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Research Projects

1、解析小分子诱导型血管内皮细胞的分化机制并利用AMI猪模型研究其移植治疗效果(32370854 国家自然科学基金面上项目  2024.1-2027.12  主持

2、小分子诱导体细胞转分化为血管内皮细胞的分子调控机制研究(2023BSHEDZZ01 陕西省博士后基金项目  2023.9-2025.8  主持

3、应用单细胞技术解析小分子诱导型血管内皮细胞形成机制(sxxj032023038 西安交通大学新教师支持计划  2023.7-2024.12  主持

4、猪胚胎生殖细胞自我更新调控基因的挖掘与验证31301211 国家自然科学基金青年项目  2014.1-2016.12  主持  

5、黑龙江省高校青年创新人才项目UNPYSCT2016010 黑龙江省教育厅  2016.7-2019.6  主持  

6、东北农业大学首批青年才俊项目14QC01 东北农业大学  2015.3-2017.2  主持

7、哈尔滨医科大学心肌缺血教育部重点实验室开放课题KF201317 心肌缺血省部共建教育部重点实验室  2014.1-2016.12  主持

8、猪细胞重编程和早期胚胎发育关键母源内源性小干扰RNA的挖掘与功能研究30470079 国家自然科学基金面上项目  2015.1-2016.12  第二名

9、猪早期胚胎发育中CDX2OCT4基因功能及互作模式的研究31371457 国家自然科学基金面上项目  2014.1-2017.12  第三名  

10、猪体内潜在多能性细胞转录组分析及初始态(naive)多能干细胞建系2016YFA0100201 国家重点研发计划项目课题一  2016.7-2020.12  第四名  

11IGFBP3基因调控猪脂肪细胞增殖分化机制研究(LH2020C016 黑龙江省自然科学基金联合项目  2020.7-2023.7  第二名

12、猪精液超低温冷冻保存技术的建立与转化应用(2016RAQXJ066 哈尔滨市科学技术局   2016.9-2018.8  第四名


1Zhang Y, Li X, Tian H, Xi M, Zhou J, Li H. p53 Activation Facilitates Transdifferentiation of Human Cardiac Fibroblasts into Endothelial Cells. Tissue Eng Part A. 2024, 30 (7-8): 330-339.

2Zhang Y, Li X, Xing J, Zhou J, Li H. Chemical Transdifferentiation of Somatic Cells: Unleashing the Power of Small Molecules. Biomedicines. 2023, 11(11): 2913.

3Li X, Liu X, Cui L, Liu Z, Zhang Y, Li H. How to Break through the Bottlenecks of in Ovo Vaccination in Poultry Farming. Vaccines. 2023, 12(1): 48.

4Yang Yu, Xuechun Li, Yimei Li, Renyue Wei, Hai Li, Zhonghua Liu, Yu Zhang. Derivation and characterization of endothelial cells from porcine induced pluripotent stem cells. Int J Mol Sci. 2022, 23(13): 7029.

6Xuechun Li, Yang Yu, Renyue Wei, Yimei Li, Jiawei Lv, Zhonghua Liu, Yu Zhang. In vitro and in vivo study on angiogenesis of porcine induced pluripotent stem cell-derived endothelial cells. Differentiation. 2021, 120:10-18.

7Yan Li, Shuang Wu, Yang Yu, Heng Zhang, Renyue Wei, Jiawei Lv, Mingming Cai, Xu Yang, Yu Zhang, Zhonghua Liu. Derivation of porcine extraembryonic endoderm-like cells from blastocysts. Cell Proliferation. 2020, 53(4):e12782.

8Li Y, Wu S, Li X, Guo S, Cai Z, Yin Z, Zhang Y, Liu Z. Wnt signaling associated small molecules improve the viability of pPSCs in a PI3K/Akt pathway dependent way. Journal of Cellular Physiology. 2020, 235(7-8): 5811-5822.

9Wei R, Lv J, Li X, Li Y, Xu Q, Jin J, Zhang Y, Liu Z. Derivation of endothelial cells from porcine induced pluripotent stem cells by optimized single layer culture system. Journal of Veterinary Science. 2020, 21(1):e9.

10Zhang Y, Zhu C, Sun B, Lv J, Liu Z, Liu S, Li H. Integrated High Throughput Analysis Identifies GSK3 as a Crucial Determinant of p53-Mediated Apoptosis in Lung Cancer Cells. Cellular Physiology and Biochemistry. 2017; 42(3):1177-1191.

11Yu Zhang, Ran Xu, Jianyu Xing, Renyue Wei, Jiawei Lv, Shichao Liu, Jiuhui Shi, Zhonghua Liu. Osteogenic differentiation from induced pluripotent stem cells via a three-dimensional culture method. J Biomater Tiss Eng. 2017, 7(6):448-457.

12Zhang Y, Ma J, Li H, Lv J, Wei R, Cong Y, Liu Z. bFGF signaling-mediated reprogramming of porcine primordial germ cells. Cell Tissue Res. 2016; 364(2):429-441.

13Zhang Y, Li H, Wei R, Ma J, Zhao Y, Lian Z, Liu Z. Endothelial cells regulate cardiac myocyte reorganisation through β1-integrin signalling. Cell Physiol Biochem. 2015; 35(5):1808-1820.

14Y Zhang, J Xing, Q Ren, J Shi, Z Liu. Effects of BMP4/7 on high-glucose-level induced suppression of osteogenic differentiation of mouse iPS cells. Journal of Biotechnology. 2014; 185S:125.

15Zhang Y, Li H, Lian Z, Li N. Myofibroblasts protect myoblasts from intrinsic apoptosis associated with differentiation via β1 integrin-PI3K/Akt pathway. Development Growth and Differentiation. 2010; 52(8): 725-733.

16Zhang Y, Li H, Lian Z, Li N. Normal fibroblasts promote myodifferentiation of myoblasts from sex-linked dwarf chicken via up-regulation of β1 integrin. Cell Biology International. 2010; 34(11): 1119-1127.

17Li H, Zhang Y, Ströse A, Tedesco D, Gurova K, Selivanova G. Integrated high-throughput analysis identifies Sp1 as a crucial determinant of p53-mediated apoptosis. Cell Death Differ. 2014; 21(9): 1493-1502.

18H Li, Y Zhang, G Selivanova. Integrated high throughput analysis identifies AP-1 as a crucial factor of p53-mediated cell fate decision. Journal of Biotechnology. 2014; 185S:89.

19Li H, Zhang Y, Zuo SF, Lian ZX, Li N. Effects of methyltestosterone on immunity against Salmonella Pullorum in dwarf chicks. Poultry Science. 2009; 88(12): 2539-2548.

20Li H, Zhang Y, Ning ZH, Deng XM, Lian ZX, Li N. Effect of selection for phagocytosis in dwarf chickens on immune and reproductive characters. Poultry Science.2008; 87(1):41-49.

21Backström N, Lindell J, Zhang Y, Palkopoulou E, Qvarnström A, Saetre GP, Ellegren H. A high-density scan of the Z-chromosome in Ficedula flycatchers reveals candidate loci for diversifying selection. Evolution. 2010; 64(12): 3461-3475.

22Li Y, Song D, Yu Z, Zhang Y, Liu Z, Yan T. Effect and mechanism of hypoxia on differentiation of porcine-induced pluripotent stem cells into vascular endothelial cells. In Vitro Cell Dev Biol Anim. 2024, 60(1): 9-22. 

23Lv J, Wu S, Wei R, Li Y, Jin J, Mu Y, Zhang Y, Kong Q, Weng X, Liu Z. The length of guide RNA and target DNA heteroduplex effects on CRISPR/Cas9 mediated genome editing efficiency in porcine cells. J Vet Sci. 2019; 20(3): e23.

24Zhang X, Xue B, Li Y, Wei R, Yu Z, Jin J, Zhang Y, Liu Z. A novel chemically defined serum- and feeder-free medium for undifferentiated growth of porcine pluripotent stem cells. J Cell Physiol. 2019; 234(9): 15380-15394.

25Hai T, Cao C, Shang H, Guo W, Mu Y, Yang S, Zhang Y, Zheng Q, Zhang T, Wang X, Liu Y, Kong Q, Li K, Wang D, Qi M, Hong Q, Zhang R, Wang X, Jia Q, Wang X, Qin G, Li Y, Luo A, Jin W, Yao J, Huang J, Zhang H, Li M, Xie X, Zheng X, Guo K, Wang Q, Zhang S, Li L, Xie F, Zhang Y, Weng X, Yin Z, Hu K, Cong Y, Zheng P, Zou H, Xin L, Xia J, Ruan J, Li H, Zhao W, Yuan J, Liu Z, Gu W, Li M, Wang Y, Wang H, Yang S, Liu Z, Wei H, Zhao J, Zhou Q, Meng A. Pilot study of large-scale production of mutant pigs by ENU mutagenesis. eLife. 2017; 6: e26248.

26、于杨,李怡美,伟人悦,柴梦佳,刘忠华,张宇. iPSCs来源的血管内皮细胞对小鼠下肢缺血的修复作用研究. 《中国细胞生物学学报》2021. 43(11): 2117-25.

27、张宇, 李海, 孔建铭, 韩登桥, 连正兴. 肌肉发生相关基因的网络调控研究. 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 2007. 10:24-6.

28、张宇, 李海, 孔建铭. 蛋源无血清培养基培养类囊胚和鸡、人成纤维细胞的研究. 《黑龙江畜牧兽医》 2006. 11:16-8.

29、高雨蔚, 张宇, 邢舰誉, 王屹博, 丁超, 薛冰华, 吕嘉伟, 史久慧, 刘忠华. 糖浓度对三维培养体系下小鼠胚胎干细胞成骨分化的影响. 《口腔医学研究》 2015. 31(8):759-62.

30、徐冉, 张宇, 邢舰誉, 王屹博, 丁超, 吕嘉伟, 伟人悦, 史久慧, 刘忠华. BMP7对三维条件下小鼠iPS细胞成骨能力的影响. 《口腔医学研究》 2016. 32 (4):322-25.

31、马婧, 张宇, 王健宇, 薛冰华, 伟人悦, 李妍, 刘忠华. 猪原始生殖细胞生物学特性的研究. 《中国细胞生物学学报》 2014. 36(8):1068-75.

32、邢舰誉, 张宇, 陈墨, 王屹博, 丁超, 史久慧, 刘忠华. 糖浓度及BMP4对小鼠诱导型多能干细胞成骨作用的研究. 《中国细胞生物学学报》 2014. 36(5):586-94.

33、伟人悦,厉雪纯,李妍,于扬,张宇,刘忠华. 无血清单层细胞诱导法培养猪诱导多能性干细胞定向分化为血管内皮细胞. 《中国组织工程研究》2020. 24(31):4971-8.

34、《医学动物试验技术》(ISBN9787117220514 人民卫生出版社  20166月出版 (参编)