
吴亚科博士关于析出强化合金厚板材的爆炸焊接可焊性的论文被 Journal of Manufacturing Processes 录用!
发布者: 江峰 | 2022-03-23 | 1703




Enhancing explosive weldability of thick precipitate-hardened alloys


Yake Wua, Rong Wua, Mingyu Zhanga, Sai Tanb, Junyong Lub, ** and Feng Jianga, *

a State Key Laboratory for Mechanical Behavior of Materials, Xi'an Jiaotong University, Xi'an, 710049, China

b National Key Laboratory for Vessel Integrated Power System Technology, Naval University of Engineering, Wuhan, 430033, China


Explosive welding of high-strength precipitate-hardened alloys in large thickness was very challenging but was increasingly desired with the continuous development of high-end equipment. An innovative strategy, which was previously proposed to achieve joining at the supersaturated state at first and improve the composite properties by later thermal treatment, was validated here using a Cu-Ni-Si-Cr alloy as a model material. Under the same welding condition, the composite welded at the supersaturated state exhibited a larger wave amplitude than that joined at the peak-aged state, an evident proof of better weldability. Further numerical analysis indicated that the enhanced weldability of the supersaturated alloy was closely related with its lower deformation resistance. The composite joined at the supersaturated state achieved a slightly lower peak hardness and yield strength than the counterpart for the thermally weakened deformation hardening effects and the more interfacial defects, while the electrical conductivity of them was comparable.