(1.)Basic Information


Zuohua Huang, Ph. D, Professor
Clean and Low Carbon Combustion Center
State Key Laboratory of Multiphase Flow in Power Engineering
School of Energy and Power Engineering

Xi’an Jiaotong University
Xi’an, 710049, China
Tel: 0086 29 82665075
Fax: 0086 29 82668789
homepage: http://gr.xjtu.edu.cn/web/zhhuang

My Researcher ID




My Google Scholars


My Scopus




610 publications in archival journals with Science Citation Index 

Personal ranking in Engineering from Essential Science Index Top 2‰

H-index in Web of Science 76, Citation 23679

H-index in Google Scholar 93, Citation 33711

H-index in Scopus 84, Citation 28417

30 ESI Highly Cited Papers

Highly Cited Chinese Scholars 2014-2023 (Elsevier)

Highly Cited Researchers 2015 (Thomson Reuters) Worldwide

Highly Cited Scholars 2016 (Elsevier) Mechanical Engineering Worldwide

Highly Cited Scholars 2016 (Elsevier) Energy and Engineering Worldwide

World's Top 2% Scientists (2000-2024)

Data Updated on March 12, 2024



Research Areas

(1) Premixed and diffusion flames
(2) Laminar and turbulent flames
(3) Engine combustion
(4) Spray and atomization
(5 Alternative fuels in Internal Combustion Engines
(6) Combustion and intermediate radical diagnostics
(7) Combustion simulation
(8) Ignition behavior and characterization
(9) Chemical kinetics
(10) Soot formation

(11) Flame speed measurement

(12) Ammonia and Hydrogen Combustion


Academic Activities

Board member, International Council of Combustion Engines (2005-2016)

Member, Board of Directors, The Combustion Institute (2018-2024)

Principal Editor, Fuel (2016-2022)
Fellow, The Combustion Institute (2018-2024)

Fellow, Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines

Board of Directors Nominating Committee, The Combustion Institute (2020-2026) 

Vice-president, Chinese Society for Internal Combustion Engines, China (2005-2016)
Board member, Chinese Society of Engineering Thermo-physics (2008-2024)
Vice-director, Combustion Section of Chinese Society of Engineering Thermo-physics (2008-2024)
Appraiser of Engineering Thermo-physics, NSFC, China
Vice-director, Editorial Board of Transactions of Internal Combustion Engines, China (2005-2016)
Vice-director, Editorial Board of Internal Combustion Engine Engineering, China (2005-2016)
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Combustion Science and Technology, China
Member of Editorial Board, Chemical Engineering, China
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Xi’an Jiaotong University, China
Member of Editorial Board, Vehicle Engines, China
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Chongqing University(English Version), China

Member of Editorial Board, Energetic Materials Frontiers (2020-)

Member of Editorial Board, Frontiers in Energy (2010-)
Member of Editorial Board, Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (2021-)

Member of Editorial Board, Scientific Reports (2021-)

Member of Editorial Board, The Open Transportation Journal
Associate Editor, International Journal of Rotating Machinery
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Engineering
Member of Honorary Editorial Board, Energy and Emission Control Technologies
Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Engineering Thermophysics
Member of Editorial Board, Automotive Safety and Energy Technology
Member of Editorial Board, Chinese Journal of Automotive Engineering
Member of Editorial Team, Journal of Petroleum Technology and Alternative Fuels

Member of Editorial Board, Development of Energy Science

Member of Editorial Board, Energy and Emission Control Technologies
Invited Reviewer, International Journal of Mechanical Engineering

Member of Editorial Board, International Journal of Energy Science and Engineering

Member of Editorial Board, American Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy

Member of Editorial Board, Journal of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development

Member, American Chemical Society

Visiting Fellow, The University of Tokyo
Visiting Professor, Gunma University of Japan

Studying and Working Experience

Research Associate, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.
Studying in Gifu Univ., Japan
Lecturer, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.
Associate professor, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.
Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong Univ.
Visiting professor, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Visiting professor, Gunma University, Japan
Professor, Xi’an Jiaotong University, China


Research Facilities and Simulation Codes

10 engine benches (Gasoline/ Diesel/Gas)
4 high-pressure high-temperature combustion bombs for various purpose studies (homogeneous mixture/stratified/spray/laminar flame/turbulent flame/single chamber/double chamber)

High pressure vessel for turbulent flame study

High-temperature shock tube (HT ST)

Heated high-pressure shock tube (HP ST)

Rapid Compression Machine (RCM)

Standard burner and various burners for premixed and turbulent flames studies

Droplet collision experimental facility

Jet Stirred Reactor (JSR)

Flow Reactor

High-pressure Flow Reactor

High pressure OH concentration laser measurement

Experimental facility on flame and ion characterization under electric field

Plasma ignition facility

Laser ignition facility

Horiba 7100 gas analyser
Horiba MDLT-1300 PM analyser
AVL combustion analyser
Particle size analyser
HG-100K high-speed camera

Phantom V611 high-speed camera
GC2010 gas chromatography
LaVision PLIF system
LaVision SprayMaster

LaVision PIV system

LaVision LII system

Schlieren photography
Laser absorption for combustion species measurement

Hot wire anemometer
Agilent gas analyser GC-MS

KIVA-3 combustion code
AVL Fire combustion code
AVL Boost code
STAR-CD code

Chemical kinetics code

Gauss software 

Invited Lectures

(1) Invited lecture at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, January 24, 2010

(2) Invited lecture at Princeton University, December 13, 2010

(3) Invited lecture at University of Southern California, December 14, 2010

(4) Invited lecture at University of California, Riverside, December 15, 2010

(5) Invited lecture at Tohoku University, January 12, 2011

(6) Invited lecture at General Motor R & D Center, April 15, 2011

(7) Invited lecture at Hong Kong Polytechnic University, December 14, 2011

(8) Invited lecture at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, December 16, 2011

(9) Invited lecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, April 22, 2013

(10) Invited lecture at Princeton University, April 24, 2013

(11) Invited lecture at Korea Advanced Institute of Technology, May 15th, 2019

(12) Zuohua Huang, Jinhua Wang, Deming Jiang. Hydrogen Enriched Hydrocarbon Combustion and Engine Application. 6th Int Symp on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion 11-15 July, 2009, Xi’an, China. Plenary Lecture.

(13) Zuohua Huang. Fuel Blend Combustion for Decarbonization. 40th International Symposium on Combustion. 2024, July 21-26, Milan, Italy, Plenary Lecture.

(14) Zuohua Huang. Ammonia combustion towards the decarbonization in power devices: From kinetics to the combustion in model gas turbine combustors. 3rd Symposium on Ammonia Energy, September 22-27, Shanghai, China, Keynote Lecture.

(15) Zuohua Huang. Target Combustion Regulation Methods and Technology for Internal Combustion Engines. The 2nd International Conference on Internal Combustion Engines, April 23, 2021, Jinan, China. Plenary Lecture

(16) Zuohua Huang. Combustion Regulation for Low Carbon Fuel Engines. SAE Vehicle Powertrain Diversification Technology Forum, December 6-7, 2024, Xi'an, China, Plenary Lecture.


Publications (in International Journals)

All papers can be downloaded from Books and Papers Section 




1) Jingchun Gai, Hua Qiu, Cha Xiong, Minghao Zhao, Xinlu He, Zhan Yang, Zhiyuan Feng, Xitao Cehn, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on the propagation mechanism of acetylene-air detonation waves in a unilaterally intermittently constrained channel. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2025, 160, 111305.

2) Wenjun Lin, Weijie Zhang, Zhenhua An, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Huangwei Zhang. Effects of combustor wall temperature on the outer recirculation zone combustion modes transition in lean premixed DME/air swirling flames. Fuel, 2025, 381, 133231.

3) Meng Zhang, Xutao Wei, Zhenhua An, Ekenechukwu C. Okafor, Thibault F. Guiberti, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Flame stabilization and emission characteristics of ammonia combustion in model gas turbine combustors. Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2025, 106, 101193.

4) Haochen Zhan, Ruihan Ge, Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Jiaxing Li, and Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on pressure oscillation characteristics of di-n-butyl ether in a constant volume vessel. Combustion Science and Technology, 2025, in press. 

5) Honghuan Wu, Xiangxiang Chen, Muhammad Aziz, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang. Exergy destruction analysis of coal gasification with O2-H2O combined with chemical kinetics. Fuel, 2025, 384, 134014.

6) Guangya Hu, Weijie Zhang, Yutao Li, Jiawen He, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Non-adiabatic LES-FGM simulation of thermoacoustic instability in lean premixed CH4/air swirl flame. Energy, 2025, 333,134073.

7) Jiawen Liu, Meng Zhang, Zhenhua An, Jian Chen, Jinhua Wang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Morphological and mechanistic study of a continuous flash boiling liquid ammonia spray. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37, 013327.

8) Xiao Cai, Jinshi Wang, Limin Su, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Yi Chen, Di Jin, Yun Wu, Zuohua Huang. Effects of temperature on flame structures and local extinctions of swirl spray flames. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37, 015210.

9) Xin Zhang, Zilong Feng, Congjie Hong, Yuyang Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang. Validation and improvement of dimethyl ether kinetic models: Insights from ȮH laser-absorption measurements across a wide pressure range. Combustion and Flame, 2025, 275, 114048.

10) Hongchao Dai, Santiago Cardona, Shixing Wang, Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Thibault F. Guiberti. Simultaneous PLIF imaging of NH2, NH, and NH3 in ammonia-hydrogen-nitrogen flames using a single dye laser. Combustion and Flame, 2025, 274, 114031.

11) Congjie Hong, Yuyang Zhang, Xin Zhang, Wuchuan Sun, Qianqian Li, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang, Janardhanraj Subburaj, Aamir Farooq, Zeimin Tian, Yingwen Yan, Jintao Wang, Yuanhao Deng, Shilin Zhong. Exploring the two-stage ignition of n-butylcyclohexane: A comprehensive experimental and modeling study. Combustion and Flame, 2025, 274, 114047.

12) Xiaoxin Yao, Ze Wang, Xiao Liu, Zuohua Huang, Chung K. Law, Chenglong Tang. Near-field spray tip characteristics of isooctane/diethyl ether blends as promising GCI fuels. Atomization and Sprays, 2025, 35(2): 49-68.

13) Hao Xia, Weijie Zhang, Wang Han, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Jeroen van Oijen. FGM-LES study of premixed H2/CH4/air flame flashback in a bluff-body swirl burner: the impact of preferential diffusion. Combustion and Flame, 2025, in press.

14) Ruixiang Wang, Zhenhua An, Meng Zhang, Jian Chen, Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. The two-phase characteristics of liquid ammonia jet spray flame in a hot and low-oxygen coflow. Combustion and Flame, 2025, 275, 114077.

15) Ruihan Ge, Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Shujie Shen, Haochen Zhan, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of ignition timing on the combustion characteristics of liquid ammonia spray in a lean premixed H2/Air. Combustion and Flame, 2025, 274, 114042

16) Jiawen Liu, Meng Zhang, Zhenhua An, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of preheated air temperature on a liquid ammonia flash spray in a swirl combustor. Droplet, 2025, 4(1)e159.

17) Song Yuxin, Huang Zuohua, Tang, Chenglong. Oxidizer droplet impacts and reacts with fuel film at different wall temperatures. Droplets, 2025, in press.

18) Tianqi Zhang, Xue Jiang, Zefeng Lin, Zuohua Huang, Wei Zhu, Linxun Xu, Suxian Xu. Effects of water addition on the laminar burning velocities of ethanol/iso-octane mixtures. Fuel, 2025, 392, 134864.




1) Ruihan Ge, Erjiang Hu, Xiaoxin Yao, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Ethanol stratified ultra-lean combustion with hydrogen enrichment in a constant volume vessel. Fuel, 2024, 357, 129638.

2) Chuansheng Liu, Zuohua Huang, Chenglong Tang. Heat transfer characteristics of oblique jet impingement liquid film cooling in the forced convection mode. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 218, 124814.

3) Longjuan Ji, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Deli Li, Guangya Hu, Zuohua Huang. Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of self-excited thermoacoustic instabilities in premixed swirling flames. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2024, 150, 111033.

4) Wuchuan Sun, Congjie Hong, Qian Zhao, Zemin Tian, Yingwen Yan, Yuanhao Deng, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Probing the kinetic sensitization effect of NO2 on ethylene oxidation. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 259, 113122.

5) Meng Yang, Xiao Ma, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Role of O2 on nitrous oxide fuel blend ethylene auto-ignition sensitivity. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 259, 113167.

6) Yankang Zhang, Yilan Yang, Fengrong Wu, Qianqian Li, Jinhua Wang, Hu Liu, Defu Che, Zuohua Huang. Numerical investigation on pinhole leakage and diffusion characteristics of medium-pressure buried hydrogen pipeline. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 51, 807-817.

7) Wei Wang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Diesel-natural gas dual fuel injection strategy effects on engine ignition delay and cylinder pressure evolution. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2024, 53, 103795.

8) Xiaoyang Guo, Erjiang Hu, Zihao Chen, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Non-equilibrium plasma assisted ignition characteristics in premixed ethylene-air flow. Fuel Processing Technology, 2024, 254, 108004.

9) Xiao Cai, Shouguo Su, Hongchao Dai, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Morphology and turbulent burning velocity of n-decane/air expanding flames at constant turbulent Reynolds numbers. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 261, 113283.

10) Zhiyu Yan, Tianyi Zhu, Xin Xue, Hu Liu, Qianqian Li, Zuohua Huang. Effects of NH3 and H2 addition on morphology, nanostructure and oxidation of soot in n-decane diffusion flames. Fuel Processing Technology, 2024, 253, 108003.

11) Honghuan Wu, Yuncong Liu, Wuchuan Sun, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang. Exergy destruction behavior of chemical reactions during the auto-ignition of methane doped with hydrogen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 57, 869-879.

12) Ruihan Ge, Erjiang Hu, Xin Lv, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Ethanol inhomogeneous lean combustion under different ambient temperatures and pressures with hydrogen enrichment. Combustion Science and Technology, 2024, in press.

13) Deli Li, Weijie Zhang, Guangya Hu, Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on unsteady formation and evolution of high-temperature zone in a staged swirl combustor. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 242, 122465.

14) Ahmed Yasiry, Jinhua Wang, Longkai Zhang, Ahmed.A. Abdulraheem, Xiao Cai, Zuohua Huang. An experimental study on H2/NH3/CH4-air laminar propagating spherical flames at elevated pressure and oxygen enrichment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 58, 28-39.

15) Xin Zhang, Congjie Hong, Zilong Feng, Yufan Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang. An ultraviolet laser absorption diagnostic for ȮH concentration time-history in ethanol oxidation and model improvement. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 261, 113287

16) Qian Zhao, Wuchuan Sun, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Multichannel kinetics of methoxymethyl + O2 in combustion. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 262, 113339.

17) Zhaoming Mai, Yingtao Wu, Chenglong Tang, Wei Wang, Zuohua Huang. Understanding the Nonlinear Reactivity Promoting Effect of n-Heptane Addition on the Binary Mixture From Low to Intermediate Temperature-A Case of Methane/ n-Heptane Mixtures. Journal of Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of ASME, 2024, 146, 071003.

18) Xiao Cai, Shouguo Su, Jinhua Wang, Hongchao Dai, Zuohua Huang. Morphology and turbulent burning velocity of n-decane/air expanding flames at constant turbulent Reynolds numbers. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 261, 113283

19) Fuquan Deng, Xinbo Huang, Song Cheng, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Hui Tang, Hongtao Zheng, Xiao Liu. Experimental and modeling study of NO2 addition effects on autoignition behavior of propylene. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 262, 113371.

20) Hongchao Dai, Jinhua Wang, Shouguo Su, Limin Su, Zuohua Huang. Turbulent burning velocity of hydrogen/n-heptane/air propagating spherical flames: Effects of hydrogen content. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 260, 113248.

21) Lei Cheng, Meng Zhang, Shiyao Peng, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Large eddy simulation of the effect of hydrogen ratio on the flame stabilization and blow-off dynamics of a lean CH4/H2/air bluff-body flame. Applied Sciences, 2024, ,14, 1846.

22) Longjuan Ji, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Yuncheng Wang, Zuohua Huang, Xue-Song Bai. Structure and thermoacoustic instability of turbulent swirling lean premixed methane/hydrogen/air flames in a model combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 60, 890-901.

23) Haochen Zhan, Shuming Li, Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study of ammonia oxidation and NOx emission at elevated pressure. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 263, 113129.

24) Xue Jiang, Qiying Zhang, Xiyu Liu, Tianqi Zhang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Fuquan Deng, Ningbo Zhao, Hongtao Zheng, Yingwen Yan. A shock tube study of the ignition delay time of DME/ammonia mixtures: Effect of fuel blending from high temperatures to the NTC regime. Fuel, 2024, 367, 131426.

25) Yibo Gao, Meng Zhou, Erjiang Hu, Yun Zhao, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Hydrogen generation by dielectric barrier discharge plasma assisted ammonia decomposition. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 306, 118271.

26) An Zhenhua, Zhang Weijie Zhang Meng, Xing Jiangkuan, Kai Reo, Lin Wenjun, Wang Ruixiang, Wang Jinhua, Huang Zuohua, Kurose Ryoichi. Experimental and numerical investigation on combustion characteristics of cracked ammonia flames. Energy and Fuels, 2024, 38(8): 7412-7430.

27) Cheng Lei, Zhang Meng, Peng Shiyao, Wang Jinhua1, Huang Zuohua. Large eddy simulation of the effect of hydrogen ratio on the flame stabilization and blow-off dynamics of a lean CH4/H2/air bluff-body flame. Applied Sciences-Basel, 2024, 14(5), 1846.

28) Weijie Zhang, Ziqi Wang, Hai Huang, Jinhua Wang, Guangya Hu, Deli Li, Zuohua Huang. Stabilization and structure characteristics of swirling CH4/H2/O2 flames diluted with steam. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 65: 563-571.

29) Meng Yang, Tao Yu, Saiqing Meng, Ming Fang, Xiaolong Fu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of graphene oxide addition on ignition sensitivity and burning rate of NEPE propellant under rapid thermal stimulus. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 266, 113500.

30) Congjie Hong, Yilong Ao, Yuyang Zhang, Wuchuan Sun, Zemin Tian, Yingwen Yan, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang. Exploring the first-stage ignition and model optimization in the comprehensive study of n-dodecane oxidation. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 266, 113489.

31) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame instability of n-hexane, n-octane, and n-decane in spherical expanding flames. Journal of Thermal Science, 2024, 33(3): 1189-1199

32) Ahmed Yasiry, Jinhua Wang, Hongchao Dai, Xiao Cai, Ahmed A.A. Abdulraheem, Saba Y. Ahmed, Haroun A.K. Shahad, Zuohua Huang. Flame morphology and laminar flame assessments affected by flames interaction using multi-ignition sources of NH3/H2-air flames. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2024, 18, 100267

33) Weijie Zhang, Hai Huang, Ziqi Wang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Examining preferential diffusion effects in flamelet-generated manifold on the turbulent flame modelling. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 71: 70-80.

34) Zhaoming Mai, Yingtao Wu, Chenglong Tang, Haibao Mu, Wei Wang, Zuohua Huang. Ignition delay time measurements and kinetic modeling for n-dodecane and methane blends at low-to-intermediate temperature conditions. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 266, 113527.

35) Liqing Lu, Meng Zhang, Weijie Zhang, Lei Chen, Pengfei Song, Zhilong Wei, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of secondary air on the emission characteristics of ammonia-hydrogen co-firing flames with LES-FGM method. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 73, 524-535.

36) Xiangjin Meng, Hongchao Dai, Wenjun Lin, Hongfang Liu, Xingang Qi, Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Hui Jin, Liejin Guo. In situ visualization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon hydrothermal decomposition process utilizing planar induced fluorescence: A mechanistic analysis. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 494, 153238

37) Yingtao Wu, Xiangdong Kong, Yilong Ao, Fábio A.S. Mota, Jianwei Wang, Yingjia Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Understanding the Synergistic Effect in Green Propellants 2-Azido-N,N-Dimethylethanamine and Tetramethylethylenediamine: from Drop Test to Gas-phase Autoignition. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 268, 113590.

38) Wei Wang, Zhaoming Mai, Xiaoxin Yao, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Towards optimized excess air ratio and substitution rate for a dual fuel HPDI engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024, 253, 123797.

39) Yingtao Wu, Xiangdong Kong, Yilong Ao, Yueming Hou, Jianwei Wang, Geyuan Yin, Wuchuan Sun, Yingjia Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic modeling study on the low-temperature decomposition and autoignition of 2-azido-N,N-dimethylethanamine: A promising green mono- and bi-propellant. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40, 105359.

40) Zhaoming Mai, Yingtao Wu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Understanding the reverse effects of NO2 addition on the auto-ignition behavior of n-dodecane/methane mixtures from low to intermediate temperature. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 2024, 40, 105401.

41) Haochen Zhan, Geyuan Yin, Jian Jiao, Shujie Shen, Ruihan Ge, Erjiang Hu, Chenglong Tang , Zuohua Huang, Xiaolong Fu. Dual oxidant and reactant interactions in NEPE pyrolysis: experimental and kinetic modelling insights. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40, 105589.

42) Geyuan Yin, Shujie Shen, Haochen Zhan, Erjiang Hu, Hao Zhang, Yangyang Bao, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and modeling study for the effect of methanol blending on ammonia oxidation and NOx formation at high pressure. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 268, 113654.

43) Haiyang Zhang, Yilan Yang, Chao Li, Qianqian Li, Hu Liu, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on a combined system with methanol on-board hydrogen production and internal combustion engine. Fuel, 2024, 375, 132586.

44) Longjuan Ji, Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Xue-Song Bai. Effects of secondary hydrogen injection on thermoacoustic instability of swirling premixed flames in a model combustor. Fuel, 2024, 377, 132722

45) Yang Yi, Xin Liu, Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang, Jie Xu, Jianxuan Shang. Pyrolysis characterization and kinetic analysis of typical coals in western China: effects of coal type, particle size and heating rate. International Journal of Coal Preparation and Utilization, 2024, in press.

46) Haiyang Zhang, Xun Cao, Xuhao Yuan, Fengrong Wu, Jing Wang, Yankang Zhang, Qianqian Li, Hu Liu, Zuohua Huang. Study on thermal radiation characteristics and the multi-point source model of hydrogen jet fire. Applied Sciences, 2024, 14, 7098.

47) Ruixiang Wang, Meng Zhang, Zhenhua An, Jiawen Liu, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Topology characteristics of liquid ammonia swirl spray flame. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40, 105740.

48) Zhan Haochen, Shen Shujie, Yin Geyuan, Bao Yangyang, Hu Erjiang, Huang Zuohua. High-pressure oxidation of ammonia–methanol mixture: An experimental and modeling study. Energy and Fuels, 2024, 38(23): 23091-23100.

49) Congjie Hong, Wuchuan Sun, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. In-depth exploration of multi-stage heat release phenomenon in high-temperature regions of PMH auto-ignition. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 269, 113715.

50) Xutao Wei, Meng Zhang, Ruixiang Wang, Jinhua Wang, Houzhang Tan, Zuohua Huang. Role of secondary hydrogen injection on flame stabilization of ammonia/air swirling flames. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 270, 113714.

51) Lihan Fei, Feng Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Tiangang Xu, Anlong Yang, Baoe Yang, Zuohua Huang. An experimental investigation on MMH/NTO impinging jets flame characteristics at high chamber pressure. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40, 105709.

52 Zuohua Huang. Fuel Blend Combustion for Decarbonization. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40, 105776.

53) Lei Cheng, Hao Xia, Shiyao Peng, Biao Pan, Shaohua Cui, Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on the effects of swirl-strength on flashback phenomenon of premixed CH4/H2/air flame in a bluff-body swirl burner. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2024, 90, 210-217.

54) Zuohua Huang. Fuel Blend Combustion for Decarbonization. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2024, 40, 105776.

55) Yang Yi, Senlin Lv, Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Yingwen Yan. Laser ignition on single droplet characteristics of aviation kerosene at pressures and initial diameters: ignition, combustion and micro-explosion. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2024, 117, 101799.

56) Yingtao Wu, Xiangdong Kong, Yilong Ao, Fabio A. S. Mota, Jinhua Wang, Yingjia Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Understanding the synergistic effect in green propellants 2-azido-N, N-dimethylethanamine and tetramethylethylenediamine: From drop test to gas-phase autoignition. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 268, 113590.

57) Zhaoming Mai, Yingtao Wu, Chenglong Tang, Wei Wang, Zuohua Huang. Understanding the nonlinear reactivity promoting effect of n-heptane addition on the binary mixture from low to intermediate temperature: A case of methane/n-heptane mixtures. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power- Transactions of the ASME. 2024, 146(7), 071003.

58) Chunyu Wang, Qian Zhao, Hao Zhao, Binxu Pu, Zuohua Huang, Longfei Li, Yingjia Zhang. Theoretical kinetics of radical-radical reaction NH2NH+NH2 and its implications for monomethylhydrazine pyrolysis mechanism. Journal of Physical Chemistry, 2024, 128(39): 8501-8511.

59) Hao Zhao, Yingjia Zhang, Shumei Zhou, Ruiqi Chen, Zuohua Huang. Assessment on the rings cleavage mechanism of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in supercritical water: A ReaxFF molecular dynamics study. Journal of Molecular Liquids, 2024, 415, 126311.

60) Abrar A. A. Mohsen, Yuxin Song, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Dynamics of droplet impact on a rotating surface with different contact angles. Physics of Fluids, 2024, 36, 122119.

61) Wu Honghuan, Huang Wenlin, Zhao Hao, Sun Wuchuan, Huang Zuohua, Zhang Yingjia. Laminar flame structure-dependent exergy destruction behavior at auto-ignition time scale: A case study of dimethyl ether (DME). Journal of Thermal Science, 2024, 33(4): 1257-1271.

62) Zuohua Huang. Fuel Blend Combustion for Decarbonization. 40th International Symposium on Combustion. 2024, July 21-26, Milan, Italy, Plenary Lecture.




1) Xiao Cai, Qingshuang Fan, Xue-Song Bai, Jinhua Wang, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Marcus Alden, Zhongshan Li. Turbulent burning velocity and its related statistics of ammonia-hydrogen-air jet flames at high Karlovitz number: Effect of differential diffusion. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(4): 4215-4226.

2) Hao Xia, Wang Han, Xutao Wei, Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Christian Hass. Numerical investigation of boundary layer flashback of CH4/H2/air swirl flames under different thermal boundary conditions in a bluff-body swirl burner. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(4): 4541-4551.

3) Hongchao Dai, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Shouguo Su, Haoran Zhao, Zuohua Huang. Lewis number effects on laminar and turbulent expanding flames of NH3/H2/air mixtures at elevated pressures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(2): 1689-1697.

4) Wenjun Lin, Wang Han, Jinhua Wang, Runze Mao, Weijie Zhang, Xiao Cai, Zuohua Huang. Experimental investigation of low-temperature autoignition in turbulent premixed swirling flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2023, 39(4): 4801-4810.

5) Hu Liu, Qianqian Li, Haoran Zhao, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame speeds of cyclic hydrocarbon fuels: Effect of unsaturation. Fuel, 2023, 333, 126235.

6) Yingtao Wu, Xiangdong Kong, Tao Yu, Zhaoming Mai, Shutong Cao, Qingwei Yu, Jinhu Liang, Shashank Nagaraja, S. Mani Sarathy, Zuohua Huang, Chenglong Tang. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of Tetramethylethylenediamine: A promising green propellant fuel. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 248, 112584.

7) Hao Xia, Jinhua Wang, Rongyuan Ju, Yiming Li, Haibao Mu, Zuohua Huang. Effect of Ionic Wind Induced by DC Electric Field on Biogas/Air Turbulent Premixed Flame Structure. Combustion Science and Technology, 2023, 195(2): 294-312.

8) Fábio A. S. Mota, Lihan Fei, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang, Fernando S. Costa. Hypergolic ignition behaviors of green propellants with hydrogen peroxide: The TMEDA/DMEA system. Fuel, 2023, 336, 127086.

9) Xutao Wei, Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on lean blow-off characteristics and stabilization mechanism of premixed hydrogen enhanced ammonia/air swirl flames in a gas turbine combustor. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 249, 112600.

10) Wei Xutao,Wang Jinhua, Zhang Meng, Huang Zuohua. Large eddy simulation study on the turbulence and flame characteristics under analogical integral scale and turbulence tntensity of turbulent premixed flames. Journal of Thermal Science, 2023, 32 (1): 488-501

11) Haoran Zhao, Gang Li, Jinhua Wang, Chunmiao Yuan, Zuohua Huang. Effects of density ratio and differential diffusion on flame accelerative propagation of H2/O2/N2 mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 48(24): 9071-9081.

12) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Bo Xiao, Haochen Zhan, Zuohua Huang. Chemical kinetic study of ammonia with propane on combustion control and NO formation. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 249, 112617.

13) Guohua Li, Zhenrong Zhang, Jingfeng Ye, Sheng Wang, Jun Shao, Haolong Wu, Yamin Wang, Zhiyun Hu, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Planar laser induced fluorescence of OH for thermometry in a flow field based on two temperature point calibration method. Apply Sciences, 2023, 13(1), 176

14) Zhiyu Yan, Qianqian Li, Yilan Yang, Yingwen Yan, Zemin Tian, Chen Song, Zuohua Huang. Study on effects of NH3 and/or H2 addition on the characteristics of soot formation and gas emissions in a laminar ethylene diffusion flame. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 242, 107633.

15) Wenlin Huang, Congjie Hong, Wuchuan Sun, Honghuan Wu, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. On tert-butyl hydroperoxide in ignition intensification of n-heptane under engine-relevant condition. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 251, 112663.

16) Geyuan Yin, Bo Xiao, Hao Zhao, Haochen Zhan, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Jet-stirred reactor measurements and chemical kinetic study of ammonia with dimethyl ether. Fuel, 2023, 341, 127542.

17) Hao Xia, Jinhua Wang, Rongyuan Ju, Yiming Li, Haibao Mu, Zuohua Huang. Effect of ionic wind induced by DC electric field on biogas/air turbulent premixed flame structure. Combustion Science and Technology, 2023, 195(2): 294-312.

18) Haoran Zhao, Gang Li, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study of H2/air turbulent expanding flames over wide equivalence ratios: Effects of molecular transport. Fuel, 2023, 341, 127652.

19) Wenlin Huang, Honghuan Wu, Wuchuan Sun, Congjie Hong, Zemin Tian, Yingwen Yan, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang. Probing the pre-ignition behavior of NTC fuels at low to high temperatures. A case study of dimethyl ether. Energies, 2023, 16(5): 2118.

20) Bowen Liu, Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on laminar burning velocities of ammonia/ethylene/air premixed flames under high temperature and elevated pressure. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 251, 112707.

21) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Analysis of Pressure Effect on three-dimensional flame surface density estimation. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13(8), 4691.

22) Yibo Gao, Erjiang Hu, Yang Yi, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Plasma-assisted low temperature ammonia decomposition on 3d transition metal (Fe, Co and Ni) doped CeO2 catalysts: Synergetic effect of morphology and co-doping. Fuel Processing Technology, 3023, 244, 107695.

23) Xin Lu, Erjiang Hu, Sage Kokjohn, Arun Ravindran, Zheng Chen, Ke Zeng, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and numerical study on the critical initiation radii of 2 1,3-Butadiene/Oxygen/Helium flame under elevated pressures. Fuel, 2023, 345, 128191.

24) Weijie Zhang, Quan Zhou, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of artificial flame front thickening on intermediate minor species prediction using the LES–FGM method. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2023, 27(5): 627-644.

25) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Analysis of Pressure Effect on Three-dimensional Flame Surface Density Estimation. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 4691.

26) Liu Chuansheng, Tang Chenglong, Ma Qingchen, Huang Zuohua, Zhang Peng, Zhang Feng. Experimental and analytical study on the liquid film by jet-wall impingement. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2023, in press.

27) Yilan Yang, Tianyi Zhu, Zhiyu Yan, Qianqian Li, Bo Liu, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. A study on combustion characteristics of insensitive triple-base propellant. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 5462.

28) Fei Lihan, Qin Mengxiao, Huang Zuohua, Tang Chenglong. Different Ignition Modes and the Temperature Evolution of Typical Hypergolic Ionic Liquids. Energy & Fuels , 2023, 37(10): 7372-7379.

29) Ahmed Yasiry, Jinhua Wang, LongKai Zhang, Hongchao Dai, Ahmed AA Abdulraheem, Haroun A.K. Shahad, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study of the effect of hydrogen addition on laminar burning velocity of methane/ammonia-air flames. Applied Sciences, 2023, 13, 5853.

30) Rongyuan Ju, Jinhua Wang, Meng Zhang, Haibao Mu, Guanjun Zhang, Jinlu Yu, Zuohua Huang. Stability and emission characteristics of ammonia/air premixed swirling flames with rotating gliding arc discharge plasma. Energy, 2023, 277, 127649

31) Geyuan Yin, Bo Xiao, Jiajun You, Haochen Zhan, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic modeling study on propane enhancing the laminar flame speeds of ammonia. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 247, 107779.

32) Weixutao, Wang Jinhua, Zhang Meng, Huang Zuohua. Large eddy simulation study on the turbulence and flame characteristics under analogical integral scale and turbulence intensity of turbulent premixed flames. Journal of Thermal Science, 2023, 32(1): 488-501.

33) Zhang Weijie, Zhou Quan, Wang Jinhua, Huang Zuohua. Effects of artificial flame front thickening on intermediate minor species prediction using the LES–FGM method. Combustion Theory and Modelling, 2023, 27(5): 6270644.

34) Chuansheng Liu, Chenglong Tang, Qingchen Ma, Zuohua Huang, Peng Zhang, Feng Zhang. Experimental and Analytical Study on the Liquid Film by Jet–Wall Impingement. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer, 2023, 37(3).

35) Rongyuan Ju, Jinhua Wang, Meng Zhang, Haibao Mu, Yun Wu, Guanjun Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on burning velocity, structure, and NOx emission of premixed laminar and swirl NH3/H2/air flames assisted by non-thermal plasma. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 14, 100149.

36) Meng Yang, Jack J. Yoh, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of tungsten size on thermal analysis and mechanism of lithium perchlorate-based electrically controlled solid propellant. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 2023, 47, 103135.

37) Xiao Cai, Shouguo Su, Limin Su, Marcus Alden, Zhongshan Li, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Structure and propagation of spherical turbulent iron-methane hybrid flame at elevated pressure. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 255, 112918.

38) Xiao Cai, Limin Su, Jinhua Wang, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Cellularity and self-similarity of hydrogen expanding spherical flames at high pressures. Physics of Fluids, 2023, 35, 064119.

39) Meng Zhang, Wanying Xu, Ruixiang Wang, Xutao Wei, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Houzhang Tan. Wall heat loss effect on the emission characteristics of ammonia swirling flames in a model gas turbine combustor. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 256, 112955.

40) Yingtao Wu, Zhaoming Mai, Boxuan Rao, Jie Liu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Understanding the reversal dilution effect of the species sampling in the negative temperature coefficient region. Fuel, 2023, 354, 129443.

41) Weijie Zhang, Wang Han, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Wu Jin, eroen van Oijen. Large-eddy simulation of the Darmstadt multi-regime turbulent flame using flamelet-generated manifolds. Combustion and Flame, 2023, 257, 113001.

42) Bin Liang, Lei Cheng, Meng Zhang, Yongcheng Huang, Jinhua Wang, Yongzheng Liu, Fanhua Ma, Zuohua Huang. Effects of chamber geometry, hydrogen ratio and EGR ratio on the combustion process and knocking characters of a HCNG engine at the stoichiometric condition. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 15, 100189. 

43) Yibo Gao, Erjiang Hu, Bo Huang, Zuohua Huang. Formic acid dehydrogenation reaction on high-performance PdxAu1x alloy nanoparticles prepared by the eco-friendly slow synthesis methodology. Frontier Energy, 2023, in press.

44) Wanying Xu, Meng Zhang, Yifeng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of temperature and composition inhomogeneity on the ignition characteristics of NH3/H2 co-firing fuels under HCCI operating conditions. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 15, 100194

45) Yingtao Wu, Zhaoming Mai, Boxuan Rao, Jie Liu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Understanding the reversal dilution effect of the species sampling in the negative temperature coefficient region. Fuel, 2023, 354, 129443.

46) Haochen Zhan, Shuming Li, Geyuan Yin, Yibo Gao, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study of methanol reforming and methanol-syngas co-oxidation at high pressure. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 252, 107944.

47) Mai Zhaoming, Tang Chenglong, Li Yu, Wu Yingtao, Huang, Zuohua. Spray Ignition and Combustion Modes and Their Time Scales Studies in an Optical Rapid Compression Machine. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power-Transactions of the ASME, 2023, 145(10), 101010.

48) Chuansheng Liu, Chenglong Tang, Qingchen Ma, Zuohua Huang, Peng Zhang, Feng Zhang. Experimental and analytical study on the liquid film by jet–wall impingement. Journal of Thermophysics and Heat Transfer2023, 37(3): 667-675.

49) Yibo Gao, Erjiang Hu, Bo Huang, Zuohua Huang. Formic acid dehydrogenation reaction on high-performance PdxAu1-x alloy nanoparticles prepared by the eco-friendly slow synthesis methodology. Frontiers in Energy, 2023, 17(6): 751-762.





1) Chuansheng Liu, Chenglong Tang, Haibao Mu, Zuohua Huang. A data fusion approach with high spatiotemporal resolution for wall temperature measurement upon jet impingement. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2022, 183, 122084.

2) Jing Liu, Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang, Weng Zeng. An experimental and kinetic modeling study on the low-temperature oxidation, ignition delay time, and laminar flame speed of a surrogate fuel for RP-3 kerosene. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 237, 111821.

3) Wei-Hsin Chen, Sandro Nižetić, Ranjna Sirohi, Zuohua Huang, Anh Tuan Hoang, Rafael Luque, Agis M.Papadopoulos, R. Sakthivel, Xuan Phuong Nguyen. Liquid hot water as sustainable biomass pretreatment technique for bioenergy production: A review. Bioresource Technology, 2022, 344, Part A, 126207.

4) Honghuan Wu, Wuchuan Sun, Zuohua Huang, Yingjia Zhang. Biphasic sensitization effect of NO2 on n-C4H10 auto-ignition. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 237, 111844.

5) Geyuan Yin, Jinglun Li, Meng Zhou, Chaojun Wang, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of ammonia/dimethyl ether/air under high temperature and elevated pressure. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 238, 111915.

6) Jingchun Cai, Hua Qiu, Cha Xiong, Zuohua Huang. Experimental investigation on the propagation process of combustion wave in the annular channel filled with acetylene-air-oxygen mixture. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2022, 108, 797-817.

7) Geyuan Yin, Chaojun Wang, Meng Zhou, Yajie Zhou, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of ammonia/syngas/air at a high temperature and elevated pressure. Frontiers in Energy, 2022, 16, 263-276.

8) Anh Tuan HoangSwarup Kumar Nayak,Sandro Nižetić, Aykut I. Ölçer, Van Ga Bui, Kanit Wattanavichien, Van Viet Pham, Zuohua Huang. Influence of injection timing on performance and combustion characteristics of compression ignition engine working on quaternary blends of diesel fuel, mixed biodiesel, and t-butyl peroxide. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 333, 130160.

9) Qian Zhao, Yingjia Zhang, Henry Curran, Zuohua Huang. Theoretical correction on the existing understanding for hydroper-oxymethyl formate dissociation in DME low temperature oxidation. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 241, 112065.

10) Longjuan Ji, Jinhua Wang, Guangya Hu, Runze Mao, Weijie Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on structure and blow-off characteristics of NH3/CH4 co-firing flames in a swirl combustor. Fuel, 2022, 314, 123027.

11) Hoang Anh Tuan, Pandey Ashok, Huang Zuohua, Luque Rafael, ng kim hoong, Papadopoulos Agis, Chen Wei-Hsin, Rajamohan Sakthivel, Hadiyanto H, Nguyen Xuan, Pham Van. Catalyst-based synthesis of 2,5-dimethylfuran from carbohydrates as sustainable biofuel production route. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10(10): 3079-3115.

12) Meng Yang, Caiyue Liao, Zhaoming Mai, Chenglong Tang, Wenhu Han, Wang Cheng, Siyu Xu, Heng LI, Zuohua Huang. The auto-ignition behaviors and thermal safety of the composite modified double base propellants under rapid heating. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2022, 47(1): e202100102.

13) Geyuan Yin, Xin Lv, Erjiang Hu, Bo Xiao, Huixian Shen, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and chemical kinetic study on the low temperature oxidation of 1,3-butadiene in a jet-stirred reactor. Fuel, 2022, 315, 123168.

14) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame instability of n-hexane, n-octane, and n-decane in spherical expanding flames. Journal of Thermal Science, 2022, in press.

15) Longjuan Ji, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Runze Mao, Guangya Hu, Zuohua Huang. Effect of confinement ratio on flame structure and blow-off characteristics of swirl flames. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2022, 135, 110630.

16) Wu Yingtao, Kong Xiangdong, Fei Lihan, Mai Zhaoming, Liu Jie, Tang Chenglong, Huang Zuohua. A numerical study towards fast intermediate species sampling with high accuracy in rapid compression machine. Energy and Fuels, 2022, 36(23): 14361-14370.

17) Runze Mao, Jinhua Wang, Wenjun Lin, Wang Han, Weijie Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of flow-flame interactions on the stabilization of ultra-lean swirling CH4/H2/air flames. Fuel, 2022, 319, 123619.

18) Zhiyu Yan, Chen Song, Qianqian Li , Yulei Niu, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. A Study on the Effect of Initial Temperature on Combustion Characteristics of RDX Based on the Optical Diagnosis Methods. Energies, 2022, 15, 2421.

19) Qianqian Li, Chen Song, Zhiyu Yan, Xun Cao, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of NH3/H2/N2 addition on soot morphology and nanostructure in laminar co-flow ethylene diffusion flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(36): 16321-16334.

20) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Yun Zhao, Bo Xiao, Wu Jin, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and model investigation on the low temperature oxidation and pyrolysis of 2-methyl-2-butene in a jet-stirred reactor. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 242, 112174.

21) Hongchao Dai, Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Shouguo Su, Haoran Zhao, Zuohua Huang. Measurement and scaling of turbulent burning velocity of ammonia/methane/air propagating spherical flames at elevated pressure. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 242, 112183.

22) HS Zhen, H Liu, ZL Wei, ZH Liu, XY Liu, ZH Huang. A study on acoustically modulated bunsen flame and its impingement heat transfer. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(26): 13168-13177. 

23) Yiming Li, Jinhua Wang, Hao Xia, Rongyuan Ju, Jinlu Yu, Haibao Mu, Zuohua Huang. Effect of DC Electric Field on Turbulent Flame Structure and Turbulent Burning Velocity. Combustion Science and Technology, 2021, in press.

24) Shiyi Pan, Jinhua Wang, Bin Liang, Hao Duan, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on the effects of hydrogen injection strategy on the combustion and emissions of a hydrogen/gasoline dual fuel SI engine under lean burn condition. Applied Sciences, 2022, 12, 10549.

25) Haoran Zhao, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Zhijian Bian, Hongchao Dai, Zuohua Huang. Development of a fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber and turbulence measurement with PIV. Frontiers in Energy, 2021, in press.

26) Qianqian Li, Xun Gao, Yilan Yang, Xinyi Zhang, Zhiyu Yan, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and chemical kinetic study on the laminar flame characteristics of the blends of n-propanol and isooctane at elevated temperature and pressure. Fuel, 2022, 324, Part C, 124680.

27) Shiyi Pan, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of hydrogen injection strategy on the hydrogen mixture distribution and combustion of a gasoline/hydrogen SI engine under lean burn condition. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47(57): 24069-24079.

28) Yingtao Wu, Zhi Wang, Lihan Fei, Yang Guo, Yang Liu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. An experimental study on the hypergolic process enhanced by pre-ignition heat release: [AMIM][DCA]/furfuryl alcohol blends reacting with white fuming nitric acid. Fuel, 2022, 326, 125103.

29) Wuchuan Sun, Qian Zhao, Henry Curran, Fuquan Deng, Ningbo Zhao, Hongtao Zheng, Song Kang, Xiong Zhou, Yuanhao Deng, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Further insights into the core mechanism of H2/CO/NOx reaction system. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 245, 112308.

30) Fu Hang, Huang Zuohua, Tang Chenglong, Zhang Peng. Effect of mixer structure on liquid film formation and NOx conversion efficiency in Selective Catalytic Reduction system. Fuel, 2022, 330, 125405.

31) Zhiyu Yan, Xun Cao, Jun Tao, Kun Zhang, Qianqian Li, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. The Influence of AP Addition on the Combustion Characteristics of TKX-50 with Concentrated Ignition. Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, 2022, 47, e202200050.

32) Hao Zhao, Yingjia Zhang, Qian Zhao, Yang Li, Zuohua Huang. A Theoretical Study of H-abstractions of Benzaldehyde by H, O3(P), 3O2, OH, HO2, and CH3 Radicals: ab-initio Rate Coefficients and Their Uncertainty Quantification. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part: Part A: Molecules, Clusters, and Aerosols, Section: A: Combustion and Plasma Chemistry. 2022, 126, 41, 7523-7533.

33) Chuansheng Liu, Jun Yu, Chenglong Tang, Peng Zhao, Zuohua Huang. The liquid film behaviors created by an inclined jet impinging on a vertical wall. Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34, 112107.

34) Zhaoming Mai, Yang Liu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental Investigation on Auto-Ignition Characteristics of Kerosene Spray Flames. Machines, 202210(8), 601

35) Haoran Zhao, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Zhijian Bian, Hongchao Dai, Zuohua Huang*. Development of a fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber and turbulence measurement with PIV. Frontiers in Energy, 2022, 16(6): 973-987.




1) Litian Su, Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Deirect numerical simulation of DME auto-ignition with temperature and composition stratification under HCCI engine conditions. Fuel, 285, 119073.

2) HS Zhen, ZW Wang, XY Liu, ZL Wei, CW Leung, ZH Huang. A study on impingement heat transfer characteristic of a partially premixed flame on double-concentric-pipe burner. Fuel, 2021, 284, 119018.

3) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Jiawei Xu, Qunfei Gao, Haochen Zhan, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on the low temperature oxidation and pyrolysis of formic acid in a jet-stirred reactor. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 223, 77-87.

4) Cheng Zhan, Hongliang Luo, Feixiang Chang, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata, Chenglong Tang, Zehao Feng, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on the droplet characteristics in the spray tip region: Comparison between the free and impinging spray. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science. 2021, 121, 110288.

5) Jundie Chen, Xue Jiang, Xiaokang Qin, Zuohua Huang. Effect of hydrogen blending on the high temperature auto-ignition of ammonia at elevated pressure. Fuel, 2021, 287, 119563.

6) Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Runze Mo, Wenjun Lin, Bingxuan Lin, Yun Wu, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study of compact swirl flames with lean premixed CH4/H2/air mixtures at stable and near blow-off conditions. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2021, 122, 110294.

7) Meng Yang, Caiyue Liao, Chenglong Tang, Siyu Xu, Heng Li, Zuohua Huang. The auto-ignition behaviors of HMX/NC/NG simulated by heating in a rapid compression machine. Fuel, 2021, 288, 119693.

8) Qianqian Li, Liangchen Wang, Zhiyu Yan, Hu Liu, Zuohua Huang. Effects of CO/H2/N2 addition on the soot morphology and nanostructure in laminar co-flow ethylene diffusion flames. Journal of the Energy Institute, 2021, 95: 8-17.

9) Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Wenjun Lin, Guohua Li, Zhiyun Hu, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of hydrogen enrichment on flame boardening of turbulent premixed flames in thin reaction regime. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(1): 1210-1218.

10) Weijie Zhang, Suleyman Karaca, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Jeroen van Oijen. Large eddy simulation of the Cambridge/Sandia stratified flame with flamelet-generated manifolds: effects of non-nuity Lewis numbers and stretch.  Combustion and Flame, 2021, 227, 106-119.

11) Yingtao Wu, Snehasish Panigrapy, Amrit B Sahu, Chaimae Bariki, Joachim Beeckmann, Jinhu Liang, Ahmed A E Mohamed, Shijun Dong, Cheng Long Tang, Heinz Pisch, Zuohua Huang, Nenry J Curran. Understanding the antagonistic effect of methanol as a component in surrogate fuel models: A case study of methanol/n-heptane mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 226, 229-242. 

12) Meng Zhang, Zhenhua An, Xutao Wei, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Houzhang Tian. Emission analysis of the CH4-NH3-air co-firing fuels in a model combustor. Fuel, 2021, 291, 120135.

13) Guohua Li, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Planar laser-induced fluorescence thermometry in moderate-temperature flow using OH from photo-dissociation of water vapor. Experiments in Fluids, 2021, 62(3), 55.

14) Wenjun Lin, Jinhua Wang, Runze Mao, Weijie Zhang, Hao Xia, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of DME addition on turbulent flame structure in lean premixed CH4/DME/air mixtures. Fuel, 2021, 294, 120443.

15) Ruihan Ge, Erjiang Hu, Jinfeng Ku, Jiaxing Li, Zuohua Huang. Study on pressure oscillation characteristics in a constant volume bomb. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 229, 111387.

16) Geyuan Yin, Franklin Goldsmith, Xi Chen, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Rate coefficients for 1,2-dimethyl-allyl+HO2/O2 and the implications for 2-methyl-2-butene combustion. Combustion and Falme, 2021, 230, 111433.

17) Runze Mao, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Zhenhua An, Wenjun Lin, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of high hydrogen enrichment on the outer-shear-layer flame of confined lean premixed CH4/H2/air swirl flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(34): 17969-17981.

18) Yu Xie, Zhilong Wei, Teng Zhou, Haishen Zhen, Zihao Liu, Zuohua Huang. Combustion characteristics of small laminar flames in an upward decreasing magnetic field. Energies, 2021, 14, 1969.

19) Meng Zhang, Zhenhua An, Liang Wang, Xutao Wei, Bieerlan Jianayihan, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Houzhang Tan. The regulation effect of methane and hydrogen on the emission characteristics of ammonia/air combustion in a combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(40): 21013-21035.

20) Wenlin Huang, Qian Zhao, Zuohua Huang, Henry J. Curran, Yingjia Zhang. A kinetics and dynamics study on the auto-ignition of dimethyl ether at low temperatures and low pressures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(1): 601-609.

21) Meng Zhang, Xutao Wei, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Houzhang Tan. The blow-off and transient characteristics of co-firing ammonia/methane fuels on a swirl combustor. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(4): 5181-5190.

22) Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Zhijian Bian, Haoran Zhao, Zhongshan Li, Zuohua Huang. Propagation of Darrieus-Landau unstable laminar and turbulent expanding flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2021, 38(2): 2013-2021.

23) Yaohui Nie, Jinhua Wang, Shilong Guo, Weijie Zhang, Wu Jin, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. POD analysis of turbulent premixed flame structure at elevated pressures. Combustion Science and Technology, 2021, 193(6): 944-966.

24) Xutao Wei, Meng Zhang, Zhenhua An, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Houzhang Tan. Large eddy simulation on flame topologies and the blow-off characteristics of ammonia/air flame in a model gas turbine combustor. Fuel, 2021, 298, 120846. 

25) Yang Li, Jin Wu, Qian Zhao, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Theoretical study of an undisclosed reaction class: Direct H-atom abstraction from allylic radicals by molecular oxygen. Energies, 2021, 14, 2916. 

26) Yibo Gao, Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Pd nanoparticles supported on CeO2 nanospheres as efficient catalysts for dehydrogenation from additive-free formic acid at low temperature. Fuel, 2021, 302, 121142.

27) Haoran Zhao, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Hongchao Dai, Zhijian Bian, Zuohua Huang. Flame structure, turbulent burning velocity and its unifoed scaling for lean syngas/air turbulent expanding flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46(50): 25699-25711.

28) Meng Yang, Caiyue Liao, Chenglong Tang, Peng Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Jianling Li. The auto-ignition behaviors and risk assessments of double-base propellant containing different 1,1-diamino-2,2-dinitroethene particle sizes under rapid heating. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 234, 111627.

29) Zhenhua An, Meng Zhang, Weijie Zhang, Runze Mao, Xutao Wei, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Houzhang Tan. Emission prediction and analysis on CH4/NH3/air swirl flames with LES-FGM method. Fuel, 2021, 304, 121370.

30) Haoran Zhao, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Hongchao Dai, Zuohua Huang. Turbulent burning velocity and its unified scaling of butanol/air mixtures. Fuel, 2021, 306, 121738.

31) Wuchuan Sun, Yingjia Zhang, Yang Li, Zuohua Huang. Hierarchical auto-ignition and structure-reactivity trneds of C2-C4 1-alkenes. Energies, 2021, 14, 5759.

32) Xiaoyang Guo, Erjiang Hu, Xiaotian Li, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on ignition characteristics of RP-3 jet fuel using nanosecond pulsed plasma dischage. Energies, 2021, 14, 6463.

33) Qianqian Li, Liangchen Wang, Rong Yang, Zhiyu Yan, Chen Song, Zuohua Huang. Synergistic effect of mixing ethylene with propane on the morphology and nanostructure of soot in laminar co-flow diffusion flames. Journal of Energy Engineering, 2021, 148(1) 04021062.

34) Erjiang Hu, Meng Zhou, Zhaohua Xu, Yun Zhao, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on low temperature oxidation and 2 pyrolysis of iso-octane and gasoline. Fuel, 2021, in press.

35) Junjie Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Qunfei Gao, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Shock Wave Propagation and Flame Kernel Morphology in Laser-Induced Plasma Ignition of CH4/O2/N2 Mixture. Energies, 2021, 14, 7976.

36) Yang Liu, Yang Guo, Lihan Fei, Zhaoming Mai, Chenglong Tang, Zhi Wang, Yingtao Wu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on hypergolic ignition and non-ignition for dicyanamide-based ionic liquids at low impact velocity conditions. Energetic Materials Frontiers, 2021, 2(4): 241-248.

37) Ju Rongyuan, Wang Jinhua, Xia Hao, Li Yiming, Mu Haibo, Zhang Guanjun, Huang Zuohua. Effect of rotating gliding Arc plasma on lean blow-off limit and flame structure of bluff body and swirl-stabilized premixed flames. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2021, 49(11): 3554-3565.





1) Quan Zhou, Chun Shun Cheung, Chun Wah Leung, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang. Explosion characteristics of bio-syngas at various compositions and dilutions in a confied vessel. Fuel, 2020, 259, 116254.

2) Zhilong Wei, Haisheng Zhen, Chun Wah Leung, Chun Shun Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Effects of H2 addition on the formation and emissions of CO/NO2/NOx in the laminar premixed biogas-hydrogen flame undergoing the flame-wall interaction. Fuel, 2020, 259, 116257.

3) Cheng Zhan, Shangqing Tong, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. The spray vaporization characteristics of gasoline/diethyl ether blends at sub- and super-critical conditions. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 164, 114453.

4) Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Zhijian Bian, Haoran Zhao, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Self-similar propagation and turbulent burning velocity of CH4/H2/air expending flames: Effect of Lewis number. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 212: 1-12.

5) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Meng Zhou, Haochen Zhan, Zuohua Huang. Kinetics study on isomerization and decomposition for alkenyl radicals of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1-pentene. Energy and Fuels, 2020, 34(11): 14757-14767.

6) Sijie Luo, Fanhua Ma, Roopesh Kumar Mehra, Zuohua Huang. Deep insights of HCNG engine research in China. Fuel, 2020, 263, 116612.

7) Meng Zhang, Min Chang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Flame dynamics analysis of highly hydrogen-enrichment premixed turbulent combustion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(1): 1072-1083.

8) Meng Yang, Zhongquan Gao, Chenglong Tang, Zhaohua Xu, Zenhua Gao, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Nitromethane pyrolysis and oxidation in a jet reactor: Experimental measurements, kinetic model validation abd interpretation. Fuel, 2020, 263, 116491.

9) Yingtao Wu, Nan Xu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Ignition delay time measurement and kinetic modeling of furan and comparative studies of 2,3-dihydrofuran and tetrahydrofuran at low to intermediate temperature by using a rapid compression machine. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 213: 226-236.

10) Qian Zhao, Feng Zhang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Pressure-dependence kinetics on benzoyl radical + O2 and its implications for low temperature oxidation of benzaldehyde. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 214, 139-151.

11) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Turbulent flame structure characteristics of hydrogen enriched natural gas with CO2 dilution. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(39): 20426-20435.

12) Wuchuan Sun, Wenlin Huang, Xiaokang Qin, Yuanhao Deng, Yudong Kang, Weikang Peng, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Water impact on the auto-ignition of kerosene/are mixtures under combustor ralevant conditions. Fuel, 2020, 267, 117484.

13) Zhongquan Gao, Meng Yang, Chenglong Tang, Feiyu Yang, Ke Yang, Fuquan Deng, Zuohua Huang. Measurements of the high temperature ignition delay times and kinetic modeling study on oxidation of nitromethane. Combustion Science and Technology, 2020, 192(2): 313-334.

14) HS Zhen, TY Zhang, ZL Wei, ZH Chen, Zuohua Huang, CW Leung. An experimental examination of the role of turbulence on flame impingement heat transfer. Fuel, 2020, 268, 117329.

15) ZL Wei, CW Leung, HS Zhen, Zuohua Huang, CS Cheung. Effects of unburned gases velocity on the CO/NO2/NOx formation and overall emissions of laminar biogas-hydrogen impinging flame. Energy, 2020, 196, 117146.

16) Shilong Guo, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of hydrogen enrichment on swirl/bluff-body lean premixed flame stablization. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(18): 10906-10919.

17) Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Wenjun Lin, Runza Mo, Hao Xia, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of differential diffusion on turbulent lean premixed hydrogen enriched flames through structure analysis. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(18): 10920-10931.

18) Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Zhijian Bian, Haoran Zhao, Hongchao Dai, Zuohua Huang. On transition to self-similar acceleration of spherically expanding flames with cellular instabilities. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 215, 364-375.

19) Yingtao Wu, Chenglong Tang, Meng Yang, Quande Wang, Zuohua Huang, Peng Zhao, Henry J. Curran. Evaluation of non-iedal piston stopping effects on the "adiabatic cire" and ignition delay time simulation in rapid compression machines. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 218, 229-233.

20) HS Zhen, ZW Wang, XY Liu, ZL Wei, ZH Huang, CW Leung. An experimental study on the effect of DC electric field on impinging flame. Fuel, 2020, 274, 117846.

21) Memgxiao, Qin, Chenglong Tang, Yang Guo, Peng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Subpatterns of thin sheet splash on a smooth surface. Langmuir, 2020, 36(18): 4917-4922.

22) Fuquan Deng, Ningbo Zhao, Yingtao Wu, Jialong Yang, Chenglong Tang, Zhiming Li, Hongtao Zheng, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study of the promoting-effect of nitrogen dioxide on the ethane autoignition in a rapid compression machine. Energy & Fuels, 2020, 34(6): 7509-7521.

23) Wu Jin, Chaowei Tang, Feiyu Yang, Yingjia Zhang, Jianzhong Li, Zuohua Huang. Theoretical kinetics of hydrogen abstraction and hydroperoxyl addition reaction of 3-hexene by hydroperoxyl radicals. Fuel, 2020, 277, 118191.

24) Zhilong Wei, Haisheng Zhen, Chun Wah Leung, Chun Shun Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Formations and emissions of CO/NO2/NOx in the laminar premixed biogas-hydrogen flame undergoing the flame-wall interaction: Effects of the variable CO2 proportion. Fuel, 2020, 276, 118096.

25) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Qunfei Gao, Jiawei Xu, Meng Zhou, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of formic acid. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 220, 73-81.

26) Mengxiao Qin, Chenglong Tang, Yang Guo, Peng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Spreading and bouncing of liquid alkane froplets upon impacting on a heated surface. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2020, 159, 120076.

27) Yang Li, Qian Zhao, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Mani S Sarathy. A systematic theoretical analysis for Waddington mechanism in the low-temperature oxidation of butene and butanol isomers. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, Part A, 2020, 124(27): 5646-5656.

28) Meng Yang, Chenglong Tang, Yue Yang, Yingtao Wu, Zuohua Huang. The Auto-ignition boundary of ethylene/nitrous oxides a promising monopropellant. Combustion and Flame, 2020, 221, 64-73.

29) Zhilong Wei, Zhen He, Haisheng Zhen, Xiaosong Zhang, Zhenbin Chen, Zuohua Huang. Kinetic modeling investigation on the coupling effects of H2 and CO2 addition on the laminar flame speed of hydrogen enriched biogas. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(51): 27891-27903.

30) Guohua Li, Jingfeng Ye, Zhenrong Zhang, Bolang Fang, Sheng Wang, Jun Shao, Zhiyuan Hu, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Velocimetry and thermometry in intermediate temperature flow using planar laser-induced fluorescence of OH from photo-dissociation of H2O. Experiments in Fluids, 2020, 61, Article number 183.

31) Xin Lu, Erjiang Hu, Sage Kokjohn, Qunfei Gao, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study of laminar flame characteristics of H2/O2/diluent flame under elevated pressure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(56): 32508-32520.

32) Xue Jiang, Fuquan Deng, Youshun Pan, Wuchuan Sun, Zuohua Huang. Effect of hydrogen enrichment on the auto-ignition of lean n-pentane/hydrogen mixtures at elevated pressures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45(55): 31105-31117. 





1) Erjiang Hu, Shihan Huang, Jinfeng Ku, Zuohua Huang. Combustion characteristics of natural gas injected into a constant volume vessel. Fuel, 2019, 235: 1146-1158.

2) Yang Liu, Chenglong Tang, Yingtao Wu, Meng Yang, Zuohua Huang. Low temperature ignition delay times measurements of 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene by rapid compression machine. Fuel, 2019, 241: 637-645.

3) Quan Zhou, Chun Shun Cheung, Chun Wah Leung, Xiaotian Li, Xiaojie Li, Zuohua Huang. Effects of fuel composition and initial pressure on laminar flame speed of H2/CO/CH4 bio-syngas. Fuel, 2019, 238: 149-158.

4) Jinbao Zheng, Jinhua Wang, Zhibo Zhao, Duidui Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of equivalence ratio on combustion and emissions of a dual-fuel natural gas engine ignited by diesel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 146: 738-751.

5) Meng Zhang, Advitya Patyal, Zuohua Huang, Moshe Matalon. Morphology of wrinkles along the surface of turbulent Bunsen flames-Their amplification and advection due to the Darrieus-Landau instability. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(2): 2335-2343.

6) Fuquan Deng, Yingjia Zhang, Wuchuan Sun, Wenlin Huang, Qian Zhao, Xiaokang Qin, Feiyu Yang, Zuohua Huang. Towards a kinetic understanding of the NOx sensitization effect on unsaturation hydrocarbons: A case study of ethylene/nitrogen dioxide mixtures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(1): 719-726.

7) Jinhua Wang, Yiming Li, Hao Xia, Rongyuan Ju, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of hydrogen enrichment and electric field on lean CH4/air flame propagation at elevated pressure. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(30): 15962-15972.

8) Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Jinfeng Ku, Zhenhua Gao, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene and iso-octane in laminar flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2019, 37(2): 1709-1716.

9) Zhongquan Gao, Meng Yang, Chenglong Tang, Feiyu Yang, Xiangshan Fan, Rui Yang, Zuohua Huang. Ab initio calculation for isomerization reaction kinetics of nitrobenzene isomers. Chemical Physics Letters, 2019, 715: 244-251.

10) HS Zhen, ZL Wei, ZB Chen, MW Xiao, LR Fu, ZH Huang. An experimental comparative study of the stabilization mechanism of biogas-hydrogen diffuision flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(3): 1988-1997.

11) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Shihan Huang, Jingfeng Ku, Xiaojie Li, Zhaohua Xu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic studyo f diisobutylene isomers in laminar flames. Energy, 2019, 170: 537-545.

12) Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Shilong Guo, Qianqian Yu, Wu Jin, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of intergral scale on Darrieus-Landau instability in turbulent premixed flames. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 2019, 103(1): 225-246.
13) Yaohui Nie, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Min Chang, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Flame brush thickness of lean turbulent premixed Bunsen flame and the memory effect on its development. Fuel, 2019, 242: 607-616.

14) Qian Zhao, Yingjia Zhang, Wuchuan Sun, Fuquan Deng, Feiyu Yang, Zuohua Huang. Chemical kinetics of H-atom abstraction from ethanol by HO2: Implication for combustion modeling. Journal of Physical Chemistry A, 2019, 123: 971-982.

15) Qianqian Li, Fuquan Deng, Hu Liu, Yemiao Zhang, Zhiyu Yuan, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of laminar flame characteristics of higher mixed alcohols. Fuel Processing Technology, 2019, 188: 30-42.

16) Xiaotian Li, Erjiang Hu, Xin Lu, Shihan Huang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and Kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of hexene isomers and n-hexane. Fuel, 2019, 243: 533-540.

17) Xin Meng, Erjiang Hu, Kwanghee Yoo, Andre Louis Boehman, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and numerical study on auto-ignition characteristics of the PODE/diesel blends. Energy and Fuels, 2019, 33(3): 2538-2546.

18) Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Wenjun Lin, Shilong Guo, Meng Zhang, Guohua Li, Jingfeng Ye, Zuohua Huang. Measurement on flame structure of bluff body anf swirl stabilized premixed flames close to blow-off. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 104: 15-25.

19) Yemiao Zhang, Qianqian Li, Hu Liu, Zhiyu Yan, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study on the laminar flame speeds of methanolcyclohexane-methanol and toluene-methanol blends at elevated temperatures. Fuel, 2019, 245: 534-543.

20) Xin Lu, Erjiang Hu, Shihan Huang, Zhaohua Xu, Xiaojie Li, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on laminar burning velocities of 1,3-butadiene at pressures up to 1.5 MPa. Fuel, 2019, 246: 222-231.

21) Zhenhua Gao, Erjiang Hu, Zhaohua Xu, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Effect of 2,5-dimethylfuran addition on ignition delay times of n-heptane at high temperatures. Frontier in Energy, 2019, 13(3): 464-473.

22) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Advitya Patyal. Darrieus-Landau instability effect on the flame topology and brush thickness for premixed turbulent flames. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 158: 113606.

23) Quan Zhou, Chun Shun Cheung, Chun Wah Leung, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang. Effects of diluents on laminar burning characteristics of bio-syngas at elevated pressure. Fuel, 2019, 248: 8-15.

24) Jinhua Wang, Shilong Guo, Weijie Zhang, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of hydrogen ratio on turbulent flame structure of oxyfuel syngas at high pressure up to 1.0 MPa. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(21): 11185-11193.

25) HS Zhen, L Zhang, ZL Wei, ZB Chen, ZH Huang. A numerical study of the heat transfer of an impinging round-jet methane Bunsen flame. Fuel, 2019, 251: 730-738.

26) Yang Liu, Chenglong Tang, Cheng Zhan, Yingtao Wu, Meng Yang, Zuohua Huang. Low temperature auto-ignition characteristics of methylcyclohexane/ethanol bend fuels: Ignition delay time measurement and kinetic analysis. Energy, 2019, 177: 465-675.

27) Yingtao Wu, Meng Yang, Chenglong Tang, Yang Liu, Peng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Promoting "adiabatic core" approximation in a rapid compression machine by an optimized creviced poston design. Fuel, 2019, 251:328-340.

28) Mengxiao Qin, Chenglong Tang, Shangqing Tong, Peng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. On the role of liquid viscosity in affecting droplet spreading on a smooth solid surface. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2019, 117: 53-63.

29) Zhenhua Gao, Erjiang Hu, Zhaohua Xu, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Low to intermediate temperature oxidation studies of dimethoxymethane/n-heptane blends in a jet storred reactor. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 207: 20-35.

30) Qianqian Li, Zhiyu Yan, Wenjun Lin, Haoran Zhao, Hu Liu, Zuohua Huang. Explosion characteristics of cyclic hydrocarbon-air mixtures at elevated temperature and pressures. Fuel, 2019, 253: 1048-1055.

31) Meng Yang, Yingtao Wu, Chenglong Tang, Yang Liu, Zuohua Huang. Auto-ignition behaviors of nitromethane in diluted oxygen in a rapid compression machine: Critical conditions for ignition, ignition delay times measurement, and kinetic modeling interpretation. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019, 377: 52-61.

32) Jinhua Wang, Min Chang, Meng Zhang, Guohua Li, Shuang Chen, Zuohua Huang. Flame front identification and its effect on turbulent premixed flames topology at high pressure. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 107: 107-117.

33) Wu Jin, Scott Steinmetz, Mrinal Juddoo, Matthew Dunn, Zuohua Huang, Assaad Masri. Effects of shear inhomogeneities on the structure of turbulent premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 208: 63-78.

34) Zehao Feng, Chenglong Tang, Yue Yin, Peng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Time-resolved droplet size and velocity distributions in a dilute region of a high-pressure pulsed diesel spray. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2019, 133: 745-755.

35) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Min Chang, Zuohua Huang. Turbulent flame topology and the wrinkled structure characteristics of high pressure syngas flames up to 1.0 MPa. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(30): 15973-15984.

36) Yongliang Xie, Xujiang Wang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Explosion behavior predictions of syngas/air mixtures with dilutions at elevated pressures: Explosion and intrinstic flame instability parameters. Fuel, 2019, 255, 115724.

37) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Zhenhua Gao, Zhaohua Xu, Zuohua Huang. Comprehensive experimental and kinetic study of 2,4,4-trimethyl-1-pentene oxidation. Combustion and Flame, 2019, 208: 246-261.

38) Xin Lu, Erjiang Hu, Zhaohua Xu, Ruilhan Ge, Zuohua Huang. Non-monotonic behavior of flame instability of 1,3-butadiene/O2/He/mixture up to 1.5 MPa. Fuel, 2019, 255, 115749.

39) Zhilong Wei, Haisheng Zhen, Jin Fu, Chunwah Leung, Chunshun Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and numerical study on the laminar burning velocity of hydrogen enriched biogas mixture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(39): 22240-22249.

40) Shilong Guo, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Bingxuan Lin, Yun Wu, Senbin Yu, Guohua Li, Zhiyun Hu, Zuohua Huang. An investigation on bluff-body and swirl stablized flames near lean blowoff with PIV/PLIF measurements and LES modelling. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 160, 114021. 

41) Erjiang Hu, Zhaohua Xu, Zhenhua Gao, Jiawei Yu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and numerical study on laminar burning velocity of gasoline and gasoline surrogate. Fuel, 2019, 256, 115933.

42) Jinhua Wang, Qianqian Li, Weijie Zhang, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Development of a turbulence scale controllable burner and turbulent flame structure analysis. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2019, 109, 109898.

43) Jinhua Wang, Yaohui Nie, Weijie Zhang, Shilong Guo, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Netwprk topology of turbulent premixed Bunsen flame at elevated pressure and turbulence intensity. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2019, 94, 105361.

44) Huan Xi, Yaling He, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Transient response of waste heat recovery system for hydrogen production and other renewable energy utilization. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(30): 15985-15996.

45) Haoran Zhao, Jinhua Wang, Zhijian Bian, Xiao Cai, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang. Onset of cellular instability and self-acceleration propagation of syngas spherically expanding flames at elevated pressures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2019, 44(51): 27995-28006.

46) Qianqian Li, Zhiyu Yan, Yemiao Zhang, Liangchen Wang, Hu Liu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on the explosion characteristics of methylcyclohexane/toluene-air mixtures with methanol addition at elevated temperatures. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019, 132: 126-133.

 47) Zehao Feng, Shangqing Tong, Chenglong Tang, Cheng Zhan, Keiya Nishida, Zuohua Huang. Decoupling the effect of surface tension and viscosity on spray characteristics under different anbient pressures: the near nozzle behavior and the macroscopic characteristics. Atomization and Spray, 2019, 29(7): 629-654.

48) Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Shilong Guo, Qianqian Yu, Wu Jin, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang.  Effects of integral scale on Darrieus–Landau instability in turbulent premixed flames. Flow Turbulence and Combustion, 2019, 103, 225-246.




 1) Jianling Li, Xinyan Weng, Chenglong Tang, Qinghua Tang, Wei Fan, Zuohua Huang. The ignition process measurements and performance evaluations for hypergolic ionic liquid fuels: [EMIm] and [BMIm][DCA]. Fuel, 2018, 215: 612-618.

2) Cheng Zhan, Zehao Feng, Wen'an Ma, Mingzhi Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental investigation on effect of ethanol and diethyl ether addition on the spray characteristics of diesel-biodiesel blends under high injection pressure. Fuel, 2018, 218: 1-11.

3) Xue Jiang, Youshun Pan, Wuchuan Sun, Yang Liu, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube study of the auto-ignition of n-butane-hydrogen mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32(1): 809-821.

4) Zhenhua Gao, Erjiang Hu, Zhaohua Xu, Shihan Huang, Jinfeng Ku, Zuohua Huang. Measurements and kinetic study on the ignition delay time of dimethyl carbonate/n-heptane/oxygen/argon mixtures. Combustion Science and Technology, 2018, 190(5): 933-948.

5) Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Xiao Cai, Yaohui Nie, Zuohua Huang. Investigation of the heat loss effect on cellular flames via proper orthogonal decomposition. Combustion Science and Technology, 2018, 190(5): 803-822.

6) Jianling Li, Wei Fan, Xinyan Wen, Chenglong Tang, Xuhui Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental observation of hypergolic ignition of superbase-derived ionic liquids. Journal of Propulsion and Power, 2018, 34(1): 125-132

7) Zhanbo Si, Nagisa Shimasaki, Keiya Nishida, Youichi Ogata, Min Guo, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on impingement spray and near-field spray characteristics under high-pressure cross-flow conditions. Fuel, 2018, 218: 12-22.

8) Erjiang Hu, Jinfeng Ku, Geyuan Yin, Chanchan Li, Xin Lv, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame characteristics and kinetic modeling study of ethyl tertiary butyl ether compared with methyl tertiary butyl ether, ethanol, iso-octane and gasoline. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 3935-3945.

9) Xue Jiang, Fuquan Deng, Feiyu Yang, Zuohua Huang. Ignition delay characteristic and kinetic investigation of DME/n-pentane binary mixture: Interpreting the effect of equivalence ratio and DME blending. Energy & Fuels, 2018, 3814-3823.

10) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Zhenhua Gao, Feiyu Yang, Zuohua Huang. Kinetics of H-abstraction and addition of 2,4,4-trimethyl-2-pentene by OH rodical. Chemical Physics Letters, 2018, 696: 125-134.

11) Weijie Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Qianqian Yu, Wu Jin, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Investigation of the fuel effects of burning velocity and flame structure of turbulent premixed flames based on leading points concept. Combustion Science and Technology, 2018, 190(8): 1354-1376.

12) Liming Li, Jinhua Wang, Hao Xia, Chao Li, Meng Zhang, Xiaomin Wu, Zuohua Huang, Haibo Mu. Effect of DC electric field on laminar premixed spherical propagation flame at elevated pressures up to 0.5 MPa. Combustion Science and Technology, 2018, 190(11): 1900-1922.

13) Chenglong Tang, Xinyi Wong, Shangqing Tong, Qinghua Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Jianling Li. Coulomb explosion and ultra-fast hypergolic ignition of borohydride-rich ionic liquids with WFNA. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 194: 464-471.

14) Shilong Guo, Jinhua Wang, Xutao Wei, Senbin Yu, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Numerical simulation of premixed combustion using the modified dynamic thickened flame model coupled with multi-step reaction mechanism. Fuel, 2018, 233: 346-353.

15) Haoran Zhao, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Zemin Tian, Qianqian Li, Zuohua Huang. A comparison study of cyclopentane and cyclohexane laminar flame speeds at elevated pressures and temperatures. Fuel, 2018, 234: 238-246.

16) Chongwen Zhou, Yang Li, Ultan Burke, Colin Banyon, Kieran Somers, Shuiting Ding, Saadat Khan, Joshua W. Hargis, Travis Sikes, Olivier Mathieu, Eric L. Petersen, Mohammnd, AlAbbad, Aamir Farooq, Youshun Pan, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Joseph Lopez, Zachary Loparo, Subith S. Vasu, Henry J. Curran. An experimental and chemical kinetic modeling study of 1, 3-butadiene combustion: Ignition delay time and laminar flame speed measurements. Combustion and Falme, 2018, 197: 423-438.

17) Yingtao Wu, Yang Liu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Ignition delay times measurement and kinetic modeling studies of 1-heptane, 2-heptane and n-heptane at low to intermediate temperatures by using a rapid compression machine. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 197: 30-40.

18) Feiyu Yang, Yingjia Zhang, Wuchuan Sun, Qian Zhao, Wenlin Huang, Xiaokang Qin, Zuohua Huang. Theoretical kinetics of hydrogen abstraction and addition reactions of 3-hexene by meO(3p) and CH3. Combustion and Flame, 2018, 197: 449-462.

19) Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Haoran Zhao, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Flame morphology and self-acceleration of syngas spherically expanding flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43(36): 17531-17541.

20) Yongliang Xie, Xuejiang Wang, Haiquan Bi, Yanping Yuan, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Bo Lei. A comprehensive review on laminar spherically premixed flame propagation of syngas. Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 181: 97-114.

21) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Xiaojie Li, Jinfeng Ku, Zhenhua Gao, Zuohua Huang. Theoretical study of abstraction and addition reactions of 2, 4, 4-trimethyl-1-pentene with H and O(3p) radical. Energy and Fuels, 2018, 332(11): 11831-11842.

22) Jinhua Wang, Yaohui Nie, Xiao Cai, Shilong Guo, Weijie Zhang, Yongliang Xie, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on the highly negative curved syngas Bunsen flame and the critical local Larlovitz number when tip opening. Fuel, 2018, 215: 429-437.




1) Nan Xu, Yingtao Wu, Chenglong Tang, Peng Zhang, Xin He, Zhi Wang, Zuohua Huang. Ignition delay times of low alkylfurans at high pressures using a rapid compression machine. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36(1): 323-332.

2) Yu Cheng, Erjiang Hu, Xin Lv, Xiaotian Li, Jing Gong, Qianqian Li, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study of pentene isomers and n-pentane in laminar flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36(1): 1279-1286.

3) Erjiang Hu, Zhenhua Gao, Yang Liu, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on ignition delay times of dimethoxy methane/n-heptane blends. Fuel, 2017, 189: 350-357.

4) Xue Jiang, Fuquan Deng, Feiyu Yang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. High temperature ignition delay time of DME/n-pentane mixture under fuel lean condition. Fuel, 2017, 191: 77-86.

5) Chenglong Tang, Li Guan, Zehao Feng, Cheng Zhan, Ke Yang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of di-n-butyl ether blending with soyean-biodiesel on the near-nozzle spray characteristics. Fuel, 2017, 191: 300-311.

6) Zhilong Wei, Haishen Zhen, Chun Wah Leung, Chun Shun Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and numerical study on the emission characterstics of laminar biogas-hydrogen impinging flame. Fuel, 2017, 195: 1-11.

7) Erjiang Hu, Geyuan Yin, Zhenhua Gao, Yang Liu, Jinfeng Ku, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on 2,4,4-trimethyl 1-pentene ignition behind reflected waves. Fuel, 217, 195: 97-104.

8) Feiyu Yang, Fuquan Deng, Youshun Pan, Yingjia Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Kinetics of hydrogen abstraction and addition reactions of 3-hexene by OH radicals. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. 2017, 121(9): 1877-1889.

9) Xiaotian Li, Erjiang Hu, Xin Mend, Xin Lv, Zuohua Huang. Effect of Lewis number on nonlinear extropolation methods from expanding spherical flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 2017, 189(9): 1510-1526.

10) Xue Jiang, Youshun Pan, Yang Liu, Wuchuan Sun, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of lean n-butane-hydrogen-argon mixtures at elevated pressures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(17): 12645-12656.

11) Chenglong Tang, Zehao Feng, Cheng Zhan, Wen'an Ma, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on the effect of injector nozzle K facor on the spray characteristics in a constant volume chamber: near nozzle spray initiation, the macroscopic and droplets statistics. Fuel, 2017, 202: 583-594.

12) Xue Jiang, Zemin Tian, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube measurement and simulation of DME/n-butane/air mixtures: Effect of blending in the NTC region. Fuel, 2017, 203: 316-329.

13) Xiaotian Li, Erjiang Hu, Xin Meng, Xin Lv, Zuohua Huang. High-temperature oxidation kinetics of iso-octane/nbutanol blends-air mixture. Energy, 2017, 133: 443-454.

14) ZL Wei, CW Leung, CS Cheung, ZH Huang. Single-valued prediction of markers on heat release rate for laminar premixed biogas-hydrogen and methane-hydrogen flames. Energy, 2017, 133: 35-45.

15) Fuquan Deng, Youshun Pan, Wuchuan Su, Feiyu Yang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. An ignition delay time and chemical kinetic study of ethane sensitized by nitrogen dioxide. Fuel, 2017, 207:389-401.

16) Chenglong Tang, Mengxiao Qin, Xinyan Weng, Xuhui Zhang, Peng Zhang, Jianli Li, Zuohua Huang. Dynamics of droplet impact on solid surface with different roughness. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2017, 96: 56-69.

17) Ke Yang, Long Wei, Chun Shun Cheung, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. The effect of pentanol addition on the particulate emission characteristics of a biodiesel operated diesel engine. Fuel, 2017, 209: 132-140.

18) Erjiang Hu, Yulin Chen, Zihang Zhang, Jyh-Yuan Chen, Zuohua Huang. Ab inito calculation and kinetic modeling study of diethyl ether ignition with application toward a skeletal mechanism for CI engine modeling. Fuel, 2017, 209: 509-520 .

19) Xin Lu, Erjiang Hu, Xiaojie Li, Jinfeng Ku, Zuohua Huang. Non-monotonic behaviors of laminar burning velocities of H2/O2/He mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(34): 22036-22045.

20) Geyuan Yin, Erjiang Hu, Feiyu Yang, Jinfeng Ku, Zuohua Huang. Kinetics of H abstraction and addition reactions of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1-pentene by OH radical. Fuel, 2017, 210: 646-658.

21) Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Haoran Zhao, Yongliang Xie, Zuohua Huang. Effects of initiation radius selection and Lewis number on extraction of laminar burning velocities from spherically expending flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 2017, 190(2): 286-311.

22) Fuquan Deng, Youshun Pan, Wuchuan Sun, Feiyu Yang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study of the effects of nitrous oxide and oxygen on ethylene ignition. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(12): 14116-14128.

23) Erjiang Hu, Hongzhen Tian, Xinyi Zhang, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang. Explosion characteristics of n-butanol/iso-octane-air mixtures. Fuel, 2017, 188: 90-97.




1) Jin Fu, CW Leung, Zuohua Huang, Yang Zhang, CS Cheung. Systematic investigation of premixed methane/air turbulent impinging flames. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2016, 70: 335-340.

2) HS Zhen, CW Leung, CS Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Combustion characteristic and heating performance of stochiometric biogas-hydrogen-air flame. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 92: 807-814.

3) Nan Xu, Jing Gong, Zuohua Huang. Review on production methods and fundamental combustion characteristics of furan derivatives. Renewable & Sustainable Energy Review, 2016, 54: 1189-1121.

4) HS Zhen, CW Leung, CS Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Emission of impinging biogas/air premixed flame with hydrogen enrichment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(3): 2087-2095.

5) Feiyu Yang, Fuquan Deng, Zemin Tian, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic modeling swtudy on trans-3-hexene ignition behind reflected shock tube. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(1): 706-716.

6) Ke Yang, Cheng Zhan, Xingjia Man, Li Guan, Zuohua Huang, Chenglong Tang. Shock tube study on propanal ignition and the comparison to propane, n-propanol and i-propanol. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(1): 717-724.

7) Yu Cheng, Erjiang Hu, Fuquan Deng, Feiyu Yang, Yingjia Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition characteristics of 1-pentene and n-pentene. Fuel, 2016, 172: 263-272.

8) Fuquan Deng, Feiyu Yang, Peng Zhang, Youshun Pan, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. An ignition delay time and chemical kinetic study of methane and nitrous oxide mixtures at high temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(2): 1415-1427.

9) Jinhua Wang, Yongliang Xie, Xiao Cai, Yaohui Nie, Cheng Peng, Zuohua Huang. Effect of H2O addition on the flame front evolution of syngas spherical propagation flames. Combustion Science and Technology, 2016, 188(7): 1054-1072.

10) Jing Miao, Chun Wah Leung, Chun Shun Cheung, Zuohua Huang, Wu Jin. Effect of H2 addition on OH distribution of LPG/air circunferential inverse diffusion flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(22): 9653-9663.

11) Chenglong Zhang, Jiaquan Zhao, Peng Zhang, Chunl K Law, Zuohua Huang. Dynamics of internal jets in the merging of two droplets of unequal sizes. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2016, 795: 671-689.

12) Nan Xu, Chenglong Tang, Zhi Wang, Xin He, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study of 2,5-dimethylfuran and 2-methylfuran in a rapid compression machine: Comparison of the ignition delay times and reactivity at low to intermediate temperature. Combustion and Flame, 2016, 168: 216-227.

13) Z.L. Wei, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. Effects of H2 and CO2 addition on the heat transfer characteristics of laminar biogas-hydrogen Bunsen flame. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2016, 98: 359-366.

14) Z.L. Wei, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. Effects of equivalence ratio, H2 and CO2 addition on the heat release characteristics of premixed biogas-hydrogen flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(15): 6567-6580.

15) Xingjia Man, Chun Shun Cheung, Zhi Wang, Long Wei, Zuohua Huang. Influence of engine load and speed on regulated and unregulated emissions of a diesel engine fueled with diesel fuel blended with waste oil biodiesel. Fuel, 2016, 180: 41-47.

16) Fuquan Deng, Feiyu Yang, Peng Zhang, John Bugler, Henry Curran, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Towards a kinetic understanding of the NOx promoting-effect on ignition of coalbed methane: A case study of methane/nitrogen dioxide mixtures. Fuel, 2016, 181: 188-198.

17) Miao J, Leung CW, Cheung CS, Huang ZH, Zhen HS. Effect of hydrogen addition on overall pollutant emissions of inverse diffusion flame. Energy, 2016, 104: 284-294.

18) Feiyu Yang, Fuquan Deng, Peng Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Yu Cheng, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study on ignition characteristics of 1-hexene and 2-hexene behind shock waves. Energy & Fuels, 2016, 30(6): 5130-5137.

19) Jun Mo, Chenglong Tang, Junge Li, Li Guan, Zuohua Huang. Experimental investigation on the effect of n-butanol blending on spray characteristics of soybean biodiesel in a common-rail fuel injection system. Fuel, 2016, 182: 391-401.

20) Erjiang Hu, Lun Pan, Zhenhua Gao, Xin Lv, Xin Meng, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube study on ignition delay of hydrogen and evaluation of various kinetic model. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(30): 13261-13280.

21) Qianqian Li, Wu Jin, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame characteristics of C1-C5 primary alcohol-isooctane blends at elevated temperature. Energies, 2016, 9(7): 511.

22) ZH Zhen, J Miao, CW Leung, CS Cheung, ZH Huang. A study on the effects of air preheat on the combustion and heat transfer characteristics of Bunsen flames. Fuel, 2016, 184: 50-58.

23) Yongliang Xie, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Zuohua Huang. Pressure history in the explosion of moist syngas/air mixtures. Fuel, 2016, 185: 18-25.

24) Qianqian Li, Weijia Zhang, Wu Jin, Yongliang Xie, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame characteristics and kinetic modeling study of methanol-isooctane blends at elevated temperatures. Fuel, 2016, 184: 836-845.

25) Xiao Cai, Jinhua Wang, Weijie Zhang, Yongliang Xie, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of oxygen enrichment on laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of CH4/O2/N2 flames at elevated pressurtes. Fuel, 2016, 184: 466-473.

26) Xin Meng, Erjiang Hu, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of styrene and ethylbenzene. Fuel, 2016, 185: 916-924.

27) Zehao Feng, Chen Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Ke Yang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental investigation on spray and atomization characteristics of diesel/gasoline/ethanol blends in high pressure common rail injection system. Energy, 2016, 112: 549-561.

28) Feiyu Yang, Fuquan Deng, Yongshun Pan, Peng Zhang, Zemin Tian, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Ab initio kinetics for isomerization reaction of normal-chain hexadiene isomers. Chemical Physics Letters, 2016, 663: 66-73.

29) Fuquan Deng, Youshun Pan, Wuchuan Sun, Feiyu Yang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study of the effects of nitrous oxide and oxygen on ethylene ignition. Energy & Fuels, 2017, 31(12): 14116-14128.

30) Yongliang Xie, Jinhua Wang, Xiao Cai, Zuohua Huang. Self-acceleration of cellular flames and laminar flame speed of syngas/air mixtures at elevated pressures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41(40): 18250-18258.




1) Li Guan, Chenglong Tang, Ke Yang, Jun Mo, Zuohua Huang. Effect of di-n-butyl ether blending with soybean-biodiesel on spray and atomization characteristics in a common-rail fuel injection system. Fuel, 2015, 140:116-125

2) Erjiang Hu, Yizhen Chen, Zihang Zhang, Lun Pan, Qianqian Li, Yu Cheng, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of dimethyl carbonate at high temperatures. Fuel, 2015, 140: 626-632.

3) Jing Gong, Shuang Zhang, Yu Chen, Zuohua Huang. A comparative study of n-propanol, propanal, acetone and propane in laminar flames. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2015, 35(1): 795-801.

4) Zhongquan Gao, Benzheng Li, Chunyan Li, Bing Liu, Shenghua Liu, Xiaomin Wu, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on characteristics of ion current in methanol direct-injection spark-ignition engine. Fuel, 2015, 141: 185-191..

5) Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Senbin Yu, Yaohui Nie, Yongliang Xie, Zuohua Huang. Cellular instabilities of non-adiabatic laminar flat methane/hydrogen oxy-fuel flames highly diluted with CO2. Fuel, 2015, 143: 38-46.

6) Lu Sun, Yifu Liu, Ke Zeng, Rui Yang, Zuohua Huang. Combustion performance and stability of a dual-fuel diesel-natural-gas engine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2015, 229(2): 235-246.

7) Yu Cheng, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Kinetic analysis of H2 addition effect on the laminar flame parameters of the C1-C4 n-alkane-air mixtures: From one step overall assumption to detailed reaction mechanism. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(1): 703-718.

8) Zemin Tian, Chenglong Tang, Yingjia Zhang, Jiaxiang Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube and kinetic modeling study of cyclopentane and methylcyclopentane. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(1): 428-441.

9) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Wu Jin, Zuohua Huang, Hideaki Kobayashi. Estimation of 3D flame surface density and global fuel consumption rate from 2D PLIF images of turbulent premixed flames. Combustion and Flame, 2015, 162(5): 2087-2097.

10) Jinhua Wang, Zhilong Wei, Senbin Yu, Wu Jin, Yongliang Xie, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of stretch and preferential diffusion on tip opening of laminar premixed Bunsen flames of syngas/air mixtures. Fuel, 2015, 148: 1-8.

11) Lun Pan, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Kinetic modeling study of hydrogen addition effects on ignition characteristics of dimethyl ether at engine-relevant conditions. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(15): 5221-5235.

12) Zemin Tian, Yingjia Zhang, Feiyu Yang, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study on auto-ignition characteristics of methylcyclohexane and cyclohexane. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(4): 2658-2695

13) Zihang Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Cheng Peng, Xin Meng, Yizhen Chen, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube measurements and kinetic study of methyl acetate ignition. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(4): 2719-2728.

14) Lun Pan, Erjiang Hu, Zemin Tian, Feiyu Yang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of dimethyl ether at high temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(5): 3495-3506.

15) Lun Pan, Erjiang Hu, Jiaxiang Zhang, Zemin Tian, Xiaotian Li, Zuohua Huang. A high pressure shock tube study of 1-butene oxidation and its comparison with n-butane and alkenes. Fuel, 2015, 157: 21-27.

16) Erjiang Hu, Xiaotian Li, Xin Meng, Yizhen Chen, Yu Cheng, Yongliang Xie, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame speeds and ignition delay times of methane-air mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures. Fuel, 2015, 158: 1-10.

17) Jinhua Wang, Senbin Yu, Meng Zhang, Wu Jin, Zuohua Huang, Shuang Chen, Hideaki Kobayashi. Burning velovity and statistical flame front structure of turbulent flames at high pressure up to 1.0 MPa. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2015, 68: 196-204.

18) Yifu Liu, Lu Sun, Bo Yang, Lei Zhou, Ke Zeng, Zuohua Huang. Effect of the pilot quantity on the ultrafine particle emissions and the combustion characteristics of a biodiesel pilot-ignited natural-gas dual-fuel engine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2015, 229(8): 1060-1069.

19) Huibin Yu, Erjiang Hu, Yu Cheng, Ke Zeng, Xinyi Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of hydrogen addition on the laminar flame speed and Markstein length of premixed dimethyl ether-air flames. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(7): 4567-4575.

20) Erjiang Hu, Yizhen Chen, Zihang Zhang, Xiaotian Li, Yu Cheng, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on ethane ignition delay times and evaluation of chemical kinetic models. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(7): 4557-4566.

21) Nan Xu, Chenglong Tang, Xin Meng, Xiangshan Fan, Zemin Tian, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on the ignition delay times of 2.5-dimethylfuran and the comparison with 2-methylfuran and furan. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(8): 5372-5381.

22) Wu Jin, Jinhua Wang, Yaohui Nie, Senbin Yu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental study on flame instabilities of laminar premixed CH4/H2/air non-adiabatic flat flame. Fuel, 2015, 159: 599-606.

23) Qianqian Li, Yu Cheng, Zuohua Huang. Comparative assessment of the explosion characteristics of alcohol-air mixtures. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2015, 37: 91-100.

24) Qianqian Li, Chenglong Tang, Yu Cheng, Li Guan, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame speeds and kinetic modeling of n-pentanol and its isomers. Energy & Fuels, 2015, 29(8): 5334-5348.

25) Lun Pan, Sage Kokjohn, Zuohua Huang. Development and validation of a reduced chemical kinetic model for DME combustion. Fuel, 2015, 160: 165-177.

26) Qianqian Li, Yu Cheng, Wu Jin, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study on the explosion characteristics of pentanol isomer-air mixtures. Fuel, 2015, 161: 78-86.

27) Z.L. Wei, H.S. Zhen, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. Heat transfer characteristics and the optimized heating distance of laminar premixed biogas-hydrogen Bunsen flame impinging on a flat surface. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2015, 40(45): 15723-15731.

28) Erjiang Hu, Yizhen Chen, Yu Cheng, Xin Meng, Huibin Yu, Zuohua Huang. Study on the effect of hydrogen addition to dimethyl ether homogeneous charge compression ignition combustion engine. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 2015, 7(6): 063121.

29) Zihang Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Cheng Peng, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of diethyl ether. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 2015, 8(1): 111-118.




1Lun Pan, Erjiang Hu, Jiaxiang Zhang, Zihang Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of DME/H2/O2/Ar mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2014, 161(3): 735-747.

2) Chenglong Tang, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Progress in combustion investigations of hydrogen enriched hydrocarbons. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2014, 30: 195-216.

3) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Yongliang Xie, Zhilong Wei, Wu Jin, Zuohua Huang, Hideaki Kobayashi. Measurement on instantaneous flame front structure of turbulent premixed CH4-H2-air flames. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2014, 52: 288-296.

4) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Norimasa Iida. Numerical study of effects of the intermediates and initial conditions on flame propagation in a real HCCI engine. Thermal Science, 2014, 18(1): 79-87.

5) Luong Dinh Thi, Yingjia Zhang, Jin Fu, Zuohua Huang, Yang Zhang. Study on ignition delay of multi-component syngas using shock tube. The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2014, 92(5): 861-870.

6) Jing Gong, Yingjia Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Emission characteristics of iso-propanol- gasoline blends in a spark-ignition engine combined with EGR. Thermal Science, 2014, 18(1): 269-277.

7) Yongliang Xie, Jinhua Wang, Nan Xu, Senbin Yu, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study on the effects of CO2 and H2O dilution on laminar burning characteristics of CO/H2/air mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(7): 3450-3458.

8) Xingjia Man, Chenglong Tang, Jiaxiang Zhang, Yingjia Zhang, Lun Pan, Zuohua Huang, Chung K Law. An experimental and kinetic modeling study of n-propanol and i-propanol ignition at high temperatures. Combustion and Flame, 2014, 161(3): 644-654.

9) Lun Pan, Yingjia Zhang, Jiaxiang Zhang, Zemin Tian, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube and kinetic study of C2H6/H2/O2/Ar mixtures at elevated pressures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(11): 6024-6033.

10) Luong Dinh Thi, Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube study on ignition delay of multi-component syngas mixtures-Effect of equivalence ratio. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(11): 6034-6043.

11) Lun Pan, Yingjia Zhang, Zemin Tian, Feiyu Yang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of iso-butanol. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(3): 2160-2169

12) Meng Zhang, Jinhua Wang, Wu Jin, Zhilong Wei, Zuohua Huang, Hideaki Kobayashi. Flame front structure of turbulent premixed flames of syngas oxyfuel mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(10): 5176-5185

13) Xinyi Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Huibin Yu, Zuohua Huang. Flame front instabilities of outwardly expanding iso-octane/n-butanol-air flames at elevated pressures. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(3): 2258-2266

14) Xue Jiang, Yingjia Zhang, Xingjia Man, Lun Pan, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and modeling study on ignition delay times of DME/n-butane blends at pressure of 2.0 MPa. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(3): 2189-2198

15) Liangjie Wei, Chunshun Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Effect of n-pentanol addition on the combustion performance and emission characteristics of a direct-injection diesel engine. Energy, 2014, 70(1): 172-180

16) Wang, Jinhua, Wei Zhilong, Zhang Meng, Huang Zuohua. A review of engine application and fundamental study on turbulent premixed combustion of hydrogen enriched natural gas. Science China-Technological Sciences, 2014 57 (3):445-451

17) Yongliang Xie, Jinhua Wang, Nan Xu, Senbin Yu, Zuohua Huang. Thermal and chemical effects of water addition on laminar burning velocity of syngas. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(5): 3391-3398.

18) Hao Wu, Erjiang Hu, Huibin Yu, Qianqian Li, Zihang Zhang, Yizhen Chen, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and numerical study on the laminar flame speed of n-butane/DME-air mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(5): 3412-3419.

19) Jin Fu, Chenglong Tang, Wu Jin, Zuohua Huang. Effect of preferential diffusion and flame stretch on flame structure and laminar burning velocity of syngas Bunsen flame usaing OH-PLIF. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(23): 12187-12193 

20) Li Guan, Chenglong Tang, Ke Yang, Jun Mo, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of di-n-butyl ether at high temperature. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(8): 5489-5496.

21) J. Miao, C.W. Leung, Zuohua Huang, C.S. Cheung, Huibin Yu, Yongliang Xie. Laminar burning velocities, Markstein lengths and flame thickness of liquefied petroleum gas with hydrogen enrichment. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(24): 13020-13030

22) Chenglong Tang, Shuang Zhang, Zhanbo Si, Zuohua Huang, Kongming Zhang, Zebing Jin. High methane natural gas/air explosion characteristics in confined vessel. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2014, 278: 520-528

23) H.S. Zhen, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. Characterization of biogas-hydrogen premixed flames using Bunsen burner. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(25): 13292-13299

24) Huibin Yu, Erjiang Hu, Yu Cheng, Xinyi Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and numerical study on laminar flame characteristics of dimethyl ether-methane-air mixtures. Fuel, 2014, 136: 37-45

25) Zemin Tian, Yingjia Zhang, Lun Pan, Jiaxiang Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube study on eythylcyclohexane ignition. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(8): 5505-5514.

26) Lun Pan, Erjiang Hu, Fuquan Deng, Zihang Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of pressure and equivalence ratio on the ignition characteristics of dimethyl ether-hydrogen mixture. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(33): 19212-19223.

27) H.S. Zhen, C.W. Leung, C.S. Cheung, Z.H. Huang. Characterization of biogas-hydrogen premixed flames using Bunsen burner. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2014, 39(25): 13292-13299.

28) Zhongquan Gao, Bing Liu, Hui Gao, Xiangwen Meng, Chenglong Tang, Xiaomin Wu, Zuohua Huang. The correlation between the cylinder pressure and the ion current fitted with a Gaussian algorithm for a spark ignition engine fuelled with natural-gas-hydrogen blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2014, 228(12): 1480-1490.

29) Zemin Tian, Yingjia Zhang, Feiyu Yang, Lun Pan, Xuejiang, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study of experimental and modeling of cyclohexane, ethylcyclohexane and n-propylcyclohexane. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(11): 7159-7167.

30) Zihang Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Lun Pan, Yizhen Chen, Jing Gong, Zuohua Huang. Shock tuibe measurements and kinetic study of methyl propanoate ignition. Energy & Fuels, 2014, 28(11): 7194-7202.

31) Haobao Mu, Lin Yu, Ping Li, Meng Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Guanjun Zhang. Study on the effects of dielectric barrier discharge on the Bunsen flame structure with OH-PLIF technique. IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, 2014, 42(10): 2332-2333.

32) Zuohua Huang, Jinhua Wang, Erjiang Hu, Chenglong Tang, Yingjia Zhang. Progress in hydrogen enriched hydrocarbons combustion and engine applications. Frontiers in Energy, 2014, 8(1): 73-80




1) Jiaxiang Zhang, Shaodong Niu, Yingjia Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Xue Jiang, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and modeling study of the auto-ignition of n-heptane/n-butanol mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160(1): 31-39.

2) Olawole Abiola Kuti, Jinyu Zhu, Keiya Nishida, Xiangang Wang, Zuohua Huang. Characterization of spray and combustion processes of biodiesel fuel injected by diesel engine common rail system. Fuel, 2013, 104: 838-846.

3) Gen Chen, Wu Yu, Xue Jiang, Zuohua Huang, Zhandong Wang, Zhanjun Cheng. Experimental and modeling study on the influences of methanol on premixed fuel-rich n-heptane flames. Fuel, 2013, 103: 467-472.

4) Xingjia Man, Chenglong Tang, Liangjie Wei, Lun Pan, Zuohua Huang. Measurements and kinetic study on ignition delay times of propane/hydrogen in argon diluted oxygen. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(5): 2523-2530.

5) Erjiang Hu, Xue Jiang, Zuohuo Huang, Jiaxiang Zhang, Zhihang Zhang, Xingjia Man. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of DME/n-butane/O2/Ar mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(1): 530-536.

6) Qianqian Li, Erjiang Hu, Xinyi Zhang, Yu Cheng, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame speeds and flame instabilities of pentanol isomers-air mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(2): 1141-1150

7) Jinhua Wang, Futoshi Matsuno, Masaki Okuyama, Yasuhiro Ogami, Hideaki Kobayashi, Zuohua Huang. Flame front characteristics of turbulent premixed flames diluted with CO2 and H2O at high pressure and high temperature. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34(1): 1429-1436.

8) Ruijun Zhu, Haiyan Miao, Xibin Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effects of fuel constituents and injection timing on combustion and emission characteristics of a compression-ignition engine fueled with diesel-DMM blends. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2013, 34(2): 3013-3020.

9) Chenglong Tang, Liangjie Wei, Xingjia Man, Jiaxiang Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Chung K Law. High temperature ignition delay times of C5 parimay achohols. Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160(3): 520-529.

10) Jin Fu, Chenglong Tang, Wu Jin, Luong Dinh Thi, Zuohua Huang, Yang Zhang. Study on laminar flame speed and flame structure of syngas with varied compositions using OH-PLIF and spectrograph. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(3): 1636-1643.

11) Xiaolei Gu, Guo Li, Xue Jiang, Zuohua Huang, Chia-fon Lee. Experimental study on performance and emissions in a low-speed light-duty diesel engine fuelled with n-butanol-diesel and iso-butanol-diesel blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2013, 227(2): 261-271.

12) Xinyi Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Huibin Yu, Qianqian Li, Jing Gong, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame characteristics of iso-octane/n-butanol blends-air mixtures at elevated temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(4): 2327-2335.

13) Jiaxiang Zhang, Lun Pan, Jun Mo, Jing Gong, Zuohua Huang. A shock tube and kinetic modeling study of n-butanal oxidation. Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160(9): 1541-1549.

14) Jiaxiang Zhang, Lun Pan, Zihang Zhang, Jun Mo, Zuohua Huang. A shock tube and kinetic modeling study of iso-butanal oxidation. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(5): 2804-2810.

15) Chenglong Tang, Xingjia Man, Liangjie Wei, Lun Pan, Zuohua Huang. Further study on the ignition delay times of propane-hydrogen-oxygen-argon mixtures : effect of equivalence ratio. Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160(11): 2283-2290.

16) Meng Zhang, Junhua Wang, Yongliang Xie, Zuohua Huang. Flame structure and burning velocity of turbulent premixed CH4-H2-air flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2013, 38(26): 11421-11428.

17) Qianqian Li, Erjiang Hu, Yu Cheng, Zuohua Huang. Measurements of laminar flame speeds and flame instability analysis of 2-methyl-1-butanol-air mixtures. Fuel, 2013, 112: 263-271.

18) Jiaxiang Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Zihang Zhang, Lun Pan, Zuohua Huang. Comparative study on ignition delay times of C1-C4 alkanes. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(6): 3480-3487.

19) Jinhua Wang, Meng Zhang, Yongliang Xie, Zuohua Huang, Taku Kudo, Hideaki Kobayashi. Correlation of turbulent burning velocity of syngas-air mixtures at high pressure up to 1.0 MPa. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013, 50: 90-96.

20) Jinhua Wang, Meng Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Taku Kudo, Hideaki Kobayashi. Measurement of the instantaneous flame front structure of syngas turbulent premixed flames at high temperature. Combustion and Flame, 2013, 160(11): 2434-2441.

21) Erjiang Hu, Zihang Zhang, Lun Pan, Jiaxiang Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and modeling study on ignition delay times of dimethyl ether-propane-oxygen-argon mixtures at 20 bar. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(7): 4007-4013.

22) Jiaxiang Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Lun Pan, Zihang Zhang, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube measurements of ignition delay times for the ethane/dimethyl ether blends. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(10): 6247-6254.

23) Xue Jiang, Yingjia Zhang, Xingjia Man, Lun Pan, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube measurements and kinetic study on ignition delay times of lean DME/n-butane blends at elevated pressures. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(10): 6238-6246.

24) Yongliang Xie, Jinhua Wang, Meng Zhang, Jing Gong, Wu Jin, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and numerical study on laminar flame characteristics of methane oxyfuel mixtures highly diluted with CO2. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(10): 6231-6237.

25) Liangjie Wei, Chenglong Tang, Xingjia Man, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube experiments and kinetic modeling of 2-methylfuran ignition at elevated pressure. Energy & Fuels, 2013, 27(12) 7808-7816.

26) Zhongquan Gao, Xiaomin Wu, Zuohua Huang, Sadami Yoshiyama, Eiji Tomita, Kazuki Yamazaki, Tao Higashi. The interdenpency of miximal pressure and ion current in a spark-ignition engine. International Journal of Engine Research, 2013, 14: 320-332.




1) Wu Yu, Gen Chen, Zuohua Huang, Zhaoyang Chen, Jing Gong, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhandong Wang, Fei Qi. Experimental and kinetic modeling study of methyl butanoate and methyl butanoate/methanol flames at different equivalence ratios and C/O ratios. Combustion and Flame, 2012, 159(1): 44-54.

2) Yingjia Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Liangjie Wei, Jiaxiang Zhang, Chung K Law. Experimental and modeling study on ignition delays of lean mixtures of methane hydrogen oxygen argon at elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame, 2012, 159(3): 918-931.

3) Xiaolei Gu, Zuohua Huang, Jian Cai, Jing Gong, Chia-fon Lee. Emission characteristics of a spark-ignition engine fuelled with gasoline-n-butanol blends in combination with EGR. Fuel, 2012, 93: 611-617.

4) Xuesong Wu, Qianqian Li, Jin Fu, Zuohua Huang, Ritchie Daniel, Guohong Tian, Hongmin Xu. Laminar burning characteristics of 2-5-dimethylfuran and iso-octane blend at elevated temperatures and pressures. Fuel, 2012, 95:234-240.

5) YF Liu, B Liu, K Zeng, Z Huang, L Zhou, J Sun. Performance and emission characteristics of a hydrogen-enriched compressed natural gas direct injection spark ignition engine diluted with exhaust gas recirculation. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, J Automobile Engineering, 2012, 226(1): 123-132

6) Qianqian Li, Jin Fu, Xuesong Wu, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Laminar flame speeds of DMF-iso-octane-air-N2/CO2 mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(2): 917-925.

7) Gen Chen, Wu Yu, Jin Fu, Zuohua Huang, Jiuzhong Yang, Zhandong Wang, Hanfeng Jin, Fei Qi. Experimental and modeling study of the effects of adding oxygenated fuels to premixed n-heptane flames. Combustion and Flame, 2012, 159(7): 2324-2335.

8) Liangjie Wei, Chenglong Tang, Xingjia Man, Xue Jiang, Zuohua Huang. High temperature ignition delay times and kinetic study of furan. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(4): 2075-2081.

9) Jiaxiang Zhang, Liangjie Wei, Xingjia Man, Xue Jiang, Yingjia Zhang, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and modeling study of n-butanol oxidation at high temperature. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(6): 3368-3380.

10) Zhaoyang Chen, Chenglong Tang, Jin Fu, Xue Jiang, Qiamqian Li, Liangjie Wei, Zuohua Huang. An experimental and numerical study on EGR simulants: Thermal and chemical kinetics on laminar flame speeds. Fuel, 2012, 102: 567-573.

11) Erjiang Hu, Xue Jiang, Zuohua Huang, Norimasa Iida. Numerical study on the effects of diluents on laminar burning velocity of methane-air flames. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 27(6): 4242-4252.

12) Erjiang Hu, Jin Fu, Lun Pan, Xue Jiang, Zuohua Huang, Yang Zhang. Experimental and numerical study on the effect of composition on laminar burning velocities of H2/CO/N2/CO2/air mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(23): 18509-18519.

13) Yingjia Zhang, Xue Jiang, Liangjie Wei, Jiaxiang Zhang, Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and modeling study on auto-ignition characteristics of methane/hydrogen blends under engine relevant pressure. International Journal Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(24): 19168-19176.

14) Chenglong Tang, Liangjie Wei, Jiaxiang Zhang, Xingjia Man, Zuohua Huang. Shock tube measurements and kinetic study on ignition delay times of Methane/DME mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2012, 26(11): 6720-6728.

15) Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Hideaki Kobayashi, Yasuhiro Ogami. Laminar burning velocities and flame characteristics of CO-H2-CO2-O2 mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2012, 37(24): 19158-19167.

16) Xiangang Wang, C.S. Cheung, Yage Di, Zuohua Huang. Diesel engine gaseous and particle emissions fueled with diesel-oxygenate blends. Fuel, 2012, 94: 317-323.




1) Ritchie Daniel, Guohong Tan, Hongming Xu, Miroslaw L. Wyszynski, Xuesong Wu, Zuohua Huang. Effect of spark timing and load on a DISI engine fuelled with 2,5-dimethylfuran. Fuel, 2011, 90(2): 449-458

2) Ruijun Zhu, CS Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on the gaseous and particulate emissions of a compression ignition engine fueled with diesel-dimethyl carbonate blends. Science of the Total Environment. 2011, 409(1): 523-529.

3) Xiangang Wang, Bin Zheng, Zuohua Huang, Ni Zhang, Yingjia Zhang, Erjiang Hu. Performance and emissions of a turbocharged high-pressure common rail engine operating on biodiesel-diesel blends. Proc. Inst Mech Eng., Part D, J Automobile Engineering, 2011, 225(1): 127-139.

4) Xuesong Wu, Zuohua Huang, Chun Jin, Xiangang Wang, Lixia Wei. Laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of 2,5-dimethylfuran-air premixed flames at elevated temperatures. Combustion Science and Technology, 2011, 158(3): 220-237.

5) Xiangang Wang, Zuohua Huang, Olawole Abiola Kuti, Wu Zhang, Keiya Nishida. An experimental investigation on spray, ignition and combustion characteristics of biodiesels. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2011, 33(2): 2071-2077.

6) Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang, C.K. Law. Determination, correlation, and mechanistic interpretation of the effects of hydrogen addition on laminar flame speeds of hydrocarbon-air mixtures. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2011, 33(1): 921-928.

7) Xuesong Wu, Zuohua Huang, Xiangang Wang, Chun Jin, Chenglong Tang, Lixia Wei, Chunk K. Law. Laminar burning velocities and flame instabilities of 2,5-dimethylfuran-air mixtures at elevated pressures. Combustion and Flame, 2011, 158(3): 539-546.

8) Zhang Yingjia, Huang Zuohua, Wang Xiangang, Xu Shengli. Shock tube study of ignition characteristics of kerosene-air mixtures. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(13): 1399-1406.

9) Xiangang Wang, Zuohua Huang, Wu Zhang, Olawole Abiola Kuti, Keiya Nishida. Effects of ultra-high injection pressure and micro-hole nozzle on flame structure and soot formation of impinging diesel spray. Applied Energy, 2011, 88(5): 1620-1628.

10) Ruijun Zhu, Chunshun Cheung, Zuohua Huang. Particulate emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with diesel-DMC blends. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2011, 45(2): 137-147.

11) Asok K. Sen, Jianjun Zheng, Zuohua Huang. Dynamics of cycle-to-cycle variations in a natural gas direct-injection spark-ignition engine. Applied Energy, 2011, 88(7): 2324-2334.

12) Xuesong Wu, Ritchie Daniel, Guohong Tian, Hongming Xu, Zuohua Huang, Dave Richardson. Dual-injection: the flexible bi-fuel concept for spark-ignition engines fuelled with various gasoline and biofuel blends. Applied Energy, 2011, 88(7): 2305-2314.

13) Ruijun Zhu, C.S. Cheung, Zuohua Huang, Xibin Wang. Experimental investigation on particulate emissions of a direct injection diesel engine fueled with diesel-diethyl adipate blends. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2011, 42(4): 264-276.

14) Ruijun Zhu, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao, Xiaofeng Yang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of dimethoxymethane and exhaust gas recirculation on combustion and emission characteristics of a direct injection diesel engine. Fuel, 2011, 90(5): 1731-1737.

15) Ruijun Zhu, C.S. Cheung, Zuohua Huang, Xibin Wang. Regulated and unregulated emissions from a diesel engine fueled with diesel fuel with diethyl adipate. Atmosphric Environment, 2011, 45(13): 2174-2181.

16) Asok K. Sen, Sudhir K. Ash, Bin Huang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of exhaust gas recirculation on the cycle-to-cycle variations in a natural gas hydrogen spark ignition engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 31(14-15): 2247-2253.

17) Haiyan Miao, Lin Lu, Zuohua Huang. Flammability limits of hydrogen-enriched natural gas. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(11): 6937-6947.

18) Zhang Yingjia, Huang Zuohua, Weiliangjie, Wang Xiangang, Niu Shaodong. Experimental and kinetic study on ignition delay times of methane-hydrogen-oxygen-nitrogen mixtures by shock tube. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2011, 56(26): 2853-2861.

19) Xiaolei Gu, Qianqian Li, Zuohua Huang, Ni Zhang. Measurements of laminar burning velocities and flame stability analysis of tert-butanol-air mixtures at elevated pressures. Energy Conversion and Management, 2011, 52(10): 3137-3146.

20) Jianjun Zheng, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Dezhong Ning, Jinhua Wang. Combustion and emission characteristics of a spray guided direct-injection spark-ignition engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2011, 36(17): 11155-11163.

21) Xiaolei Gu, Qianqian Li, Zuohua Huang. Laminar burning characteristics of diluted n-butanol-air mixtures. Combustion Science and Technology, 2011, 183(12):1360-1375.

22) Gao Zhongqan, Wu Xiaomin, Chao Man, Xianghui Meng, Huang Zuohua. The relationship between in-cylinder ion current signal and temperature at the electrode gap. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2011, 33-34: 15-23.

23) Ni Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Xiangang Wang, Bin Zheng. A comparative study of two kinds of biodiesels and biodiesel-DEE blends in a common rail diesel engine. SAE International Journal of Fuels and Lubricants, 2011, 4(1):96-109.

24) Asok K. Sen, Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Investigation the effect of hydrogen addition on cyclic variability in a natural gas spark ignition engine: wavelet multiresolution analysis. Applied Energy, 2011, 88(12): 4860-4866.

25) Yu Wu, Chen Gen, Huang Zuohua. Influence of cetane number improver on performance and emissions of a common-rail diesel engine fueled with biodiesel-methanol blend. Frontiers in Energy, 2011, 5, 412-418.

26) Zhenhua, Gao, Erjiang Hu, Zhaohua Xu, Geyuan Yin, Zuohua Huang. Effect of 2,5-dimethylfuran addition on ignition delay times of n-heptane at high temperatures. Frontiers in Energy, 2011, 13, 464-473.

27) Ni Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Xiangang Wang, Bin Zheng. Combustion and emission characteristics of a turbo-charged common rail diesel engine fuelled with diesel-biodiesel-DEE blends. Frontiers in Energy, 2011, 5, 104-114.

28) Geyuan Yin, Chaojun Wang, Meng Zhou, Yajie Zhou, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang. Experimental and kinetic study on laminar flame speeds of ammonia/syngas/air at a high temperature and elevated pressure. Frontiers in Energy, 2011, 16, 263-276.




1) Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang, Jiajun Zheng, Jinhua Wang. Study on nitrogen diluted propane-air premixed flames at elevated pressures and temperatures. Energy Conversion and Management, 2010, 51(2):288-295.

2) Yage Di, CS Chueng, Zuohua Huang. Experimental investigation of particulate emissions from a diesel engine fueled with ultralow-sulfur diesel fuel blended with Diglyme, Atmospheric Environment, 2010, 44(1):55-63.

3) Jing Gong, Chun Jin, Zuohua Huang, Xuesong Wu. Study on laminar burning characteristics of premixed high-octane fuel-air mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(2): 965-972.

4) Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of hydrogen addition on early flame growth of lean burn natural gas-air mixtures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(13): 7246-7252.

5) Zhang Ni, Di Yage, Huang Zuohua, Zhang Zhiyuan. Flame instability analysis of diethyl ether-air premixed mixtures at elevated pressures. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(3):314-320

6) Zheng Jianjun, Zhang Zhiyuan, Huang Zuohua, Hu Erjiang, Wang Jinhua. Numerical study on combustion of diluted methanol-air premixed mixtures. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(9):882-889

7) Zhaoyang Chen, Lixia Wei, Xiaolei Gu, Zuohua Huang, Tao Yuan, Yuyang Li, Zhenyu Tian. Study of low pressure premixed dimethyl/hydrogen/oxygen/argon laminar flames with photoionization mass spectrometry. Energy & Fuels, 2010, 24(3):1628-1635.

8) Zhu RJ, Wang XB, MiaoHY, Huang ZH. Combustion and particulate emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel-dimethoxymethane blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng., Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2010, 224(4): 521-531.

9) Xiangang Wang, Olawole Abiola Kuti, Wu Zhang, Keiya Nishida, Zuohua Huang. Effect of injection pressure on spray flame characteristics and combustion of biodiesel fuel injected by common rail injection system. Combustion Science and Technology, 2010, 182(10): 1369-1390.

10) Xiangang Wang, Zuohua Huang, Olawole Abiola Kuti, Wu Zhang, Keiya Nishida. Experimental and analytical study on biodiesel and diesel spray characteristics under ultra-high injection pressure. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 2010, 31(4): 659-666.

11) Feng Pengfei, Gu Xiaolei, Huang Zuohua. Measurement of laminar burning velocities of iso-butanol-air mixtures. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2010, 55(19): 2046-2056.

12) YF Liu, B Liu, L Liu, K Zeng, ZH Huang. Combustion characteristics and particulate emission in a natural gas direct-injection engine-effects of the injection timing and the spark timing. Proc Inst Mech Eng., Part D, J Automobile Engineering, 2010, 224(8): 1071-1080

13) Xiaolei Gu, Zuohua Huang, Si Wu, Qianqian Li. Laminar burning velocities and flame instabilities of butanol isomers-air mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2010, 157(12): 2318-2325.

14) Kuti OA, Wang XG, W Zhang, K Nishida, Huang ZH. Characteristics of the ignition and combustion of biodiesel fuel spray injected by a common-rail injection system for a direct-injection diesel engine. Proc. Inst. Mech. Eng., Part D, J Automobile Engineering, 2010, 224(12): 1581-1596.

15) Zhongquan Gao, Xiaomin Wu, Hui Gao, Bing Liu, Jie Wang, Zuohua Huang. Investigation on characteristics of ionization current in a spark-ignition engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends with BSS de-noising method. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2010, 35(23): 12918-12929.

16) Xiangang Wang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao. Experimental study on premixed combustion of spherically propagating methanol-air-nitrogen flames. Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2010, 4, 223-233.

17) Gen Chen, Norimasa Iida, Zuohua Huang. Numerical study of EGR effects on reducing the pressure rise rate of HCCI engine combustion. Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2010, 4, 376-385.

1) O.A. Kuti, W. Zhang, K. Nishida, X Wang, Z Huang. Effect of injection pressure on ignition, flame development and soot formation process of biodiesel fuel spray. SAE 2010-32-0053, 2010. Best Paper Award.




1) Di YG, Chueng CS, Huang ZH. Experimental study on particulate emission of a diesel engine fueled with blended ethanol-dodecanol-diesel. Journal of Aerosol Science, 2009, 40(2):101-112.

2) Di YG, Chueng CS, Huang ZH. Experimental investigation on regulated and unregulated emissions of a diesel engine fueled with ultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel blended with biodiesel from waste cooking oil. Science of the Total Environment, 2009, 407(2):835-846.

3) Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang, Chun Jin, Jiajia He, Jinhua Wang, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao. Explosion characteristics of hydrogen-nitrogen-air mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(1):554-561.

4) Jianjun Zheng, Jinhua Wang, Bing Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of compression ratio on the performance and combustion of a direct-injection natural gas engine. Proc Inst Mech Eng., Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2009, 223(1):85-98.

5) Tang Chenglong, Huang Zuohua, He Jiajia, Jin Chun, Wang Xibin, Miao Haiyan. Effects of N2 dilution on laminar burning characterstics of propane-air premixed flames. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(1): 151-156.

6) Hu Erjiang, He Jiajia, Huang Zuohua, Jin Chun, Wang Jie, Miao Haiyan, Wang Xibin, Jiang Deming. Measurements of laminar burning velocities and flame stability analysis for hydrogen-air-diluent mixtures. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(5):846-857.

7) Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Bing Liu, Jianjun Zheng, Xiaolei Gu, Bin Huang. Experimental investigation on performance and emissions of a spark-ignition engine fuelled with natural gas-hydrogen blends combined with EGR. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(1):528-539.

8) Haiyan Miao, Qi Jiao, Zuohua Huang, Deming Jiang. Measurement of laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of diluted hydrogen enriched natural gas. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(1):507-518.

9) Ruijun Zhu, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao, Zuohua Huang, Jian Gao, Deming Jiang. Performance and emission characteristics of diesel engines fueled with diesel-dimethoxymethane blends. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(1): 286-293.

10) Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Bing Liu, Jianjun Zheng, Xiaolei Gu. Experimental study on combustion characteristics of a spark-ignition engine fuelled with natural gas-hydrogen blends combining with EGR. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(2): 1035-1044.

11) Haiyan Miao, Qian Huang, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Deming Jiang. Premixed combustion of diluted hydrogen-air mixtures in a constant volume bomb. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(3):1431-1436.

12) Di Yage, Chueng Chun-shun, Huang Zuohua. Comparison of the effect of biodiesel-diesel and ethanol-diesel on the particulate emission of a direct injection engine. Aerosol Science and Technology, 2009, 43:455-465.

13) Zhiyuan Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Xiangang Wang, Jianjun Zheng, Haiyan Miao, Xibin Wang. Combustion characteristics of methanol-air-diluent premixed mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2009, 29(13):2680-2688.

14) Zhaoyang Chen, Liangjie Wei, Zuohua Huang, Haiyan Miao, Xibin Wang, Deming Jiang. Measurement of laminar burning velocities of dimethyl ether-air premixed mixtures with N2 and CO2 dilution. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(2): 735-739.

15) Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang, Jinhua Wang, Jianjun Zheng. Effects of hydrogen addition on cellular instabilities of the spherically expanding propane flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(5): 2483-2487.

16) Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Chenglong Tang, Haiyan Miao, Xibin Wang. Numerical study of the effect of hydrogen addition on methane-air mixtures combustion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(2): 1084-1096.

17) Haiyan Miao, Min Ji, Qi Jiao, qian Huang, Zuohua Huang. Laminar burning velocity and Markstein length of nitrogen diluted natural gas-hydrogen-air mixtures at normal and reduced and elevated pressures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(7):3145-3155.

18) Di YG, Chueng CS, Huang ZH. Comparison of the effect of biodiesel-diesel and ethanol-diesel on the gaseous emission of a direct injection engine. Atmospheric Environment, 2009, 43(17):2721-2730.

19) Wu Wu, Wei Lixia, Ma Zhihao, Huang Zuohua, Yuan Tao, Tian Zhenyu, Li Yuyang. Study of low-pressure premixed laminar n-heptane-propane-oxygen-nitrogen flames. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2009, 54(9):1477-1486.

20) Di Yage, Huang Zuohua, Zhang Ni, Zheng Bin, Wu Xuesong, Zhang Zhiyuan. Measurement of laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths for diethyl ether-air mixtures at different initial pressures and temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(5):4626-4634.

21) Xuan Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Zhiyuan Zhang, Jianjun Zheng, Wu Yu, Deming Jiang. Measurements of laminar burning velocities and flame stability analysis for dissociated methanol-air-diluent mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(11):4862-4875.

22) Xuesong Wu, Zuohua Huang, Tao Yuan, Kuiwen Zhang, Lixia Wei. Identification of combustion intermediates in a low-pressure premixed laminar 2-5-dimethylfuran-oxygen-argon flames with tunable synchrotron photoionization. Combustion and Flame, 2009, 156(7):1365-1376.

23) Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Jiajia He, Chun Jin, Jianjun Zheng. Experimental and numerical study on laminar burning characteristics of premixed methane-hydrogen-air flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(11):4876-4888.

24) Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Jiajia He, Jianjun Zheng, Haiyan Miao. Measurements of laminar burning velocities and onset of cellular instabilities of methane-hydrogen-air flames at elevated pressures and temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(13):5574-5584.

25) Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Jianjun Zheng, Qianqian Li, Jiajia He. Numerical study on laminar burning velocity and NO formation of premixed methane-hydrogen-air flames. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(15):65456557.

26) Zhu RJ, Wang XB, Miao HY, Huang ZH. Ultra-low-emission diesel engine fuelled with dimethoxy methane-diesel fuel blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2009, 223(7):931-940.

27) Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Jiajia He, Haiyan Miao. Experimental and numerical study on lean premixed methane-hydrogen-air flames at elevated pressures and temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(16):6951-6960.

28) Xuesong Wu, Zuohua Huang, Chun Jin, Xiangang Wang, Bin Zheng, Yingjia Zhang, Lixia Wei. Measurements of laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of 2,5-dimethylfuran-air-diluent premixed flames. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(9):4355-4362.

29) Bin Huang, Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Jianjun Zheng, Bing Liu, Deming Jiang. Cycle-by-cycle variations in a spark ignition engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends combined with EGR. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(19): 8405-8414.

30) Xiaolei Gu, Qianqian Li, Zuohua Huang, Chenglong Tang. Measurements of laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of n-butanol-air premixed mixtures at elevated temperatures and pressures. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(10):4900-4907.

31) Min Ji, Haiyan Miao, Qi Jiao, Qian Huang, Zuohua Huang. Flame propagation speed of CO2 diluted hydrogen enriched natural gas and air mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(10): 4957-4965.

32) Erjiang Hu, Zuohua Huang, Jiajia He, Haiyan Miao. Experimental and numerical study on laminar burning velocities and flame instabilities of hydrogen-air mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(20): 8741-8755.

33) Jianjun Zheng, Zuohua Huang, Jinhua Wang, Bin Wang, Dezhong Ni, Yingjia Zhang. Effect of compression ratio on cycle-by-cycle variations in a natural gas direct injection engine. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(11):5357-5366.

34) Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang. Effect of partially premixed and hydrogen addition on natural gas direct injection lean combustion. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2009, 34(22):9239-9247.

35) Zhang Ni, Di Yage, Huang Zuohua, Zheng Bin, Zhang Zhiyuan. Experimental study on combustion characteristics of N2 diluted diethyl ether-air mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2009, 23(12):5798-5805.

Plenary Lecture

1)Zuohua Huang, Jinhua Wang, Deming Jiang. Hydrogen Enriched Hydrocarbon Combustion and Engine Application. 6th Int Symp on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion 11-15 July, 2009, Xi’an, China.




1) Bing Liu, Zuohua Huang, Ke Zeng, Hao Chen, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao, Deming Jiang. Experimental study on emissions of a spark-ignition engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22(1): 273-277.

2) Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Haiyan Miao, Xibin Wang, Deming Jiang. Characteristics of direct-injection combustion fuelled by natural gas-hydrogen mixtures using a constant volume vessel. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 33(2008):1947-1956.

3) Zhihao Ma, Zuohua Huang, Chongxiao Li, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao. Combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel-propane blends. Fuel, 2008, 87(8-9):1711-1717.

4) W Li, Y Ren, XB Wang, H Miao DM Jiang, ZH Huang. Combustion characteristics of a compression ignition engine fuelled with diesel-ethanol blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, J. of Automobile Engineering, 2008, 222(2):265-274.

5) Zuohua Huang, Gen Chen, Zhaoyang Chen, Haiyan Miao, Xibin Wang, Deming Jiang. Experimental study on premixed combustion of dimethyl ether-hydrogen-air mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22(2):967-971.

6) Yi Ren, Zuohua Huang, Haiyan Miao, Yage Di, Deming Jiang, Ke Zeng, Bing Liu, Xibin Wang. Combustion and emissions of a DI diesel engine fuelled with diesel-oxygenate. Fuel, 2008, 87(12):2691-2697.

7) Yi Ren, Zuohua Huang, Jiang DM, Wei Li, Liu B, Xibin Wang. Effects of the addition of ethanol and cetane number improver on the combustion and emission characteristics of a compression-ignition engine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2008, 222(6):1077-1088.

8) Wang Jinhua, Hu Erjiang, Huang Zuohua, Ma Zhihao, Tian Zhenyu, Wang Jing, Li Yuyang. An experimental study of premixed laminar methane-oxygen-argon flames with hydrogen at low pressure with synchrotron photoionization. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2008, 53(8):1262-1269.

9) Zuohua Huang, Liangxin Liu, Deming Jiang, Yi Ren, Bing Liu, Ke Zeng Qian Wang. Study on cycle-by-cycle variations of combustion in a direct-injection natural gas engine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2008, 222(9): 1657-1667.

10) Haiyan Miao, Qi Jiao, Zuohua Huang, Deming Jiang. Effect of initial pressure on laminar combustion characteristics of hydrogen enriched natural gas. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(14):3876-3885.

11) Jinhua Wang, Hao Chen, Bing Liu, Zuohua Huang. Study of cycle-by-cycle variations of a spark ignition engine fuelled with natural gas-hydrogen blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(18): 4876-4883.

12) Xiaomin Wu, Zhongquan Gao, Deming Jiang, Zuohua Huang. Experimental investigation of the effect of electrodes on the ionization current during combustion. Energy & Fuels, 2008, 22(5):2941-2947.

13) Chenglong Tang, Zuohua Huang, Chun Jin, Jiajia He, Jinhua Wang, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao. Laminar burning velocities and combustion characteristics of propane-hydrogen-air premixed flame. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(18): 4906-4914.

14) Zhiyuan Zhang, Zuohua Huang, Xiangang Wang, Jun Xiang, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao. Measurements of laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths for methanol-air-nitrogen mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures. Combustion and Flame, 2008, 155(3):358-368.

15) Chenglong Tang, Jiajia He, Zuohua Huang, Chun Jin, Jinhua Wang, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao. Measurements of laminar burning velocities and Markstein lengths of propane-hydrogen-air mixtures at elevated pressures and temperatures. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(23):7274-7285.

16) Chueng CS, Di YG, Huang ZH. Experimental investigation of regulated and unregulated emissions from a diesel engine fueled with ultralow-sulfur diesel fuel blended with ethanol and dodecanol. Atmospheric Environment, 2008, 42(39):8843-8851.

17) Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Haiyan Miao, Xibin Wang, Deming Jiang. Study of cyclic variations of direct-injection combustion fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends using a constant volume bomb. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2008, 33(24):7580-7591.

18) Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Bing Liu, Ke Zeng, Jinrong Yu, Deming Jiang. Effect of ignition timing and hydrogen fraction on combustion and emission characteristics of natural gas direct-injection engine. Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2008, 2, 194-201.




1)Zuohua Huang, Jinhua Wang, Bing Liu, Ke Zeng, Jinrong Yu, Deming Jiang. Combustion characteristics of a direct-injection engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends under different ignition timings. Fuel, 2007, 86(3): 381-387.

2)Huang ZH, Wang Q, Liu B, Zeng K, Yu JR, Jiang DM. Measurement of laminar burning velocity of dimethyl ether-air premixed mixtures. Fuel, 2007, 86(15): 2360-2366.

3)Zuohua Huang, Yong Zhang, Ke Zeng, Bing Liu, Qian Wang, Deming Jiang. Natural gas-hydrogen-air premixed mixture combustion with a constant volume bomb. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(2): 692-698.

4)Zuohua Huang, Qian Wang, Haiyan Miao, Xibin Wang, Ke Zeng, Bing Liu, Deming Jiang. Study on dimethyl ether-air premixed mixture combustion with a constant volume vessel. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(4): 2013-2017.

5)Zuohua Huang, Bing Liu, Ke Zeng, Yinyu Huang, Deming Jiang, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao. Combustion characteristics and heat release analysis of a spark-ignited engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(5): 2594-2599.

6)Gao J, Jiang DM, Huang ZH. Spray Properties of Alternative Fuels: A comparative analysis of ethanol-gasoline blends and gasoline. Fuel, 2007, 86(10-11): 1645-1650.

7)Liao SY, Jiang DM, Huang ZH, Shen WD, Yuan C, Cheng Q. Laminar burning velocities for mixtures of methanol and air at elevated temperatures. Energy Conversion and Management, 2007, 48(3): 857-863.

8)Liao SY, Jiang DM, Huang ZH, Zeng K, Cheng Q. Determination of the laminar burning velocities for mixtures of ethanol and air at elevated temperatures. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2007, 27(2-3):374-380.

9)Ma Zhihao, Huang Zuohua, Li Chongxiao, Wang Xibin, Miao Haiyan. Effects of fuel injection timing on combustion and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with diesel-propane blends. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(3): 1504-1510.

10)Jinhua Wang, Zuohua Huang, Yu Fang, Bing Liu, Ke Zeng, Haiyan Miao, Deming Jiang. Combustion behaviors of a direct-injection engine operating on various fractions of natural gas-hydrogen blends. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2007, 32(15):3555-3564.

11)Ren Yi, Huang Zuohua, Miao Haiyan, Jiang Deming, Zeng Ke, Liu Bing, Wang Xibin. Combustion and emission characteristics of a direct-injection diesel engine fueled with diesel-diethyl adipate blends. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(3):1474-1482.

12)Yi Ren, Fengkun Wang, Huang Zuohua. Densities, surface tensions and viscosities of diesel-oxygenate mixtures at the temperature of 301.15 K. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(3):1628-1630.

13)Yi Ren, Zuohua Huang, Haiyan Miao, Deming Jiang, Ke Zeng, Bing Liu, Xibin Wang. Effect of the addition of diglyme in diesel fuel on combustion and emission in a compression-ignition engine. Energy & Fuels, 2007, 21(5): 2573-2583.

14) Wang Xibin, Chen Wansheng, Gao Jian, Jiang Deming, Huang Zuohua. Spray characteristics of high-pressure swirl injector fueled with alcohol. Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China. 2007, 1, 105-112.




1)Zuohua Huang, Jinhua Wang, Bing Liu, Ke Zeng, Jirong Yu, Deming Jiang. Combustion characteristics of a direct-injection engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(2): 540-546.

2)Zuohua Huang, Yong Zhang, Qian Wang, Jinhua Wang, Deming Jiang, Haiyan Miao. Study on flame propagation characteristics of natural gas-hydrogen-air mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(6): 2385-2390.

3)Z H Huang, Y Ren, Jiang DM, K Zeng, B Liu, L X Liu, X B Wang. Combustion and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fuelled with diesel-dimethoxy methane blends. Energy Conversion and Management, 2006, 47(11-12): 1402-1415.

4) Zuohua Huang, Jinhua Wang, Bing Liu, Ke Zeng, Jirong Yu, Deming Jiang. Combustion characteristics of a direct-injection engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen blends under various injection timings. Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(4):1498-1504.

5) Zuohua Huang, Bing Liu, Ke Zeng, Yinyu Huang, Deming Jiang, Xibin Wang, Haiyan Miao. Experimental study on engine performance and emissions for an engine fueled with natural gas-hydrogen mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(5):2131-2136.

6) Liao SY, Jiang DM, Cheng Q, Huang ZH, Zeng K. Effect of methanol addition into gasoline on the combustion characteristics at relatively low temperatures. Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(1): 84-90.

7) Junqiang Zhang, Deming Jiang, Zuohua Huang, Xibin Wang, Qi Wei. Performance and emissions of direct injection diesel engine fueled with diesel fuel containing dissolved methane. Energy & Fuels, 2006, 20(2): 504-511.

8) Liao SY, Jiang DM, Huang ZH, Zeng K. Characterization of laminar premixed methanol - air flames. Fuel, 2006, 85(10-11), 1346-1353.

9)Ke Zeng, Zuohua Huang, Bing Liu, Liangxin Liu, Deming Jiang, Yi Ren, Jinhua Wang. Combustion characteristics of a direct-injection natural gas engine under various injection timings. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2006, 26(8-9): 806-813.

10)Y Ren, ZH Huang, DM Jiang, LX Liu, K Zeng, B Liu, XB Wang. Combustion characteristics of a compression-ignition engine fuelled with diesel-dimethoxy methane blends under various fuel injection angles. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2006, 26(4):327-337.

11) Zuohua Huang, Yong Zhang, Ke Zeng, Bing Liu, Qian Wang, Deming Jiang. Measurements of laminar burning velocities for natural gas-hydrogen-air mixtures. Combustion and Flame, 2006, 146(1-2):302-311.




1)Gao J,Jiang D,Huang Z,Zeng K. Experimental and numerical study of high-pressure-swirl injector sprays in a direct injection gasoline engine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2005, 219(A8): 617-629.

2)ZH Huang, HB Lu, DM Jiang, K Zeng, B Liu, JQ Zhang, XB Wang. Performance and emissions of a compression ignition engine fueled with diesel/oxygenate blends for various fuel delivery advance angles. Energy & Fuels, 2005, 19(2): 403-410.

3)Wang XB,Gao J, Jiang DM, Huang ZH, Chen WS. Spray characteristics of high-pressure swirl injector fueled with methanol and ethanol. Energy & Fuels, 2005, 19(6): 2394-2401.

4)Liao SY,Jiang DM, Huang ZH, Cheng Q, Gao J, Hu Y. Approximation of flammability region for natural gas-air-diluent mixture. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2005, 125 (1-3): 23-28.

5)Y Ren,ZH Huang,DM Jiang, LX Liu,K Zeng,B Liu,XB Wang. Engine performance and emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine fuelled with diesel-dimethoxy methane blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2005, 219(D7): 905-914.

6)SY Liao,DM Jiang,Q Chen, ZH Huang,Q Wei. Investigation of the cold-start combustion characteristics of ethanol-gasoline blends in a constant volume chamber. Energy & Fuels, 2005, 19(3): 813-819.

7)Junqiang Zhang, Deming Jiang, Z H Huang, Tomio Obokata, Seiichi Shiga. Experimental study on flashing atomization of methanol-liquid fuel binary mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2005, 19(5): 2050-2055.

8)SY Liao,DM Jiang,Q Chen,J Gao,ZH Huang,Q Wei. Correlation for laminar velocities of liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures. Energy Conversion and Management, 2005, 46(20): 3175-3184.

9)Jian Gao, Deming Jiang, Zuohua Huang, Qi Wei. Characteristics of nonevaporating free sprays of a high-pressure swirl injector under various ambient and injection pressures. Energy & Fuels, 2005, 19(5): 1906-1910.


1)ZH Huang, HB Lu, DM Jiang, K Zeng, B Liu, JQ Zhang, XB Wang. Combustion characteristics and heat release analysis of a compression ignition engine operating on the diesel/methanol blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2004,218(D9):1011-1024.

2)ZH Huang, HB Lu, DM Jiang, K Zeng, B Liu, JQ Zhang, XB Wang. Engine performance and emissions of a compression ignition engine operating on the diesel/methanol blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2004, 218(D4):435-447.

3)ZH Huang, HB Lu, DM Jiang, K Zeng, B Liu, JQ Zhang, XB Wang. Combustion behaviors of a compression ignition engine fuelled with diesel/methanol blends under various fuel delivery advance angles. Bioresource Technology, 2004, 95(3): 331-341.

4)SY Liao, DM Jiang, J Gao and ZH Huang. Measurements of Markstein numbers and laminar burning velocities for natural gas-air mixtures. Energy & Fuels, 2004,18(2):316-326.

5)SY Liao, DM Jiang, J Gao and ZH Huang. Measurements of Markstein numbers and laminar burning velocities for liquefied petroleum gas-air mixtures. Fuel, 2004, 83(10): 1281-1288.




1) Z. Huang, S. Shiga, T. Ueda. Effect of fuel injection timing relative to ignition timing on natural- gas direct-injection combustion. J. Gas Turbine and Power, 2003, 125(3): 465-475.

2) Z. Huang, S. Shiga, T. Ueda. Study on cycle-by-cycle variations of CNG DI combustion using a rapid compression machine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2003, 217(D1): 53-61.

3) Z. Huang, S. Shiga, T. Ueda. Combustion characteristics of CNG direct injection combustion under various fuel injection timings. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2003, 217(D5): 393-401.4) Z. Huang, S. Shiga, T. Ueda. A basic study on the ignition position to natural gas direct injection super-lean combustion. Combustion Science and Technology, 2003,175(5): 965-992.

5) Z. Huang, S. Shiga, T. Ueda(2003). Correlation of ignitability to injection timing for direct injection combustion fueled with CNG and gasoline. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2003, 217(D6): 499-506.

6) ZH. Huang, DM. Jiang, K. Zeng. Combustion characteristics and heat release analysis of a compression ignition engine fueled with diesel-dimethyl carbonate blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2003, 217(D7): 595-606.

7) Z. Huang, S. Shiga, T. Ueda.Visualization study of natural gas direct injection combustion. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2003, 217(D8): 667-676.

8) Z. Huang, S. Shiga, T. Ueda. Basic characteristics of direct-injection combustion fueled with CNG and gasoline using a rapid compression machine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2003, 217(D11): 1031-1038.

9) Z Huang, S. Shiga, T. Ueda. NO/NO2 concentration of direct injection stratified combustion under constant volume condition fuelled by CNG and gasoline. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2003, 217(D10): 935-942.




1) Zuohua Huang, Seiichi Shiga, Takamasa Ueda. A basic behavior of CNG DI stratified combustion using a spark-ignited rapid compression machine. JSME International Journal, Series B Fluids and Thermal Engineering, 2002, 45(4):891-900

2) Shiga S, Ozone S, Ueda T, Jingu N, Huang Z, Tsue M. A Study on the combustion and emission characteristics of compressed-natural-gas direct-injection stratified combustion by using a rapid-compression-machine. Combustion and Flame, 2002, 128(4):1-12.




1)Wang HW, Huang ZH, Zhou LB, Jiang DM. Investigation on emission characteristics of a compression ignition engine with oxygenated fuels and exhaust gas recirculation. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2000, 214(D5):503-508.

2)Wang HW, Zhou LB, Jiang DM, Huang ZH. Study on the performance and emissions of a compression ignition engine fueled with dimethyl ether. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2000, 214(D1):101-106.




1)Huang ZH, Wang HW, Chen HY. Study of combustion characteristics of a compression ignition engine fueled with dimethyl ether. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 1999, 213(D3): 647-652.2)

2) Huang Z, Miao H, Zhou L, Jiang D. Combustion characteristics and hydrocarbon emissions of a spark ignition engine fueled with gasoline-oxygenate blends. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 1999, 214(D3):341-346.




1)Huang Z,Guo H,Zhou L,Jiang D. Prediction and experimental study on hydrocarbon emissions from combustion chamber deposits in spark ignition engines. Combustion Science and Technology, 1998, 131: 67-83.

2)Huang Z,Pang J,Pan K. Investigation on hydrocarbon emissions from crevice and oil layer during cold start and idling periods in SI engine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 1998, 212(D5):501-505.




1)ZH Huang, KY Pan, LB Zhou and DM Jiang. Effects of top land widths and operating conditions on exhaust hydrocarbon emissions in a spark ignition engine. Proc Inst Mech Eng, Part D, Journal of Automobile Engineering, 1996, 210(D3): 243-247.

2)Zuohua Huang, Keyu Pan, Jijun Li, Longbao Zhou and Deming Jiang. An investigation on simulation models and reduction methods of unburned hydrocarbon emissions in spark ignition engines. Combustion Science and Technology, 1996, 115: 105-123.