- Energies(SCI, IF=3.0)客座编辑
- 《当代化工研究》期刊编委
- 《中国地热》杂志青年编委
- 中国技术监督情报协会地热产业工作委地热青年专家库专家
主要从事建筑可再生能源应用、地热能供暖数值传热算法设计与软件开发、强化传热与热管理等方面研究。发表科研论文30余篇,其中SCI论文10余篇;获批国家发明专利9项、软著2项;主持国家博士后基金面上项目、国家博士后基金特别资助项目、中央高校基本科研业务费项目、咸阳市科技局项目、自然资源部煤炭资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室开放课题等项目10余项;骨干参与国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家科技计划项目-科技基础性工作专项、国家重点研发计划(科技冬奥)、陕西省重点研发计划、陕西省秦创源“科学家+工程师”队伍建设项目等科研项目10余项;担任SCI国际期刊Energies客座编辑(Geothermal Energy Heating Systems特刊)、《当代化工研究》期刊编委、《中国地热》杂志青年编委;任中国能源研究会会员、中国地质学会会员、International Society of Energy and Built Environment (ISEBE)会员。任Applied Energy, Renewable Energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, Building and Environment, Energy等高水平期刊审稿人。
[1] Zhang Z B, Cao Y, Jia G S*, et al. Optimization of design parameters and operation conditions of solar-air source heat pump coupled system for rural buildings in cold and severe cold regions [J]. Solar Energy, 2025: 113147.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=6.0, Q1)
[2] Xia Z H, Jia G S*, Tao Z Y, et al. Multi-objective optimization of geothermal heating systems based on thermal economy and environmental impact evaluation[J]. Renewable Energy, 2024: 121858. (SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=9.0, Q1)
[3] Jia G S, Wang Y S, Zhang P F, et al. Long-term performance optimization of medium-deep geothermal heat exchangers for building heating based on a project in Xixian New Area, China[J]. Energy and Buildings, 2024: 114642.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=6.6, Q1)
[4] Jia G S, Wang J W, Ma C F, et al. Influence of eccentricity on the thermal performance of pipe-in-pipe heat exchanger utilized for geothermal heating, an experimental study[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2024: 123723.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=6.1, Q1)
[5] Xia Z, Qin S, Tao Z, Jia G S*, et al. Multi-factor optimization of thermo-economic performance of coaxial borehole heat exchanger geothermal system based on Levelized Cost of Energy analysis[J]. Renewable Energy, 2023, 219: 119513.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=9.0, Q1)
[7] Jia G S, Ma Z D, Jin L W*. Investigation of the horizontally-butted borehole heat exchanger based on a semi-analytical method considering groundwater seepage and geothermal gradient[J]. Renewable Energy, 2021, 171: 447-461. (SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=9.0, Q1)
[8] Xia Z H, Jia G S*, Jin L W*, et al. Analysis of economy, thermal efficiency and environmental impact of geothermal heating system based on life cycle assessments[J]. Applied Energy, 2021, 303: 117671. (SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=11.2, Q1)
[9] Jia G S, Ma Z D, Jin L W*, et al. Series-parallel resistance method based thermal conductivity model for rock-soil with low or high porosity[J]. Geothermics, 2020, 84: 101742.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=3.9, Q1)
[10] Jia G S, Tao Z Y, Jin L W*, et al. Review of effective thermal conductivity models of rock-soil for geothermal energy applications[J]. Geothermics, 2019, 77: 1-11.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=3.9, Q1)
[11] Jia G S, Ma Z D, Jin L W*, et al. A new packed‐sphere model for geological materials thermal conductivity prediction at moderate porosity range for geothermal utilization[J]. International Journal of Energy Research, 2020, 44(12): 9479-9493.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=4.6, Q1)
[12] Jia G S, Ma Z D, Jin L W*, et al. Influence of groundwater flow on the ground heat exchanger performance and ground temperature distributions: A comprehensive review of analytical, numerical and experimental studies[J]. Geothermics, 2022, 100: 102342. (SCI,综述文章,最具影响力期刊,IF=3.9, Q1)
[13] Ma Z D, Jia G S, Jin L W*, et al. Analysis on variations of ground temperature field and thermal radius caused by ground heat exchanger crossing an aquifer layer[J]. Applied Energy, 2020, 276:115453.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=11.2, Q1)
[14] Ma Z D, Zhang Y P, Jia G S, et al. Investigation on local geothermal energy attenuation after long-term operation of ground heat exchanger with considering aquifer effect[J]. Geothermics, 2023, 107: 102608.(SCI,最具影响力期刊,IF=3.9, Q1)
[15] Ma Z D, Qin S Y, Zhang Y P, Jia G S, et al. Effects of boundary conditions on performance prediction of deep-buried ground heat exchangers for geothermal energy utilization[J]. Energies, 2023, 16(13): 4874.(SCI,IF=3.0, Q1)
[1] Jia G S, Ma Z D, Jin L W*, et al. An analytical model for vertical-butted geothermal well with different groundwater flow directions[J]. Earth and Environmental Science, 2020, 463(1): 012135.(EI,SEGT2019国际会议最佳海报奖)
[2] Jia G S, Tao Z Y, Jin L W*, et al. A New Analytical Model for the Estimation of Three-phase Rock-soil Thermal Conductivity for Geothermal Utilization[J]. Earth and Environmental Science. 2019, 268(1): 012001.(EI,SEGT2018国际会议最佳论文奖)
[3] Jia G S, Chai J C, Jin L W*, et al. Heat transfer performance of buried extremely long ground-coupled heat exchangers with concentric pipes[J]. Energy Procedia, 2017, 143: 106-111.(EI)
[4] Jia G S, Duan K F, Xue Y Z, et al. A case study on long-term performance optimization of a geothermal heating system[J]. Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2022, 1074(1): 012001.(EI)
[5] Ma Z D, Jia G S, Jin L W*, et al. Effects of aquifer on heat exchange process in geothermal applications[C]. //Earth and Environmental Science. IOP Publishing, 2020, 463(1): 012112.(EI)
[6] Zhang Y P, Jia G S, Jin L W*, et al. Effects of aquifers on soil temperature distribution around deep buried heat exchanger[C]. //Earth and Environmental Science. 2020, 463(1): 012134.(EI)
[7] Zhang Y P, Huang S P, Meng X Z, Jia G S, et al. Geothermal characteristics of two deep U-shaped downhole heat exchangers in the Weihe Basin, China[C]. Earth and Environmental Science. 2020, 463(1): 012156.(EI)
[8] Tao Z Y, Jia G S, Jin L W*, et al. Experimental study on heat transfer characteristics of annular flow between vertical concentric pipe[C]//Earth and Environmental Science. 2019, 268(1): 012014.(EI)
[9] Cui X, Jia G S, Jin L W*, et al. Performance analysis of a counter-flow indirect evaporative cooling system[C]//Earth and Environmental Science. 2019, 268(1): 012145.(EI)
[10] 张智斌,马真迪,贾国圣*等. 关中地区中深层地埋管换热器长期运行性能研究[J]. 煤田地质与勘探, 2024, 52(1): 129-139.(EI)
[11] 韩元红, 贾国圣*, 张廷会等. 地热浅埋孔回填材料中砂粒结构对导热系数的影响[J]. 科学技术与工程, 2023, 23(15): 6599-6606.(中文核心)
[12] 张育平, 张斯佳, 马真迪, 刘俊,贾国圣,金立文. 中深层地热井地温影响规律及预测方法[J]. 西安科技大学学报, 2024,44(01):114-122. (中文核心)
[13] 褚召祥, 王一鸣, 李晓昭, 贾国圣等. 岩土热导率预测正三棱柱-准内切球单元结构模型[J/OL].岩土工程学报,2024:1-11. (EI)
(1) 2024-2025 年 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目第17批,2024T170721
(2) 2024-2025 年 中国博士后科学基金面上项目第74批,2023M742802
(3) 2024-2026 年 中央高校基本科研业务经费项目,纵向,xzy012024069
(4) 2023-2024 年 咸阳市软科学研究计划,纵向,L2023-RKX-SJ-007
(5) 2023 年 青岛海信日立空调系统有限公司,横向
(6) 2022 年 中国建筑设计研究院有限公司,横向
(7) 2020-2021 年 自然资源部煤炭资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室开放课题,纵向,KF2020-6
(8) 2021 年 陕西煤田地质集团有限公司,横向
(9) 2019-2020 年 中央高校基本科研业务经费项目(博士生专项),纵向,xzy022019019
(1) 2024-2027 年 国家自然科学基金面上项目,52376073
(2) 2022-2025 年 陕西省重点研发计划项目-国际科技合作计划项目,“中深层地热能+蓄热耦合供热系统全季节高效利用技术研究”
(3) 2021-2024 年 陕西省秦创源“科学家+工程师”队伍建设项目,“互补型地热能供暖(制冷)减碳产业化关键技术开发与应用”
(4) 2024 年 西安交通大学本科实验实践与创新创业教育教学改革研究专项项目,“多能互补综合实验系统建设实践”
(5) 2024-2025 年 中央高校基本科研业务经费项目,第二参与人
(6) 2018-2022 年 国家重点研发计划,“绿色宜居村镇建设模式与发展战略”
(7) 2018-2020 年 国家重点研发计划,“冬奥雪上场馆能耗和环境关联的动态模拟预测理论与应用研究”
(8) 2019-2020 年 自然资源部煤炭资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室开放课题,“中深层对接换热井性能的仿真模拟研究”
(9) 2021 年 自然资源部煤炭资源勘查与综合利用重点实验室开放课题,“中深层地埋换热器长期运行稳定性的影响机理及评价研究”
(10)2015-2018 年 横向课题,“热力管道数值模拟及实验研究”
(11)2018 年 陕西省重点科技创新团队计划项目,“中深层地热供暖关键技术研究”