Basic Information


  • 张晓鹏,1982.11,博士,西安交通大学教授,博士生导师,国家民委中青年英才,陕西省青年千人,中国二语习得研究专业委员会理事,数据科学与二语研究专业委员会常务理事,广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心“续”论研究室兼职研究员,《第二语言学习研究》副主编。
  • 主持国家社科基金项目3项(重点、一般、青年各1项),省部级课题3项。
  • Applied LinguisticsApplied PsycholinguisticsAssessing WritingInternational Review of Applied Linguistics in Language TeachingInternational Journal of Applied Linguistics, Language LearningLanguage Teaching Research, Reading and Writing, The Modern Language JournalSecond Language Research, Studies in Second Language AcquisitionSystem,《外语教学与研究》《现代外语》等SSCI/CSSCI语言学期刊上发表论文四十余篇,其中2篇SSCI论文2023年1月进入全球前1%ESI社会科学总领域高被引行列;1篇论文入选学术精要(2023年5-6月)高PCSI论文、高被论文、高下载论文,出版学术专著2部;2024中国知网高被引学者Top1%
  • 担任SSCI期刊Applied Linguistics, Assessing Writing, Jorunal of English for Academic Purposes, Journal of Second Language Writing, Language LearningLanguage Teaching ResearchLanguage and CognitionInternational Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching, Studies in Second Language Acquisition, SystemCSSCI期刊《外语教学与研究》《现代外语》《世界汉语教学》《外语与外语教学》等20多家期刊审稿专家




2011.9 -2014.7 广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心,获外国语言学及应用语言学博士学位。

2005.9-2008.7 西北师范大学外国语学院,获课程与教学论(英语教学)硕士学位。

Recent Funds and works












23. 张晓鹏 & Lu*(forthcoming).  Text difficulty for L2 Learners Revisited Studies in Second Language Acquisition   (SSCI一区,语言学顶刊)影响因4.101Ranking: 2022: 9/194(Linguistics)

22. 张晓鹏*(2025). Contribution of  linguistic complexity to L2 learners' perception on Chinese text difficulty: A comparative judgment approach Applied Linguistics. (SSCI一区,语言学顶刊), 影响因子 3.6

21. Cai, J.,  &张晓鹏*(2024). Effects of  processing tasks and working memeory on the mapping components of L2 word learning Second Language Research. (SSCI一区), 影响因子 1.9

20. Cai, J.,  &张晓鹏*(2024). Effects of  processing tasks on children's learning of second language words.  System. (SSCI一区), 影响因子 4.9. 2024 Ranking: 3/194 (Linguistics). 

19. Jiang, X., Jiang, Y., &张晓鹏*(2024). Assessing  effects of source text compelxity on L2 learners' interpreting performance: A dependency-based Approach. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL)  (SSCI二区), 影响因子 1.5.

18. 张晓鹏* & Yang,X.(2023). Using sentence processing speed and automaticity to predict L2 performance in the productive and receptive tasks. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL)  (SSCI二区), 影响因子 1.5.

17. 张晓鹏 & Lu,X*.(2024). Testing the relationship of  linguistic complexity  to L2 learners' perception on text difficulty. Language Learning   (SSCI一区,语言学顶刊)影响因5.240Ranking: 2022: 6/194(Linguistics)

16. 张晓鹏* & Gong,N.(2023). Modeling effects of  linguistic complexity  on L2 processing effort: The case of eye-movement in text reading. Studies in Second Language Acquisition   (SSCI一区,语言学顶刊)影响因4.101Ranking: 2022: 9/194(Linguistics)

15. 张晓鹏* & Li,W.(2023). Remodeling effects of  linguistic features on L2 writing quality. Reading and Writing  (SSCI一区)影响因2.795Ranking: 2021: 170/743  (Psychology, Education)

14. Gong, N. & 张晓鹏(2023). A spport vector machine approach to the relationship of eye-movement behaviors to bilingual language proficiency. Fronties in Psychology   (SSCI)影响因子 4.232. (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary).

13. Guo, Y. & 张晓鹏* (forthcoming). Exploring the relationship between fine-grained linguistic features and EFL teachers’ judgments on L2 writing quality. SAGE Open(SSCI二区)影响因子 2.032. Ranking: 2021: 53/111 (Social Sciences, Interdisciplinary).

12. 张晓鹏. (2022). The Relationship Between Lexical Use and L2 Writing Quality: A Case of Two Genres. International Journal of Applied Linguistics (SSCI二区;A&HCI)影响因子 1.492. Ranking: 2021: 86/193 (Linguistics).

11. Chen, J. & 张晓鹏* (2022). L2 Development of Phraseological Knowledge via a Xu-Argument Based Continuation Task: A Latent Curve Modeling Approach. System.  (SSCI一区)影响因子 4.518. Ranking: 2021: 12/193 (Linguistics).

10. 张晓鹏 & Lu, X*. (2022). Revisiting the predictive power of traditional vs. fine-grained syntactic complexity indices for L2 writing quality: The case of two genres. Assessing Writing. (SSCI一区), 影响因子 3.164. Ranking: 2021: 30/193(Linguistics).

9.张晓鹏*Zhao, B., & Li, W. (2021). N-gram use in EFL learners’ retelling and monologic tasks. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (IRAL). (SSCI二区), 影响因子 1.5. 

8.张晓鹏*, Lu, X., & Li W. (2021). Beyond differences: Assessing effects of shared linguistic features on L2 writing quality of two genres. Applied Linguistics. (SSCI一区,语言学顶刊), 影响因子 5.741. Ranking: 2021: 1/193(Linguistics).

7.张晓鹏* & Li W. (2021). Revisiting effects of n-grams on L2 writing quality: A conceptual replication and extension. System. (SSCI一区), 影响因子 3.167. Ranking: 2021: 15/193 (Linguistics).

6.张晓鹏* &  Mai,  C. (2020). Impact of constructional complexity and intralingual influence on the effectiveness of skewed input. Language Teaching Research. (SSCI 一区 )影响因子 3.899. Ranking: 2021: 9/193 (Linguistics).

5.张晓鹏* & Wen, J. (2019). Exploring multiple constraints on second language development of English polysemous phrasal verbs. Applied Psycholinguistics. (SSCI 一区 ), 影响因子 1.76 Ranking: 2018: 29/184 (Linguistics).

4.张晓鹏* & Dong X-L. (2019). Input frequency and construction interference interactions in L2 development. Second Language Research. (SSCI一区), 影响因子 1.75 Ranking: 2018: 30/184 (Linguistics).

3.张晓鹏* & Mai C. (2018). Effects of entrenchment and preemption in L2 Learners’ acceptance of English denominal verbs, Applied Psycholinguistics. (SSCI一区), 影响因子 1.76. Ranking: 2016: 15/180 (Linguistics).

2.张晓鹏. (2017). Second language users’ restriction of linguistic generalization errors: The case of English un-prefixation development. Language Learning. (SSCI一区,语言学顶刊), 影响因子3.079. Ranking: 2016: 6/184(Linguistics).

1.张晓鹏* & Dong X-L. (2016). Revisiting Zipfian frequency: L2 acquisition of English prenominal past participles. The Modern Language Journal. (SSCI一区,语言学顶刊), 影响因子 3.762. Ranking: 2018: 4/184 (Linguistics).

















 10.张晓鹏2016英汉双语者对 “物体计量” 的释解研究,《现代外语》(CSSCI)


 8.张晓鹏2015 英语动词论元构式习得初期,如何 “学伴” 为更佳,《解放军外国语学院学报》(CSSCI)






 2.马武林,张晓鹏2014大规模开放课程(MOOCs)对我国大学英语课程设置的启示研究——以英国爱丁堡大学EDC MOOC为例,《电化教育研究》(CSSCI)

 1.马武林,张晓鹏2011大学英语混合式学习模式研究与实践,《外语电化教学》 (CSSCI)








2博士学位论文 The Acuqisition of English Count-Mass Distinctions by Chinese EFL learners: The Perspective Shifiting Hypothesis2014. 6,广东外语外贸大学。

1硕士学位论文Polysemous Wotd Form-Sense Mapping in the L1 Lemma Mediation Process in Chinese EFL learner's Mental Lexicon,2008.6,西北师范大学。

Page Hits


Recent Findings


1. Effects of  processing tasks and working memeory on the mapping components of L2 word learning.

2. Modeling effects of  linguistic complexity  on L2 processing effort: The case of eye-movement in text reading

3. Exploring the relationship between linguistic features and EFL teachers’ judgments on L2 writing quality

4.Assessing  effects of source text compelxity on L2 learners' interpreting performance: A dependency-based Approach.

Academic Exchange




11.2024.3.20. 西安外国语大学英文学院讲座:论文写作与国社科申报。

10.2023.12.22. 华南师范大学讲座:语言学高水平论文写作与发表。

9. 2023.10.19. 宁夏医科大学讲座:论文写作与国社科申报。

8. 2023.6.20. 西安财经大学讲座:高水平论文写作必要步骤和注意事项。

7. 2022.12.10. 西安翻译学院教育学院讲座:从炼题到发表——高水平论文写作必要步骤和注意事项。

6. 2022.07.15. 西安交通大学外国语学院2017暑假夏令营讲座:语言发展中的概率效应。

5. 2022.06.23. 广东外语外贸大学外国语言学及应用语言学研究中心讲座:L2 Development of Phraseological Knowledge via a Xu-Argument Based Continuation Task。

4. 2022.01.09. 西安交通大学外国语学院讲座:语言学研究的基本领域以及与其他学科之间的关系。

3. 2021.5.11. 北京外国语大学中国外语与教育研究中心,讲座:Beyond differences: Assessing effects of shared linguistic features on L2 writing quality of two genres。

2. 2019.9.10. 西安交通大学外国语学院,讲座:L2 processing of collocations: The usage-based perspective。

1. 2019.1.6. 澳门大学文学院,讲座:L2 processing of collocations: Frequency and directionality matter。


10.2024.11.3. 会议主旨报告:The growth trajectory of L2 Xu-based self-efficacy profiles and their relationship to L2 production,“第六届续论研讨会”,西北师范大学,兰州。

9.2024.10.19. 会议主题报告:第二语言学习者阅读文本难度的AI赋能研究,“广东省人文社科重点研究基地:AI赋能的外语教学与研究专题研讨会”,华南师范大学,广州。

8.2024.5.25.会议主旨报告:Text Difficulty in the Eyes of Second Language Learners: Evidence from Perception and Eye-Tracking.西安交通大学外国语学院首届“思源新星”硕博士生语言研究论坛。

7.2023.12.23. 会议主题报告:二语文本认知加工研究,“广东省人文社科重点研究基地:诊断测试与眼动研究专题研讨会”,华南师范大学,广州。

6. 2023.11.3. 会议主题报告Modeling L2 text processing effort and text difficulty,“第二届数据科学与第二语言研究国际研讨会”,上海交通大学,上海。

5. 2023.9.17. 会议主旨报告Testing the relatioship of LD to TD: L2 learners' perception and eye-movements.学科交叉视域下外语专业的学科重构和问题聚焦——西部高校外语学科发展暨期刊主编论坛.河西学院,甘肃张掖。

4. 2022.12.17. 会议主题报告Effects of readability on L2 text processing effort revisted,“第一届数据科学与第二语言研究国际研讨会”,宁波财经学院,浙江宁波。

3. 2022.12.14. 西北师范大学120年校庆外国语学院校友论坛:以“续”促学二语短语知识。

2. 2022.12.4. 会议主旨报告Modeling Effects of Linguistic Features on L2 Writing Quality“三届西部外国语言文学博士研究生论坛会议”,广西民族大学。

1. 2021.07.19-21. 会议主旨报告Exploring effects of linguistic features on L2 writing quality,“数字人文视域下的语言文学研究”青年学者论坛暨第四届计量语言学学术研讨会,北方民族大学,银川。

Academic Service


Applied Linguistics (SSCI)

Assessing Writing (SSCI)

English World-Wide (A&HCI; SSCI)

International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching (SSCI)

International Journal  of Applied Linguistics (SSCI)

Language and Cognition  (SSCI)

Language Learning (SSCI)

Language Teaching Research (SSCI)

Journal of English for Academic  Purposes (SSCI)

Journal of Research In Reading  (SSCI)

Journal of Second Language Writing (SSCI)

Journal of New Approaches in Educational Research (SSCI)

Studies in Second Language Acquisition (SSCI)

System (SSCI)

TESOL Quarterly (SSCI)

Thinking Skills and Creativity (SSCI)


Current Psychology(SSCI)

Asian-Pacific Journal of Second and Foreign Language Education (ESCI)

Chinese Journal  of Applied Linguistics (ESCI)

Research Methods in Applied Linguistics (ESCI)

Studies in Language Assessment  (ESCI)











Lecture Course



Contact Information

地址: 西安交通大学外国语学院 B-904
