
Mater Chem Front: Shape Transformation of Pd Nanocrystals by Biphasic Oxidative Etching and Regrowth
发布者: 高传博 | 2022-08-16 | 13516

Zhaojun's paper has been accepted for publication by Materials Chemistry Frontiers (IF 7.79). Congratulations!


Title: Efficient Shape Transformation of Palladium Nanocrystals by Biphasic Oxidative Etching and Regrowth

Authors: Zhaojun Liu, Zerui Mu, Kai Liu, Xiaoxiao Wang, Zhun Qiao, Zhixue Zhang, and Chuanbo Gao*

Link to the Publisher: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2022/qm/d2qm00424k



Abstract: Although great success has been achieved in shape-controlled synthesis of noble metal nanocrystals with optimal catalytic properties, the synthesis still needs perfecting for some specific noble metal nanocrystals, octahedral Pd nanocrystals for example, in terms of improved synthetic throughput and controllability for large-scale applications. Herein, we report a robust liquid–solid biphasic oxidative etching–regrowth strategy that can enable a rapid transformation of pre-synthesized Pd nanocubes into octahedrons at high concentrations. The key is to introduce HNO2 into the polyol system, which not only serves as a strong oxidizing agent for efficient oxidative etching of Pd nanocubes into PdCl42− but also produces active hydrogen to help reduce PdCl42− back onto the Pd nanocrystals for their shape transformation. This liquid–solid biphasic system allows direct contact of Pd nanocubes with the oxidizing/reducing agents, both in high concentrations, and therefore can afford substantially more concentrated Pd octahedrons (0.86 mg mL−1) than conventional synthesis. This synthesis requires a reaction time of only a few minutes, which is significantly more time-efficient than conventional strategies. Our approach is simple yet efficient and scalable for the shape-controlled synthesis of Pd and potentially other noble metal nanocrystals to extend their application in a broad range of fields.




钯纳米材料在有机合成、石油化工、汽车尾气处理和燃料电池等领域具有重要的应用价值。钯纳米材料的晶面是影响其催化活性的重要因素。虽然人们已经发展了多种合成策略对钯纳米晶的形貌进行有效调控,但是对于某些常见的钯纳米晶,目前的合成方法仍存在一些缺陷。例如,钯纳米八面体一般是通过种晶生长法合成的,操作费时费力,且需严格控制合成条件以避免自成核现象的发生。另有研究表明钯纳米立方体可通过O2/Cl 参与的氧化刻蚀-再生长方法转化为纳米八面体。然而,这一反应涉及纳米晶(固)/反应体系(液)/ O2 (气)三种物相,物相之间的物质传递速率较低,仅可对较低浓度的钯纳米晶进行有效的形貌转化。因此,目前的方法尚难以实现对于钯八面体的高通量可控合成。

本课题组提出一种仅涉及纳米晶(固)/反应体系(液) 两相的氧化刻蚀-再生长策略,为钯纳米八面体的高通量可控合成提供了有竞争力的解决方案。采用该策略,1小时内就可实现高浓度 (0.86 mg mL–1)、高产率 (近100%)、尺寸均一的钯纳米八面体的可控合成,这是传统方法所难以实现的。

该策略通过引入亚硝酸 (亚硝酸钠酸化得到) 来诱导钯纳米晶高效的形貌转化,将易于大批量合成的钯纳米立方体一步转化为纳米八面体。亚硝酸作为强氧化剂能够有效刻蚀钯立方体棱角上的钯原子,形成自由钯离子。亚硝酸还可在钯纳米晶表面形成活性氢以协同多元醇的还原作用,将自由钯离子再次还原为钯原子并沉积在钯纳米晶表面。通过不断的氧化-还原过程,钯纳米立方体迅速转化为具有更低表面能的纳米八面体 。
