

蔡寅 (CAI Yin)

  • 博士毕业于法国巴黎高师(Dr.)
  • 硕士生、博士生导师(PhD Supervisor)
  • 特聘研究员 副教授(Associate Professor)
  • 电信学部电子科学与工程学院
  • 电子物理与器件教育部重点实验室
  • 宽禁带半导体与量子器件研究所
  • 入选西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才”
  • 入选陕西省科技创新团队
  • 曾任 南京大学 特任副研究员
  • 兼任 Frontiers杂志专题主编
  • 《中国激光》青年编委
  • SCI期刊评审





地址(Address):陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号西安交通大学,东二楼 262


简介:欢迎来到我们课题组。我们课题组致力于光电子学、量子信息与量子光学中基础问题及其在光电信息科学中的应用研究,围绕非经典光电体系的制备、操控及其作为核心量子资源在经典和量子信息处理过程中的可能应用。课题处于量子光电子学、非线性光学,物理电子学, 光电技术以及信息处理等前沿交叉领域,已成为当前国际科学研究领域非常活跃、非常重要的研究方向。课题组近年来在国际顶级学术期刊已发表一系列学术成果。联系方式:caiyin@xjtu.edu.cn












国家自然基金面上项目(2021, 主持)




西安交通大学,校科研项目,2019-, 主持




Scientific Research

Introduction: Welcome to our research group. Our group is dedicated to exploring fundamental issues in optoelectronics, quantum information, and quantum optics, as well as their applications in photoelectric information science. We focus on the preparation and manipulation of non-classical optoelectronic systems, and their potential applications as core quantum resources in both classical and quantum information processing. Our research lies at the cutting-edge intersections of quantum optoelectronics, nonlinear optics, physical electronics, photoelectric technology, and information processing, making it a highly active and significant research direction in the international scientific community. In recent years, our group has published a series of academic achievements in top international journals.

Contact Information: caiyin@xjtu.edu.cn

Research Interests:

  1. Fundamental Issues in Quantum Optoelectronics:

    Multi-mode quantum optics and all-optical manipulation; Quantum coherence control in light-matter interactions

  2. Applied Research in Photoelectric Information:

    Quantum optical chips; Quantum detectors and circuit design

  3. Quantum Technology Research:

    Quantum information; Quantum precision measurement




  • Direct manipulation of biphoton generation from the non-Hermitian nature of light-matter interaction, Laser Photonics Reviews(2025)

  • Direct generation of time-energy-entangled W triphotons in atomic vapor, Science Advances Vol. 10, No. 37 (2024)

  • Multimode entanglement in reconfigurable graph states using optical frequency combs,Nature Communications 8, 1564(2017)

  • Quantum enhanced measurement of an optical frequecy comb, (Nature Paterned jounal) npj Quantum Information, 7, 82(2021)

  • Hierarchy of Nonlinear Entanglement Dynamics for Continuous Variables, Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 150502 (2021) 

  • Non-Hermitian control of confined optical skyrmions in microcavities formed by photonic spin–orbit coupling, Photonics Research 11(4), 610-621(2023)

  • Frequency-multiplexed entanglement for continuous-variable quantum key distribution, Photonics Research 9(12), 2351-2359(2021)

  • Versatile multipartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering via a quantum frequency comb, Phys. Rev. Research(Rapid) 2, 032046(2020)

  • Direct generation of one-way Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering with a self-phase-locked optical parametric oscillator, Phys. Rev. A 108, 012430(2023)

  • Atomic-coherence-assisted multipartite entanglement generation with dressing-energylevel-cascaded four-wave mixing, Phys. Rev. A 106, 043709(2022)

  • Collective multipartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering via cascaded four-wave mixing of rubidium atoms, Phys. Rev. A 104, 033704(2021)

  • Non-Gaussian nature and entanglement of spontaneous parametric nondegenerate triple-photon generation, Phys. Rev. A 103, 013704(2021)

  • Monogamy relations within quadripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering based on cascaded four-wave mixing processes, Phys. Rev. A 101, 053834 (2020) 

  • Quantum-network generation based on four-wave mixing,Phys. Rev. A 91, 013843(2015)

  • Realization of multi-transverse-mode squeezed optical frequency combs with Gouy phase compensation, Optics Express 32(24), 42783-42792 (2024).

  • Experimental realization of multimode nonlinear parametric amplification from cascading four-wave mixing of dressed atoms, Optics Express 31(4), 6982-6995(2023)

  • Multipartite entanglement generation with high-order non-Hermitian exceptional points from dressing controlled atomic nonlinearity, Optics Express 31, 25, 41160-41477(2023)

  • Full characterization of vector eigenstates in symmetrically confined systems with photonic spin-orbit coupling, Optics Express 31, 17, 27749-27760(2023)

  • Optimal bright multimode quantum squeezing via multi-seeding energy-level cascaded four-wave mixing, Optics Express 30(22), 39762-39774(2022)

  • Multimode entanglement generation with dual-pumped four-wave-mixing of Rubidium Atoms, Optics Express 28(17), 25278-25292(2022)

  • Tripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering with linear and nonlinear beamsplitters in four-wave mixing of Rubidium atomsOpt. Express, 27, 33070-33079 (2019).

  • 综述论文-多模式量子纠缠及纠缠网络研究进展,中国激光,第 51 卷 第 18 期 2024 年


  • Manipulating cavity photon dynamics by topologically curved space, Light: Science & Applications 11:308(2022)

  • Multipartite Entanglement of a Two-Separable State,Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 110502(2016)

  • Full Multipartite Entanglement of Frequency-Comb Gaussian States,Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 050501(2015)



  • Quantum enhanced measurement of an optical frequecy comb, Yin CAI* et al. Nature Paterned jounal npj Quantum Information,7, 82(2021)

  • Collective multipartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering via cascaded four-wave mixing of rubidium atoms, Yang Liu, Yin Cai*, Binshuo Luo, Jin Yan, Mengqi Niu, Feng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, Phys. Rev. A 104, 033704 (2021) 

  • Hierarchy of Nonlinear Entanglement Dynamics for Continuous Variables. Da Zhang*, David Barral*, Yin Cai* et al. Phys. Rev. Lett. 127, 150502 (2021) 

  • Non-Gaussian nature and entanglement of spontaneous parametric nondegenerate triple-photon generation by Da Zhang, Yin Cai*, Zhan Zheng, et al. (Accepted PRA 2021)

  • Three-mode squeezing of simultaneous and ordinal cascaded four-wave mixing processes in rubidium vapor, Wei Li, Yin CAI*(Accepted Annalen der Physik 2021)

  • Fully determinstic analysis on photonic whispering-gallery modes of irregular polugonal microcavities with testing in hexagons, Xiaoxuan Luo, Yin Cai, Yongsheng Wang, Zaoyu Chen, Fu Liu, Lei Zhang, Yanpeng Zhang, and Feng Li*, Phys. Rev. A 103, L031503 (2021) 

  • Shaping temporal correlation of biphotons in a hot atomic ensemble, K.K. Li, Yin Cai* et al.(Accepted Adv. Photonics Research)(2021) 

  • Shaping the Temporal Waveform of Tri-Photon with Double-dressing, Yamen Li et al, Ann. Physik 533, 2000489(2021).

  • Frequency multiplexed entanglement for continuous-variable quantum key distribution, Yin Cai* (Accepted by Photonics Research 2021)


  • Yin Cai*, et. al., Versatile Multipartite EPR steering via a quantum frequency comb, Phys. Rev. Research (Rapid Communications), 2, 032046(R) (2020).

  • Yu Xiang, Yang Liu, Yin Cai*,  Feng Li, Yanpeng Zhang, and Qiongyi He, Monogamy Relations within Quadripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen Steering based on Four-Wave Mixing of Rubidium Atoms, (2020) .(Accepted by Phys. Rev. A)

  • J-W LI, ...,Yin Cai*, Y-P Zhang,  Gnereration of Multimode Quantum Correlation with Energy-level Cascaded Four-wave Mixing. (Acceppted by Annals of Physics. )

  • Peng Li, Feng Li,* Xiaoyu Zhang, Yiming Li, Xiaoxuan Luo, Ruimin Wang, Yin Cai, and Yanpeng Zhang, Orthogonally Polarized Luminescence of Single Bismuth Phosphate Microcrystal Doped with Europium, Adv. Optical Mater. 8, 2000583(2020)

  • Yuliang Liu, Kangkang Li, Wei Li, Sifan Li, Yin Cai*, and Yanpeng Zhang*, Dressing-Controlled Quantum Steering in Energy-Level Cascaded Parametric Amplified Fou-Wave Mixing Process,Adv. Quantum Tecnol., 2000029 (2020).

  • Yin Cai*, Ling Hao, Da Zhang, Yang Liu, Binshuo Luo, Zhan Zheng, Feng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang, Multimode entanglement generation with dual-pumped four-wave-mixing of Rubidium Atoms, Optical Express, 28,  25278-25292 (2020).

  • Kangkang Li, Sifan Li, Changbiao Li, Yin Cai*, Feng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang,Dressing-Shaped Rabi Oscillation of Photon Pairs in Hot Atomic Ensemble,Adv. Quantum Technol,2020, 2000098(2020)

  • Kangkang Li, Yin Cai, Ji Wu, Yuliang Liu, Siqi Xiong, Yameng Li, and Yanpeng Zhang*,Three-body topology entanglement generation via a six-wave mixing: competing and coexisting of linear and nonlinear optics responses in triphoton correlation,Adv. Quantum Tecnol., 3, 1900119(2020).

  • Li, Kangkang; Yin Cai; Li, Wei; Fan, Huanrong; Ning, Shaohuan; Zhang, Siqiang; Zhang, Yanpeng,All-optical wavelength division multiplexing amplifier based on vacuum induced nonreciprocal bistability in six-wave mixing process with a ring cavity,RIP(2020)

  • Li, Kangkang; Feng, Yuan; Li, Xinghua; Gu, Bingling; Yin Cai; Zhang, Yanpeng,Generation of Competitive and Coexisting Two Pairs of Biphotons in Single Hot Atomic Vapor Cell,ANNALEN DER PHYSIK(2020)

  • Feng, Yuan; Zhang, Zhaoyang; Ahmed, Irfan; Li, Sifan; Liu, Yuliang; Yin Cai; Zhang, Yanpeng,Evolution of linear and nonlinear optical responses in single- and double-dressing quadphoton correlations,OE(2020)


  • Yang Liu, Yin Cai*, Yu Xiang*, Feng Li, Yanpeng Zhang, and Qiongyi He*, Tripartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen steering with linear and nonlinear beamsplitters in four-wave mixing of Rubidium atomsOpt. Express, 27, 33070-33079 (2019).

  •  Feng Li*, Yiming Li, Yin Cai, Peng Li, Haijun Tang and Yanpeng Zhang, Tunable Open‐Access Microcavities for Solid‐State Quantum Photonics and Polaritonics, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2, 10 (2019).

  • Da Zhang, Irfan Ahmed, Lin Hao, Yin Cai, Changbiao Li, Yiqi Zhang, and Yanpeng Zhang*, Temporally Correlated Narrowband Biphoton Interference Based on Mach–Zehnder Interferometer,Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 531, 1900300 (2019).