


西安交通大学, 化工学院, 助理教授


(1) 2018-09 至 2023-12, 西安交通大学, 动力工程及工程热物理, 博士

(2) 2022-07 至 2023-07, 杜克大学,土木与环境工程,访问学者
(3) 2014-09 至 2018-06, 西安交通大学, 过程装备与控制工程, 学士


2024.01 至 今, 西安交通大学




邮       编:710049


邮       箱:chensong2024@xjtu.edu.cn




  1. C Song, QM Liu, JR Wang, et al. Estimation of particle dispersion characteristics in a fluidized bed with the binary mixture of Geldart A & B types using the optical fiber probe method [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI Top, 化工三大刊), 2024, 63: 7807-7820.
  2. JR Wang, C Song, QM Liu, et al. (共同一作) Pilot scale investigation on the heterogeneous condensation process combined with axial flow cyclone to achieve high separation efficiency of fine particles and low energy consumption [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI Top, 化工三大刊), 2023, 62: 16125-16138.
  3. C Song, JR Wang, SM Wang, et al. Experimental and theoretical study of operating conditions impact on the catalytic propane dehydrogenation in a fluidized bed reactor [J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research (SCI Top, 化工三大刊), 2022, 61: 12434-12447.
  4. C Song, JR Wang, SM Wang, et al. Investigation of flow behaviors in a fluidized bed reactor with binary mixture of Geldart-A and B particles [J]. Powder Technology (SCI Q1 Top) , 2022, 410: 117841.
  5. C Song, JR Wang, SM Wang, et al. Optimization of the structural parameters of a cyclone by using a genetic algorithm [J]. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2022, 45(9): 1691-1700.
  6. C Song, J Xiao, WX Lin, et al. Numerical investigation of flow, heat transfer, and kinetic reaction in a large-difference bidisperse, circulating fluidized-bed reactor [J]. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2022, 100(12): 265-274.
  7. SM Wang, JR Wang, C Song, et al. Numerical investigation on the effects of operating conditions and configuration parameters in industrial risers [J]. Powder Technology (SCI Q1 Top), 2020, 363: 265-274.
  8. SM Wang, JR Wang, C Song, et al. Optimization Investigation on Operating Parameters of a Scrubbing Tower Using a Genetic Algorithm [J]. Chemical Engineering & Technology, 2020, 43: 2109-2117.
  9. SM Wang, JR Wang, C Song, et al. Numerical investigation on urea particle removal in a spray scrubber using particle capture theory [J]. Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 2019, 145: 150-158.
  10. JR Wang, XC Peng, C Song, et al. Multi-object optimization study on the performance of gas cyclones based on heterogeneous condensation and turbulent agglomeration [J]. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering , 2023, 101:6534-6545..
  11. 曹励召, 李超, 胡晓捷, 郑敬中, 牟青, 宋晨*, 高秀峰.  零散天然气回收槽车充装工艺数值研究 [J]. 化学工程, 2024 (已接收).
  12. 王磊, 余显涌, 张健, 毛万玲, 曾子轩, 宋晨*, 高秀峰.  零散天然气回收卸气上载管网工艺数值研究 [J]. 化学工程, 2024 (已接收).
  13. 宋晨, 王龙延, 王斯民. 大差异双分散循环流化床多场耦合数值模拟[J]. 西安交通大学学报 EI, 2021, 55(11): 181-190.
  14. 王斯民,宋晨,王家瑞,等. FCC三旋细颗粒蒸汽相变长大特性的实验研究[J]. 高校化学工程学报EI),2020, 21 (3): 633-638. 
  15. 王斯民, 孙利娟, 宋晨, . 螺旋扁管折流杆换热器壳侧性能多目标优化研究[J]. 化工学报EI, 2019, 70(9), 3353-3362.
  16. 王斯民, 孙利娟, 宋晨, . 螺旋扁管折流杆换热器传热强化数值模拟研究[J]. 高校化学工程学报EI),2020, 34 (1): 76-85.
  17. 王斯民,王家瑞,宋晨,等. 造粒塔粉尘洗涤过程中流体力学特性与除尘效率研究[J]. 高校化学工程学报EI),2018, 32 (4): 785-793.
