

1)邀请报告. 2024第四届西部国际冷链峰会: “结构-材料-接口”组合改进的冷冻冷藏箱柔性密封节能技术研究-基于实际案例的分析, 西安, 2024-3-20.

2)Technical Communication, GEA: Refrigerator-Freezer Door Seal/Gasket: Heat & Moisture Transfer Measurement, Simulation & Characteristics and Performance Improvement, Online, 2023-6-29.
3)论文报告. 第二十九届高校工程热物理会议: 柔性接触式密封机构绝热性能提升研究, 青岛, 2023-5-21.
4)邀请报告. 第八届轻型商用制冷技术产学融合会议: 轻商制冷设备用柔性密封条热湿传递特性及性能提升, 上海, 2023-4-9.
5)邀请报告. 第十七届全国冷链大会暨第十四届全国冷冻冷藏产业创新发展年会: 冷链设备用柔性密封条热湿传递特性及性能提升研究, 西安, 2023-3-20.
6)行业报告. 《中国轻型商用制冷产业和技术发展蓝皮书(2021)》发布会: 轻型商用制冷设备创新技术及先进成果, 线上, 2022-6-10.

1)《中国轻型商用制冷产业和技术发展蓝皮书(2021)》, 主要参编人员.
2)《2022年中国轻型商用制冷产业发展蓝皮书》, 主要参编人员.



1)Guoqiang Liu*, Qi Chen, Siyuan Wang, Peiwen Dong, Tong Xiong, Gang Yan. Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer for a Refrigerator Freezer Cabinet Gasket based on the Static Analysis of the Assembly. International Congress of Refrigeration, 2023, Paris.

2) 赵天阳, 刘国强*, 翟志杰, 晏刚. 结构改进对冰箱气囊式门封的绝热性能提升分析[C]. "第六届"中国制冷空调专业产学研论坛, 2023, 上海. 

3)刘朋, 刘国强*, 张大卫, 汪娟, 汪昌勇, 晏刚. 冷柜门封传热特性分析及绝热性能提升研究[C]. 2022年中国家用电器技术大会, 宁波.(2022年中国家用电器技术大会优秀论文)

4) 刘国强*,陈 旗,晏 刚. 考虑软硬接合状态的气囊式密封结构传热特性分析[C]. 2022 年中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议, 武汉.

5) 刘国强, 晏刚*. 冰箱门封热负荷测试方法研究[C]. 第二十五届中国高等学会工程热物理会议, 2019, 吉林.

6) 刘国强,晏刚*,孙兆雷. 冰箱门封传热传质测试方法研究[C]. 2019 年中国工程热物理学会传热传质学术会议, 青岛.

7)Guoqiang Liu, Gang Yan*, Jianlin Yu. Research on Test Method of Heat Transfer for Refrigerator Gasket[C] The 9th International Conference on Compressor and Refrigeration, 2019, Xi’an.

8)刘国强*, 闫军威, 周璇, 晏刚. 集中供冷系统节能控制与优化运行策略[C]."第四届"中国制冷空调专业产学研论坛, 2018, 武汉. 



论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
自复叠制冷系统的组分在线测量方法 李银龙, 景栋梁, 刘国强*, 晏刚 2025-03-01 西安交通大学学报
Study of moist air transfer and its thermal load under refrigerator door closing and opening conditions Guixiang He, Huawei Zhang , Guoqiang Liu*, Tianyang Zhao, Gang Yan 2025-02-22 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Numerical analysis of crystallization and freezing of flying droplet in artificial snowmaking Peiwen Dong, Yinlong Li, Guoqiang Liu*, Gang Yan 2025-02-20 International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
Transient refrigerant distribution in a microchannel heat exchanger heat pump system under different reverse cycle defrosting strategies Tong Xiong, Longxiang Hu, Guoqiang Liu*, Gang Yan 2024-09-04 Case Studies in Thermal Engineering
Moist Air Permeability Characteristics of Flexible Contact Gaskets Used in Refrigerators Guoqiang Liu*, Bochang Wang, Guixiang He, Tianyang Zhao, Gang Yan 2024-07-23 International Journal of Refrigeration
Frosting characteristics of microchannel heat exchangers: Parametric study and correlation development Tong Xiong, Tianyang Zhao, Guoqiang Liu*, Lei Zhao, Junfeng Jin, Qiang Gao, Gang Yan 2024-05-03 Journal of Building Engineering
Effect of structural improvement of gaskets on the heat leakage load and energy consumption of the refrigerator Tianyang Zhao, Guoqiang Liu*, Guixiang He, Gang Yan, Peng Liu, Changyong Wang 2024-04-24 Energy
Effect of Elastic Deformation on the Heat Transfer Characteristic of Refrigerator Gasket Based on Static Analysis of Structural Assemblies Guoqiang Liu*, Peiwen Dong, Tong Xiong, Gang Yan 2024-03-31 International Journal of Green Energy
Steady Heat Transfer Analysis of the Refrigerator Seal Considering Rigid and Flexible Contact Guoqiang Liu*, Tianyang Zhao, Guixiang He, Gang Yan 2024-03-26 Heat Transfer Engineering
Frosting and defrosting characteristics of household refrigerators and freezers: Recent progress and perspectives Guoqiang Liu*, Tong Xiong, Tengfei Sun, Guixiang He, Gang Yan 2023-11-13 Energy and Buildings
制冷装置柔性接触式密封机构性能提升的关键技术研究进展 刘国强, 赵天阳, 晏刚*, 鱼剑琳, 刘朋, 汪娟, 汪昌勇 2023-10-18 西安交通大学学报
Progress of auto-cascade refrigeration-systems performance improvement: Composition separation Yinlong Li, Guoqiang Liu*, Qi Chen, Gang Yan* 2023-09-27 Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Research on Proper Sampling Parameters Determination Approach of Digital Filters in Small Steady-state Heat Flux Measurement Guoqiang Liu*, Tong Xiong, Yuzheng Ying, Gang Yan 2023-07-24 International Journal of Thermal Sciences
Study of Breathing Behavior and Its Heat Load for A refrigerator Through the Gasket Guoqiang Liu*, Yinlong Li, Tong Xiong, Gang Yan 2023-07-17 International Journal of Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer
Performance Improvement of Microchannel Heat Exchangers with Modified Louver Fins under Frosting Conditions Tong Xiong, Guoqiang Liu*, Gang Yan 2023-05-23 Applied Sciences
Research on Air-Duct Optimization and Temperature Uniformity Analysis of Domestic Frost-Free Refrigerator-Freezer Yuzheng Ying, Guoqiang Liu, Qi Chen, Gang Yan*, Conghu Xie, Can Cheng, Qihang Lan 2023-05-22 Heat Transfer Engineering
Swirling flow and breakup characteristics at high Reynolds number in a pressure-swirl atomizer for artificial snowmaking Peiwen Dong, Bowen Zhang, Guoqiang Liu*, Haifeng Wu, Gang Yan, Ruixiang Wang 2023-04-30 Atomization and Sprays
An investigation on the efficient reverse cycle defrosting strategy for microchannel heat exchanger heat pump system Tong Xiong, Guoqiang Liu*, Siyuan Wang, Gang Yan*, Jianlin Yu 2023-04-24 Journal of Building Engineering
Thermal-hydraulic and drainage performance of microchannel heat exchangers for refrigeration and heat pump systems under frosting, defrosting, and wet conditions: A comprehensive review Tong Xiong, Guoqiang Liu, Qiang Gao, Gang Yan*, Jianlin Yu 2023-04-01 Journal of Building Engineering
Effect of structure and operation parameters on heat and mass transfer coefficients of single-bubble absorption for lithium bromide solution Peiwen Dong, Guoqiang Liu, Fang Liu, Gang Yan, Gang Wang* 2023-02-01 International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer


专利名称 申请号 专利类型 申请日期
一种宽温区风冷冰箱风路系统及工作方法 CN202311079673.6 发明 2023.08.25
一种窗式空调器冷凝水高效打水部件 CN202310435342.5 发明 2023.04.21
一种应用于双温冰箱辅助除霜的控制系统及控制方法 CN202211430797.X 发明 2022.11.15
一种混合工质组分可调的双温制冷系统及其控制方法 CN202211429522 发明 2022.11.15
一种空调系统及其除霜控制方法 CN202211244701 发明 2022.10.12
一种微通道换热器热泵系统及其控制方法 CN202211244683 发明 2022.10.12
一种微通道蒸发器热泵系统及其工作方法 CN202211244682 发明 2022.10.12
一种微通道换热器热泵系统及其工作方法 CN202211244686 发明 2022.10.12
一种热泵系统及其除霜控制方法 CN202211244674.7 发明 2022.10.12
一种微通道换热器空调器及其再启动制热控制方法 CN202211244687.4 发明 2022.10.12
一种双排微通道换热器及其控制方法 CN202210930404.5 发明 2022.08.03
一种微通道冷凝器及其工作方法 CN202210930409.8 发明 2022.08.03
一种双排微通道蒸发器及其工作方法 CN202210929103.0 发明 2022.08.03
一种应用超声波凝固槽的造雪系统及控制方法 CN202111101510.4 发明 2021.09.18
区域供热系统供热量与需热量在线匹配调节方法 CN202110279139.4 发明 2021.03.16
换热站换热器与循环泵运行切换调节装置与工作方法 CN202110279134.1 发明 2021.03.16
人工造雪喷雾和成核发生装置、控制方法及测试方法 CN202110138696.4 发明 2021.02.01
适用于多地域气候条件的造雪机、控制方法及工作方法 CN202110138707.9 发明 2021.02.01
一种造雪机及其控制方法 CN202110137344.7 发明 2021.02.01
一种具有强密封效果的冰箱门封胶条 CN202010956689.0 发明 2020.09.12