Basic Information



Ph.D.,Associate Professor

Associate Head of Department of Architecture

Xi'an Jiaotong University

School of Human Settlements and Civil Engineering

Working Experience

2017.11 – Present, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Associate Professor, Associate Head of Department of Architecture                                         
2015.10 – 2017.10, National University of Singapore, Research Fellow    

Education Background

2011.08 - 2015.10,National University of Singapore, Doctor of Philosophy
2010.01 - 2010.06,Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Exchange student
2007.08 - 2011.07,Harbin Institute of Technology, Bachelor’s degree

Research Insterests

Evaporative cooling; Renewable energy; Dehumidification; Green air-conditioning systems; Building energy analysis.


  • Best Paper Award, The 12th International Symposium on Heating, Ventilation and Air-conditioning (ISHVAC 2021) 

  • Best Presenter Award, 2022 AUA Academic Conference on Sustainable Energy and Green Technology (2022)

  • Best Postor Award, 2nd International Conference for Global Chinese Academiaon Energy and Built Environment (2021)


Google Scholar:


Selected Publications:

[1] Cui X, Chua KJ*, Yang WM, Ng KC, Thu K, Nguyen VT. Studying the performance of an improved dew-point evaporative design for cooling application. Applied Thermal Engineering 2014;63:624–33.

[2] Cui X, Chua KJ*, Islam MR, Yang WM. Fundamental formulation of a modified LMTD method to study indirect evaporative heat exchangers. Energy Conversion and Management 2014;88:372–81.

[3] Cui X, Chua KJ*, Yang WM. Numerical simulation of a novel energy-efficient dew-point evaporative air cooler. Applied Energy 2014;136:979–88.

[4] Cui X, Chua KJ*, Islam MR, Ng KC. Performance evaluation of an indirect pre-cooling evaporative heat exchanger operating in hot and humid climate. Energy Conversion and Management 2015;102:140–50.

[5] Cui X, Islam MR, Mohan B, Chua KJ*. Theoretical analysis of a liquid desiccant based indirect evaporative cooling system. Energy 2016;95:303–12.

[6] Cui X, Islam MR, Mohan B, Chua KJ*. Developing a performance correlation for counter-flow regenerative indirect evaporative heat exchangers with experimental validation. Applied Thermal Engineering 2016;108:774–84.

[7] Cui X, Mohan B, Islam MR, Chua KJ*. Investigating the energy performance of an air treatment incorporated cooling system for hot and humid climate. Energy and Buildings 2017;151:217–27.

[8] Cui X, Mohan B, Islam MR, Chou SK, Chua KJ*. Energy performance evaluation and application of an air treatment system for conditioning building spaces in tropics. Applied Energy 2017;204:1500–12.

[9] Cui X, Islam MR, Chua KJ*. Experimental study and energy saving potential analysis of a hybrid air treatment cooling system in tropical climates. Energy 2019;172:1016–26.

[10] Cui X, Islam MR, Chua KJ*. An experimental and analytical study of a hybrid air-conditioning system in buildings residing in tropics. Energy and Buildings 2019;201:216–26.

[11] Cui X, Yan W, Chen X, Wan Y, Chua KJ*. Parametric study of a membrane-based semi-direct evaporative cooling system. Energy and Buildings 2020;228:110439.

[12] Cui X, Yan W, Liu Y, Zhao M, Jin L*. Performance analysis of a hollow fiber membrane-based heat and mass exchanger for evaporative cooling. Applied Energy 2020;271:115238.

[13] Yan W, Cui X*, Liu Y, Tian C, Jin Oh S, Wang X, Jin L*. Performance evaluation and parameter sensitivity analysis of a membrane-based evaporative cooler with built-in baffles. Applied Thermal Engineering 2022;208:118228.

[14] Yan W, Cui X*, Meng X*, Yang C, Liu Y, An H, Jin L. Effect of random fiber distribution on the performance of counter-flow hollow fiber membrane-based direct evaporative coolers. Energy 2023;282:128881.

[15] Cui X, Yang C, Yan W, Zhang L, Wan Y, Chua KJ*. Experimental study on a moisture-conducting fiber-assisted tubular indirect evaporative cooler. Energy 2023;278:128014.