantum teleportation technology. Physical Review A, 103, 052404 (2021)
  • Yu Yang, Luping Xu, and Vittorio Giovannetti. Exclusive Hong-Ou-Mandel zero-coincidence point. Physical Review A, 100, 063810 (2019)
  • Yu Yang, Luping Xu, and Vittorio Giovannetti. Two-parameter Hong-Ou-Mandel dip. Scientific Reports, 9, 10821 (2019)
  • Yu Yang, Luping Xu, and Vittorio Giovannetti. A modified Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometer for two-parameter sensing. Quantum Information and Measurement (QIM) V: Quantum Technologies, Roma Italy, OSA Techincal Digest 10.1364/QIM.2019.F5A.83 (2019) 
  • Yu Yang, Luping Xu, Bo Yan, Hongyang Zhang and Yanghe Shen. Performance optimization for quantum key distribution in lossy channel using entangled photons. Chinese Physics B, 26, 110305 (2017)