
Adv Funct Mater: High-density Au-Ag nano-islands by partial surface passivation, by Qikui et al
发布者: 高传博 | 2018-07-27 | 808


Qikui's paper has been accepted for publication in Advanced Functional Materials (Impact factor: 13.325). Congratulations!

Authors: Qikui Fan, Kai Liu, Ji Feng, Fumin Wang, Zhaojun Liu,  Moxuan Liu, Yadong Yin, and Chuanbo Gao*

Title: Building High-Density Au-Ag Islands on Au Nanocrystals by Partial Surface Passivation

Link to the Publisher: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/adfm.201803199

News reports: XJTU News   8月22日第三版中国科技网新闻 地方要闻

Abstract: As an advanced level of control in colloidal synthesis, it is highly desirable to create secondary structures of nanocrystals in a controllable manner for collective properties. Of particular interest is the generation of nanoislands of plasmonic metals (Ag, Au) at a high density around their pre-existing primary nanocrystals, which may produce abundant hotspots for surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS). Often such secondary structures are difficult to be achieved by direct crystal growth because a conformal growth is favorable due to the lattice match of these metals. Here we overcome this challenge by developing a partial surface passivation strategy which can effectively shift the crystal growth mode from the “Frank-van der Merwe” mode to the “Volmer-Weber” mode, giving rise to nanoislands as a secondary structure on Au nanocrystals. The key to this strategy is the modification of the Au surface with Ag and subsequent adsorption of iodide at the Ag sites. Further deposition of Au on the modified surface leads to the formation of well-defined Au-Ag alloy islands of a high density on Au nanocrystals, which exhibit excellent SERS activity. This partial surface passivation strategy is fundamentally important and may inspire further endeavors in pursuit of novel secondary nanostructures and intriguing properties.



中国科技网·科技日报(孟祥丽 记者 史俊斌)记者8月20日从西安交通大学获悉,该校前沿科学技术研究院高传博教授课题组利用表面工程策略,成功在金纳米材料的表面制备出高密度的金银合金纳米岛状结构,并因此赋予其优异的表面等离子共振性质和分子检测性能。这一成果发表在最新出版的国际材料领域权威期刊《先进功能材料》上。

