期刊论文 (http://www.researcherid.com/rid/B-4761-2012)
405. Haochen Liu, Shuozhi Wang, Yifan Zhao, Kailun Deng, Zhenmao Chen, A cyclic self-enhancement technique for complex defect profile reconstruction based on thermographic evaluation, Acta Mech. Sin., Vol. 41, 424076/1-14, 2025
404.Shuyan Yang, Ruixiang Zhao, Zhirong Duan, Peng Hu Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie*, Qiang Wan, Shunping Yan, Yang Zheng, A novel enhanced sensitive sensor for small-diameter pipe based on the PECT-EMAT hybrid testing method, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.226, 112350/1-17, 2025
403. Jizhou Zhang, Siwei Fan, Guohang Lu, Shuyan Yang, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Yang Zheng, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Wall thinning quantiffcation with a lift-off distance for ferromagnetic structures using pulsed ECT equipped with ICA-Gauss fflter and Hough Transform, NDT&E International, Vol.149, 103272/1-12, 2025.
402. Cheng Qian, Cuixiang Pei*, Xing Kou, Nuo Chen, Zhenmao Chen, Debonding defect imaging of thermal barrier coating with grating laser acoustic spectroscopy, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.224, 112184/1-13, 2025.
401. Jie Deng, Yuange Zhang, Yinqiang Qu, Cuixiang Pei * , Tianhao Liu, Zhenmao Chen*, Development of a flexible phased array electromagnetic acoustic testing system with array pickups NDT&E International, Vol.149, 103263/1-11, 2025.
400. Xudong Li, Feng Yi, Jinhua Chen, Haoran Ma, Zhenmao Chen, Chi Zhang, An Edge-Based Smoothed Finite Element Method for Magnetic Field Analysis in Permanent Magnet Motors, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol. 61, No. 1, 7400307/1-7, 2025
399. Yu Liu, Yuhang Chen, Xing Kou, Cuixiang Pei*, Zhenmao Chen, A fast laser ultrasonic SAFT method with sparse scanning data and F-K based interpolation, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 1-15, 2024, (on-line, DOI: 10.1080/10589759.2024.2402551)
398. Bingjie Su, Yong Li, Zhengshuai Liu, Jin Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Near- and remote-field pulsed eddy current integrated testing for enhancement in imaging of buried flaws in layered conductive structures, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 1-14, 2024. (on-line, DOI: 10.1080/10589759.2024.2403701)
397. Yuange Zhang, Cuixiang Pei*, Jie Deng, Tianhao Liu, Yinqiang Qu, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, A flexible EMAT enhanced with array magnetic core for inspection of curved structure, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 378, 115869/1-12, 2024.
396. Chenxi Xie, Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang Pei*, Dengrong Liu, Zhenmao Chen, A Flexible Film Magnetostrictive Patch Transducer for Nondispersive Shear Horizontal Wave Testing, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 24, No. 22, 37646/1-8, 2024.
395. Fengjing Mao, Cuixiang Pei*, Xing Kou,, Cheng Qian, Jian Wu, Zhenmao Chen, Micro-surface crack inspection with arc-shaped bi-grating laser ultrasound spectroscopy, International Journal of Fatigue, Vol.188, 108512/1-10, 2024.
394. Qian Cheng, Pei Cuixiang*, Chen Zhenmao, Accurate measurement of TBC thickness with specific wavelength multimodal SAW induced by grating laser, Optics and Laser Technology, Vol.176, 111028/1-10, 2024.
393. Qian Cheng, Chen Yuhang, Pei Cuixiang*, Chen Zhenmao, Remote measurement of material elastic property at elevated temperature with grating laser ultrasonic testing, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2024 (on line, DOI10.1080/10589759.2023.2299777)
392. Cheng Qian, Yuhang Chen, Cuixiang Pei*, Fengjing Mao, Xing Kou, Zhenmao Chen, Noncontact hardness assessment of carbon steel with nonlinear Rayleigh waves induced by grating laser, Optics and Laser in Engineering, Vol.180:108354, 2024
391. Zhi Wang, Cuixiang Pei*, Zhenyu Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative test of delamination defects in CFRP with surface interference by laser thermography, Infraed Physics & Technology, Vol.136, 105046, 2024.
390. Dengrong Liu , Junteng Hu, Cuixiang Pei* , Tianhao Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Development of a Torsional Guided Wave EMAT for Internal Inspection of Ferromagnetic Pipes, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.23, No.21, 26154-26162, 2024.
389. Zhenyu Zhang, Cuixiang Pei*, Zhi Wang, Zhenmao Chen, A fast deployable model for crack identification with laser thermography testing, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol. 142, 105552/1-8, 2024.
388. Yuxuan Wu, Junteng Hu, Cuixiang Pei*, Fangjie Shi, Zhenmao Chen*, Enhanced PAUT method with pulse compression for heavy-walled CASSs in nuclear power plants, Progress in Nuclear Energy, Vol.171, 105153/1-8, 2024.
387. Yang Fang*, Xihan Yang, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Ruonan Wang, Yong li, Shejuan Xie, Non-destructive quantitative evaluation of delamination depth andthickness in GFRP using microwave reflectometry, NDT&E International, Vol.44, 103065/1-13, 2024.
386. Rongli Chen, Xiupeng Zheng, Xudong Li, Liang Qiao, Jie Deng, Hong-En Chen, Juncheng Yuang and Zhenmao Chen*, A velocity evaluation method for in-pipe metallic flow through inversion of magnetic field perturbation measured surronding the pipe, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.74, No.4, 429-439, 2024.
385. Yuange Zhang, CuixiangPei*, Jie Deng, Tianhao Liu, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Detection mechanism of delamination in thermal barrier coatings of turbine blade using a Rayleigh wave EMAT, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.74, No.4, 405-413, 2024.
384 Jie Deng, Cuixiang Pei*, Yuange Zhang, Yinqiang Qu, Ke Deng, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Imaging of subsurface defects with surface wave SAFT based on an array pickup EMAT, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.74, No. 4, 415-428, 2024
383. Yang Fang*, Peilin Hui, Zhenmao Chen*, Yong Li, Shejuan Xie, Hongen Chen, On-site material reflectivity measurement using a novel miniaturized UWB spot-focusing microwave sensor, Measurement Science and Technology, Vol.35, 035602/1-12, 2024.
382. Zhenyu Zhang, Cuixiang Pei*, Zhi Wang, Zhenwei Chen, Zhenmao Chen, Complex surface cracks detection and identification by laser array spots thermography with PCA-Frangi processing, Optics & Laser Technology, Vol.170, 110228/1-9, 2024.
381. Wei Guo, Shejuan Xie*, Yali Du, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, A Numerical Simulation Method for High-Frequency Eddy Current Testing Considering Displacement Current Effect, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, Vol.60, No.3, 7200804/1-4,2024.
380. Haochen Liu, Lawrence Tinsley, Kailun Deng, Yizhong Wang, Andrew Starr, Zhenmao Chen, Yifan Zhao, A Fiber-guided Motorised Rotation Laser Scanning Thermography Technique for Impact Damage Crack Inspection in Composites, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,, Vol.71, No.3, 3163-3172, 2024.
379. 解社娟,李 勇,裴翠祥,陈洪恩,方 阳,陈振茂. 安交通大学无损检测实验室2023 年度进展, 2023中国无损检测年度报告, 1-10, 2024.
378. 曾鑫磊, 万强, 陈文彰, 晏顺坪, 李越, 任淑廷, 解社娟, 陈振茂, 基于方向性探头的双轴塑性变形定量涡流检测研究, 实验力学, Vol.39, No.2,168-182, 2024.
377. 李淑芸,高轩,郑修鹏,陈洪恩,刘皓晨,杨飒,陈晖,陈振茂*,基于有限测点信息的管路振动载荷识别方法研究,应用力学学报,2024(已录用)
376. Yang Fang *, Zhenmao Chen*, Xihan Yang, Ruonan Wang, Yong Li, Shejuan Xie, Visualization and quantitative evaluation of delamination defects in GFRPs via sparse millimeter-wave imaging and image processing,NDT&E International, Vol. 141, 102975/1-15, 2023.
375 Yang Fang, Yinqiang Qu, Xinlei Zeng, Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie*, Qiang Wan**, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Zhenmao Chen, Distinguishing evaluation of plastic deformation and fatigue damage using pulsed eddy current testing, NDT&E International, Vol.140, 102972/1-7, 2023.
374. Wei Guo, Yingsong Zhao, Liang Qiao, Ke Deng, Yifan Yang, Xueyuan Chen, Shejuan Xie*, Zhenmao Chen*, High Precision Thickness Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coating with High Frequency Eddy Current Testing Method, NDT&E International., 102963/1-7, 2023.
373. Mohammad Rauf Sheikhi, Selim Gürgen, Jian Li* , Mehmet Alper Sofuoglu, Mahdi Hasanzadeh, Melih Cemal Kus¸han, Zhenmao Chen, Design of smart sandwich structures enhanced by multi-functional shear thickening fluids (M−STFs): Anti-vibration and electrical conductivity, Composite Structures Vol.324, 117520/1-12, 2023
372. Dengrong Liu, Junteng Hu, Cuixiang Pei*, Tianhao Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Development of a plug-in torsional mode guided wave EMAT for ferromagnetic pipe inspection, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.23, No.21, 26154-26162, 2023.
371. Geng Dang, Cuixiang Pei, Tianhao Liu, Chenxi Xie, Dengrong Liu, Wei Mao, Zhenmao Chen Noncontact and rapid measurement of elastic properties of metals with a dual-mode bulk-wave EMAT, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2013, (on-line, DOI: 10.1080/ 10589759.2023.2239432.
370. Shejuan Xie, Shuyan Yang, Mingming Tian, Ruixiang Zhao, Zhenmao Chen, Yang Zheng*, Tetsuya Uchimoto*, Toshiyuki Takagi, A hybrid nondestructive testing method of pulsed eddy current testing and electromagnetic acoustic transducer techniques based on wavelet analysis. NDT & E International, vol.138, 102900/1-14, 2023.
369. Ruonan Wang, Yang Fang*, Qianxiang Gao, Yong Li*, Xihan Yang, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative Visualization of Buried Defects in GFRP via Microwave Reflectometry, Sensors, Vol.23, 6629/1-17, 2023.
368. Xihan Yang, Yang Fang* , Ruonan Wang, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Visual Quantitative Detection of Delamination Defects in GFRP via Microwave, Sensors, Vol. 23, 6386/1-15, 2023.
367. Zhijun Wang, Pengpeng Shi*, Hong-En Chen, Tianshou Liang, Ke Deng, Zhenmao Chen*, Tension-induced magnetic Barkhausen noise morphology transition caused by pre-introduced strain, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.134, 065103/1-6, 2023.
366. Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang Pei, Libo Wang, Chenxi Xie, Zhenmao Chen, An Enhanced Long-Range Guided-Wave Pipe Inspection Method Based on Local Axial 2-D Signal Acquisition and Processing, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, Vol. 72, 9600607/1-7, 2023.
365. Liang Qiao, Hong-En Chen*, Ke Deng, Zhijun Wang, Yingsong Zhao, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, An inversion scheme for motion-induced eddy current testing based on a new formula of signal gradient of ferromagnetic materials. Measurement Science and Signal Processing, Vol.176, 110453/1-14, 2023.
364. Yue Li, Yancheng Qiao, Zongfei Tong, Jingda Tang *, Shejuan Xie *, Zhenmao Chen, Nondestructive inspection and imaging of magnetic hydrogel using the alternating magnetic field infrared thermography, Infrared Physics & Technology, Vol.131, 104681/1-7, 2023.
363. Xuan Gao, Hong-En Chen, Yong Li∗, Shuyun Li, Hui Chen, Meng Wang, Sa Yang,Shuxia Tian and Zhenmao Chen*, Reconstruction schemes of load and constraint for global vibration evaluation of pipeline structures, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Vol.71, 589–597, 2023.
362. Liang Qiao, Hong-En Chen*, Wei Guo, Zhijun Wang, Yifan Yang, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, A Numerical Scheme for Fast and High Accuracy Simulation of Motion-Induced Eddy Current Testing Signals, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol.39, 1-18, 2023 (on line, Doi: 10.1080/10589759.2023.2191958).
361. Zongfei Tong, Saeid Hedayatrasa, Liangliang Cheng, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie*, Mathias Kersemans*, An efficient parametrized optical infrared thermography 3D finite element framework for computer vision applications, NDT&E International, Vol.135, 102787/1-16, 2023.
360. Chenxi Xie , Tianhao Liu , Cuixiang Pei *, Zhenmao Chen, Study of curved structures health monitoring with flexible omnidirectional guided-wave transducers, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol. 349, 114011/1-9, 2023.
359 Shejuan Xie, Guohang Lu, Lei Zhang, Zhenmao Chen*, Qiang Wan**, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Quantitative evaluation of deep-shallow compound defects using frequency-band-selecting pulsed eddy current testing, NDT&E International. Vol.133, 102750,/1-12, 2023.
358. Xudong Li, Lei Xue, Rongli Chen, Haijie Dong, Yong Li, Shuo Wang,Yudong Pan, Zhenmao Chen*, Numerical method and experimental validation of the magneto-thermal-mechanical coupling problem with application to tokamak structures, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.118, 474–501, 2023
357. Yuange Zhang, Cuixiang Pei*, Jie Deng, Tianhao Liu, Peng Jiang, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Development of a flexible phased array Rayleigh-wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.71, 541-549, 2023
356. Jie Deng, Cuixiang Pei*, Yuange Zhang, Tianhao Liu, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Development of an Array Pickup Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer and Application to Visualization of Surface Wave, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.71, 521-530, 2023
355. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative detection of combined cracks based on artificial neural network and eddy current testing signals, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.71, 571-580, 2023.
354. Bofan Liu, Hong-En Chen, Rongbang Wang, Yang Yang, Haochen Liu,Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Non-destructive testing of debonding defects in thermal barrier coating system using laser infrared thermography, Proc. SPIE 12550, 125501R/1-7, 2023
353.Yang Yang, Yang Fang, Bofan Liu, Jinxing Qiu, Zongfei Tong, Qingning Yang, Haochen Liu, Cuixiang Pei, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Studies on the infrared thermography technique for quantitative nondestructive evaluation of surface crack and delamination of multilayer structures, Proc. SPIE 12550, 125501T/1-10, 2023
352. 任延钊, 李勇, 苏冰洁, 向异, 刘正帅, 任淑廷, 陈振茂, 双层异质金属构件界面损伤的暂态涡流定量检测, 无损检测 45(09):54-60, 2023.
351. 王若男, 李勇, 回沛林, 方阳, 陈振茂, PE结构埋深缺陷的微波无损可视化检测, 无损检测 45(09):22-27+32, 2023.
350. 苏冰洁, 李勇, 任延钊, 刘正帅, 任淑廷, 陈振茂, 金属构件缺陷的脉冲涡流近-远场复合定量检测, 无损检测 45(10):1-8, 2023.
349. 李孟奇, 李勇, 王瑾, 高乾祥, 刘天浩, 陈振茂, 基于S构型内检式EMAT的管道裂纹电磁超声螺旋导波定量检测, 无损检测 45(10):14-18+84, 2023.
348. 高乾祥, 李勇, 王若男, 方阳, 杨西含, 陈振茂, 聚乙烯构件减薄缺陷的太赫兹扫频可视化定量检测, 传感器与微系统 42(10):114-117, 2023.
347. 康乐乐,方阳,郑修鹏,邱金星,裴翠祥,王永红,陈振茂*,发动机喷管钎焊缝射线检测图像处理方法及深度学习研究,无损检测,Vol.45, No.2, 38-44, 2023.
346. 陈振茂,李勇,解社娟,裴翠祥,陈洪恩,方阳,西安交通大学无损检测实验室2022年度进展,无损检测,Vol. 45,No.4, 99-106,2023.
345. 朱玉龙, 赵迎松, 方 阳, 陈洪恩, 陈振茂*, 孔边裂纹的旋转涡流检测,中国机械工程,Vol.34, No.8, 883-891, 2023.
344. 陈文彰, 杨茜, 解社娟, 朱东彬, 胡宁, 白雪, 陈振茂, 涡流无损检测温度影响研究, 实验力学, Vol.38, No.3, 296-306, 2023.
343. 任延钊, 李勇, 王瑾, 向异, 苏冰洁, 陈振茂, 异质金属构件埋深缺陷正交激励脉冲涡流检测探头, 传感器与微系统, Vol.42, No. 9, 81-84, 2023.
342. 石瀚林, 王猛, 蔡文路, 陈洪恩, 陈辉, 陈振茂*. 磁芯探头涡流检测信号数值模拟方法研究,应用力学学报,Vol.40, No.6, 1324-1334, 2023.
341. Xing Kou, Cheng Qian, Cuixiang Pei*, Zhenmao Chen, A Bi-grating Laser Acoustic Spectrum Method for Small Surface-breaking Crack Imaging and Depth Evaluation, NDT&E International, Vol.126, 102593/1-7, 2022.
339 Shuting Ren, Yong Li, Zhengshuai Liu, Yanzhao Ren, Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin and Zhenmao Chen, Gradient-field pulsed eddy current imaging of hidden corrosion in layered conductors via sparse bayesian learning alongside baseline estimation and denoising with sparsity, Sensors & Actuators: A. Physical, Vol. 346, 2022, 113900.
338 Geng Dang, Cuixiang Pei , Tianhao Liu, Chenxi Xie, Dengrong Liu, and Zhenmao Chen, Development of a Longitudinal Wave EMAT With High Conversion Efficiency, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 22, No. 20, 19424-19430.
337. Zhirong Duan, Shejuan Xie*, Lei Huang, Ruixiang Zhao, Mingming Tian, Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Quantitative sizing of compound location defects based on PECT-EMAT hybrid testing methods, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.178, 109287/1-17, 2022.
336. Zhengshuai Liu, Yong Li*, Shuting Ren, Yanzhao Ren, Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin, Zhenmao Chen, Pulse-Modulation Eddy Current Evaluation of Interlaminar Corrosion in Stratified Conductors: Semi-Analytical Modeling and Experiments Sensors, Vol.22, 3458/1-18, 2022.
335. Zongfei Tong, Shejuan Xie*, Hong-en Chen, Jinxing Qiu, Wenlu Cai, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Quantitative mapping of depth profile of fatigue cracks using eddy current pulsed thermography assisted by PCA and 2D wavelet transformation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.175, 109139/1-13, 2022
334. Liang Qiao, Hong-En Chen*, Meng Wang, Yulong Zhu, Xudong Li, Zongfei Tong, Shejuan Xie, Hui Chen, Zhenmao Chen*,Numerical Simulation Methods for Motion-Induced Eddy Current Testing Signals Based on Ar Formulation and Edge Finite Elements,NDT&E Int. Vol.129, 102651/1-14, 2022.
333. Wang Zhijun, Shi Pengpeng*, Chen Hong-En, He Manru, Zhenmao Chen*, A theoretical simulation for MBN testing: modeling microscopic local magnetization jumps in magnetic domain movement, Jourmal of Magnetism and Magnetic Material, Vol.552, 169170/1-19, 2022.
327 王若男,李勇,回沛林,郭威,陈振茂,武永卓, 涡轮叶片热障涂层减薄缺陷的微波扫频定量检测, 传感器与微系统, Vol. 41, No. 8, 104-107, 2022.
326 李孟奇,李勇,苏冰洁,刘天浩,裴翠祥,陈振茂, 金属小径管外壁裂纹的内检式电磁超声导波检测, 无损检测, Vol. 44, No. 10, 1-5, 2022.
324. Bei Yan, Yong Li*, Zhengshuai Liu, Shuting Ren, Zhenmao Chen, Xiaozhou Lü and Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin, Pulse-modulation eddy current imaging for 3D profile reconstruction of subsurface corrosion in metallic structures of aviation, IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol.21, No.4, 28087-28096, 2021
323. Xiaochuan Liu, Jinggang Qin, Chao Zhou, Panpan Xu, Shuxia Tian, Cherdpong Jomdecha, Wenlu Cai, Zhenmao Chen, and Yu Wu, Qualitative Study On Cable Breakage of Nb3Sn CICC Based On Direct Current Potential Drop Method, IEEE Trans. on Applied Superconductivity, Vol.31, No.8, 4804904/1-4, 2021.
322. Rongbang Wang, Cuixiang Pei*, Ruicong Xia, Qiang Wang, Zhenmao Chen, A portable fiber laser thermography system with beam homogenizing for CFRP inspection, NDT&E Int., Vol.124, 102550/1-8, 2021.
321. Yingsong Zhao, Li Wang, Pan Qi, Yulong Zhu, Jie Han, Wei Guo, Wenlu Cai, Zhenmao Chen*, A Reconstruction Scheme using an Average-Conductivity Element for Pitting Corrosion Defects in Steam Generator Tubes from Eddy Current Testing Signals, IEEE Trans Magn., Vol. 57, No. 10, 6200906/1-6, 2021
320. Qingning Yang, Shejuan Xie*, Kun He, YueE Chen, Zhenmao Chen*,Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, A novel circumferential eccentric eddy current probe and its application for defect detection of small-diameter tubes, Sensors and Actuators A, Physical, Vol.331, 113023/1-11, 2021
319. Chenxi Xie, Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang Pei∗, Yu Jin, Zhenmao Chen, A new longitudinal mode guided-wave EMAT with periodic pulsed electromagnets for non-ferromagnetic pipe, Sensors and Actuators A, Physical, Vol.331, 112991/1-8, 2021
318. Xing Kou, Cuixiang Pei*,Ting Liu, Shangzi Wu, Tianhao Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Noncontact testing and imaging of internal defects with a new Laserultrasonic SA FT method, Applied Acoustics, Vol.178, 107956/1-7, 2021.
317. Xing Kou, Cuixiang Pei *, Zhenmao Chen, Fully noncontact inspection of closed surface crack with nonlinear laser ultrasonic testing method, Ultrasonics, Vol.114, 106426/1-9, 2021.
313. 回沛林,李勇,王若男,方阳,陈振茂,武永卓,GFRP材料损失缺陷的微波反射定量检测,传感器与微系统,Vol. 40, No. 7, 110-113, 2021.
300. Zheng Xie, Yinsong Zhao, Qun Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, A study on influence of strong magnetic field on fracture of interface crack considering magneto-elastic coupling effects, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.64, 581–588, 2020.
299. Yingsong Zhao, Cherdpong Jomdecha, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Pan Qi, Shusheng Liao, Tetsuya Uchimoto and Toshiyuki Takagi, Reconstruction of complex shaped crack from ECT signals based on a fast forward solver using an advanced multi-media element, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.64, 621–629, 2020.
298. Jinxing Qiu, Cuixiang Pei*, Haochen Liu, Zhenmao Chen*. Laser array spots thermography for detection of cracks in curved structures. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.64, 385-391, 2020.
296. Li Wang* and Zhenmao Chen, Sizing of natural crack using multi-output support vector regression method from multi-frequency eddy current testing signals, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.64, 721–728, 2020.
295. Shuxia Tian*, Penghui Zhang, Liping Huang, Xueqian Song, Zhenmao Chen, Jianxiu Liu, Wenbin He and Yang Cao, Hard-point detection of catenary based on Hidden Markov Model, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.64, 701–709, 2020.
294. Dongli Zhang*, Meixian Wu, Zhenmao Chen and Yong Li, Study on the conductivity model of SCC by using a new eddy current probe, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol. 64, 753–759, 2020.
290. Xiaochuan Liu , Jinggang Qin , Chao Zhou, Shuxia Tian , Shuangsong Du, Zhenmao Chen, Yu Wu, Chao Dai , Yuanyuan Ma , and Tong Li, Numerical simulation of the cable breakage based on electromagnetic NDE method for Nb3Sn cable-In-conduit conductors, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercond., Vol.30, No.4, 4203204/1-4, 2020
289. Yingsong Zhao, Pan Qi, Zheng Xie, Peigen Bai, Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Shusheng Liao, Zhenmao Chen*, New Array Eddy Current Testing Probe for Inspection of Small-diameter Tubes in Tokamak Fusion Devices, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.157, 111627/1-7, 2020.
288. Yali Du, Xundong Li, Shejuan Xie*, Shiyou Yang and Zhenmao Chen*,Reconstruction of Cracks in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminate Plate from Signals of Eddy Current Testing, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 54, No.24, 3527-3534, 2020.
287. Xudong Li, Lei Xue, Zhenmao Chen*, Yudong Pan, Tetsuya Uchimoto, and Toshiyuki Takagi, Analysis Method for Magneto-Mechanical Coupled Vibration of the In-Vessel Structures Considering Halo Current Effect and Application to HL-2M Tokamak, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.156, 111612/1-6, 2020
286. Xudong Li, Cherdpong Jomdecha, Zhenmao Chen*, Influence of electric charge on numerical simulation for eddy current testing signals due to a conductive crack when using multi-media element, AIP Advances, Vol.10, 035025/1-8, 2020.
285. Zongfei Tong; Shejuan Xie*; Haochen Liu; Cuixiang Pei; Yong Li; Zhenmao Chen; Tetsuya Uchimoto; Toshiyuki Takagi,An efficient electromagnetic and thermal modelling of eddy current pulsed thermography for quantitative evaluation of blade fatigue cracks in Heavy-duty Gas Turbines, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, Vol.142, 106781/1-14, 2020
284. Shejuan Xie, Lei Zhang, Ying Zhao, Xiaogang Wang, Yuying Kong, Qiang Ma, Zhenmao Chen*, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi,Features extraction and discussion in a novel frequency-band-selecting pulsed eddy current testing method for the detection of a certain depth range of defects, NDT&E International., Vol.111, 102211/1-12, 2020
283. Kaiqiang Wang, Hong-En Chen, Pengpeng Shi, Lijuan Li, Shejuan Xie*, Zhenmao Chen*, Baoping Hei, Fuhai Gao, Hongyi Yang, Yingwei Wu and Guanghui Su, Measurement method for deformation and contact force of the fuel assembly for China Fast Reactor under thermal grandient, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.141, 107270/1-11, 2020.
282. Peigen Bai, Pengpeng Shi, Yingsong Zhao, Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Joint effect of residual stress and plastic deformation on pulsed eddy current response signals in 304 austenitic stainless steel, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.63, 19–30, 2020.
281. Li Wang, Wenlu Cai, Zhenmao Chen*, Quantitative evaluation of stress corrosion cracking based on crack conductivity model and intelligent algorithm from eddy current testing signals, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol. 35, No. 4, 378–394, 2020.
280. Zehua Ma, Hongyi Yang, Zhenhui Ma, Yingwei Wu, Kailin Lu, Kaiqiang Wang, Hongen Chen, G.H. Su, Zhenmao Chen, Experimental research on assembly section stiffness and bending stiffness for sodium-cooled fast reactor, Annals of Nuclear Energy, Vol.135, 106994/1-13, 2020.
279. 陳振茂, 李勇, 解社娟, 裴翠祥, 陳洪恩, 時朋朋. 西安交通大学における非破壊検査の理論研究と技術開発, 保全学, Vol.19, No.4, 1-6, 2020.
278. 胡金花,李勇,谭建国,陈振茂,武永卓,李文嘉, 玻璃纤维增强复合材料局部减薄损伤的微波无损定量检测, 传感器与微系统, Vol. 39, No. 3, 113-116, 2020,
277. 杨阳, 邱金星, 刘皓晨, 裴翠祥, 陈振茂*, 基于激光红外检测信号的表面裂纹定量重构, 红外技术, Vol.42, No.2, 152-157, 2020
276. 段志荣,解社娟,李丽娟,李骥,陈洪恩,陈振茂,基于磁力传动阵列涡流探头的管道缺陷检测,电工技术学报,Vol.35, No.22, 4627-4535, 2020.
275. 乔严程,解社娟,仝宗飞,唐敬达,许盼盼,李骥,李丽娟,陈振茂,基于交变磁场红外热像的磁性水凝胶缺陷检测,机械工程学报,Vol.56, No.18, 1-6, 2020.
274 蔡瑞,李勇,刘天浩,裴翠祥,陈振茂, 金属小径管损伤电磁超声导波检测的高效混合仿真方法及导波换能器可行性研究 , 机械工程学报, Vol. 56, No. 10, 34-41, 2020273. Yong Li , Yi Wang, Zhengshuai Liu, Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin, Zhenmao Chen, Characteristics Regarding Lift-Off Intersection of Pulse-Modulation Eddy Current Signals for Evaluation of Hidden Thickness Loss in Cladded Conductors, Sensors, Vol.19, 4102, 2019.
272. Cuixiang Pei, Xing Kou, Tianhao Liu and Zhenmao Chen, A New Ultrasonic Testing Method for Residual Strain Measurement With Laser Grating, ASME J Nondestructive Evaluation. Vol.2, No.4, 040903, 2019.
267. Peng Li, Shejuan Xie*, Kedian Wang, Ying Zhao, Lei Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, A novel frequency-band-selecting pulsed eddy current testing method for the detection of a certain depth range of defects, NDT&E Int., Vol. 107, 102154, 2019
261. Cuixiang Pei, Haochen Liu, Jinxing Qiu, Tianhao Liu and Zhenmao Chen*, Progress on the Ultrasonic Testing and Laser Thermography Techniques for NDT of Tokamak Plasma-Facing Components, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, Vol.9, 180-187, 2019.
260. Li Xudong, Shejuan Xie, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Numerical Methods for the Magneto-mechanical Coupling Analysis of In-Vessel Components in Tokamak Devices, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, Vol.9, 173-179, 2019.
259. Manru He, Takanori Matsumoto, Sho Takeda, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Hiroyuki Miki, Takamichi Miyazaki, Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Nondestructive Evaluation of Plastic Damage in a RAFM Steel Considering the Influence of Loading History, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol.523, 248-259, 2019.
258. Panpan Xu, Hua Chen, Shejuan Xie, Hong-en Chen, Weibin Zhang, Bende Liu, Bin Dai, Haiqiang Zhou, Jingming Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Mechanical property and damage evolution of polymer bonded explosive substitute under biaxial compression, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 11(4), 1950033, 2019.
257. Cherdpong Jomdecha, Xudong Li, Wenlu Cai, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Advanced Multi-Media Element for Simulating Distribution of Magnetic Flux Density Influenced by Narrow Crack, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.55, No.6, 6200804, 2019.
256. Zheng Xie, Yingsong Zhao, Peigen Bai, Qun Li, Cuixiang Pei, Hongen Chen, Zhenmao Chen*,Influence of tensile stress on hysteresis loop of Reduced Activation Ferrite & Martensitic Steel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, Vol. 515, 28-34, 2019
251. Cherdpong JOMDECHA, Wenlu CAI, Shejuan XIE, Yong LI and Zhenmao CHEN*, Analysis of Magnetic Flux Distribution Obtained from Different Equivalent Conductivities in Stress-Corrosion Crack Model, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.59, No.4, 1385-1392, 2019 .
250. Jinxing Qiu, Cuixiang Pei*, Haochen Liu and Zhenmao Chen*, Detection of Surface Cracks by Laser Spot Thermography at High Temperature, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol. 59, No.4, 1553-1559, 2019.
243. Shejuan Xie, Panpan Xu, Wenlu Cai, Hong-En Chen, Haiqiang Zhou, Zhenmao Chen*, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, A Simulation Method to Evaluate Electrical Conductivity of Closed-cell Aluminum Foam, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.58, No.3, 289-307, 2018.
242. Shi Pengpeng, Jin Ke, Xie Shejuan, Zheng Xiaojing*, Chen Zhenmao*, Quantitative Study of Magnetic Memory Testing Method for Stress and Crack in Ferromagnetic Materials, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.54, No.10, 6202011/1-11, 2018
241. Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang Pei*, Xin Cheng, Haiqiang Zhou, Pan Xiao, Zhenmao Chen, Adhesive debonding inspection with a small EMAT in resonant mode, NDT& E Int., Vol.98 110–116, 2018.
239. Wang Xiaojuan, Cai Wenlu, Chen Zhenmao, NDT of Cavity Defect in Metallic Plate using DC Potential Drop Method, Journal of Testing and Evaluation,Vol.46, No.2, 641-646, 2018
238. Wu Meixian, ,Zhang Dongli, Chen Zhenmao, Li Yong, Improvement of Measuring Accuracy for Coating Covered on Conical Steel Shells by Correction of Eddy Current Signals, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.46, No.1, 17-23, 2018.
237. Liu Xiaochuan,Wu Yu, Chen Zhenmao, Jom Cherdpong, Bai Xiaobao, Chen Hongen, Jiang Yunxi, Qin Jinggang, Cao Changtao, Xu Aihua, Research on Nondestructive Examination of Bracket Welds of ITER In-Vessel Coils (IVC), IEEE Trans. Appl. Superconductivity, Vol.28, No.4, 4204905/1-5, 2018
236. Pei Cuixiang, Zhao Shiqi, Chen Zhenmao*, A New Method for Plastic Strain Measurement with Rayleigh Wave Polarization, Ultrasonics, Vol.88, 168-173, 2018.
235. Pengpeng Shi, Pengcheng Zhang, Ke Jin, Zhenmao Chen*, Xiaojing Zheng*, Thermo-magneto-elastoplastic coupling model of metal magnetic memory testing method for ferromagnetic materials, Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 145102/1-10, 2018.
234. Xudong Li, Shejuan Xie, Hongwei Yuan, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, An FEM-BEM method for halo current problem and its application to HL-2M Tokamak, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.136, 667-673, 2018.
233. Zheng Xie, Qun Li, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, A study on influence of magnetic field on fracture properties of China low activation martensitic steel, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.136, 706-711, 2018.
232. Cuixiang Pei, Tianhao Liu, Hongen Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Inspection of delamination defect in first wall with a flexible EMAT-scanning system, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.136, 549-553, 2018.
231. Tian Shuxia, Huang Zichu, Wang Yongxiang; Chen Zhenmao*, A Method for Diagnosis of Poloidal Field Coils Current Based on Inversion of Magnetic Field, IEEE Trans. Fusion Science, Vol.46, No.6, 2307-2313, 2018.
230. Pei Cuixiang, Wang Yongxiang, Zhenmao Chen*, Numerical analysis of fracture behavior of HL-2M vacuum vessel subjected to electromagnetic force during plasma disruption, IEEE Trans. Fusion Science, Vol.46, No.5, 1622-1627, 2018.
229. Haochen Liu , Cuixiang Pei , Jinxing Qiu, Zhenmao Chen*, Inspection of Delamination Defect in First Wall Panel of Tokamak Device by Using Laser Infrared Thermography Technique, IEEE Trans. Fusion Science, Vol.46, No.7, 2699-2707, 2018.
228. Xie Shejuan, Wu Lei, Tong Zhongfei, Chen Hongen, Chen Zhenmao*, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Influence of Plastic Deformation and Fatigue Damage on Electromagnetic Properties of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.54, No.8, 6201710, 2018.
226. Bei Yan, Yong Li, Shutin Ren, Wenjia Li , Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin, Zhenmao Chen, Imaging of External Corrosion in Nonmagnetic Pipes via GPEC, Studies on Appl. Electromagn. Mech. Vol.43, 104-111, 2018.
225. Shuxia Tian, Jianxiu Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Dehai Zhang, Yang Cao, Vibration Parameters Based Debonding Defect Detection for Sandwich Plate with Pyramidal Truss Cores, Studies on Appl. Electromagn. Mech. Vol.43, 144-151, 2018 .
224. Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Fuchen Zhang, Analysis of Damage's Influences on Metal Magnetic Memory Signal, Studies on Appl. Electromagn. Mech. Vol.43, 183-190, 2018 .
223. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Reconstruction of Stress Corrosion Cracking Based on a Regularization Method Using Multi-Frequency Eddy Current Signals Studies on Appl. Electromagn. Mech. Vol.43, 229-236, 2018.
222. 赵莹,解社娟,田明明,仝宗飞,李勇,陈振茂. 已知深度范围缺陷的选频带脉冲涡流检测方法. 中国机械工程, Vol.29, No.6: 639-644, 2018.
220. 敬好青,李勇,张曦郁,闫贝,陈振茂, 非铁磁性管件电磁超声检测的混合仿真方法, 应用力学学报. Vol.35, No.5, 938-943, 1178, 2018
219. 李丽娟,解社娟,陈洪恩,陈玲莉,何曼如,陈振茂. 碳钢塑性变形对增量磁导率信号的影响分析.中国机械工程, Vol.29 No.14, 1653⁃1660, 2018
218. 许盼盼,陈华*,解社娟,戴斌,刘晨,张才鑫,周海强,陈洪恩,张伟斌,陈振茂*,PBX代用材料损伤演化原位CT研究, 含能材料,26(10), 888-895, 2018
216. 谭建国,李勇,李文嘉,胡金花,陈振茂. 基于毫米波检测的CFRP 冲击损伤可视化定量评估, 传感器与微系统, Vol.37, No.10, 12-15,18, 2018.
214 Kaiqiang Wang, Shejuan Xie, Hongwei Yuan, Weixin Li, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Yudong Pan, Lijun Cai, Jiaxian Li, Influence of Shield Plates on Electromagneto-Mechanical Dynamic Response of HL-2M Vacuum Vessel During Vertical Displacement Event, Compel, Vol.36, No.6, 1759-1773, 2017.
212.Cherdpong Jomdecha, Wenlu Cai, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Ghuangyi Zhu, Peng Li,A Numerical Study on Eddy Current Signal Characteristics of Imitative Stress Corrosion Cracks, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.55, 257-269, 2017.
211.Yali Du, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Guangyi Zhu and Peng Li, Detectability Evaluation of Eddy Current Testing Probes for Inspection of Defects in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.55, 185-193, 2017.
210.Hongwei Yuan, Xudong Li, Kaiqiang Wang, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Yudong Pan, A Method for Electromagneto- Thermo-Mechanical Direct Coupling Analysis and its Application to Tokamak Structures, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.55, 243-255, 2017.
209.Zheng Xie, Qun Li, Zhensheng Yuan, Hongwei Yuan, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Weihua Wang, Experiments on the magnetostriction properties of the China low activation martensitic steel, Fusion Engineering and Design, Vol.125, 337–342, 2017.
207 Manru He, Zongfei Tong, Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Simultaneous Evaluation of Residual Stress and Plastic Deformation in Ferromagnetic Steel by using an Integrated NDE Method, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.55, S77–S85, 2017.
206 Jinxing Qiu, Cuixiang Pei*, Haochen Liu, Zhenmao Chen*, Quantitative evaluation of surface crack depth with laser spot thermography, Intnational Journal of Fatigue, Vol.101, 80-85, 2017.
205 Cuixiang Pei,Pan Xiao,Siqi Zhao,Zhenmao Chen*, Development of a flexible film electromagnetic acoustic transducer for nondestructive testing, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Vol.258, 2017:68-73
204 Zhang Dongli, Wu Meixian, Chen Zhenmao, Li Yong, Improvement of Measuring Accuracy for Coating Covered on Conical Steel Shells by Correction of Eddy Current Signals, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2017 (accepted)
203 Yong Li, Bei Yan, Wenjia Li, Haoqing Jing, Zhenmao Chen and Da Li, Pulse-modulation eddy current probes for imaging of external corrosion in nonmagnetic pipes, NDT&E International, Vol. 88, 51-58, 2017.
201. Wenlu Cai, Shejuan Xie, Xiaojuan Wang, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Noritaka Yusa, Assessment of Local Conductivity Distribution in Stress Corrosion Crack Region Using Direct Current Potential Drop Method, Corrosion Science, Vol.123, 197-208, 2017
199. Dongli Zhang, Meixian Wu,Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, High Performance Ultrasonic Buffer Rods with Novel Structure for Polymer Process Monitoring, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.45, No.4, 20150360, 2017.
198. Wu Meixian, Zhang Dongli, Chen Zhenmao and Li, Yong, Effect of Boundary Shape on Performance of the Ultrasonic Buffer Rod without Clad, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.45, No.4, 20150524, 2017.
196. Xudong Li, Shejuan Xie, Hongwei Yuan, Zhenmao Chen*, Toshiyuki Takagi, A Research on Numerical Simulation of ACFM Signals for Nondestructive Inspection of Buried Pipes in Nuclear Power Plants,E-Journal of Advanced Maintenance, Vol.9-2, 104-111, 2017.
194. Shejuan Xie, Mingming Tian, Cuixiang Pei, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takag, Composite Defects Evaluation Using the Hybrid NDT Methods of PECT and EMAT, Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.41, 139 – 149, 2017.
191. Dongli Zhang, Meixian Wu, Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Lic and Shejuan Xiec Research on strategies to improve measurement of coating thickness in hemispherical steel shells for an inclined eddy current sensor, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol. 52, No. 3-4, 1409-1415, 2016.
190. Li Wang, and Zhenmao Chen, Reconstruction of stress corrosion cracksusing high-dimension hybrid optimizationalgorithm from eddy current signals, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol. 52, No. 3-4, 1511-1517, 2016.
189. Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Dongli Zhang and Hongxia Sun, Reconstruction of magnetic charge on breaking flaw based on two-layers algorithm. Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol. 52, No. 3-4, 1133-1139, 2016.
177. Pan Xiao, Cuixiang Pei, Guicai Yang, Zhenmao Chen*, A phased array EMAT for detection of delamination defect in a tube of multilayer structure, Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.41, 163-170, 2016.
176. Manru He, Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Nondestructive evaluation of plastic deformation in Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels for structure of fusion reactor, Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.41, 171-178, 2016..
175. Yali Du, Shejuan Xie, Xiaojuan Wang, Zhenmao Chen*, Reconstruction of multiple cavity defects in metallic foam from DCPD signals, Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.41, 179-186, 2016.
174. Hongmei Li, Dongli Zhang, Wenlu Cai, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Eeffect of phase transformation on the damage induced magnetization of 304 austenitic stainless steel, Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.41, 187-194, 2016.
173. Yong Li*, Xiangbiao Liu, Yili Li, Bei Yan, Da Li, Zhenmao Chen, Magnetic field measurement based PRFEC for detection and identification of surface corrosion, Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.41, 77-85, 2016.
171. 弋东驰,裴翠祥,陈振茂. 激光-环型电磁超声方法检测表面裂纹. 无损检测,Vol.38, No.11, 70-73, 2016.
170. 解社娟,马向锋,陈玲莉,赵莹,陈振茂. ITER包层脱粘缺陷的声发射检测. 无损检测,Vol.38, No.10, 1-5, 2016.
169. 赵莹,解社娟,张东亮,田明明,吴磊,李勇,陈振茂. 脉冲涡流激励信号参数对检测能力的影响. 无损检测, Vol.38, No.10, 14~17, 2016.
168. 赵思琦,裴翠祥,肖盼,陈振茂. 基于表面波的塑性变形电磁超声定量无损检测. 无损检测, Vol.38, No.10, 25-28, 2016.
167. 闫贝,李勇,李达,李一力,陈振茂,王钧. 金属亚表面腐蚀缺陷的脉冲调制涡流磁场梯度成像. 无损检测, Vol.38 No.4, 10-14, 2016.
166 闫贝,李勇,李达,陈振茂,王钧. 结合磁场梯度测量的脉冲调制涡流检测关键技术研究. 传感器与微系统, Vol.35, No.4, 15-17, 2016.
151. Wang WJ, Li Q, Zhao SX, Chang SP, Xu Y, Chen Zhenmao, Yuan ZS, Shi YL, Qin SG, Peng LJ, Liu GH, Luo GN, Nondestructive Testing of W/Cu Divertor Components, Fusion Science and Technology, Vol.66, No.1, 125-130, 2014.
150. Hong-en Chen, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Kensuke Yoshihara, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation of Plastic Deformation in Carbon Steel Based on Electromagnetic NDE Methods, Material Transcastions, Vol.55, No.12, 1806-1815, 2014.
149. Xiaojuan Wang, Shejuan Xie, Yong Li and Zhenmao Chen*, Efficient Numerical Simulation of DC Potential Drop Signals for Application to Metallic Foam, Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical Engineering (COMPEL), Vol.34, No. 1, 147-156, 2014.
148. Xiaojuan Wang, Shejuan Xie, Jin Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, An Efficient Numerical Scheme for Sizing of Cavity Defect in Metallic Foam from Signals of DC Potential Drop Method, IEEE Trans. Magn. Vol.50, No.2, 700294, 2014.
147. Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Haiqiang Zhou, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Yoshihiku Yoshida, Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Incremental Permeability for Ferromagnetic Material, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn., Mech.?Vol.45, 379-386, 2014.
146. Zhensheng Yuan, Weixin Li, Wenjing Wu, Zhenmao Chen*, Dynamic Analysis of a Ferromagnetic Structure in Strong Magnetic Field with Electromagneto-Mechanical Coupling, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.45, 387-394, 2014.
145. Wenglu Cai, Hong-En Chen, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Yoshikiko Yoshida, Studies on the Influence of Plastic Deformation on the Conductivity and Permeability of Carbon Steel, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech.,Vol.45, 371-378, 2014.
144. Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Hong-En Chen, Seiya Sato, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Evaluation of plastic deformation and characterization of electromagnetic property using pulsed eddy current testing, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn., Mech.?Vol.45, 755-761, 2014.
143. Yong Li, Xiangbiao Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Hongda Zhao and Wenlu Cai, A fast forward model of pulsed eddy current inspection of multilayered tubular structures, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.45, 417-423, 2014.
142. Hongmei Li, Hongen Chen, Zhensheng Yuan, Wenlu Cai, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Comparisons of Damage-Induced Magnetizations between Austenitic Stainless and Carbon Steel, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.46, 991-996, 2014.
141. Weixin Li, Zhensheng Yuan, Zhenmao Chen, A new method for numerical analysis of electromagneto- mechanical coupling dynamic behaviors aiming at applications to Tokamak structures, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.16, No.12, 1163-1170, 2014.
140 Weixin Li, Zhensheng Yuan, Zhenmao Chen, Adaptive Mesh Morphing Method for Numerical Analysis of Electromagneto-Mechanical Coupling using Lagrangian Approach, Int. J Appl. Mech., Vol.6, No.5, 1450051, 2014.
139. 袁振圣, 赵宏达, 陈振茂, 慈军, 卢天健, 耿丽. 胶结波纹夹芯板水浸超声相控阵检测, 应用力学学报, Vol.31, No.3, 370-374, 2014.
138. 陈振茂, 中国における原子力発電の最近の状況、保全学、Vol.13, No.1, 43-47, 2014.
137. 赵宏达, 李勇, 陈振茂, 刘小川, 武玉, 柔性涡流探头的托卡马克内部线圈导体偏心涡流检测方法研究, 无损检测, Vol.36, No.11, 11-13,17,2014.
136. 周海强, 杨占峰, 李勇, 陈振茂, 静态偏置磁场对铁磁材料电磁超声换能器的影响, 无损检测, Vol.36, No.10, 25-28, 2014.
135. Weixin Li, Zhensheng Yuan, Zhenmao Chen*, and Wenjing Wu, Numerical Analysis on Magneto-elastic Stability of Current-carrying Conductors, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.15, No.2, 175-178, 2013.
134. Tianyan Liu, Zhensheng Yuan, Zhenmao Chen*, Yong Li, Wenjing Wu and Cuixiang Pei, Numerical Analysis of Electromagneto-mechanical Coupling Response of Typical Tokomak Structure, Plasma Science and Technology, Vol.15, No.3, 2013.
133. Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Xiaowei Wang, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto,Sizing of Wall Thinning Defects Using Pulsed ECT Signals Based on a Hybrid Inverse Analysis Method, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 49, 1653-1656, 2013.
132. Dongli Zhang, Zhaoba Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative NDE of the Anti-corrosive Coating in Steel Pipe Wall Using Eddy Current Sensor, Int. J Appl. Eelectromagn., Vol.41, No.3, 293-299, 2013.
131. Li Wang, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Xiaowei Wang, Toshiyuki Takagi, Reconstruction of Deep Stress Corrosion Cracks Using Signals of the Pulsed Eddy Current Testing,? NDTE, Vol. 28, 145–154, 2013.
130. Shejuan Xie, Yunfei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Yasuhiko Yoshida. A Numerical Method for Simulation of Nonlinear Eddy Current Testing Signals based on Transient Ar Formulation, Materials Transaction, Vol.54, No.6, 964-968, 2013.
129. Dongli Zhang, Zhaoba Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, A nondestructive evaluation strategy for thick coting evaluation on hemispherical steel shells of different sizes with a wide range ECT sensor, Journal of Testing and Evaluation, Vol.41, 551-556, 2013.
128. Dongli Zhang, eixian Wu, Zhaoba Wang, Zhenmao Chen, A thickness measuring strategy for coating in hemispherical steel shells with EC-laser combined sensors. [J]. Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., 2013, 43(3): 293-300.
127. Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Method for Quantitative Non-Destructive Evaluation of Wall Thinning Defects, Int. J. Aerospace and Light Weight Material, Vol.3, No.1, 75-86, 2013.
126. Dongli Zhang, Zaoba Wang, Zhenmao Chen, A wide range eddy current sensor for thick coating evaluation in steel pipelines, Journal of Computational Information System, Vol.8, No.24, 10287-10293, 2013.
125. 陈玲莉, 彭海强, 陈振茂,基于动态应变能的ITER真空室微小裂纹损伤检测,应用力学学报,Vol.30, No.2. 278-281, 2013.
124. 陈玲莉, 彭海强, 陈振茂, 张扬, ITER环向场线圈及重力支撑的地震相应数值模拟,核聚变与等离子体物理,Vol.33, No.1, 60-65, 2013.
123.肖美华, 陈振茂, 李勇, 罗广南, 祁攀,多层管HIP焊接界面脱粘涡流检测数值模拟研究,失效分析与预防, Vol.8, No.2, 65-68, 2013.
122. 陈玲莉, 彭海强, 陈振茂,小波分析托卡马克环形封闭壳体损伤检测,无损检测,Vol.35, No.7, 1-3,7, 2013.?
121. 齐勇, 李勇, 陈振茂, 李炜昕.基于磁场梯度测量的脉冲涡流检测关键技术研究[J].中国机械工程,Vol.25, No.8, 1108-1112, 2013.
120. 齐勇, 李勇, 刘相彪, 陈振茂, 赵宏达.基于磁场梯度测量的脉冲涡流检测亚表面腐蚀缺陷成像技术研究.空军工程大学学报,Vol.14, No.5, 63-66, 2013.
119. 张东利, 吴超, 王召巴, 陈振茂, 李勇,涡流技术用于钢管涂层测厚的可行性研究,中北大学学报,Vol。34, No.2, 187-193,2013.
118. 张东利, 王召巴, 陈振茂, 李勇,涡流传感器偏斜对涂层测厚的影响与校正,中国机械工程,Vol.24, No.7, 937-941, 2013.
117. 刘相彪, 李勇, 陈振茂, 齐勇, 蔡文路, 赵宏达,基于磁场测量的脉冲远场涡流检测双层套管检测,无损检测,Vol.35, No.10, 48-52, 2013.
116. 赵宏达, 蔡文路, 李勇, 陈振茂, 刘小川, 武玉,托卡马克内部线圈套管导体偏心缺陷的涡流检测方法,Vol.35, No.10, 48-52, 2013.
115. 谢德馨, 程志光, 杨仕友, 陈振茂,对当前计算电磁学发展的观察与思考-参加COMPUMAG2011会议有感,电工技术学报, Vol.28, No.1, 136-141, 2013.
114. Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Yong Li, T.Takagi, T.Uchimoto, N.Chigusa, Y.Yoshida, Dependence of deformation-induced magnetic field on plastic deformation for SUS304 stainless steel, Vol.38, No.1, 17-26, Int. J. Appl. Eelectromagn. Mech., 2012.
113. Jing Zhang, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Xiaojuan Wang, Yong Li, Quantitative Non-destructive Testing of Metallic Foam Based on Direct Current Potential Drop Method, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.48, No.2, 375-378, 2012.
112. Shuxia Tian, Zhenmao Chen*, Masashi Ueda, Takuya Yamashita, Signal Processing Schemes for Eddy Current Testing of Steam Generator Tubes of a Nuclear Power Plant, Nuclear Eng. Design, Vol.245, 78-88, 2012.
111. Dongli Zhang, Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Applications of Multi-frequency Inversion Algorithm to Quantitative NDE of Cracks in Welding Joints of a Metallic Lattice Sandwich Plate, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.39, No.1-4, 137-143, 2012.
110. Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Yong Li,? Li Wang, Reconstruction of Damage-Induced Magnetization, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.39, No.1-4, 221-227, 2012.
109. Shuxia Tian, Zhenmao Chen*, Yong Li, Yongbin Zuo,?Xiaowei Wang, Identification of Wire Breakage Status Based on the Measurement and Inversion of Magnetic Field Surrounding the Cable in Conduit Conductors of ITER Magnets, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.39, No.1-4, 105-112, 2012.
108. Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto Li Wang, An Inversion Scheme for Sizing of Wall Thinning Defect from Pulsed ECT Signals, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.39, No.1-4, 203-211, 2012.
107. Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Ying Mao, Yong Qi, Quantitative evaluation of thermal barrier coating based on eddy current technique, NDT&E Int., Vol.50, 29-35, 2012.
106. Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Development of a Very Fast Simulator for Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Signals, NDT&E Int., Vol.51, 45-50, 2012.
105. 李勇, 陈振茂, 李红梅,基于脉冲涡流差分信号提离交汇点的亚表面层材质劣化检测技术理论研究,无损检测,Vol.34, No.7, 1-5, 2012.
104. 陈洪恩, 陈振茂, 李勇, 李云飞, 基于磁噪声和增量磁导率的塑性变形定量无损评价, 无损检测,Vol.34, No.10, 12-15, 2012.
103. 周海强, 李勇, 陈振茂, 铁磁材料电磁超声无损检测的数值模拟,无损检测,Vol.34, No.11, 22-24, 2012.
102. 齐勇, 李勇, 陈振茂, 肖美华,基于暂态磁场梯度信号的脉冲涡流无损检测和定量评估技术,无损检测,Vol.34, No.10, 3-7,45, 2012.
101. 李勇, 齐勇, 陈振茂, 李红梅.基于脉冲涡流差分信号提离交汇点的亚表面层材质劣化检测技术理论研究.无损检测,Vol.34, No.7, 1-6. 2012.
100. 齐勇, 李勇, 陈振茂, 肖美华.一种新型脉冲涡流提离交汇点的理论及实验研究.空军工程大学学报,13, No.6, 80-84, 2012.
99. Shejuan Xie, Toshiyuki Takagi, Zhenmao Chen,Sizing of Metallic Foam Bubble Flaws using Direct Current Potential Drop Signals with the help of the Neural Network Method,Int. J. Appl. Eelectomag., Vol.36, No.4, 339-353, 2011.
98. Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Development of Efficient Numerical Solver for Simulation of Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Signals, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.47, 4582-4591, 2011.
97. Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Qi, Generalized Analytical Expressions of Lift-off Intersection in PEC and a Lift-off-Intersection-based Fast Inverse Model, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.47, No.10, 2931-2934, 2011.
96. Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Characterization of damage-induced magnetization for 304 austenitic stainless steel, Journal of Applied Physics, Vol.110, 114907/1-6, 2011.
95. 李红梅,赵天飞,陈振茂,机械损伤与其诱发漏磁场定量关系研究,西安交通大学学报,Vol.45, No.1, 58-63,2011.
94. 陈玲莉, 彭海强, 陈振茂.裂纹损伤对塔壳结构动态特性的影响分析,应用力学学报,Vol.28, No.3, 299-303, 2011.
93. 陈玲莉,田绍华,陈振茂,基于振动信号神经网络层合板分层损伤检测研究,力学与实践, Vol.33, No.1, 24-28, 2011
92. 左勇斌,李云飞,陈振茂,李勇.基于水浸超声的ITER超导线缆铠甲套管无损检测方法.无损检测,Vol.33, No.9, 25-28,32, 2011.
91. 李红梅,李云飞,陈振茂,李勇.电磁无损检测中的自然磁化分布反演方法-双层平面分布磁荷重构.无损检测,Vol.33, No.9, 33-36,39, 2011.
90. 王小卫,左勇斌,刘天彦,陈振茂,李勇. 基于微磁测量和磁化分布重构的轴承磨损评估研究,无损检测,Vol.33, No.11, 67-70, 2011.
89. 田淑侠,陈振茂,李勇,基于动态响应参数的金字塔点阵桁架夹心板脱焊损伤检测,无损检测,Vol.33, Supp.,151-155, 2011.
88. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen*, A multi-frequency strategy for reconstruction of deep stress corrosion cracks from ECT signals of multiple liftoffs, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.33, No.3,4, 1017-1023, 2010.
87. C. Pei, Zhenmao Chen, W.Wu, Development of simulation method for EMAT Signals and Applications to TBC inspection, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.33, No.3,4, 1077-1085, 2010.
86. D. Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, S. Xie, M. Xu, TJ Lu, Quantitative NDE of welding flaws in lattice sandwich metal plate by using DC potential drop method, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.33, No.3,4, 1108-1117, 2010.
85. Y. Zuo, Zhenmao Chen, Enhancement of sizing capability of ECT for deep cracks by using split TR probes, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.33, No.3,4, 1157-1164, 2010.
84. S. Xie, Zhenmao Chen, T. Takagi, Researches on NDT of metallic foam with direct current potential drop method, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.33, No.3,4, 1253-1260, 2010.
83. S. Tian, L. Chen, Zhenmao Chen, S. Tian, Numerical analysis on influence of damage configuration on vibration parameters for lattice sandwich plate, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.33, No.3,4, 1565-1572, 2010.
82. B. Feng, M. Xu, Z. Zhang, TJ Lu, Zhenmao Chen, Design and calibration of a new biaxial extensometer for redial deformation measurement under hydro-compression loading, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.33, No.3,4, 1441-1448, 2010.
81. N. Yusa, K. Miya, I. Komura, Zhenmao Chen, A project aiming at the enhancement of NDT&E of stress corrosion cracking. Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.33, No.3,4, 1587-1590, 2010.
80. Zhenmao Chen, An Introduction of Researches and Developments of Magnetic Confinement Fusion in China, E-Journal of Advanced Maintenance, (http://www.jsm.or.jp/ejam/OT/cn2/article.html), Ocassional Topics, CN2, 1-4, 2010.
78. 耿强,田淑侠,黄太回,陈振茂,基于支持向量机和神经网络方法的应力腐蚀裂纹的定量重构,电工技术学报,Vol.25, No.10, 196-199, 2010.
78. 张东利,陈振茂,毛赢,多频涡流裂纹重构方法及其在金属夹心板焊部裂纹定量检测中的应用,无损检测,Vol.32, No.8, 556-559,604, 2010.
77. 张静,解社娟,陈振茂,泡沫金属直流电位法检测技术,无损检测,Vol.32, No.8, 612-615, 2010.
76. 武文晶,裴翠祥,陈振茂,考虑电磁机械耦合效应的电磁超声数值模拟方法研究,无损检测,Vol.32, No.8, 704-706,709, 2010.
75. 王丽,陈振茂,基于裂纹精细数值模型的应力腐蚀裂纹重构,无损检测,Vol.32, No.8, 675-677, 2010.
74. 张东利,左勇斌,陈振茂,金属栅格夹心板焊部缺陷的水浸超声定量检测研究,测试技术学报,Vol.24, No.1, 43-48, 2010.
73. 黄太回,张东利,陈振茂,基于涡流信号的应力腐蚀裂纹区域电导率特性研究,测试技术学报,Vol.24, No.1,58-61,2010.
72. Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa and K.Miya, Some Advances in numerical analysis techniques for quantitative electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Volume 24, No. 1-2, 69–102, 2009.
71. Dongli Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, Minglong Xu and Tian-Jian Lu, Quantitative NDE of Cellular Metallic Material and Structures by Using Eddy Current Testing Technique, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.30, No.1-2, 29-38, 2009.
69. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Tian-Jian Lu, Minglong Xu, A Multiple Frequency Strategy for Reconstruction of Stress Corrosion Crack from ECT Signals, Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.32, 313-320, 2009.
68. 左勇斌,陈振茂,一种基于透射式探头的深裂纹涡流定量检测方法,测试技术学报,Vol.23, Supp.,13-15, 2009.
67. 田淑侠,陈玲莉,陈振茂,基于振动特性的结构损伤检测数值模拟研究,无损检测,Vol.31, No.12, 928-930, 936, 2009.
66. 左勇斌,陈振茂,一种基于多线圈激励的深裂纹涡流定量检测方法,无损检测, Vol.31, No.12, 925-927, 2009.
65. Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, K.Miya, Enhancements of ECT Techniques for Quantitative NDT of Key Structural Components of Nuclear Power Plants, Nuclear Eng. and Design, Vol.238, No7, 1652-1656, 2008.
64. L. Wang, Zhenmao Chen, TJ Lu, M. Xu, N. Yusa, K. Miya, Sizing of Long Stress Corrosion Crack from 2D ECT Signals by Using a Multisegment Inverse Analysis Strategy, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.28, No.1,2, 155-161, 2008
63. 陈振茂,中国の原子力発電、日本保全学会誌, Vol.6, No.4, 70-72, 2008
62. 解社娟,张东利,耿强,陈振茂, 基于直流电位法的泡沫金属定量无损检测方法研究, 无损检测,Vol.30, No. 8, 536-539, 2008.
61. 裴翠祥,陈振茂,电磁超声的数值模拟方法研究, 无损检测,Vol.30, No. 9, 603-607, 2008.
60. 耿强,王丽,陈振茂, 基于神经网络方法的应力腐蚀裂纹定量重构, 无损检测,Vol.30, No. 8, 543-546, 2008.
59. 张东利,陈振茂,徐明龙,卢天健, 超轻夹层栅格材料无损检测中涡流检测法的有效性研究,无损检测, Vol.30, No.7, 407-411, 2008.
58. Zhenmao Chen, Ladislav Janousek, Noritaka Yusa, Kenzo Miya, A Nondestructive Strategy for the Distinction of Natural Fatigue and Stress Corrosion Cracks Based on Signals From Eddy Current Testing, ASME J. Pressure Vessel Technology, Vol.219, 719-728, 2007.
57. N. Yusa, S. Perrin, K. Mizuno, Zhenmao Chen, K. Miya,Eddy current inspection of closed fatigue and stress corrosion cracks, Meas. Sci. Technol. Vol.18, 3403–3408, 2007.
56. 张东利,陈振茂,徐明龙,卢天健,超轻夹层栅格材料涡流检测中多频演算法的有效性研究,南昌航空大学学报,Vol.21, 267-271, 2007.
55. 解社娟,张东利,陈振茂, 徐明龙,卢天健,泡沫金属直流电位检测数值模拟方法研究,南昌航空大学学报,Vol.21, 188-193, 2007.
54. Zhenmao Chen, M.Rebican, N.Yusa, K.Miya, Fast simulation of ECT signal due to a conductive crack of arbitrary width, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol.42, No.42, 683-686, 2006.
53. M.Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, K.Miya, Shape reconstruction of multiple cracks from ECT signals by means of a stochastic method, IEEE Trans. Mag., Vol.42. No.4, 1079-1082, 2006.
52. N. Yusa, L. Janousek, M. Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, K. Miya, N. Dohi, N. Chigusa, Caution when applying eddy current inversion to stress corrosion cracking, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.236, 211-221, 2006.
51. Noritaka Yusa, Ladislav Janousek, Mihai Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, Kenzo Miya, Naoki Chigusa, and Hajime Ito. Detection of embedded fatigue cracks in Inconel weld overlay and the evaluation of the minimum thickness of the weld overlay using eddy current signals. Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.236, 1852-1859, 2006.
50. Zhenmao Chen, M.Rebican, K.Miya, T.Takagi, 3D simulation of remote field ECT by using Ar method and a new formula for signal calculation, Research in Nondestructive Testing, Vol.16 35-53, 2005.
49. N.Yusa, M.Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, T.Uchimoto, T.Takagi, Three dimensional inversion of volumetric defect profiles from electromagnetic NDT signals by means of stochastic methods with the aid of parallel computation, Inverse problem in science and engineering, Vol.13, No.1, 47-63, 2005.
48. M.Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, K.Miya, T.Uchimoto, T.Takag, Investigation of numerical precision of 3D RFECT signal simulation, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol. 41, 1968-1971, 2005.
47. L. Janousek, Zhenmao Chen, N. Yusa, K. Miya, Excitation with phase shifted fields-enhancing evaluation of deep cracks in eddy-current testing, NDT&E International, Vol.38, 508-515, 2005.
46. N.Yusa, E.Machida, L.Janousek, M.Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, Application of eddy current inversion technique to the sizing of defects in Inconel welds with rough surfaces, Nuclear Engineering and Design, Vol.235, 1469-1480, 2005.
45. N. Yusa, L. Janousek, Zhenmao Chen, K. Miya, Diagnostics of stress corrosion and fatigue cracks using 3 benchmark signals, Materials Letters, Vol.59, 3656-3659, 2005.
44. N.Yusa, Zhenmao Chen,K.Miya, Sizing of stress corrosion cracks in piping of austenitic stainless steel from eddy current NDT signals, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol.20, 103-114, 2005.
43. N. Yusa, L. Janousek, M. Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, K. Miya, Eddy current inversions of defects in rough welds using a simplified computational model, Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, Vol.20, 191-199, 2005.
42. L. Janousek、陳振茂、遊佐、宮, 厚肉材用渦電流プローブの開発, 非破壊検査, Vol.54, No.4, 206-211, 2005.
41. Zhenmao Chen, H.Takashima, K.Miya, A hybrid database approach for simulation of remote field eddy current testing signals, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.19, No.1-4, 219-223, 2004.
40. Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, K.Miya, A.Tanahashi, K.Sakai, N.Chigusa, Advanced MFLT for detecting outside defect in the welding part of an austenitic stainless steel plate, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.19, No.1-4, 527-532, 2004.
39. Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, K.Miya, M.Rebican, K.Miya, Inversion techniques for eddy current NDE using optimization strategies and a rapid 3D forward simulator, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech. Vol.20, 179-187, 2004.
38. M.Rebican, N.Yusa, Zhenmao Chen K.Miya, T.Uchimoto, T.Takagi, Reconstruction of multiple cracks in an ECT round-robin test, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.19, No.1-4, 399-404, 2004.
37. N.Yusa, K.Demachi, Zhenmao Chen, Application of a super-conductor to the shield of a remote filed ECT probe, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.19, No.1-4, 41-46, 2004.
36. N.Yusa, Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, Rapid reconstruction of natural SCC from ECT data, Key Engineering Material, Vol.270-273, 593-599, 2004 (SCI, BAW82)
35. 遊佐、町田、ヤノセク、レビカン、陳振茂、宮, 沸騰水型炉内構造物インコネル溶接部に対する渦電流探傷逆解析技術の適用可能性評価, 日本保全学会学报, Vol.3, No.1, 33-39, 2004.
34. Zhenmao Chen, K.Aoto, Y.Nagae, S. Kato, K.Miya, A study on the correlation of magnetization and damages in SUS304 stainless steel, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech. Vol.16, No.3-4, 197-206, 2003.
33. N.Yusa, Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, T.Uchimoto, T.Takagi, Large-scale parallel computation for the reconstruction of natural stress corrosion cracks from eddy current testing signals, NDT&E International, Vol.36, 449-459, 2003.
32. 遊佐、陳振茂、宮、内一、高木, ECT逆問題における各種並列化メタ戦略の比較検討, 非破壊検査, Vol.52、No.9, 504-510, 2003.
31. 遊佐、陳振茂、宮、内一、高木, 大規模並列化メタ戦略によるECT信号からの自然欠陥形状逆解析, 非破壊検査、Vol.52、No.10, 558-564, 2003.
30. Zhenmao Chen, G. Preda, O. Mihalache, K. Miya, Reconstruction of crack shape from MFL signals by using a rapid forward solver and an optimization approach, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.38, 1025-1028, 2002.
29. Zhenmao Chen, G.Preda, O.Mihalache, K.Miya, A fast scheme for forward analysis of nonlinear electromagnetic problem, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.14, 513-520, 2002.
28. B.Cranganu-Cretu, G.Preda, F.Hantila, Zhenmao Chen, K. Miya, Direct computation of static difference magnetic field in nonlinear magnetic materials and application to reconstruction of damaged area in aging material, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.38, 1073-1076, 2002.
27. G.Preda, B. Cranganu-Cretu, F.Hantila, Zhenmao Chen, Kenzo Miya, Nonlinear FEM-BEM formulation and model-free inversion procedure for reconstruction of cracks using pulse eddy current, IEEE Trans. Magn., Vol.38, 1241-1244, 2002.
26. N.Yusa, W.Cheng, Zhenmao.Chen, K.Miya, Generalized neural network approach to eddy current inversion to the analysis of real cracks, NDT&E Internatinal, Vol.35, 609-614, 2002.
25. B.Cranganu-Cretu, G.Preda, O.Mihalache, Zhenmao.Chen, K.Miya, B-H curve reconstruction from MFL signals based on Genetic Algorithm, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.15, 283-289, 2002.
24. B.Cranganu-Cretu,Zhenmao Chen, T.Uchimoto, K.Miya, Automatic text summarizing based on sentence extraction: a statistical approach, Int. J Appl. Electomagn. Mech., Vol.13, 19-23, 2002.
23. O.Mihalache, Zhenmao Chen, B.Cranganu-Cretu, K.Miya, Experimental measurements of ID and OD signals in welds using magnetic methods, Int. J Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.15, 61-66, 2002.
22. N. Yusa, Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, Inversion of eddy current NDE signal using genetic algorithm, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.15, 249-255, 2002.
21. 遊佐, 程, 陳振茂, 宮, 自然欠陥の渦電流探傷信号からニューラルネットワークを用いた再構成結果に対する信頼性評価パラメータの提唱, 非破壊検査(日本非破坏检查学会誌), Vol.51, 39-45, 2002.
20. 永江、青砥、陳振茂, オーステナイトステンレス鋼を対象とした損傷非破壊検出技術の開発, サイクル機構技報, Vol.14 125-135, 2002
19. Zhenmao Chen, K.Aoto, S.Kato, Reconstruction of magnetic charges using gradient method and wavelet, 日本AEM学会誌, Vol.9, 363-371, 2001.
18. 小島, 遊佐, 陳振茂, 電磁非破壊評価における逆解析技術, 日本AEM学会誌, Vol.9, 55-65, 2001.
17. M.Mihalache, 陳振茂, 宮, 先進磁束漏洩法に関する最近の研究動向, 日本AEM学会誌, Vol.9, 72-77, 2001.
16. Zhenmao Chen, K. Aoto, K. Miya, Reconstruction of cracks with physical closure from signals of eddy current testing, IEEE Trans. MAG., Vol.36, 1018-1022, 2000.
15. Noritaka Yusa, Zhenmao Chen, Kenzo Miya, Quantitative profile evaluation of natural cracks in a steam generator tube from eddy current signal, International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.12, 139-150, 2000.
14. 高松, 宮, 陳振茂, 加圧水型原子力発電所における電磁非破壊検査技術開発の経緯, 日本AEM学会誌, Vol.8, 95-101, 2000.
13. Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, M.Kurokawa, Rapid prediction of eddy current testing signals using A-fai?method and database, NDT&E International, Vol.32, 29-36, 1999.
12 .W. Cheng, K. Miya, Zhenmao Chen, Reconstruction of crack with multiple eddy current coils using a database approach, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.18, 149-160, 1999.
11. Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, A wavelet based method for numerical calculation of singular integrals in eddy current analysis, Trans. IEEJ (日本電気学会誌), Vol.118-A, 957-964, 1999.
10. 陈振茂, 宮, 高松, 電磁非破壊検査の最近の進展(I), 日本AEM学会誌, Vol.7, 278-282, 1999.
9. 陈振茂, 宮, 高松, 電磁非破壊検査の最近の進展(II), 日本AEM学会誌, Vol.7, 383-392, 1999.
8. Zhenmao Chen, Kenzo Miya, A new approach for optimal design of eddy current testing probes, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.17, 105-116, 1998.
7. Zhenmao Chen, Kenzo Miya, ECT inversion using a knowledge based forward solver, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.17, 167-175, 1998 (SCI, 152YB)
6. 陈振茂、宮, ECTプローブ検出性能の簡易評価法, 日本電気学会誌、Vol.117-E, 637-643, 1997.
5. 陈振茂、宮、黒川, ECT探傷における傾斜きずの評価, 日本AEM学会誌, Vol.5, 86-92, 1997.
4. 吉田, 陳振茂, 出町, 宮, 樋笠, 高温超伝導磁気浮上システムの浮上力の改善, 日本機械学会論文誌, Vol.62, 2633-2639, 1996
3. 陈振茂, 徐建学, 高维非线性弹簧质量串振动的时空特性, 振动工程学报, Vol.7, 65-69, 1994.
2. 陈振茂, 徐健学, 徐子宏, 考虑到铁窗影响的电力器线圈的轴向非线性振动, 西安交通大学学报, Vol.25, 16-27, 1991年.
1. 陈振茂, 徐健学, 大型电力变压器线圈轴向非线性振动分析, 应用力学学报, Vol.5, 21-29, 1990.
303. Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, An Introduction of long term joint researches on ENDE with Prof. Takagi’s Lab, ID: 422/Special Session: 2, ISEM2023, Tokyo, 2023.
302. Zhirong DUAN, Lei HUANG, Shejuan XIE, Zhenmao CHEN, Reliability evaluation of PECT-EMAT hybrid testing method, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
301. Yang Fang, Xihan Yang, Ruonan Wang, Yong Li and Zhenmao Chen*, Quantitative detection of depth and thickness of delamination defects in GFRPs by microwave nondestructive detection, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
300. Xuan Gao, Xiupeng Zheng, Shuyun Li, Hong-En Chen, Yong Li*, Zhenmao Chen, An Efficient Numerical Scheme for Reconstruction of Vibration Loads Based on a Dynamic Transfer Matrix Method, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
299. Wei Guo, Liang Qiao, Ke Deng, Yifan Yang, Xueyuan Chen, Shejuan Xie*, Zhenmao Chen*, High Precision Thickness Evaluation of Thermal Barrier Coating with High Frequency Eddy Current Testing Method, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
298. Zhengshuai LIU, Yong LI*, Bingjie SU, Yanzhao REN, Hafiz Muhammad Ubaid Ur Rehman SUBHANI, Zhenmao CHEN, A Ferrite-cored Funnel-shaped Probe for Pulse-modulation Eddy Current Screening of Pitting Corrosion in Conductive Heterostructures, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
297. Yue LI, Shejuan XIE*, Zhenmao CHEN, Tiejun WANG, Novel Sensor for Magnetic Measuring Based on Magnetothermal Effect, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
296. Cuixiang Pei, Cheng Qian, Yuhang Chen and Zhenmao Chen, Thermal Barrier Coating Inspection with Grating Laser Acoustic Wave Spectrum Method, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
295. Bingjie SU, Yong LI*, Zhengshuai LIU, Yanzhao REN, Jin WANG, Zhenmao CHEN, Near- and Remote-field Pulsed Eddy Current Integrated Evaluation of Flaws Buried in Conductive Structures, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
294. Ruonan WANG, Yong LI*, Qianxiang GAO, Yang FANG*, Xihan YANG, Zhenmao CHEN, Imaging and Evaluation of Debonding Defects in GFRP via Cross-Polarization Microwave Reflectometry, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
293. Zhijun Wang, Pengpeng Shi *, Ke Deng, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, A Numerical Scheme for 3D Simulation of Magnetic Barkhausen Noise in Magnetic NDE, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
292. Yuxuan Wu, Cuixiang Pei*, and Zhenmao Chen, Enhanced Total Focusing Method with Pulse Compression Technology of Encoding Modulation, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
291. Yang Yang, Yang Fang, Bofan Liu, Zongfei Tong, Cuixiang Pei, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, A Numerical Scheme for Simulation of Ultrasonic Infrared Thermography Signals, Proc. ISEM2023, 1-2, Tokyo, 2023.
290. Hongen Chen, Pengpeng Shi, Zhijun Wang, Zhenmao Chen, An analytical method for simulation of AC MFL signals based on the J-A hysteresis theory and the magnetic dipole model, Proc. ENDE2023, 1-2, Thessaloniki, 2023.
289. Rongli Chen, Xudong Li, Liang Qiao, Hong-En Chen, Juancheng Yang, Zhenmao Chen, A Velocity Measurement Method for Liquid Metal Flows Through Inversion of Out Pipe Magnetic Field Signals, Proc. ENDE2023, 1-2, Thessaloniki, 2023.
288. Jie Deng, Cuixiang Pei, Yuange Zhang, Yinqiang Qu, Ke Deng, Hongen Chen, Zhenmao Chen, Enhanced defect imaging method based on array pickup electromagnetic acoustic transducer of surface wave, Proc. ENDE2023, 1-2, Thessaloniki, 2023.
287. Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang Pei*, Chenxi Xie, Dengrong Liu, Zhenmao Chen, EMAT-based Long-range Guided Wave Detection Method for Tubes in HTGR, Proc. ENDE2023, 1-2, Thessaloniki, 2023.
286. Yue LI, Shejuan XIE, Zhenmao CHEN, Wireless-Flexible Magnetic Sensing based on Magneto-thermal Effect, Proc. ENDE2023, 1-2, Thessaloniki, 2023.
285. Guohang LU, Shejuan XIE, Zhenmao CHEN, Novel signal processing algorithm based on Gauss-ICA Filter and Hough transform for better quantification accuracy of ferromagnetic material thinning, Proc. ENDE2023, 1-2, Thessaloniki, 2023.
283. Chenxi Xie, Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang Pei and Zhenmao Chen, Development of Flexible Shear Horizontal Wave Transducer for Curved Structures Health Monitoring, Proc. ENDE2023, 1-2, Thessaloniki, 2023.
282. Yuange Zhang, Cuixiang Pei, Jie Deng, Tianhao Liu, Yinqiang Qu, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Delamination Detection of Thermal Barrier Coatings Using Rayleigh Wave EMAT, Proc. ENDE2023, 1-2, Thessaloniki, 2023.
281. Liang Qiao, Hong-En Chen, Yifan Yang, Wei Guo, Zhenmao Chen*, Numerical Analyses based Probe Design and Optimization for Efficient Motion-Induced Eddy Current Testing, Proc. Compumag2023, 1-2, Kyoto, 2023.
280. Wei Guo, Shejuan Xie*, Yali Du, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Takayuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, A Numerical Simulation Method for High-Frequency Eddy Current Testing Considering Displacement Current Effect, Proc. Compumag2023, 1-2, Kyoto, 2023
279. Guo Wei, Xie Shejuan, Chen Zhenmao*, Du Yali, Takayuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Evaluation of Defects in CFRP Plates Based on High Frequency Eddy Current Testing, Proc. ICFD2022, CFR-21, Sendai, 1-2, 2022.
278. Yuange Zhang, Cuixiang Pei*, Jie Deng, Tianhao Liu, Peng Jiang, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Development of a flexible phased array Rayleigh-wave electromagnetic acoustic transducer for pipe inspection, Proc. ISEM2022, Thessaloniki, 1-2, 2022
277. Jie Deng, Cuixiang Pei*, Yuange Zhang, Tianhao Liu, Hong-En Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Development of an Array Pickup Electromagnetic Acoustic Transducer and Application to Visualization of Surface Wave, Proc. ISEM2022, Thessaloniki, 1-2, 2022
276. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative detection of combined cracks based on artificial neural network and eddy current testing signals, Proc. ISEM2022, Thessaloniki, 1-2, 2022
275. Xuan Gao, Hong-En Chen, Yong Li∗, Shuyun Li, Hui Chen, Meng Wang, Sa Yang, Shuxia Tian and Zhenmao Chen*, Reconstruction schemes of load and constraint for global vibration evaluation of pipeline structures, Proc. ISEM2022, Thessaloniki, 1-2, 2022
274. Zhengshuai Liu, Yong Li∗, Bingjie Su, Shuting Ren, Yanzhao Ren and Zhenmao Chen, Feature fusion for pulse-modulation eddy current imaging and evaluation of defects in layered conductors, Proc. ISEM2022, Thessaloniki, 1-2, 2022
273. Bofan Liu, Hong-En Chen, Rongbang Wang, Yang Yang, Haochen Liu,Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Non-destructive testing of debonding defects in thermal barrier coating system using laser infrared thermography, Proc. icOPEN2022, Nanjin, 1-7, 2022.
272. Yang Yang, Yang Fang, Bofan Liu, Jinxing Qiu, Zongfei Tong, Qingning Yang, Haochen Liu, Cuixiang Pei, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Studies on the infrared thermography technique for quantitative nondestructive evaluation of surface crack and delamination of multilayer structures, Proc. icOPEN2022, Nanjin, 1-10, 2022.
270. Liang Qiao, Hong-En Chen, Jie Han, Shejuan Xie and Zhenmao Chen, A Quasi-Static Method for Numerical Simulation of Motion Induced Eddy Current Testing Signals Based on the Ar Formulation (OA3-5, Paper ID:53), Proc. 8th ICEF, Tianjin, 157-158, 2021.
269. Xudong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Cuixiang Pei and Shejuan Xie, Magneto-thermal-mechanical coupled analysis for the dynamic behavior of the in-vessel structure during plasma disruption (OA3-6, Paper ID:26), Proc. 8th ICEF, Tianjin, 105-106, 2021.
268. Zhengshuai Liu, Yong Li Shuting Ren,Yanzhao REN, Ilham Mukriz ZAINAL ABIDIN and Zhenmao Chen, A Semi-Analytical Model of Pulse-Modulation Eddy Current Evaluation of Inter-laminar Corrosion in Stratified Conductors (OA4-8, Paper ID:23), Proc. 8th ICEF, Tianjin, 99-100, 2021.
267. Shuting Ren, Yong Li, Zhengshaui Liu, Ilham Mukriz ZAINAL ABIDIN and Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative Evaluation of Subsurface Corrosion in Conductors under Stress Via GPEC (OC1-5, Paper ID:24), Proc. 8th ICEF, Tianjin, 101-102, 2021.
266. Yingsong Zhao, Li Wang, Pan Qi, Zhijun Wang, Jie Han, Wenlu Cai, Shusheng Liao, Zhenmao Chen,* A Reconstruction Scheme for Pitting Corrosion Defects in Steam Generator Tubes from Eddy Current Testing Signals,Proc. ICFD2020, Sendai, 1-2, 2020.
265. Dongli Zhang, Meixian Wu, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li,Study on the Conductivity Model of SCC by Using a New Eddy Current Probe,Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019.
264. Shuting REN, Yong LI, Bei YAN, Jinhua HU, Zhenmao CHEN, Analysis of Field Uniformity and Quantitative Evaluation of Subsurface Pitting Corrosion in Conductors via GPEC, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
263. Cuixiang Pei, Tianhao Liu, Jie Han, Zhenmao Chen, Development of a Flexible Guided-Wave EMAT for NDT of Multi-type Structures, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
262. Zhirong Duan, Shejuan Xie, Zongfei Tong, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Composite defects reconstruction based on a novel PECT-EMAT hybrid NDT method, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
261. Bei YAN, Yong LI, Shuting REN, Jinhua HU, Zhenmao CHEN, Ilham Mukriz Zainal Abidin, Profile Recognition and Quantitative Evaluation of Corrosion in Coated Conductors Based on PMEC with the Improved Theta Map, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
260. Kaiqiang Wang, Shejuan Xie, Qingning Yang, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Study on Eddy Current Testing for Circumferential Information of Axial Crack in Heat Transfer Tubes based on Axial Off-centered Array Bobbin Probes, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
259. TIAN Shuxia, ZHANG penghui, HUANG Liping, SONG Xueqian, CHEN Zhenmao, DU Wenliao, Research and Development of Portable Hard Spots Detection System for Overhead Contact System, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
258. Xudong Li, Shejuan Xie, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi An FEM-BEM hybrid method for magneto-mechanical coupled problem of tokamak structures considering the halo current, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
257. Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen, Development of a New Guided Wave EMAT with Pulsed Electromagnet for Small Tube Inspection, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
256. Zheng Xie, Yingsong Zhao, Qun Li, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto and Toshiyuki Takagi, A Study on Influence of Magnetic Field on Fracture of Interface Crack Considering Magneto-elastic Coupling Effects, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
255. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative evaluation of natural crack using a multioutput support vector regression method from multifrequency eddy current testing signals, Proc.ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 1-2, 2019
254. Xiaochuan Liu, Wu Yu, Zhenmao Chen, Shuang-song Du, Yuanyuan Ma, Jinggang Qin, Research on non-destructive examination of superconducting sables based on the method of inversion of electromagnetic properties, Prof. 24th ENDE, Chengdu, 52-53, 2019.
253. Manru HE, Hong-En CHEN, Shejuan XIE, Zhenmao CHEN, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Toshiyuki TAKAGI, Influence of fatigue damage on NDE of plastic strains in RAFM steel using electromagnetic NDE methods, Prof. 24th ENDE, Chengdu, 79-80, 2019.
252. Cherdpong JOMDECHA, Wenlu CAI, Xudong LI, Shejuan XIE, Zhenmao CHEN*, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Toshiyuki TAKAGI, Quantitative assessment of the stress corrosion cracks using distribution of magnetic flux density based on eddy current testing, Prof. 24th ENDE, Chengdu, 116-117, 2019.
251. Zongfei Tong, Shejuan Xie*, Xudong Li, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Yunze He, 3-D Electromagnetic-Thermal Modeling and Fast Solver of Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography Applied to Carbon Fiber Reinforced Composites, Prof. 24th ENDE, Chengdu, 148-149, 2019.
250. Li WANG, Zhenmao CHEN, Crack shape reconstruction using an adaptive genetic algrorithm from multi-frequency eddy current testing signals, Prof. 24th ENDE, Chengdu, 195-196, 2019.
249. Yali DU, Shejuan XIE, , Xudong LI, Zhenmao CHEN, A fast forward solver for simulating eddy current testing signals of crack in structure of carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminate, Prof. 24th ENDE, Chengdu, 268-269, 2019.
248. Jinhua HU, Yong LI, Jianguo TAN, Wenjia LI, Zhenmao CHEN, Quantitative evaluation and imaging of localized thickness loss in GFRP with Ka-band microwave openended waveguide, Prof. 24th ENDE, Chengdu, 282-283, 2019.
247. Wenlu CAI, Cherdpong JOMDECHA, Li WANG, Zhenmao CHEN, Quantitative evaluation of conductivity distribution inside stress corrosion crack with electromagnetic NDE methods, Prof. 24th ENDE, Chengdu, 286-287, 2019
246. Yingsong Zhao, Pan Qi, Zheng Xie, Peigen Bai, Zhenmao Chen, A New Array Eddy Current Probe for Inspection of Small-diameter Tubes in Tokamak Fusion Nuclear Devices, Proc.ISFNT2019, Budapest, 1-2, 2019.
245. Xudong Li, Lei Xue, Zhenmao Chen*, Yudong Pan, Tetsuya Uchimoto, and Toshiyuki Takagi, Analysis of Magneto-Mechanical Coupled Vibration of the In-Vessel Structures of HL-2M Tokamak Considering Halo Current Effect, Proc.ISFNT2019, Budapest, 1-2, 2019.
243. Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Manru He, Hong-en Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Proc. 8th International Symposium on Advanced Fluid Information, 62-63, Sendai, 2018.
242. Li Xudong, Jomdecha Cherdpong, Chen Zhenmao, Influence of Electric Charges on Numerical Simulation of Eddy Current Testing Signals of a Conductive Crack, Proc. of CEFC2018, 1-2, Hangzhou, 2018.
241. Jomedecha Cherdpong, Li Xudong, Cai Wenlu, Xie Shejuan, Chen Zhenmao, Advanced Multi-media Element for Simulating Distribution of Magnetic Flux Density Influenced by Narrow Crack, Proc. of CEFC2018, 1-2, Hangzhou, 2018.
240. Wang Kaiqiang, Xie Shejuan, Shi Pengpeng, Chen Zhenmao, Reconstruction Method of Plasma Current and Eddy Current in Tokamak First Wall During Plasma Disruption and Experimental Validation, Proc. of CEFC2018, 1-2, Hangzhou, 2018.
239. Xie Shejuan, Tong Zongfei, Li Xudong, Liu Haocheng, Pei Cuixiang, Chen Zhenmao, Efficient Numerical Simulation of Eddy Current Pulsed Thermography NDT Signals Based on Fourier Series Method and Energy Equivalent Method, Proc. of CEFC2018, 1-2, Hangzhou, 2018.
238. Shejuan Xie, Qingning Yang, Mingming Tian, Cherdpong Jomdecha, Zhenmao Chen, Magnetic Saturation Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Method for the Ferromagnetic Material Inspection, Proc. TWIT2018, 25-26, Bangkok, 2018.
237. Shi Pengpeng , Zhang Pengcheng , Jin Ke , Chen Zhenmao* , Zheng Xiaojing, Magneto-mechanical Coupling Constitutive Relation and Quantitative Theory for Metal Magnetic Memory Testing Methods, Proc. ICMST2018, 1-2, Sendai, 2018.
236. Manru HE, Pengpeng SHI, Tetsuya UCHIMOTO, Toshiyuki TAKAGI, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao CHEN, Application of J-A model in FEM-BEM Hybrid Method for Simulation of Nonlinear Magnetic Flux Leakage Signals, Proc. ICMST2018, 1-2, Sendai, 2018.
235. Yali DU, Shejuan XIE, Hanlin SHI and Zhenmao CHEN, Quantitative Eddy Current Testing for Defects in Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates, Proc. ICMST2018, 1-2, Sendai, 2018.
234. Cherdpong JOMDECHA, Xudong LI, Wenlu CAI, Shejuan XIE and Zhenmao CHEN*, Characterization of Stress-corrosion Crack Cross-section Using Distribution of Magnetic Flux Density Induced by Uniform Eddy Current, Proc. ICMST2018, 1-2, Sendai, 2018.
233. Kaiqiang WANG, Hong-en CHEN, Lijuan LI, Shejuan XIE*, Zhenmao CHEN*, Zehua MA, Zhenhui MA, Yingwei WU, Guanghui SU, Baoping HEI and Fuhai GAO, Measurements of Deflection and Contact Force Due to Temperature Gradient for a Simplified Fuel Assembly, Proc. ICMST2018, 1-2, Sendai, 2018.
232. Yingsong Zhao, Shejuan Xie, Wenlu Cai, Peng Li, Guangyi Zhu and Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation Method for Thickness of Stainless Steel Cladding Layer in Large Vessel Based on Multi-frequency ECT, Proc. ISSNP2018, No.25, 2018.
231. Zhirong Duan, Shejuan Xie, Mingming Tian and Zhenmao Chen, A novel magnetic transmission eddy current array probe and its application for NDT of defects in pipeline structures, Proc. ISSNP2018, No.32, 2018.
230. Shejuan Xie, Ying Zhao, Hongen Chen, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Frequency-band-selecting pulsed eddy current testing method for the detection of a certain depth range of defects, Proc. ENDE2018, 1-2, Detroit, 2018.
229. Shutting Ren, Yong Li, Bei Yan, Yi Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative Evaluation of Subsurface Corrosion in Conductive Structures via Gradient-field Pulsed Eddy Current Technique, Proc. ENDE2018, 1-2, Detroit, 2018.
228. Jinxing Qiu, Cuixiang Pei, Haochen Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Inverse Analysis of Surface Cracks from Signals of Laser Induced Thermography, Proc. ENDE2018, 1-2, Detroit, 2018.
201. Zhenmao Chen, Hongmei Li, Monitoring of damages in austenitic stainless steel through measurement and inversion of natural magnetic field, M-6, FEOFS2016, Tokyo, 2016.
200. Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Manru He, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyui Takagi, Characterization of plastic deformation and residual stress using electromagnetic NDE method, Proc. of 6th Int. Symp. on Advanced Fluid Information, Sendai, 48-49, 2016.
199. Zhenmao Chen, Application of electromagnetic NDT for inspection of nuclear power plants, Proc. TWIT2016, 17-18, Bangkok, 2016.
198. Zhenmao Chen,NDE of Mechanical Damage in Austenitic Stainless Steel through Measurement and Inversion of Natural Magnetic Field Signals, Proc. 2DM2016, 37-38, Tianjin, 2016 (Keynote).
195. Mingming Tian, Ying Zhao, Lei Wu, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Evaluation of thinning defects in magnetic material based on PECT method under magnetic saturation, Proc. 14th Int. Workshop on 1&2D magnetic measurement and Testing, Tianjin, 53-54, 2016.
194. Lei Wu, Mingming Tian, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Influence of plastic deformation and fatigue loads on electromagnetic properties for 304 austenitic stainless steel, Proc. 14th Int. Workshop on 1&2D magnetic measurement and Testing, Tianjin, 55-56, 2016.
193. Manru He, Zongfei ong, Hong-en Chen, Shejuan Xie and Zhenmao Chen, Simutaneous evaluation of residual stress and plastic deformation in ferromagnetic steel by using hybrid electromagnetic nondestructive testing method, Proc. 14th Int. Workshop on 1&2D magnetic measurement and Testing, Tianjin, 57-58, 2016.
192. Yong Li*, Xiyu Zhang, Wenjia Li, Ilham Zainal Abidin, Zhenmao Chen, Dependency of pulsed remote field EC inspection of subsurface corrosion in ferromagnetic double-casing pipes on parameters of excitation current, Proc. ENDE’2016, Lisbon, 51-52, 2016.
191. Cuixiang Pei, Pan Xiao, Siqi Zhao, Zhenmao Chen, Developmetn of a flexible fiel electromagnetic acoustic transducer for nondectructive testing, Proc. ENDE’2016, Lisbon, 125-126, 2016.
190. Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Manru He, Zhenmao Chen*, Evaluation of plastic deformation in carbon steel based on AC MFL method considering effects of temperature and roling direction, Proc. ENDE’2016, Lisbon, 141-142, 2016.
189. Shejuan Xie, Mingming Tian, Cuixiang Pei, Hong-en Chen, Zhenmao Chen*, Composite defects evaluation using the hybrid NDT methods of PECT and EMAT, Proc. ENDE’2016, Lisbon, 143-144, 2016.
188. Cherdpong Jomdecha, Wenlu Cai, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, A numerical study on eddy current signal characteristics of imitative corrosion cracks, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 65-66, 2016.
187. Hongwei Yuan, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen, A method for electromagneto-thermal-mechanical direct coupling analysis and its application to Tokamak structures, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 170-171, 2016.
186. Haijie Dong, Hongwei Yuan, Zhenmao Chen, Jinhong Yang, Weihua Wang, A simplified analytical analysis of the magneto-mechanical dynamic response of a test module in J-TEXT Tokamak, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 174-175, 2016.
185. Kaiqiang Wang, Hongwei Yuan, Zhenmao Chen, Cuixiang Pei, Numerical analysis on influence of shield plates on magnetiomechanical response of vacuum vessel of HL-2M Tokamak, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 176-177, 2016.
184. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Reconstruction of SCC using features of pulsed eddy current signals, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 208-209, 2016.
183. Haoqing Jing, Yong Li, Bei Yan, Xiyu Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, Liftoff invariance of gradient-field pulsed eddy current inspection of hidden material degradation in conductors, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 457-458, 2016.
182. Xiaojuan Wang, Jie Feng, Zhenmao Chen, Nondestructive testing of vavity defect in metallic plate using dircte current potential drop method, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 465-466, 2016.
181. Yali Du, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Numerical evaluation of eddy current testing probes for inspection of defect in carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 477-480, 2016
180. Dongli Zhang, Meixian Wu, Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, A NDE strategy for improvement of deep crack inspection in thich curved metal wall by using eddy current testing technology, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 481-482, 2016..
179. Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative analysis of relation between MMM Signals and stress induced magnetization, Proc. 7th ICEF, Xi’an, 490-491, 2016.
178. Cherdpong Jomdecha, Wenlu Cai, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Modeling of distributed electrical conductivity in stress corrosion crack for simulation of eddy current testing signals, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, WA-1-4, 2016.
177. Shuxia Tian, Zhenmao Chen, Jianglei Fan, Shongyang Wang, Delamination defect identification for sandwich plate with pyramidal truss cores based vibration parameters, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, WA-2-3, 2016.
176. Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Seiya Sato, Zhenmao Chen, Takeshi Numada, Quantitative evaluation of residual strain in austenitic stainless steels using eddy current testing, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, WA-3-1, 2016.
175. Cuixiang Pei, Jinxing Qiu, Haochen Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Imaging and depth evaluation of surface cracks with laser array spot thermography, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, FA-1-2, 2016.
174. Tianhao Liu, Cuixiang pei, Siqi Zhao, Zhenmao Chen, Disbonding defect inspection in multi-layered conductive structures with a mini resonant EMAT, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, FA-1-4, 2016.
173. Dongchi Yi, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen, Dtudy of inner defects testing with ring laser-EMAT ultrasonic method, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, FA-2-3, 2016.
172. Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Analysis of MMM signals bsed on reconstruction algorithm, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, FA-3-1, 2016.
171. Haochen Liu, Jinxing Qiu, Cuixiang Pei, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative profile evaluation of delamination by inversion scheme uing phase signasl in infrared thermography, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, FA-3-3, 2016.
170. Dongli Zhang, Meixian Wu, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Analysis and correction of measure error due to the ECT probe calibration, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, P-5, 2016.
169. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative Evaluation of stress corrosion cracking based on featrues of fECT signals, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, P-6, 2016.
168. Wenlu Cai, Cherdpong Homdecha, Shejuan Xie, Cuiciang Pei, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Investigation on the feasibility of artificial imitative crack fabricated by diffusion bonding to simulate the real stress corrosion crack, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, P-11, 2016.
167. Xudong Li, HOngwei Yuan, Shejuan Xie, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen, Research on numerical method for non-contacting ACFM of buried pipes in nuclear power plant, Prof. 3rd ICMST, Shenzhen, P-12, 2016.
166. Pan Xiao, Cuixiang Pei, Siqi Zhao and Zhenmao Chen, A Flexible Film Type EMAT for Inspection of Small Diameter Pipe, Proc. ACEM2016, 23-24, Jiju, 2016(Keynote).
165. Jinxing Qiu, Cuixiang Pei*, Haochen Liu and Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative Evaluation of Surface Crack Depth with Laser Spot Thermography,Proc. ACEM2016, 215-216, Jiju, 2016.
164. Wenlu CAI, Shejuan XIE, Cuixiang PEI, Yong LI, Zhenmao Chen*, Reconstruction of Local Conductivity Distribution of Stress Corrosion Crack from Direct Current Potential Drop Signals, in proceedings of Compumag 2015, Monteral, 2015.
163. Shejuan Xie, Wenlu Cai, Mingming Tian, Lei Wu, Zhenmao Chen*, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Numerical Method for Nonlinear Simulation of Magnetic Saturated Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Signals and Its Application to Evaluation of Wall Thinning in Carbon Steel Piping, in proceedings of Compumag 2015, Monteral, 2015.
162. Wenlu Cai, Shejuan Xie, Cuixiang Pei, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Characterization of local conductivity of SCC with DCPD method, Proc. 3rd Int. Symposium on Smart Layered Materials and Structures for Energy Saving, 5-6, Sendai, 2005.
161. Cuixiang Pei, Shiqi Zhao, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Characterization of plastic deformation using EMAT, Proc. 15th Int. Conference on Advanced Fluid Information, 54-55, Sendai, 2015.
160. Yong Li*, Xiangbiao Liu, Yili Li, Bei Yan, Da Li, Zhenmao Chen, Magnetic field measurement based PRFEC for detection and identification of surface corrosion, Proc. of 20th ENDE, 59-60, 2015.
159. Pan Xiao, Cuixiang Pei, Guicai Yang, Zhenmao Chen*, A phased array EMAT for detection of? delamination defect in a tube of multilayer structure, Proc. of 20th ENDE, 84-85, 2015
158. Manru He, Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen*, Nondestructive evaluation of plastic deformation in Reduced Activation Ferritic/Martensitic Steels for structure of fusion reactor, Proc. of 20th ENDE, Sendai, 86-87, 2015.
157. Yali Du, Shejuan Xie, Xiaojuan Wang, Zhenmao Chen*, Reconstruction of multiple cavity defects in metallic foam from DCPD signals, Proc. of 20th ENDE, Sendai, 88-89, 2015.
156. Xiangfeng Ma, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Lingli Chen*, Defects initiation and propagation monitoring in multilayer structure of Tokamak magnet based on acoustic emission method, Proc. of 20th ENDE, Sendai, 86-87, 90-91, 2015.
155. Hongmei Li, Dongli Zhang, Wenlu Cai, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Eeffect of phase transformation on the damage induced magnetization of 304 austenitic stainless steel, Proc. of 20th ENDE, Sendai, 97-98, 2015
154. Wenlu Cai, Zheng Xie, Shejuan Xie, Cuixiang Pei, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Influence of the Online Closure Loading on the Eddy Current Testing Signals of Closed Fatigue Crack, Proc. 17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech.,1P1-C2, Kobei, 2015.
153. Haochen LIU, Cuixiang PEI, Shejuan XIE, Zhenmao Chen*, Numerical simulation method for IR thermography NDE of delamination defect in multilayered plate, Proc. 17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech., 2P2-C2, 2015.
152. Guicai Yang, Cuixiang Pei, Pan Xiao, Zhenmao Chen*, Wanjin Wang, Guangnan Luo, A Study on Rotating Bias Magnetic Field EMAT for ITER Divertor Components, Proc. 17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech., PS1-13, 2015.
151. Beipei Fang, Shejuan Xie*, Wenlu Cai, Zhenmao Chen, Sizing of defects in special shaped coolant pipe of tokamak magnet based on eddy current testing signals, Proc.17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech., 1P1-C3, Kobei, 2015.
150. Yong Li, Bei Yan, Da Li, Zhenmao Chen, Pulse-mululation-based eddy current technique for nondestructive evaluation of conductive structures, Proc.17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech., 2P1-C3, Kobei, 2015.
149. Dongli Zhang, Meixian Wu, Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Research on strategies to improve measurement of coating thickness in hemispeherical steel shells for an inclined ECT sensor, Proc. 17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech., PS1-23, 2015.
148. Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen*, Sizing of stress corrosion cracks based on high-dimensional particle swarm optimization algorithm from ECT Signals, Proc. 17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech., PS1-40, 2015.
147. Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Dongli Zhang, Hongxia Sun, Reconstruction of magnetic charge in breaking flaw based on two layer algorithm, Proc. 17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech., PS2-24, 2015.
146. Cuixiang Pei, Hongwei Yuan, Zhengsheng Yuan, Zhenmao Chen*, Numerical simulation of electro-thermal- mechanical coupling dynamic behaviors in Tokamak structure, Proc. 17th Int. Symposium on Appl. Electromagn. Mech., 3P1-B1, 2015.
145. Hongwei Yuan, Zhengsheng Yuan, Weixin Li, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Pan Yudong, Jiaxian Li, Electromagnetic Dynamic Response of HL-2M Vacuum Vessel under Plasma Disruption considering the Electromagneto-Mechanical Coupling Effect, Proc. Int. Symposium Fusion Nuclear Technology, Jiju, 2015.
144. Zhensheng Yuan, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen*, Dynamic response of a plate of RAFM steel under in-plane magnetic field with consideration of nonlinear ferromagnetic effect, Proc. Int. Symposium Fusion Nuclear Technology, Jiju, 2015
143. Cuixiang Pei, Jinxin Qiu, Haocheng Liu and Zhenmao Chen*, Simulation of Surface Cracks Measurement in First Walls by Laser Spot Array Thermography, Proc. Int. Symposium Fusion Nuclear Technology, Jiju, 2015
142. Haijie Dong, Weixin Li, Zhensheng Yuan, Zhenmao Chen*, Jinling Yang, Weihua Wang, Electromagneto-Mechanical Coupling Analysis of Test Blanket Module During Plasma Disruption on J-TEXT Tokamak, Proc. Int. Symposium Fusion Nuclear Technology, Jiju, 2015.
141.Xie Shejuan, Zhenmao Chen, Hong-En Chen, Wenlu Cai, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Kensuke Yoshihara, Feasibility investigation of NDE for plastic deformation in biaxial specimen using PECT method, Proc. 19th ENDE, 22-23, Xi’an, 2014.
140.Li Hongmei, Dongli Zhang, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Magnetization dependence on plastic strain/stress for ferromagnetic steel, Proc. 19th ENDE, 38-39, Xi’an, 2014.
139.Haiqiang Zhou, Zhanfeng Yang, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Numerical simulation of EMAT for ferromagnetic structures with consideration of electromagneto-mechanical coupling effect, Proc. 19th ENDE, 67-68, Xi’an, 2014.
138.Shuxia Tian, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Hongmei Li, Quantitative evaluation of wire breakage status through magnetic field measurement and enhancement of S/N ratio, Proc. 19th ENDE, 86-87, Xi’an, 2014.
137.Yong Li, Xiangbiao Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Yili Li, Bei Yan, Detection and identification of subsurface corrosion in double pipe casings via PECT technique, Proc. 19th ENDE, 113-114, Xi’an, 2014.
136.Xiaojuan Wang, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Development of DCPD probe array for quantitative NDT of cavity defect in metallic foam, Proc. 19th ENDE, 119-120, Xi’an, 2014.
135.Hongda Zhao, Xiangbiao Liu, Yong Li, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Nondestructive evaluation of eccentricity of layered tube conductor of ITER in-vessel coils based on PECT method, Proc. 19th ENDE, 123-124, Xi’an, 2014.
134.Dongli Zhang, Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, The strategy of enhancing the measuring precision of coating thickness in pipelines with an eddy current sensor, Proc. 19th ENDE, 184, Xi’an, 2014.
133.Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Reconstruction of Wall Thinning from Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Signals, Proc. 13th Int. Symp. Adv. Fluid Inf., 28-29, 2013.
132.Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Xiaojuan Wang, Tetsuya Uchimoto Toshiyuki Takagi, Evaluation of Cavity Defect in Metallic Foam with DCPD Method, Proc. 1st Int. Symp. Smart Layered Material and Structures for Energy Saving, OS8-12, p1-2, 2013.
131.Li Hongmei, Chen Hong-En, Li Yong, Chen Zhenmao, Uchimoto Tetsuya, Takagi Toshiyuki, Yoshida Yasuhiko, A Monitoring Technique for Assessment of Mechanical Damage in Austenitic Stainless Steel of 304 Type based on Remanent Magnetic Field, ISSNP2013.
130.Xiaojuan Wang, Shejuan Xie, Jin Zhang, Zhenmao Chen*, An Efficient Numerical Scheme for Sizing of Cavity Defect in Metallic Foam from Signals of DC Potential Drop Method, Digit of Compumag’2013, PA5-19, 2013.
129.Weixin Li, Zhensheng Yuan, Zhenmao Chen*, Adaptive Mesh Morphing Method for Numerical Analysis of Electromagneto-mechanical Coupling using Lagrangian Approach, Digit of Compumag’2013, PD4-5, 2013..
128.Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, and Yasuhiko Yoshida, Evaluation of Plastic Deformation in Austenitic stainless steel based on Nonlinear Eddy Current Testing Method, Proc. ENDE’2013, 24-26, 2013.
127.Haiqiang Zhou, Yong LI, and Zhenmao Chen, Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Acoustic Testing Signals for Detection of Delamination in HIP Welding of Multilayer Tubes, Proc. ENDE’2013, 111-113, 2013.
126.Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Evaluation of Wall Thinning in Carbon Steel Piping Based on Magnetic Saturation Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Method, Proc. ENDE’2013, .61-63, 2013.
125.Xiaojuan Wang, Shejuan Xie, Xiaowei Wang, Zhenmao Chen, Sizing of Cavity Defect in Metallic Foam from DC Potential Drop Signals with Stochastic Inversion Methods, Proc. Far East NDT Forum, 2013.
124.Hongmei Li, Li Wang, Yong Li and Zhenmao Chen, Detection of Plastic Deformation of 304 Austenitic Stainless Steel Based on DC Magnetization, Proc. Far East NDT Forum, 2013.
123.Li Wang, Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Reconstruction of Deep Stress Corrosion Crack Based on a Multi- objective Optimization Evaluation from Eddy Current Testing Signals, Proc. Far East NDT Forum, 2013.
122.Yong Li, Xiangbiao Liu, Yong Qi and Zhenmao Chen. Efficient Analytical Modelling for Pulsed Remote Field Eddy Current Evaluation of Stratified Tubular Structures [C]. Proc. Far East NDT Forum, 2013.
121.Hong-En Chen, Shejuan Xie, Haiqiang Zhou, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Yoshihiku Yoshida, Numerical Simulation of Magnetic Incremental Permeability for Ferromagnetic Material, Proc. ISEM’2013.
120.Zhensheng Yuan, Weixin Li, Wenjing Wu, Zhenmao Chen*, Dynamic Analysisof a Ferromagnetic Structure in Strong Magnetic Field with Electromagneto-Mechanical Coupling, Proc. ISEM’2013.
119.Wenglu Cai, Hong-En Chen, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen*, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Yoshikiko Yoshida, Studies on the Influence of Plastic Deformation on the Conductivity and Permeability of Carbon Steel, Proc. of ISEM’2013.
118.Haiqiang Zhou, Cuixiang Pei, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Numerical Simulation of Ultrasonic Wave of EMAT for Inspection of Ferromagnetic Materials, Proc. of ISEM’2013.
117.Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Hong-En Chen, Seiya Sato, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, Evaluation of plastic deformation and characterization of electromagnetic property using pulsed eddy current testing, Proc. of ISEM’2013.
116.Zhensheng Yuan, Weixin Li, Jingyi Xu, Wenjing Wu, Zhenmao Chen, Development of Numerical Code for Coupling Dynamical Response of Typical Tokomak Structures using Volumetric Finite Element, ICONE21-16740, 2013.
115.Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Xiaowei Wang, Yong Li, Tetsuya Uchimoto and Toshiyuki Takagi, Comparison of Inversion method for reconstruction of defect from pulsed eddy current testing signals, in 8th AFI/TFI, 9-th ICFD, 1-2, 2012.
114.Zhenmao Chen, Taihui Huang, Li Wang, Noritaka Yusa, A Study on the Distribution of Electric Conductivity around a Stress Corrosion Crack Proc. 1st ICMST, Tokyo, p67-68, 2012
113.Shejuan Xie, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Zhenmao Chen and Li Wang, Forward and inverse simulations of pipe wall thinning using pulsed eddy current signals, proc. SiMCRT2011, to be published in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, IOS press, 2012.
112.Shejuan XIE, Toshiaki Ichihara, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Zhenmao Chen, Quantitative nondestructive evaluation of wall thinning defects from pulsed eddy current testing signals, Proc. Annual Conference of JSME Tohoku Branch, p1-2, 2012.
111.Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Qi, Meihua Xiao, Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Based on Gradient Magnetic Field Measurement, Proc. ICEF 2012, IEEE Proceedings (EI), 2012.
110.Xiaowei Wang, Shejuan Xie, Li Wang, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen and Toshiyuki Takagi, Reconstruction of Stress Corrosion Cracks Based on Pulsed Eddy Current Signals, Proc. ICEF 2012, IEEE Proceedings 2012(EI).
109.Xiaojuan Wang, Shejuan Xie, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Efficient Numerical Simulation of DC Potential Drop Signals for Application to Metallic Foam, Proc. ICEF 2012, 2012.
108.H-E Chen, Y. Li, Zhenmao Chen, T. Takagi, T. Uchimoto, Y. Yoshida, Evaluation of Plastic Deformation of Carbon Steel based on Electromagnetic Nondestructive Testing Methods, Proc. 17th ENDE, 2012.
107.Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi and Tetsuya Uchimoto, Sizing of pipe wall thinning using pulsed ECT method based on inverse analysis, 9th ICED, GS1-27, 2012.
106.Yunfei Li, ShejuanXie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto. A Numerical Method for Simulation of Nonlinear Eddy Current Testing Signals based on Transient Ar Formulation, Digit of CEFC’2012, p, 2012.
105.Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Xiaowei Wang, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto,Sizing of Wall Thinning Defects Using Pulsed ECT Signals Based on a Hybrid Inverse Analysis Method, Digit of CEFC’2012, 2012.
104.Hong-En Chen, Yunfei Li, Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takagi, and Yasuhiko Yoshida,Evaluation of Plastic Deformation of Material in NPP based on ECT and Nonlinear ECT Method, Proc. 1st ICMST, Tokyo, p177-178, 2012
103.Yong Li, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Qi, Meihua Xiao, Hongda Zhao, Fast forward and inverse models for evaluation of hdden corrosions via PECT, Proc. 1st ICMST, Tokyo, p183-184, 2012.
102.Zhenmao Chen, Hongmei Li, Hongen Chen, Yunfei Li, and Yong Li, Damage inspection of austenitic stainless steel based on measurement and inversion of natural magnetic field signals, Proc. of 2011 Global Chinese Forum on Advanced NDT, Xiamen-Jinmen, 341-345, 2011.
101.Zhenmao Chen, Shuxia Tian, Li Wang, Yong Li, Studies on ENDE techniques for ISI of nuclear power plants, Proc. of 2011 Global Chinese Forum on Advanced NDT, Xiamen-Jinmen, 441-446, 2011.
100.Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Xiaowei Wang, Yong Li, Tetsuya Uchimoto and Toshiyuki Takagi, Reconstruction of Wall thinning from pulsed eddy current signals, in Prof. of 7th AFI/TFI, 158-159, 2011.
99.Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Li Wang, Tetsuya Uchimoto and Toshiyuki Takagi, Reconstruction of Stress Corrosion Crack with multifrequency ECT signals, presented in 8th ICFD, OS8-12, 2011.
98.Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, and Tetsuya Uchimoto, Quantitative Non-destructive Testing of Local Wall Thinning Defect Based on an Efficient Simulator of Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Signals, ENDE 2011, India, 2011.
97.Wenjing Wu, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Cuixiang Pei and Tianyan Liu,?Numerical Simulation of Dynamic Response of a Typical Tokomak Structure during Plasma Disruption with Consideration of Electromagneto- mechanical Coupling, ICONE’19-43747, 2011.
96.Shejuan Xie, Toshiyuki Takagi, Tetsuya Uchimoto, Zhenmao Chen, Li Wang, An Inversion Scheme for Sizing of Wall Thinning Defect from Pulsed ECT Signals, Proc. 15th ISEM, in JSAEM Stud.? Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.14, 293-294, 2011 (ISTP).
95.Dongli Zhang and Zhenmao Chen, Applications of Multi-frequency Inversion Algorithm to Quantitative NDE of Cracks in Welding Joints of a?Lattice Metallic Sandwich Plate, Proc. 15th ISEM, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.14, 61-62, 2011 (IS.
94.Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Li Wang, Approach for Reconstruction of Damage-Induced Magnetization, Proc. 15th ISEM, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.14, 151-152, 2011 (ISTP).
93.Shuxia Tian, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Yongbin Zuo and Xiaowei Wang, Identification of Wire Breakage Status Based on the Measurement and Inversion of Magnetic Field Surrounding the Cable in Conduit Conductors of ITER Magnets, Proc. 15th ISEM, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.14, 67-68, 2011 (ISTP).
92.Weixin Li, Zhenmao Chen, and Wenjing Wu, Numerical Analysis on Magneto-elastic Stability of Current-carrying Conductors, in Proc 8th APEA, 2011.
91.Tianyan Liu, Zhenmao Chen, Yong Li, Wenjing Wu and Cuixiang Pei, Numerical Analysis of Electromagneto-mechanical Coupling Response of Typical Tokomak Structure, in Proc 8th APEA, 2011.
90.Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Xiaowei Wang, Li Wang, Toshiyuki Takagi and Tetsuya Uchimoto,Three Dimensional Wall Thinning Defect Reconstruction from Pulsed Eddy Current Testing Signals, 8th ICFD, OS8-14, 2011
89.Zhenmao Chen, Yongbin Zuo, Dongli Zhang, Ying Mao, Taihui Huang, Proposal and Demonstration of Strategies for NDT of Conduit Tube of Cable in Conduit Conductors Used in ITER PF Coils, ASME Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE18-29901, 2010
88.Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Introduction of Some Researches on Electromagnetic NDT, Proc. of 7th Annual Conference of JSM, 290-293, Omaezaki, 2010.
87.??Wenjin Wu, Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen, Numerical Simulation of Electromagnetic Acoustic Testing Signals with Consideration of Electromagneto-mechanical Coupling Effect, PIERS’Xian, 2010.
86.Hongmei Li, Zhenmao Chen, Tianfei Zhao, Studies on the Correlation between Natural Magnetization and Mechanical Damages of an Austenitic Stainless Steel, ASME Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE18-29770, 2010
85.Shuxia Tian, Zhenmao Chen, Dongli Zhang and Qiang Geng, Signal Processing Schemes for Defect Identification and Sizing from Signals of Eddy Current Testing in Nuclear Power Plant, ASME Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Nuclear Engineering, ICONE18-29825, 2010.
84.Yong Li, Ying Mao, Zhenmao Chen. Quantitative Evaluation of TBC Systems of Gas Turbine Blades Using TFEC. Proc. of ICPADS'2010. pp.640~645, 2010.
83.Zhenmao Chen, Status of Nuclear Power Industry and Related Maintenance Technologies in China, The Asian workshop on maintenance technology for nuclear power plant, Sendai, 2009.
82.Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Minglong Xu and Tian-Jian Lu, A Fast Forward Scheme for Numerical Simulaiton of NDT Signals of DC Potential Drop Method by Using Eddy Current Testing Technique, in Proc. 13th ENDE, p36, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.32, 196-203, 2009. (ISTP)
81.Li WANG, Zhenmao CHEN, Tian-Jian LU, Minglong XU, A Multiple Frequency Strategy for Reconstruction of Stress Corrosion Crack from ECT Signals, in Proc. 12th ENDE, p26, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.32, 313-320, 2009. (ISTP)
80.Li Wang, Zhenmao Chen, A multi-frequency strategy for reconstruction of deep stress corrosion cracks from ECT signals of multiple liftoffs, Proc. ISEM’Xian, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.13, 377-378, 2009 (ISTP).
79.Cuixiang Pei, Zhenmao Chen, Development of simulation method for EMAT Signals and Applications to TBC inspection, Proc. ISEM’Xian, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.13, 417-418, 2009 (ISTP).
78.Dongli Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Minglong Xu, and Tian-Jian Lu, Quantitative NDE of welding flaws in lattice sandwich metal plate by using DC potential drop method, Proc. ISEM’Xian, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.13, 423-424, 2009 (ISTP).
77.Yongbin Zuo, Zhenmao Chen, Enhancement of sizing capability of ECT for deep cracks by using split TR probes, Proc. ISEM’Xian, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.13, 431-432, 2009 (ISTP).
76.Shejuan Xie, Zhenmao Chen, Toshiyuki Takagi, Researches on NDT of metallic foam with direct current potential drop method, Proc. ISEM’Xian, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.13, 483-484, 2009 (ISTP).
75.Bo Feng, Minglong Xu, Zhijun Zhang, Tian-Jian Lu, Zhenmao Chen, Design and calibration of a new biaxial extensometer for redial deformation measurement under hydro-compression loading, Proc. ISEM’Xian, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.13, 567-568, 2009 (ISTP).
74.Shuxia Tian, Lingli Chen, Zhenmao Chen, Shaohua Tian, Numerical analysis on influence of damage configuration on vibration parameters for lattice sandwich plate, Proc. ISEM’Xian, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.13, 593-594, 2009 (ISTP).
73.Noritaka Yusa, Kenzo Miya, Ichiro Komura, Zhenmao Chen, A project aiming at the enhancement of NDT&E of stress corrosion cracking, Proc. ISEM’Xian, in JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech, Vol.13, 601-602, 2009 (ISTP).
72.Zhenmao Chen, N. Yusa, K. MIYAand H. Tokuma, Effect of Crack Closure on Quantitative ECT Inspection of Closed Fatigue Cracks, in Proc. 12th ENDE, p68, 2007, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.31, 171-178, 2008. (ISTP)
71.Zhenmao Chen, L. Wang, Q. Geng, M. Rebican, and K. Miya, Sizing and Classification of Defects in SG Tubes of a Nuclear PowerPlant from Remote Field ECT Signals by Using Neural Network, Electromagnetic Problems and Application, TSI Press, Proceedings of ICEF’2008, 437-441, (Invited, EI)
70.Zhenmao Chen, Studies on Eddy Current Testing Techniques for Application in NDT of Nuclear Power Plants, In Proceedings of 1st Joint International Symposium on Nuclear Science and Technology, p13, 2008.
69.Zhenmao Chen, Some numerical simulation methods for quantitative electromagnetic nondestructive evaluation, Proc. 2008 Far East Forum on NDE/T, New Technology and Applications, p29, 2008.
68.Zhenmao Chen, Some Progress in Numerical Simulation Methods for Quantitative Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Proc. SMEBA, p225, 2008 (Invited).
67.Zhenmao Chen, Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Education in China, 5th ICFD, Sendai, 2008.
66.D. Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, J. Xie, NDT of lattice sandwich metal plate by using DC potential drop method, Proc. WCNDT’Shanghai, 2008 (NDT.net, www.ndt.net/search/docs.php3?MainSource=-1&id=6686).
65.Shejuan Xie and Zhenmao Chen, Studies on DC Potential Drop Method for Quantitative NDT of Metallic Foam, Proc.of 5th ICFD, Sendai, OS8-48, 2008.
64.Zhenmao Chen, N. Yusa and K. Miya, Sizing of Volumetric SCC from ECT Signals with Consideration of Crack Width, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.28, 259-266, 2007 (ISTP).
63.L. Wang, Zhenmao Chen, TJ Lu, M. Xu, N. Yusa and K. Miya, Sizing of Long Stress Corrosion Crack from 2D ECT Signals by Using a Multisegment Inverse Analysis Strategy, in Proc. 13th ISEM, 229-230, 2007.
62.D. Zhang, Zhenmao Chen, M. Xu and TJ Lu, Quantitative NDE of Cellular Metallic Material and Structures, in Proc. 13th ISEM, 171-172, 2007.
61.Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, Detection and sizing of cracks in structural components of a nuclear power plant by ECT, Proc.31th QNDE, in Review of Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.24A and 24B, 789-796, AIP, 2005, (ISTP).
60.Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, Detection of defects in a nuclear power plant by using ECT technology, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Eng., Beijing, p19, 2005.
59.Zhenmao Chen, M.Rebican, N.Yusa, and K.Miya, Fast simulation of ECT signals due to a crack of arbitrary width, Proc. 15th COMPUMAG, Vol.4, 188-189, 2005.
58.L.Janousek, Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa,and K.Miya, New Exciting System for Deeper Penetration of Eddy Currents, Proc.ENDE’2004,?in Studies in Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.25, IOS Press, 286-293, 2005, (ISTP).
57.L.Janousek, Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa and K.Miya, A Method for Distinguishing between SCC and fatigue cracks, Proc. 13th Int. Conf. on Nuclear Eng., Beijing, p72, 2005 .
56.M.Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, L.Janousek, K.Miya, Shape Reconstruction of multiple cracks from ECT signals by means of a stochastic method, Proc. 15th COMPUMAG, Vol.3, 256-257, 2005.
55.M.Rebican, N.Yusa, Z.Chen K.Miya, T.Uchimoto, T.Takagi, Reconstruction of multiple cracks from ECT signals by means of a parallel GA, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. and Mech., Proc. 8th ENDE, IOS Press, 70-77, 2005 ( ISTP).
54.Zhenmao Chen, M.Rebican, N.Yusa, K.Miya, Sizing of cracks with ECT technique, Proc. ASAEM’Seoul, 514-519. 2004.
53.Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, N.Uesugi, Detecting of SCC in the structural component of nuclear power plant by ECT, Proc. ASAEM’Seoul, 102-106, 2004.
52.H.Huang T.Uchimoto,T.Takagi, Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, A fast numerical method for the ECT signal of cracks in ferromagnetic material, Proc. ASAEM’Seoul,107-112, 2004.
51.M.Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, K.Miya, T.Uchimoto, and T.Takagi, Investigation of numerical prevesion of 3D RFECT signal simulations, Proc. CEFC’Seoul, p312, 2004.
50.Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, N.Chigusa, H.Isaka, Data processing of corrosion noise polluted ECT signals from Cu-Ni alloy tubes, Proc. 9th ENDE, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.24, IOS Press, 128-135. 2003, (ISTP)
49.Zhenmao Chen, H.Takashima, K.Miya, A hybrid database approach for simulation of remote field eddy current testing signals, Proc. ISEM’Paris, 440-441, 2003.
48.Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, K.Miya, A.Tanahashi, K.Sakai, N.Chigusa, Advanced MFLT for detecting outside defect in the welding part of an austenitic steel plate, Proc. ISEM’Paris, 442-443, 2003.
47.M.Rebican, H.Takashima, Zhenmao Chen,N.Yusa,K.Miya, Sizing of defects from RFECT signals by means of a neural network, Records 9th ENDE, 2003.
46.L.Janousek,N.Yusa, Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya, Recognition of INCONEL weld conductivity by means of eddy current testing, Proc. 9th ENDE, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.24, 286-293, IOS Press, 2003 (ISTP).
45.M.Rebican, N.Yusa, Zhenmao Chen K.Miya, T.Uchimoto, and T.Takagi, Reconstruction of multiple cracks in an ECT round-robin test, Proc. ISEM’Paris, 22-23, 2003.
44.N.Yusa, Zhenmao Chen K.Demachi, Application of a superconductor to the shield of a remote filed ECT probe, Proc. ISEM’Paris, 142-143, 2003.
43.Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa,K.Miya and K.Hotta, Reconstruction of natural stress corrosion cracks in coolant tubes from ECT signals, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.23, Proc. 8th ENDE, IOS press, 197-204, 2002 (ISTP).
42.Zhenmao Chen, K.Ohkoshi, N.Yusa, K.Miya and K.Shiraishi, Numerical analysis on the correlation between ECT signals and the deposit thickness in SG tubes, Proc. FENDT(Far East conference on NonDestructive Testing), 89-94, 2002.
41.N.Yusa, K.Demachi and Zhenmao Chen, An RFECT probe with a superconducting shield, Proc. 30th QNDE, in Review of Progress in QNDE, Vol.22, AIP, 405-412, 2002 (ISTP).
40.Zhenmao Chen, G.Preda, O.Mihalache, and K.Miya, A fast scheme for forward analysis of nonlinear electromagnetic problems, Proc. 10th ISEM (International Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics), in JSAEM studies in Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, 497-498, 2001 (ISTP).
39.Zhenmao Chen, K.Aoto, and K.Miya, NDE of Fatigue Damages in Austenitic Stainless Steel by Measuring and Inversion of Damage-induced Magnetic Field, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. and Mech., Vol.23, IOS press, ?Proc. 7th ENDE , 127-134, 2002, (ISTP).
38.Zhenmao Chen, K.Aoto, and K.Miya, Passive Nondestructive Evaluation method for austenitic stainless steel, Proc. 3rd ASAEM (Asia Symposium on Applied Electromagnetics), JSAEM Studies in Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.10, 287-292, 2001, (ISTP).
37.Zhenmao Chen, G.Preda,O.Mihalache, and K.Miya, Reconstruction of crack shape from MFL signals by using a rapid forward solver and an optimization approach, Proc. 13th COMPUMAG (COMPutational electroMAGnetics), 118-119, 2001.
36.B.Cranganu-Cretu, G.Preda, O.Mihalache, Zhenmao Chen and K.Miya, B-H curve reconstruction from MFL signals based on Genetic Algorithm, Proc. 10th ISEM, in JSAEM studies on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, 643-644, 2001, (ISTP)
35.G.Preda, T.Uchimoto, N.Takeda, Zhenmao Chen, and K.Miya, Investigation of the HIP joints of the first wall using ECT, Proc. 10th ISEM, JSAEM studies on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, 173-174, 2001, (ISTP).
34.O.Mihalache, Zhenmao Chen, B.Cranganu-Cretu, K.Miya, Experimental measurements of ID and OD signals in welds using magnetic methods, Proc. 10th ISEM, in JSAEM studies on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, 537-538, 2001, (ISTP).
33.G.Preda, Zhenmao Chen, B.Cranganu-Cretu, F.Hantila and K.Miya, 3D nonlinear static magnetic field simulation using an integral method, Proc. 10th ISEM, in JSAEM studies on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, 251-252, 2001, (ISTP).
32.T.Uchimoto, K.Miya, Zhemao Chen, and B.Cranganu-Cretu, Application of self-organized maps to summary of generation of natural language texts, Proc. 10th ISEM, in JSAEM studies on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, 19-20, 2001, (ISTP).
31.B.Cranganu-Cretu, Zhenmao Chen, T.Uchimoto, and K.Miya, Automatic text summarizing based on sentence extraction: a statistical approach, Proc. 10th ISEM, in JSAEM studies on Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, Vol.9, 21-22, 2001, (ISTP).
30.K. Miya and Zhenmao Chen, Current situation of industrial application of electromagnetic phenomena in Japan and proposal of collaboration for future development, Proc. 3rd ASAEM, JSAEM Studies in Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.10, 77-82, 2001, (ISTP).
29.B.Cranganu-Cretu, O.Mihalache, G.Preda, F.Hantila, Zhenmao Chen and K.Miya, 2D and 3D simulation of MFL signals for nonlinear magnetic materials, Proc. 3rd ASAEM, JSAEM Studies in Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.10, 37-40, 2001 (ISTP).
28.G.Preda, B.Cranganu-Cretu, O.Mihalache, F.Hantila, Zhenmao Chen and K.Miya, Fast procedure for crack reconstruction in nonlinear material using FEM-BEM with polarization method and neural network, Proc. 3rd ASAEM, JSAEM Studies in Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.10, 301-304, 2001, (ISTP).
27.O.Mihalache, G.Preda, B.Cranganu, Zhenmao Chen, and K.Miya, Reconstruction of inner and outer defects in ferromagnetic material from experimental residual magnetization measurement by using neural network, Proc. 3rd ASAEM, in JSAEM Studies in Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.10, 293-296, 2001, (ISTP).
26.G.Preda, B.Cranganu-Cretu, O.Mihalache, F.Hantila, Zhenmao Chen and K.Miya, Nonlinear FEM-BEM formulation and model-free inversion procedure for reconstruction of cracks using Pulse Eddy-Currents, Proc. of 13th COMPUMAG, 182-183, 2001.
25.B.Cranganu-Cretu, G.Preda, O.Mihalache, Zhenmao Chen and K.Miya, Direct computation of static difference magnetic field in nonlinear magnetic materials and application to reconstruction of damaged area in aging material, Proc. of 13th COMPUMAG, 138-139, 2001.
24.K.Aoto, Y.Nagae, S.Kato and Zhenmao Chen, A study on estimation of damage in type304 SS based on natural magnetization, The 8th Japanese-German Joint Seminar on Structural Integrity and NDE in Power Engineering, 394-397, 2001.
23.ZhenmaoChen, K.Aoto, and K.Miya, Reconstruction of a crack with closures from ECT signals by using a data-base approach and wavelet, Proc. ICEF(International Conference on Electromagnetic Fields), eds., W. Yan, Z. Wang, International Academic Publisher, 392-396, 2000 (ISTP).
22.Zhenmao Chen, T.Uchimoto, and K.Miya, Application of eddy current testing to PSI and ISI of the fusion reactors, Proc. of Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (Boston), 2000.
21.G.Preda, O.Mihalache, B.Cranganu-Cretu, Zhenmao Chen, and K.Miya, FEM-BEM coupling and neural network for reconstruction of crack shape from simulated pulse eddy current signals, Proc. of the 4th Japan-central Europe Joint workshop on Energy and information in nonlinear systems, 2000.
20.N.Yusa, T.Uchimoto, Zhenmao Chen and K.Miya, Application of genetic algorithm to ECT inversion problems, Proc. of the 4th Japan-central Europe Joint workshop on Energy and information in nonlinear systems, 2000.
19.Zhenmao Chen, K.Miya and M.Kurokawa, An approach to reconstruction of natural cracks using signals of eddy current testing, Proc. 5th ENDE, in Stud. Applied Electromagn. Mech., Vol.15, 233-240, 1999. (ISTP).
18.Zhenmao Chen, Kazumi Aoto, and Kenzo Miya, Reconstruction of cracks with physical closure from signals of eddy current testing, Proc. 12th COMPUMAG, 298-299, 1999.
17.Weiying Cheng, K. Miya and Zhenmao Chen, Reconstruction of cracks with multiple ECT coils using database approach, Proc. 5th ENDE, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.15, 241-252, IOS Press, 1999 (ISTP).
16.Zhenmao Chen, Kenzo Miya and M. Kurokawa, Reconstruction of crack shapes using a newly developed ECT probe, Proc. 4rd ENDE (Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation), in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.14, 225-232, IOS Press, 1998, (ISTP).
15.Zhenmao Chen, and K.Miya, Fast reconstruction of crack shapes using eddy current testing, Appl. Electromagnetics, Proc. 1st JBSAEM, 127-132, 1998.
14.Weiyin Cheng, Zhenmao Chen, Kenzo Miya, and Yoshikatsu Yoshida, Numerical evaluation of ECT signal due to multiple cracks, Proc. 4th ENDE, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.14, 92-100, IOS Press, 1998 (ISTP).
13.Yoshikatsu Yoshida, K.Miya and Zhenmao Chen, Identification of a crack in non-magnetic steel based on eddy current testing, JSAEM Studies in Appl. Electrmagn. Mech., Vol.6, Proc.1st Japan-Vietnam Joint seminar, 9-16, 1998 (ISTP).
12.Weiying Cheng, Zhenmao Chen and K.Miya, Reconstruction of multiple cracks from ECT signals using a database approach, Proc. 2nd ASAEM,?JSAEM Stud. Appl. Electromagn. and Mech, Vol.7, 169-174, 1998 (ISTP).
11.W.Cheng, K.Miya and Zhenmao Chen, Reconstruction of crack with ECT data, in Appl. Electromagnetics, Proc. 1st JBSAEM, 133-138, 1998.
10.Zhenmao Chen, K. Miya, Y. Yoshida and M. Kurokawa, Detectability evaluation of new ECT probes using exciting magnetic field, Proc. 2nd ENDE, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.12, 207-214, IOS Press, 1997 (ISTP).
9.Zhenmao Chen and Kenzo Miya, A knowledge based approach for fast computation of crack signals, Proc. 9Th International Symposium on applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (ISEM), in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.13, 209-212, IOS Press, 1997. (ISTP)
8.Atila Gilanyi, Zhenmao Chen and Kenzo Miya, Electromagnetic field calculation by simulation charges supported wavelet-Galerkin method, Proc. 3rd Japan and Hugry Joint Seminar, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.11, 162-171, IOS Press, 1997 (ISTP).
7.Zhenmao Chen, Kenzo Miya, and Masaaki Kurokawa, A distinctive featured optimization approach for ECT probes Proc. 16th QNDE, in Rev. Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation, Vol.16, 989-996, 1996, (ISTP).
6.Zhenmao Chen, and K.Miya, Probe optimization using a distinctive featured method, JSAEM Stud. in Appl. Electromagn., Vol.5, Proc. 1st ASAEM, 36-41, 1996, (ISTP).
5.Atila Gilanyi, Zhenmao Chen and K.Miya, Boundary and continuity condition for Wavelet-Galerkin method, Prod. 1st ASAEM, in JSAEM Stud. in Appl. Electromagn., IOS Press, Vol.5, 30-35, 1996 (ISTP).
4.Zhenmao Chen, Y. Yoshida and Kenzo Miy, Analysis of relations between defect shapes and wavelet coefficients of ECT data, Proc. 1st ENDE, in Stud. Applied Electromagn. Mech., Vol.8, 295-302, 1995 (ISTP).
3.Zhenmao Chen and Kenzo Miya, Application of wavelet analysis in eddy current problems with current vector potential method, Proc. 8st ISEM, in Stud. Appl. Electromagn. Mech., Vol.10, 536-539, 1995 (ISTP).
2.Jianxue Xu and Zhenmao Chen, Experiments on regular and chaotic motions of forced shallow arch oscillator, Proc. of 2nd?International Conference on Vibration Problems in Engineering, 410-415, 1990.
1.Jianxue Xu, Zhenmao Chen, Y. Li and J. Jiang, Attractor of two coupled Van Der Pol Oscillator, Proc. of International Conference on Dynamics, Vibration and Control, 448-455, 1990.
7. Zhenmao Chen, Cherdpong Jomdecha, Shejuan Xie, Eddy Current Testing, in Handbook of advanced Nondestructive Evaluation, eds. Nathan Ida and Norbert Meyendorf, Springer, Cham, (ISBN978-3-319-30050-4), 1-63, 2019.
6. Zhenmao Chen,Shejuan Xie, Yong Li, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XVIII), IOS Press, Amsterdam (ISBN 978-1-61499-508-1), 2015..
5.Zhenmao Chen, Jun Jiang, Xikui Ma, Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics (II), JSAEM, Tokyo (ISBN 978-4-931455-14-6), 2009.
4.Antonello Tambrrino, Yevgen Melikhov, Zhenmao Chen, Lalita Udpa, Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation (XI), IOS Press, Amsterdam (ISBN:978-1-58603-896-0) ,2008.
3.Gangzhen Ni, Kenzo Miya and Zhenmao Chen, Applied Electromagnetics, JSAEM, Tokyo (ISBN 4-931455-09-3), 2002.
2. 陈振茂,解社娟,曾志伟,裴翠祥;电磁无损检测数值模拟方法,机械工业出版社,北京,(ISBN: 978-7-111-55919-1), 2017
1. 陈振茂, 李勇, 热障涂层定量无损检测技术, (王铁军, 范学领等, 热障涂层强度理论与检测技术 - 第9章), 西安交通大学出版社, 西安, (ISBN: 987-7-5605-9472-9), 2017.
45. 陈振茂,Influence of Strong Magnetic Field on the Dynamic and Fracture Behaviors of In-Vessel Components,The 30th International TOKI
Conference on Plasma and Fusion Research,Kif, Japan,2021.11.17(邀请报告)
44. 陈振茂,Researches on PECT and Eddy Current IR Thermography and Applications,2021智能结构健康监测国际学术研讨会,镇江,2021.11.17(大会邀请报告)
43. 陈振茂,PBX材料的复杂载荷损伤演化表征和无损检测,第9届含能材料与安全弹药技术研讨会,海南,2021.11.3(邀请报告)
42. 陈振茂,无损检测新技术研究的一些进展,陕西省无损检测学会新技术交流会,西安,2021.05.12 (大会邀请报告)
41. 陈振茂,无损检测新技术开发和应用,中国电机工程学会2020年金属材料标准技术论坛,西安,2020.11.19(大会邀请报告).
40. 陈振茂,电磁无损检测理论和技术的若干新进展,结构先进探测与检测学术交流会,成都,2020.10.17(大会邀请报告).
39. 陈振茂,托卡马克堆内部件磁-热-力多场耦合数值分析方法与应用,中国核学会核工程力学分会第二届学术交流会,2020.10.23 (大会邀请报告)
38. 陈振茂,先进无损检测理论研究的一些新进展,河北工业大学邀请报告,2020.11.20.
37. 陈振茂,托卡马克结构无损检测技术,中国第一届聚变能大会,乐山,2019 (邀请报告)
36. 陈振茂,电磁无损检测理论与技术进展,2019年结构健康管理理论与技术,镇江,2019(邀请报告)
35. Zhenmao Chen, Some Progresses in Theory and Application of Advanced NDT&E Technologies, 2019 Int. Conf. on Petroleum Tubular Goods, Equipment & Materials (TEC2019), Xian, 2019. (大会邀请报告).
34. Zhenmao Chen, Some theoretical and technical advances in electromagnetic NDE, Keynote in ISEM 2019, Nanjing, 2019 (大会邀请报告)
33. 陈振茂,裴翠祥. 金属炸药粘接质量及强度电磁超声检测方法研究, 先进检测技术及含能材料应用研讨会,绵阳,2019. (邀请报告)
32. 陈振茂,电磁无损检测数值模拟方法进展,2018全国特种设备安全与节能学术会议,邀请报告,昆明,2018. (邀请报告)
31. Zhenmao Chen,NDE of plastic deformation and residual stress by using ENDE method, TWIT2018, Bankok, 2018. (邀请报告)
30. 陈振茂, 无损检测数值模拟方法进展,北方七省力学大会, 焦作, 2018 (邀请报告)
29. 陈振茂, 结构与材料无损检测理论与技术进展,第7届全国无损检测高等教育发展论坛, 西安, 2018 (大会邀请报告)
28. 陈振茂, 先进无损检测技术方法开发和应用,陕西省无损检测学会年会, 汉中, 2018 (大会邀请报告)
27. Zhenmao Chen,ENDE Mechod for Defect and Damages in Nuclear Power Plant, Int. Symp. Mater. Performance in Nucl. Power Plants, Shanghai, 2018. (大会邀请报告)
26 Zhenmao Chen, Development of NDT Techniques for Nuclear Safety, Interantional Symposium on Safety and Mechanics of Nuclear Structures, Xian, 2017 (邀请报告).
25 Zhenmao Chen,Hongmei Li,Hong-En Chen,Shejuan Xie,Tetsuya Uchimoto, Toshiyuki Takag, Some Research Progresses in Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation of Plastic Deformation in Materials of Nuclear Power Plants, 2017 Chinese Material Conference of Yinchuan - The Belt and Road Initiatives Materials Forum, Yinchuan, 2017 (邀请报告).
24 Zhenmao Chen, Cuixiang Pei, Shejuan Xie, Haochen Liu, Jinxin Qiu,Some Research Advances in Xi’an Jiaotong University on Laser Infrared Thermograph NDE, Advanced NDT and SHM Forum, Nanjin, 2017(邀请报告)
23 陈振茂,激光红外检测的数值模拟和缺陷定量方法研究,力学大会2017,北京,2017(邀请报告)
22. Zhenmao Chen,NDE of Mechanical Damage in Austenitic Stainless Steel through Measurement and Inversion of Natural Magnetic Field Signals, 2DM2016, Tianjin, 2016 (Keynote).
21. Zhenmao Chen, Application of Electromagntic NDT&E, Thailand Symposium on Welding and Inspection Technology, Thonburi, 2016 (Invited Lecture).
20. Zhenmao Chen, Small Diameter Pipe Inspection with a Flexible Film EMAT, Asia Conference of Experimental Mechanics, Jeju, 2016 (Keynote).
19. 陈振茂,基于自然磁化的奥氏体不锈钢机械塑性变形无损评价方法,机械工程学会金属材料专委会第一届无损检测年会,洛阳,2016 (特邀报告).
18. 陈振茂, 电磁无损检测进展,全国力学大会无损检测分会, 上海,2015 (特邀报告)
17. 陈振茂,红外检测数值模拟和缺陷定量方法,远东无损检测论坛铁路专场,南昌,2016 (邀请报告)
16. 陈振茂,电磁无损检测进展,中国力学学会大会无损检测专场,上海,2015 (邀请报告)
15. 陈振茂, Some Theoretical and Technical Progresses in Electromagnetic NDE,FENDT Forum 2014, 成都,2014 (大会特邀报告).
14. 陳振茂、中国における原子力発電の現状、日本保全学会国際小委員会招待講演、東京、2013 (特邀报告).
13. 陳振茂、Some Researches on Evaluation of In-vessel Structures in Tokamak Fusion Devices、第4回未到エネルギー研究センターセミナー、2013 (特邀报告).
12. 陈振茂,无损材料与结构电磁检测研究进展,陕西省第13届无损检测年会,陕西/安康,2012 (大会特邀报告).
11. Zhenmao Chen, Shejuan Xie, Li Wang, Tetsuya Uchimoto and Toshiyuki Takagi, Reconstruction of Stress Corrosion Crack with multifrequency ECT signals, 8th ICFD, OS8-12, Sendai, 2011(特邀报告).
10. 陳振茂、西安交通大学における非破壊検査に関する研究について、日本保全学会招待講演、東京、2010 (特邀报告)
9. Zhenmao Chen, Investigations on the Electric Conductivity Feature around a Stress Corrosion Crack, 13th ENDE, Poland, 2010 (大会特邀报告).
8. Zhenmao Chen, Status of Nuclear Power Industry and Related Maintenance Technologies in China, The Asian workshop on maintenance technology for nuclear power plant, Sendai, 2009 (大会特邀报告).
7. Zhenmao Chen, Nuclear Energy and Nuclear Education in China, 5th ICFD, Sendai, 2008 (特邀报告).
6. Zhenmao Chen, Some Progress in Numerical Simulation Methods for Quantitative Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation, Proc. SMEBA, Nanjin, p225, 2008 (特邀报告).
5. Zhenmao Chen, Detection and sizing of defects in structural components of a NPP by ECT, NTU-Chinese University Joint Seminar, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, 2008 (特邀报告).
4. Zhenmao Chen, Li Wang, Qiang Geng, Mihai Rebican, and Kenzo Miya, Sizing and Classification of Defects in SG Tubes of a Nuclear Power Plant from Remote Field ECT Signals by Using Neural Network, Electromagnetic Problems and Application, TSI Press, Proceedings of ICEF’2008, 437-441 (EI, 特邀报告).
3. Zhenmao Chen, Passive Nondestructive Evaluation of Mechanical Damages in Austenitic Stainless Steel by Measuring and Inversion of Natural Magnetic Field Signals, International Research Seminar on Non-destructive Evaluation, Newcastle University, UK, 2007 (特邀报告).
2. M.Rebican, Zhenmao Chen, N.Yusa, and K.Miya, Shape reconstruction of multiple cracks from ECT signals by means of a stochastic method, 国际计算电磁场会议 (COMPUMAG’ Shenyang) 大会报告, 2005.
1. 陈振茂, 宮謙三, 原子能电站设备无损检测技术新进展, 东日本无损检测技术工业会, 2003.
1.沈功田、林俊明、卢超、宋凯、胡斌、沈建中、蔡桂喜、郭奇、w.弘、郭广平、黎连修、倪培君、张碧星、蒋建生、丁杰、俞跃、陈振茂、陈颖、胡先龙、黄松岭、曾志伟、康宜华、武新军、王宝轩、董世运、王子戚、黄凤英、李寒林, 无损检测 云检测 总则, GB/ T 38881-2020, 2020
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