(5.)Scientific Research

  This database is an open-access database for sharing Fundamental Physicochemical Properties of Gas Discharges and Plasma. Since 2007, these data were obtained gradually via experiments or theoretical calculations conducted by more than ten PhD students from our group, who were supervised by Prof. Xingwen LI and Prof. Shenli JIA.

  The database includes electron and ion scattering cross sections, swarm parameters (ionization coefficients, attachment coefficients, electron mobility, diffusion coefficient, etc.), dielectric breakdown strength, chemical reaction rates, equation of state (EOS), and other data required for modeling gas discharges and plasma. This database was first opened in May 20th, 2020 and will be constantly updated. We hope our database can help to promote the innovative development of relevant fundamental research.



Check back again frequently and welcome to contact us if you have any questions.
Prof. Xingwen Li: xwli@mail.xjtu.edu.cn

Dr. Boya Zhang: zhangby@xjtu.edu.cn

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