
Featured article in Physics of Plasmas published online
发布者: 成永红 | 2018-08-23 | 11802


近期,课题组与美国Purdue大学A. L. Garner教授课题组的合作论文 “Demonstration of field emission driven microscale gas breakdown for pulsed voltages using in-situ optical imaging” Physics of Plasmas正式在线发表,并被评选为Featured Article.

该论文是课题组在近年来微米尺度放电击穿工作中的研究成果之一,该成果受到业内广泛关注,并在美国物理学会的官方新闻中报道-Researchers Unravel the Path of Electrical Discharges on Scales that are Phenomenally Small and Fleetingly Brief, Shedding Light on Future Innovations(https://publishing.aip.org/publishing/journal-highlights/researchers-unravel-path-electrical-discharges-scales-are-phenomenally)


该论文作者为:Guodong Meng, Xinyu Gao, Amanda M. Loveless, Chengye Dong, Dujiao Zhang, Kejing Wang, Bowen Zhu, Yonghong Cheng, and Allen L. Garner
