Basic Information




     2021-至今  JKW“xxx工程”先进JC动力技术主题组专家

     2021          西安交通大学优青培育资助

     2019          西安交通大学“十大学术新人”
     2018          陕西省优秀博士学位论文
     2015          吴仲华优秀研究生奖
     2014          中国工程热物理学会多相流学术年会“青年学者优秀论文陈学俊奖”



Educational Experience

2009.09−2015.10   西安交通大学   动力工程多相流国家重点实验室   动力工程及工程热物理    博士          导师:白博峰教授
2011.12−2013.12   哈佛大学          BAMM Lab                                微流体技术与应用           联合培养   导师:U. Demirci教授
2005.09−2009.07   西安交通大学   能源与动力工程学院                    能源动力系统及自动化   学士           导师:白博峰教授

Work Experience

2018.12−至今         西安交通大学   能源与动力工程学院   动力工程多相流国家重点实验室   副教授
2015.10−2018.12   西安交通大学   能源与动力工程学院   动力工程多相流国家重点实验室   讲师


  •  黏弹性界面多相流
  •  多相流动传热的直接数值模拟
  •  微流体(Microfluidics)
  •  提高原油采收率基础理论及关键技术
  •  超紧凑换热器
  •  YL热动力多相流
  •  智慧能源动力技术


  1. 2023.05−2023.12,中国船舶集团第719研究所,40kW热管表面散热系统研究,240万元,在研,参与
  2. 2023.07−2023.10,中国船舶集团第705研究所,金属燃料反应器xxx机理研究,120万元,在研,主持
  3. 2022.10−2023.12,军科委××6工程重大课题子课题/JZM-202302026,高比能××稳定传输技术研究,150万元,在研,主持
  4. 2022.10−2023.12,军科委××6工程重大课题子课题/JZM-202302018,××复杂流动机理研究,300万元,在研,主持
  5. 2020.11−2024.11,军科委基础加强重点项目子课题/JZM-202107008-4,复杂约束条件××机理研究,110万元,在研,主持
  6. 2022.04−2022.12,西安航天动力研究所/2021-110,复杂管网中多相流动传热过程仿真研究,70万元,结题,主持
  7. 2021.12−2022.12,中石化石油勘探开发研究院/20211231,稠油乳液微介观渗流机理研究,28万元,结题,主持
  8. 2021.09−2022.12,中国核电工程有限公司/KY1765-103,热管综合性能试验研究,185万元,结题,项目联系人
  9. 2021.08−2024.08,西安交通大学青年人才跟踪支持项目/2021002,提高原油采收率的多相流基础理论,20万元,在研,主持
  10. 2021.07−2021.08,西安航天化学动力有限公司/2021-1021,推进剂在复杂药型浇注工装内流动过程仿真研究,10万元,结题,主持
  11. 2021.05−2025.05,西安热力集团公司/2021-136,供热系统与换热机组的能效提升技术研究,450万元,在研,项目联系人
  12. 2021.01−2023.12,陕西省重点研发计划/2021KWZ-15,大功率器件新型射流冲击沸腾高效冷却技术,30万元,在研,项目联系人
  13. 2020.11−2024.11,军科委基础加强重点项目/2020-XXX-235,XXX多相流基础研究,1460万元,在研,参与
  14. 2020.07−2021.12,中石油勘探开发研究院/20200824,多孔介质中气水两相渗流流场高压可视化实验研究,31.5万元,结题,主持
  15. 2020.01−2023.12,国家自然科学基金面上项目/51976160,多孔介质中油水乳液两相流动特性及其调控,63万元,在研,主持
  16. 2019.11−2023.11,海装预研项目/2019XXX-4020,XXX动力系统基础研究,500万元,在研,参与
  17. 2019.01−2020.12,中国航空发动机集团产学研合作项目/HFZL2018CXY006-1,燃油喷嘴高温雾化全过程的数值仿真实验研究,75万元,结题,参与
  18. 2017.10−2020.09,国家重点研发计划国际合作项目/2017YFE0100600,大功率LED的生命周期加速测试及高效冷却技术,223万元,结题,项目联系人
  19. 2017.07−2020.12,国家重点研发计划NQI专项项目子课题/2017YFF0209802,典型间壁式热交换器能效指标和评价方法研究,35万元,结题,主持
  20. 2017.01−2019.12,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目/51606146,纳米颗粒吸附界面对流场中液滴动力学行为的调控机理,20万元,结题,主持
  21. 2017.01−2018.06,中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目/2017T100747,微尺度多孔介质中纳米颗粒吸附界面对液滴运动的调控,15万元,结题,主持
  22. 2017.01−2018.06,陕西省博士后科学基金面上一等项目/2017BSHYDZZ18,表面活性剂调控微尺度多孔介质中液滴流动的机理研究,8万元,结题,主持
  23. 2016.01−2018.12,中国博士后科学基金面上一等项目/2016M590944,基于弹性界面液滴大变形的物质释放动力学机理,8万元,结题,主持
  24. 2016.01−2018.12,西安交通大学学科综合交叉类项目/xjj2016043,弹性界面液滴流动传质机理及其在化学催化剂输送技术中的应用,12万元,结题,主持

Honorary Title


  1. Zhengyuan Luo, Jie Qi and Bofeng Bai#. Role of particle-laden interfaces in shear-induced deformation of colloidal droplets, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2022, 948: A32.
  2. Binbin Pei, Kunpeng Zhao, Zhengyuan Luo, Liang Zhao and Bofeng Bai#. Particle dispersion in turbulent mixing layer at supercritical pressure, Powder Technology, 2022, 412: 118010.
  3. Binbin Pei, Fangbo Li, Zhengyuan Luo, Liang Zhao and Bofeng Bai#. Dynamics of mixing flow with double-layer density stratification: enstrophy and vortical structures, Physics of Fluids, 2022, 34: 104107.
  4. Xinglong Shang, Zhengyuan Luo, Guoqing Hu# and Bofeng Bai#. Role of surfactant-induced Marangoni effects in droplet dynamics on a solid surface in shear flow, Colloids and Surfaces A, 2022, 654: 130142.
  5. Yuming Guo, Zhengyuan Luo and Liang Zhao#. Enhanced flow boiling of open mini-channel and jet impingement cooling scheme by separating liquid–vapor pathways, Journal of Enhanced Heat Transfer, 2022, 29: 19-36.
  6. Zhengyuan Luo, Xi Lu, Hongyu Zhao, Fugang Xu and Bofeng Bai#. Negative synergistic effects of surfactant and fluid viscoelasticity on hydrodynamic resistance of single droplet in confined microchannel, Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 122012.
  7. Jie Qi, Zhengliang Yu, Guopeng Liao, Zhengyuan Luo# and Bofeng Bai. Effect of nanoparticle surfactant on droplet formation in a flow-focusing microchannel, Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 112008.
  8. Xinlei Qi, Shenghui Liu, Zhengliang Yu, Hedong Sun, Baohua Chang, Zhengyuan Luo# and Bofeng Bai#. Interfacial dynamics of gas–water displacement in fractured porous media under high pressure, Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33: 092003.
  9. Boyao Wen, Chengzhen Sun, Zhengyuan Luo, Xi Lu, Haibo Wang and Bofeng Bai#. A hydrogen bond-modulated soft nanoscale water channel for ion transport through liquid–liquid interfaces, Soft Matter, 2021, 17: 9736-9744.
  10. Xiao Luo, Zhengyuan Luo# and Bofeng Bai. Effect of thermal convection on thermocapillary migration of a surfactant-laden droplet in a microchannel, Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32: 092009.
  11. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Retardation of droplet transport in confined microchannel by interfacial jamming of nanoparticles, Physics of Fluids, 2020, 32: 087110.
  12. Long He, Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Breakup of pancake droplets flowing through a microfluidic constriction, Chemical Engineering Science, 2020, 220: 115649.
  13. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Solute release from an elastic capsule flowing through a microfluidic channel constriction. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31: 121902
  14. Zhengyuan Luo, Xinglong Shang and Bofeng Bai#. Effect of soluble surfactant on the motion of a confined droplet in a square microchannel. Physics of Fluids, 2019, 31: 117104.
  15. Zhengyuan Luo, Xinglong Shang and Bofeng Bai#. Influence of pressure-dependent surface viscosity on dynamics of surfactant-laden drops in shear flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2019, 858: 91-121.
  16. Long He, Zhengyuan Luo, and Bofeng Bai#. Release of a trapped droplet in a single micro pore throat. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 2019, 554: 1–8.
  17. Xinglong Shang, Zhengyuan Luo, and Bofeng Bai#. Droplets trapped by a wetting surface with chemical defects in shear flows. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 195: 433–441.
  18. Xinglong Shang, Zhengyuan Luo, and Bofeng Bai#. Numerical simulation of dynamic behavior of compound droplets on solid surface in shear flow by front-tracing method. Chemical Engineering Science, 2019, 193: 325–335.
  19. Zhengyuan Luo, Xinglong Shang and Bofeng Bai#. Marangoni effect on the motion of a droplet covered with insoluble surfactant in a square microchannel. Physics of Fluids, 2018, 30: 077101.
  20. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Dynamics of capsules enclosing viscoelastic fluid in simple shear flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2018, 840: 656-687.
  21. Xinglong Shang, Zhengyuan Luo, Elizaveta Ya. Gatapova, Oleg A. Kabov, and Bofeng Bai#. GNBC-based front-tracking method for the three-dimensional simulation of droplet motion on a solid surface, Computers and Fluids, 2018, 172: 181-195.
  22. Leqin Peng, Zhengyuan Luo, Yi Y. Zuo, Gang Yan and Bofeng Bai#. Pinch-off of liquid bridge during droplet coalescence under constrained condition, Chemical Engineering Science, 2018, 177: 471-480.
  23. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Off-center motion of a trapped elastic capsule in a microfluidic channel with a narrow constriction. Soft Matter, 2017, 13, 8281-8292.
  24. Long He, Zhengyuan Luo, W. Robert Liu and Bofeng Bai#. Capsule equilibrium positions near channel center in Poiseuille flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2017, 171: 603-611.
  25. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Dynamics of nonspherical compound capsules in simple shear flow. Physics of Fluids, 2016, 28: 101901.
  26. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. State diagram for adhesion dynamics of deformable capsules under shear flow. Soft Matter, 2016, 12: 6918-6925.
  27. Zhengyuan Luo, Long He and Bofeng Bai#. Deformation of spherical compound capsules in simple shear flow. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 2015, 775: 77-104.
  28. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Dynamics of biconcave vesicles in a wall-bounded shear flow. Chemical Engineering Science, 2015, 137: 548–555.
  29. Zhengyuan Luo, Sinan Güven, Irep Gozen, Pu Chen, Savas Tasoglu, Raymond M Anchan, Bofeng Bai and Utkan Demirci#. Deformation of a Single Mouse Oocyte in a Constricted Microfluidic Channel, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2015, 19: 883–890.
  30. Zhengyuan Luo, Long He, Feng Xu and Bofeng Bai#. Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Vesicle Dynamics in Microscale Shear Flow. Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15: 3081-3086.
  31. Pu Chen, Zhengyuan Luo, Sinan Güven, Savas Tasoglu, Adarsh Venkataraman Ganesan, Andrew Weng and Utkan Demirci#. Microscale Assembly Directed by Liquid-Based Template, Advanced Materials, 2014, 26: 5936-5941.
  32. Zhengyuan Luo, Long He, Shuqi Wang, Savas Tasoglu, Feng Xu, Utkan Demirci# and Bofeng Bai#. Two-Dimensional Numerical Study of Flow Dynamics of a Nucleated Cell Tethered under Shear Flows, Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 119: 236-244.
  33. Zhengyuan Luo, Shuqi Wang, Long He, Feng Xu and Bofeng Bai#. Inertia-Dependent Dynamics of Three-Dimensional Vesicles and Red Blood Cells in Shear Flow, Soft Matter, 2013, 9: 9651-9660.
  34. Zhengyuan Luo, Shuqi Wang, Long He, Feng Xu and Bofeng Bai#. Front Tracking Simulation of Cell Detachment Dynamic Mechanism in Microfluidics, Chemical Engineering Science, 2013, 97: 394-405.
  35. Bofeng Bai#, Zhengyuan Luo, Shuqi Wang, Long He and Feng Xu. Inertia Effect on Deformation of Viscoelastic Capsules in Microscale Flows, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2013, 14: 817-829.
  36. Bofeng Bai#, Zhengyuan Luo, Feng Xu. Numerical Simulation of Cell Adhesion and Detachment in Microfluidics, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2013, 13: 1350002.
  37. Long He, Zhengyuan Luo, Feng Xu and Bofeng Bai#. Effect of Flow Acceleration on Deformation and Adhesion Dynamics of Captured Cells, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2013, 14: 1340002.
  38. Zhengyuan Luo, Feng Xu, and Bofeng Bai#. Direct Numerical Simulation of Single Leukocyte Deformation in Microchannel Flow for Disease Diagnosis, Journal of Medical System, 2011, 35: 869-876.
  39. Zhengyuan Luo, Feng Xu, and Bofeng Bai#. Direct Numerical Simulation of the Detachment of Single Captured Leukocyte under Different Flow Conditions, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2011, 11: 273-284.
  40. Min Lin, Zhengyuan Luo, Bofeng Bai, Feng Xu#. Fluid mechanics in dentinal microtubules provides mechanistic insights into the difference between hot and cold dental pain, PLoS ONE, 2011, 6: e18068.
  41. Min Lin, Zhengyuan Luo, Bofeng Bai, Feng Xu#. Fluid dynamics analysis of shear stress on nerve endings in dentinal microtubule: A quantitative interpretation of hydrodynamic theory for tooth pain, Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 2011, 11: 205-219.


  1. Zhengyuan Luo, Shuqi Wang, Utkan Demirci, Feng Xu and Bofeng Bai#. Antibody-Based Blood Bioparticle Capture and Separation Using Microfluidics for Global Health. Book chapter in "Microfluidic Technologies for Human Health" edited by U. Demirci, R. Langer, A. Khademhosseini, J. Blander. Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company, Feb 2013, ISBN: 978-981-4405-51-5.


  1. 齐杰,彭佳庆,杨圣贤,骆政园#,白博峰,纳米颗粒表面活性剂对T型微通道中液滴分裂的影响.科学通报,2022,67:795-804.
  2. 温伯尧,杨海中,姚秀田,骆政园,白博峰#,油水界面上表面活性剂的脱附动力学及其离子调控.科学通报,2022,67:3088-3096.
  3. 骆政园,白博峰#.线性剪切流中弹性界面液滴变形的惯性作用.科学通报,2017,62(16):1682-1690.
  4. 骆政园,白博峰#.流体惯性对弹性界面液滴吸附行为的影响.工程热物理学报,2017,38(4):776-780.
  5. 骆政园,白博峰#.弹性液滴的复杂界面特性模拟.工程热物理学报,2016,37(2):337-341.
  6. 白博峰#,骆政园.流场中复杂液滴的变形、运动与吸附.科学通报,2015,60(34):3349-3366.
  7. 骆政园,和龙,白博峰#.具有复杂界面的三维弹性液滴动力学模拟.工程热物理学报,2014,35(6):1132-1135.
  8. 骆政园,和龙,白博峰#.加速流动下细胞的滚动和脱附.工程热物理学报,2013,34(9):1667-1670.
  9. 刘雯,骆政园,白博峰#.管内螺旋涡流的数值模拟研究.工程热物理学报,2011,32(12):2060-2063.
  10. 刘雯,骆政园,白博峰#.管内含螺旋纽带诱导的螺旋涡特性.化工学报,2011,62(11):3115-3122.


  1. 骆政园,黏弹性界面多相流.2023年多相流与新能源青年学者论坛,吉林,7月30-31, 2023,大会报告.
  2. Zhengyuan Luo. Flow dynamics of complex droplets with contaminated surfaces. International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Xi’an, China, July 26-29, 2019, keynote.
  3. Zhengyuan Luo. Flow dynamics of surfactant-laden droplets with complex interface. Workshop of Bubbles, Drops, and Particles, Xi’an, China, November 11th, 2018, invited talk.
  4. 骆政园,界面粘弹性对液滴动力学的影响及机理.中国工程热物理学会多相流学术年会,北京,10月19-22, 2018,特邀报告.
  5. Zhengyuan Luo. Flow dynamics of droplets with complex interfaces. UK-China International Particle Technology Forum VI, Yangzhou, China, September 8-10, 2017, keynote.
  6. Zhengyuan Luo. Effect of Insoluble Surfactant on Transport of Drops in Square Microchannel. 2nd International Conference of Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, Xi’an, China, July 7-10, 2017, keynote.


  1. Feng Guo, Jie Qi, Zhengyuan Luo#, Bofeng Bai. Experimental study of the effect of nanoparticle-surfactant on the transport of single droplet in microchannel. 4th International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Nanjing, China, July 27-29, 2023.
  2. Wei Wei, Zhengyuan Luo#, Bofeng Bai. Influence of surface viscosity on hydrodynamic interaction of surfactant-laden droplets in shear flow. 4th International Symposium on Thermal-Fluid Dynamics, Nanjing, China, July 27-29, 2023.
  3. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Motion of nanoparticle-covered droplet in a square microchannel. 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Seattle, Washington, USA, November 23-26, 2019.
  4. Zhengyuan Luo, Xinglong Shang and Bofeng Bai#. Motion of soluble surfactant laden droplet in square microchannel. 10th International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 19-24, 2019.
  5. Zhengyuan Luo, Xinglong Shang and Bofeng Bai#. Flow dynamics of surfactant-laden droplets with complex interface rheology. 71st Annual Meeting of the American Physical Society Division of Fluid Dynamics, Atlanta, USA, November 18-20, 2018.
  6. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Motion of a spherical drop with insoluble surfactant in microfluidic channel. 7th International Bubble & Drop workshop, Lyon, France, June 26-30, 2017.
  7. Zhengyuan Luo, Xinglong Shang and Bofeng Bai#. Three-dimensional Numerical Simulation of Flow Dynamics of Surfactant-Laden Drops in Microfluidic Channel. UK-China International Particle Technology Forum VI, Yangzhou, China, September 8-10, 2017.
  8. Xiao Luo, Xinglong Shang, Zhengyuan Luo# and Bofeng Bai. Deformation of an Insoluble Surfactant-Laden Droplet in a Simple Shear Flow. 15th International Conference on Clean Energy, Xi’an, China, December 8-11, 2017.
  9. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Deformation and Dynamics of Viscoelastic Capsules under Shear Flow. 8th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, Chengdu, China, December 16-19, 2016.
  10. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Deformation and Dynamics of Compound Capsules in Simple Shear Flow. 2016 International Conference on Multiphase Flow, Firenze, Italy, May 22-27, 2016.
  11. Bofeng Bai#, Zhengyuan Luo and Chengzhen Sun. Mechanical Properties of Complex Fluid Interfaces: Underlying Mechanisms at Molecular Scale and Effects on Drop Dynamics. International Symposium and School for Young Scientists: Interfacial Phenomena and Heat Transfer, Novosibirsk, Russia, March 2-4, 2016. (Invited talk)
  12. Zhengyuan Luo and Bofeng Bai#. Deformation and dynamics of elastic capsules in simple shear flow. 6th International Conference of Bubble and Drop Interfaces, Potsdam, German, July 5-10, 2015.
  13. Zhengyuan Luo, Long He, Feng Xu and Bofeng Bai#. Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation of Vesicle Dynamics in Microscale Shear Flow. 4th International Symposium on Micro and Nano Technology (ISMNT4), Shanghai, China, October 8-12, 2013.
  14. Zhengyuan Luo, Long He, Feng Xu and Bofeng Bai#. Numerical Simulations of Capsule Fluid Dynamics: Inertial Effect on Capsule Deformation. 7th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion (ISMF2012), Xi’an, China, October 26-30, 2012.


  1. 白博峰、蔡斌、周文学、任纪罡、骆政园、韦虹宇,一种供热用板式热交换器机组的能效测试与评价方法,ZL 2021 1 0638897.0,2022年授权.
  2. 白博峰、周文学、唐涤、骆政园、任纪罡等,板式热交换器机组性能测试方法,陕西省地方标准,DB 61/T 1584—2022,2022.9.24实施.
  3. 王军、骆政园、马敏、任纪罡等,板式热交换器及机组能效测试平台项目,陕西省土木建筑科学技术奖,二等,2022.
