RGFP published a paper on Chemical Engineering Journal
发布者: 井新利 | 2023-07-30 | 76648

Recently, one paper titled “High ablation-resistant silicone rubber composites via nanoscale phenolic resin dispersion” was published on Chemical Engineering Journal. The first author of the paper is Miao Li and Prof. Yu Li, and the corresponding author is Prof. Xinli Jing. This paper targets on the enhancement of the thermal and mechanical properties of the silicone rubber matrix. By introducing the functionalized phenolic resin into silicone rubber using hydroxyl-terminated silicone oil as a medium and achieved nanoscale dispersion of phenolic resin in silicone rubber by the construction of dynamic carbamate bonds and optimizing the mixing process. The excellent compatibility between phenolic resin and silicone rubber changes the thermal pyrolysis mechanism of silicon rubber from the molecular level and leads to a significant enhancement in the ablative resistance and mechanical strength. This work provides a new concept for synergistically improving the ablative resistance and mechanical properties of silicone rubber composites modified by phenolic resin.




7月31日,RGFP的一篇论文在Elsevier旗下的Chemical Engineering Journal上发表,论文的题目为High ablation-resistant silicone rubber composites via nanoscale phenolic resin dispersion,论文的第一作者为硕士生李淼和李瑜副教授,通讯作者为井新利教授。该论文为了提升硅橡胶基体的热性能和力学性能,以端羟基硅油为媒介将酚醛树脂引入硅橡胶中,并通过构建动态氨基甲酸酯键和优化混炼工艺,实现了酚醛树脂在硅橡胶中的纳米级分散。酚醛树脂与硅橡胶之间良好的相容性从分子水平上改变了硅橡胶的热裂解机理,使其耐烧蚀性和力学性能得到显著提高。本研究为酚醛树脂改性硅橡胶复合材料耐烧蚀性能和力学性能的协同提升提供了新的思路。


Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1385894723038639