
2010.03.25  主讲人:曹浩哲  文章:Arruvito L; Billordo A; Capucchio M; Prada M E; Fainboim L,IL-6 trans-signaling and  
                     the frequency of CD4+FOXP3+ cells in women with reproductive failure.
Journal of reproductive 2009;82
2010.4.15    主讲人:王益东   文章作者:Jameelah Sheik Mohamed, Philip Michael Gaughwin, Bing Lim, et al. 
                      文章题目:Conserved long  noncoding RNAs transcriptionally regulated by Oct4 and Nanog modulate 
                                         pluripotency   in  mouse embryonic stem cells. 
                      文章来源:RNA 2010 16: 324-337 originally published online December 21, 2009


Peripheral Blood NK Cells Reflect Changes in Decidual NK Cells in Women With Recurrent Miscarriages
American Journal of Reproductive Immunology


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Name Sex Degree Graduate Current location
顾婷婷 Female 硕士 Yes 美国 斯坦福大学
周希 Male 硕士 Yes 勋阳医学院附属医院
曹浩哲 Male 硕士 Yes 西安交通大学第一附属医院
文雯 Female 硕士 Yes 陕西省妇幼保健院
冀静 Female 博士 Yes 西安交通大学第一附属医院