
  1. Mi, Z.*, Zheng Jiali., Meng, J.*, Ou, J., Hubacek, K., Liu, Z., Coffman, D.M., Stern, N., Laing, S., & Wei, Y.M*. 2020. Economic development and converging household carbon footprints in China. Nature Sustainability, 1-9. (影响因子=12.080, Nature子刊)
  2. Zheng Jiali., Mi, Z.*, Coffman, D. M., Shan, Y., Guan D., Wang, S.*. 2019. The slowdown in China’s carbon emissions growth in the new phase of economic development. One Earth, 1, 240–253. (Cell子刊)
  3. Mi, Z., Zheng Jiali*, Green, F., Guan, D.*, Meng, J., Feng, K., Liang, X., Wang, S.*. 2021. Decoupling without outsourcing? How China’s consumption-based CO2 emissions have plateaued. iScience, 24, 103130. (影响因子=5.458, Cell子刊)
  4. Zheng Jiali, Duan, H.*, Zhou, S., Wang, S., Gao, J., Jiang K., Gao S. 2021. Limiting global warming to below 1.5 ◦C from 2 ◦C: An energy-system-based multi-model analysis for China. Energy Economics, 100, 105355. (影响因子=5.203, ABS 3*)
  5. Zheng Jiali, Mi, Z.*, Coffman, D. M., Milcheva, S., Shan, Y., Guan, D., Wang S.*. 2019. Regional development and carbon emissions in China, Energy Economics, 81, 25-36. (影响因子=5.203, ABS 3*)
  6. Mi, Z., Zheng Jiali*, Meng, J.*, Zheng, H., Li, X., Coffman, D. M., Woltjer, J., Wang, S., Guan, D.*. 2019. Carbon emissions of cities from a consumption-based perspective. Applied Energy, 235, 509-518. (影响因子=8.848)
  7. Mi, Z., Zheng Jiali, Meng, J.*, Shan, Y.*, Zheng, H., Ou, J., Guan, D.*, Wei, Y. 2018. China’s energy consumption in the new normal. Earth’s Future, 6(7), 1007-1016. (影响因子= 6.141)
  8. Sun, Y., Bao, Q.*, Zheng Jiali, Wang, S. 2020. Assessing the price dynamics of onshore and offshore RMB markets: An ITS model approach. China Economic Review, 62, 101476. (影响因子=2.736)



  1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目主持;
  2. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划一般项目主持;
  3. 国家社会科学基金重点项目, 子课题负责人;
  4. 国家社会科学基金重大项目, 参与.



  1. 《*** ***建议》.
  2. 《*** ***分析》.


  1. 第八届中国科协青年人才托举工程, 2022;

  2. 中国科学院优秀博士学位论文, 2021;
  3. Newton International Fellowship, 2020;
  4. The Dan David Prize Scholarship for Young Researchers, 2019;
  5. Honorary Research Associate of the Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction - UCL, 2019;
  6. 中科院数学与系统科学研究院年度科研进展成果, 2019.