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课题组1篇钐钴永磁材料论文被ACTA MATERIALIA录用
Publisher: 马天宇 | 2024-04-29 | 5742

2024年4月28日,课题组青年教师宋欣博士为第一作者的一篇论文“Rapid-thermal-process pre-treatment promoted precipitation towards strengthening hard magnetism of Sm2Co17-type magnets”被金属材料旗舰刊物ACTA MATERIALIA录用。祝贺他!



Dislocations can act as heterogeneous nucleation sites but their annihilations upon heating sacrifice point defects nearby, weakening the driving force for precipitate nucleation. In order to keep a high density of dislocations and point defects together, here rapid-thermal-process (RTP) pre-treatment was carried out to promote the precipitate nucleation in Sm2Co17-type permanent magnets that evolve gradual formation and dissociation of dislocations during concurrent precipitation and recrystallization. As exhibited in a model magnet Sm25Co49.3Fe17.1Cu5.6Zr3.0 (wt.%) with high-density dislocations at solution-treated state, the RTP pre-treatment can induce excess point defects owing to the migration of solute atoms towards equilibrium state and the quenching of point defects, and suppress the early-stage diffusion-controlled dissociation of dislocations. After whole-process isothermal aging and slow cooling, the RTP pre-treated magnet possesses much higher fraction of hexagonal SmCo5 (1:5H) nanoprecipitates than the non-pre-treated one, giving rise to an effective coercivity enhancement from 26.20 to 30.34 kOe and knee-point field from 14.43 to 19.20 kOe. These findings add insight into controlling precipitation in dislocation-bearing supersaturated solid solutions, which are feasible for strengthening the Sm-Co-based magnets.