

姓名:刘洋 (Yang Alison LIU)







刘洋,信息系统与智能商务系副教授(2023年7月至今)。她于新加坡国立大学信息系统与分析专业获得博士学位,并曾在新加坡国立大学商学院和计算机学院担任博士后研究员,于2020年10月加入西安交通大学。 主要研究方向为人机交互、数字健康、在线消费者行为、大语言模型商业应用与多模态数据分析。她的研究主要探索虚拟现实、增强现实、人工智能等新技术对于用户认知、决策与行为的影响(如基于移动app的健康自律行为、基于VR/AR/短视频平台的消费者行为、基于AI的内容创作与治理)。她的的研究发表于管理学与信息系统领域权威期刊,如Information Systems Research (UTD 24), Journal of Management Information Systems (FT 50), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (ABS 4*),并曾荣获国际信息系统年会的最佳进展中论文奖(Best Research-in-Progress Award)。她曾多次担任信息系统领域国际会议(如ICIS,PACIS等)副主编,并为MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, Information Systems Journal, Information & Management, 管理学报,信息系统学报等期刊审稿。目前主持国家自然科学基金青年项目1项,共同主持香港优配基金1项,参与国家自科基金重点项目1项。

Yang (Alison) LIU is an Associate Professor in the Department of Information Systems and Intelligent Business (July 2023-present). She joined Xi'an Jiaotong University in October 2020 after receiving her PhD in Information Systems and Analytics (2018) from National University of Singapore (NUS) and her postdoctoral fellowship at NUS Business School and School of Computing. Her main research interests are digital economy, human-computer interaction, online consumer behavior, and  business applications of large language models. Her research explores the impact of new technologies such as virtual reality, augmented reality, and artificial intelligence on users' cognition, decision making and behavior (e.g. mobile application design to promote self-regulation, VR/AR/short video platform and consumer behavior, AI-based content creation and governance). Her research has been published in leading journals in the field of management and information systems, such as Information Systems Research (UTD 24), Journal of Management Information Systems (FT 50), Journal of the Association for Information Systems (ABS 4), and has received the Best Research-in-Progress Award at the International Conference on Information Systems. She has served as an associate editor of many international conferences in the field of information systems (e.g. ICIS and PACIS), and anonymous reviewer for MIS Quarterly, Information Systems Research, Journal of Management Information Systems, etc. She is the principal investigator of one research project from National Natural Science Foundation of China (Youth Project), a co-principal investogator of one research project from Hong Kong General Research Fund, and participated in one research project from National Natural Science Foundation of China (Key Project).


期刊论文 (Journal Papers)

  • Yang (Alison) Liu, Zhenhui (Jack) Jiang, and Ben Choi (2022). “Pushing Yourself Harder: The Effects of Mobile Touch Modes on Users’ Self-Regulation”. Information Systems Research. Forthcoming. (信息系统领域顶级期刊,UTD 24)
  • Yang (Alison) Liu, Yi Shen, Cheng Luo, and Hock Chuan Chan(2021). Reach out and Touch: Eliciting Sense of Touch through Gesture-Based Interaction. Journal of the Association for Information Systems,22(6),1686-1714. (信息系统领域顶级期刊,ABS 4)
  • Yang (Alison) Liu, Zhenhui (Jack) Jiang, and Hock Chuan Chan (2019). “Touching Products Virtually: Facilitating Consumer Mental Imagery with Gesture Control and Visual Presentation”. Journal of Management Information Systems, 36(3), 823-854. (FT 50,信息系统领域顶级期刊)


近期代表性会议论文及口头报告 (Recent Conference Papers and Presentatons)

  • Navigating the AI Newsroom: An Empirical Study on the Effects of AI  Production on News Believability, CSWIM, Best Paper Nominee, 2024
  • Can Embedded Video Recommendations Reduce Information Cocoons: The Moderating Role of Situational Orientation, PACIS, 2024
  • The Influence of the Warning Label on Information Narrowing, PACIS, 2023
  • Can Revealing Users' Location Enhance Regulation of Offensive Content Online? Evidence from Experiments, Xi'an Jiaotong University, 2023
  • How Do Product Review Videos Affect Viewer Sentiments: A Mixed-Method Investigation, CNAIS, 2022
  • Sacrificing Novelty to Pacify Algorithms: How Creators Respond to Algorithmic Evaluation, University of Science and Technology of China Young Scholar Workshop in Information Systems, 2021
  • Harder and Smoother on Touchscreens? How Interaction Mode Affects Consumer Product Judgment, HICSS, 2020
  • Look and Feel: The Importance of Sensory Congruence in Virtual Product Experience, ICIS, 2019


工作论文(Working Paper)

  • The Search for Balance: The Impact of LLM-based Conversational Search on Polarization
  • Designing AI for Emotional Health: The Effects of LLM-based Chatbots' Conversational Styles and Anthropomorphic Features
  • Enhancing Perceived Helpfulness: Exploring the Impact of Visual and Auditory Richness in Online Review Videos
  • AI Appropriate Reliance in the Generative AI era: Conceptualization, Propositions and Research Directions
  • Fantasy vs. Reality in Virtual Stores: Impact on Consumer Perception and Offline Engagement



  • 2024,中国夏季信息管理研讨会“最佳论文提名”
  • 2023,西安交通大学”十大学术新人“
  • 2023,西安交通大学”李怀祖管理学研究成果奖“
  • 2015,国际信息系统年会”最佳进展中论文奖“