Academic Exchange

        1) Wen Zhang, Debasis Banerjee, Jian Liu, et al. and Praveen K. Thallapally*, Redox-Active Metal–Organic Composites for Highly Selective Oxygen Separation Applications. Adv. Mater. 2016, 28, 3572–3577.        

        2) Wen Zhang*, Liqiang Zhang, Hui Wang, Zhiguo Qu.Construction of Hierarchical  Pores Membrane by Growing Metal Organic Frameworks on Copper Foams.

 Physical Chemistry Communications, 2016, 3(1), 9-13. 

3) Z  Guo Qu, Hui Wang, Wen Zhang*, Liang Zhou, Ying Xin Chang. Prediction and experimental verification of CO2 adsorption on Ni/DOBDC using a genetic algorithm-back propagation neural network model. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, DOI: 2014,10.1021/ie404396p.  SCI)
4) H .Wang,  Z.G. Qu*, W. Zhang,  Y.X. Chang, Y. L. He. Experimetnal and numerical study of  CO2  adsorpiton on Ni/DOBDC metal-orgnic frame work. Appllied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 10.1016/j.applthermaleng. 2014.05.099.SCI)
5) Wen Zhang*, Cong Guo, Yingxing Chang, Fengyan Wu, Shujiang Ding. Immobilization of horseradish peroxidase on zinc oxide nanorods grown directly on electrodes for hydrogen peroxide sensing, Monatshefte für Chemie, 2014,145:107-112  (SCI)
6) Hui Wang, Zhiguo Qu,*, Wen Zhang, Liang Zhou, Yingxing Chang, Wenquan Tao. Experimental and numerical study of CO2 adsorption in Ni/DOBDC metal organic framework. Proceedings of IWHT2013 2nd International Workshop on Heat Transfer Advances for Energy Conservation and Pollution Control, 2013.  (SCI)
7) Yongning He*, Wen Zhang, Songchang Zhang. et al. Study of the photoconductive ZnO UV detector based on the electrically floated nanowire array, Sensors and Actuators A, 2012, (181) 6~ 12. (SCI) 
8) Wen Zhang, Yongning He, Wuyuan Cui, et al. Electrochemical synthesis for uniform and large-scale zinc oxide nano structure films, Advanced Materials Research, 2011. 194-196: 360~366.  (EI) 
9) 张雯,贺永宁,崔吾元,周成波,氧化锌纳米结构的电化学控制制备及其光致发光性能,无机材料学报,201126(6)603~606 SCI)
10) 常迎星,张雯*. 一维纳米材料的电化学制备及应用研究.材料导报(纳米与新材料专辑),2012.2.44-49.
11) 汪辉,屈治国*,周亮,张雯,陶文铨. Cu-BTC材料表面气体物理吸附研究. 中国工程热物理学会.传热传质学学术会议论文, 2013.
12)   张雯,贺永宁,张庆腾,崔吾元,侯洵. ZnO纳米棒阵列的籽晶控制生长及其紫外探测性能[J], 硅酸盐学报, 2010, 38(1):12-16.  (EI)
13)   贺永宁,张雯,崔吾元,崔万照,张瑞智,徐友龙. ZnO纳米棒阵列膜的自组织生长及其金属接触特性[J], 硅酸盐学报, 2010, 38(1):17-20. (EI)
14)   张雯,张庆腾,贺永宁. ZnO纳米棒膜的可控生长及其量子限域效应研究[J].西安交通大学学报, 2010, 38(4): 231-235. (EI)
15)  Zhang W, Wang H J, Jin Z H,Gel Casting and Properties of Porous Silicon Carbide/ Silicon Nitride Composite Ceramics,Materials Letters[J],2005, 59(2-3): 250~256. (SCI)
16)  Zhang W, Wang H J, Jin Z H ,Preparation and Properties of Macroporous Silicon Nitride Ceramics by Gelcasting and Carbonthermal Reaction[J],Journal of Materials Science and Technology,2005, 21(6): 894~898.   (SCI)
17) 张雯,王红洁,张勇,金志浩,凝胶注模工艺制备高强度多孔氮化硅陶瓷[J],无机材料学报,2004, 19(4): 743~748.   (SCI)
18) 张雯,王红洁,金志浩,白玉,多孔氮化硅/碳化硅复合材料制备的反应机理分析[J],无机材料学报,2005, 20(5):1215~1221.    (SCI)
19) 张雯,王红洁,张勇,金志浩,凝胶注模成型制备纳米复合多孔氮化硅陶瓷[J],复合材料学报,2004, 21(5): 83~87.    (EI)
20) 张雯,王红洁,张勇,金志浩,酚醛树脂裂解法增强高气孔率多孔氮化硅陶瓷[J],硅酸盐通报,2005,24(1):25-28.
21) 张雯,王红洁,金志浩,纳米多孔无机材料的显微结构设计[J],材料导报,2003,17(7) :43-46.
22) 张雯,王红洁,金志浩,先驱体热解制备BN复合陶瓷材料研究进展[J],兵器材料科学与工程,2004, 27(5):58-63.



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Patent Name Application Number Application Date
一种利用纳米结构镀层抑制微波部件表面二次电子发射的方法 201210215782.1 Invention 2012.10.01
一种氮化硅/碳化硅多孔陶瓷的制备方法 200410073163.9 Invention 2004.10.01