
祝贺陈昊博士撰写的论文被国际期刊(Journal of Energy Storage)录用
发布者: 王焕然 | 2020-04-26 | 20427


Thermo-dynamic and economic analysis of s a novel near- isothermal pumped hydro compressed air energy storage system


Hao Chen, Huanran Wang, Ruixiong Li*, Yan Zhang, Xin He, Gangqiang Ge



Abstract: With the large-scale use of intermittent renewable energy worldwide, energy storage systems are important for dealing with the fluctuation of renewable energies. In this paper, a novel near- isothermal pumped hydro compressed air energy storage system without thermal energy storage is proposed; The exhausted salt cavern of double well is employed as the air storage vessel in this proposed system. To detect the thermodynamic and economic of this system, the detailed thermodynamic and economic model of both the main components and the whole system have been built. The results showed that the electrical efficiency of the system can reach 61.6%, and the exergy efficiency can achieve 72.3%. Moreover, the economic performance of the system shows that the cost of cavern is more than 60% of the total energy storage system. The payback period of the proposed system decreases with the increase of output power of energy storage system. By numerical calculation, when the energy storage scale of the system is 4MW, the payback period of the system is reduced to 6.15 years.