The Stoddart Molecular-cum-Supramolecular Science (M3S) Symposium
发布者: 张华承 | 2023-05-01 | 16341


The Stoddart Molecular-cum-Supramolecular Science (M3S) Symposium is a high-level international conference in the field of molecular and supramolecular science. The First M3S Symposium, themed "Opportunities and Challenges in Novel Molecular and Supramolecular Materials Creation", aims to promote communication of the latest research results as well as strengthen global collaboration and exchange among researchers in this field, and leads the development of related industries. The conference is chaired by Professor J. Fraser Stoddart—2016 Nobel Prize Laureate in Chemistry, and Professor Feihe Huang from Zhejiang University, and will invite renowned scholars both oversea and from top universities in China including Peking University, Tsinghua University, Zhejiang University, and Shanghai Jiaotong University to give academic presentations. The symposium will discuss in-depth topics including supramolecular assembly theory, construction of novel artificial molecular machines, the design and synthesis of new assembly building blocks, and the expansion of the application scope of supramolecular materials.

诺奖得主面对面!2023年司徒塔特分子与超分子科学研讨会来了! (qq.com)

Mr Shuai Cao was discussing with Fraser (Left) and exhibited his poster during symposium (Right).  

Fraser gave a talk about "Around the World in 80 Years" on May 3rd.