Narrowing atomically ferroelectric domains
发布者: 周健 | 2023-01-14 | 21240

Ferroelectric materials hold the great potential to be used in multiple different situations, hence attracting a lot of attention during the past many decades. Very recently, antiferroelectric materials that exhibit zero net polarization in the whole and was believed to be less interesting for applications, have come back to sightviews as their ultrahigh energy storage efficiency. We predict a novel optomechanical approach to modulate and renormalize the antiferroelectric domain sizes, which could add another tuning parameter to antiferroelectrics usage. Using a prototypical In2Se3 van der Waals layer in $\beta'$ phase, we show that near-infrared light could trigger phase transitions for different domains. This has been just appeared on JPC Letters, at https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpclett.2c03226.