祝贺Khoa N. Le教授新书《Physical Layer Security》由Springer出版,我和UNSW的Jinhong Yuan教授合作贡献了一章。
发布者: 郑通兴 | 2021-02-23 | 1289

祝贺Khoa N. Le教授新书《Physical Layer Security》由Springer出版,新南威尔士大学Jinhong Yuan教授和我合作贡献了一章《Physical Layer Security in Cache-Enabled Heterogeneous Cellular Networks》,欢迎感兴趣的朋友阅读,提出宝贵意见。


A quick search in the Scopus database can reveal some interesting facts. Specififically, the number of PLS publications to date is 6958, compared with 4836 for 2015–2020 and 264 for the year to date. This means that the number of publications in the last 5 years is about 70% of total PLS publications, which shows the research intensity around the world on PLS, hence its importance and relevance to our lives.

