李 洁
李 洁
邮 编:710049
地 址:陕西省西安市碑林区咸宁西路28号
● 主持国家重点研发计划课题、国家自然科学基金、装发技术基础项目子课题、国家级重点实验室基金等科研项目7项。
● 目前发表论文30余篇,申请发明专利22项(已授权11项),获2021年第一届全国博士后创新创业大赛优胜奖。
● 指导研究生获2024年第十九届中国研究生电子设计竞赛西北赛区一等奖。
1. 国家重点研发计划课题,“高增益快速型电子倍增极结构设计”,2021YFF0700602,2021年12月~2024年11月。
2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“金属与氧化物共掺杂氧化镁薄膜的电子诱导二次电子发射特性研究”,52002313,2021年1月~2023年12月。
3. 国家级重点实验室基金项目,“纳米非晶碳薄膜抑制二次电子发射的机理及其性能研究”,2020年1月~2021年12月。
1. 国家自然科学基金重点项目(“叶企孙”科学基金),“电子倍增器二次电子发射薄膜性能衰减机理及抑制方法研究”,U2241207,2023年1月~2026年12月。
2. 国家重点研发计划项目,“质谱仪用分离打拿极电子倍增器研制”,2021YFF0700800,2021年12月~2024年11月。
35. R. An, J. Zhao*, S. Zhai, J. Yang, J. Li, W. Hu, L. Dai, Q. Wang, G. Sun, Y. Fan, S. Wu*, G. Niu*, Accurate operando measurement of AlGaN/GaN HEMTs channel temperature and optimization of thermal design, Nanotechnology, 2025, 36: 135703.
34. L. Liu, J. Li, B. Liu, T. Wang, H. Liu, X. Yun, S. Wu, W. Hu*, Simulation investigation on the pulse/analog dual-mode electron multiplier with discrete arc-shaped dynodes, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 2025, 43: 012201.
33. L. He, S. Li, W. Luo*, J. Li*, Unprecedented high efficiency of porous silicon-based electron emitter achieved through electrochemical oxidation, IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2025, 46(1): 92-95.
32. J. Yang, J. Li*, W. Zhao, L. He, R. Wang, Y. Zhao, W. Hu, J. Tian, S. Wu*, Enhancement of the gain and stability in a discrete dynode electron multiplier through differential voltage distribution among dynodes, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2025, 72(1): 439-444.
31. Z. Hou, G. Niu, J. Li, S. Wu*, Improvement of n-type carbon nanotube field effect transistor performance using the combination of yttrium diffusion layer in HfO2 dielectrics and metal contacts, Nanotechnology, 2025, 36: 065701.
30. Z. Xia, Y. Wang, G. Liu, T. Deng, H. Wang, J. Li, W. Hu, S. Wu*, X. Zhong, Decay of secondary electron yield of MgO-Au composite film at different incident electron energies, Vacuum, 2025, 231: 113789.
29. Y. Su, J. Li*, B. Liu, X. Chu, S. Wu*, W. Hu, G. Liu, T. Deng, H. Wang, Structural modification of MgO/Au thin films by aluminum co-doping and related studies on secondary electron emission, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2025, 332: 130209.
28. 李娜,刘利,李洁,贠新团,刘虎林,刘碧野,吴胜利,胡文波*,质谱仪用分离打拿极电子倍增器结构优化,真空科学与技术学报,2024,44(12):1033-1039.
27. Y. Wang, Z. Xia, S. Wu*, J. Li, Effects of sputtering pressure on microstructure and secondary electron emission properties of AlN film prepared by magnetron sputtering, Materials Letters, 2024, 377: 137319.
26. L. Liu, J. Li, Z. Xia, B. Liu, H. Liu, S. Wu*, W. Hu*, Enhanced secondary electron emission properties of sputter-deposited MgO-Au composite film via Cr doping, Vacuum, 2024, 229: 113545.
25. 丁晓尘,刘国凤,李洁,王浩东,方庆华,一种电子倍增器的设计仿真研究,真空电子技术,2024.
24. 贺峦轩,陈萍*,刘虎林,李洁,田进寿,胡文波,吴胜利,高增益分离打拿极电子倍增器设计,真空电子技术,2024.
23. 杨济世,李洁*,刘国凤,邓涛,王浩东,张杰,侯振非,胡文波,田进寿,吴胜利*,阳极位置和尺寸对侧窗型光电倍增管性能影响的仿真研究,真空电子技术,2024.
22. 甘露,吴胜利*,唐文华,李洁,漏极结构对平面型纳米沟道真空三极管性能影响的模拟研究,真空电子技术,2024.
21. Z. Xia, Y. Wang, X. Z, J. Li, W. Hu, S. Wu*, The grain agglometration in the decay of secondary electron yield induced by electrons, Vacuum, 2024, 227: 113430.
20. Z. Hou, W. Yan, Y. Liu, G. Niu, W. Tang, Y. Sun, J. Li, J. Zhao, Y. Zhao, S. Wu*, The synergistic effect of vertical structural parameters of vertical-type two-dimensional hole gas diamond MOSFETs on improving the overall performance of devices based on TCAD simulation, Diamond and Related Materials, 2024, 146: 111208.
19. B. Liu, J. Li*, S. Chen, J. Yang, W. Hu, J. Tian, S. Wu*, Performance improvement of a discrete dynode electron multiplication system through the optimization of secondary electron emitter and the adoption of double-grid dynode structure, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 2024, 1062: 169162.
18. L. Liu, J. Li, K. Ma, B. Liu, Y. Xue, W. Hu*, S. Wu*, H. Fan, Secondary electron emission enhancement of MgO-Au composite film by SiO2 doping in MgO surface layer, Materials Letters, 2024, 355: 135448.
17. Z. Xia, Y. Wang, Y. Peng, J. Li, W. Hu, X. Zhong, S. Wu*, 3D structure of box-and-grid electron multiplier with high electron collection efficiency, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B, 2023, 41: 064205.
16. R. An, J. Zhao, J. Yang, S. Zhai, L. Dai, Q. Wang, J. Li, W. Hu, G. Sun, Y. Fan, S, Wu, G. Niu*, Accurate and wide-range measurement of thermal conductivity of semiconductor materials by laser-excited RTaman spectroscopy, Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 134: 015103.
15. Z. Hou, Y. Liu, G. Niu, Y. Sun, J. Li, J. Zhao. S. Wu*, Carbon nanotube network film-based field-effect transistor interface state optimization by ambient air annealing, Journal of Applied Physics, 2023, 133: 125303.
14. 李洁,杨济世,刘虎林,刘碧野,赵源,胡文波,吴胜利*,分离打拿极电子倍增器性能提升技术研究,真空电子技术,2023,01:18-24.
13. 李杨昊,夏章聪,李洁,吴胜利*,胡文波,田进寿,收集极对分离打拿极电子倍增器增益影响的模拟计算,真空电子技术,2022,04:47-51.
12. J. Li, B. Liu, S. Wu, Y. Li, W. Hu*, Electron-induced secondary electron emission of aluminum alloy processed via the combination of alodine treatment and carbon film deposition, Materials Letters, 2022, 327: 133085.
11. L. He, X. He*, J. Li, W. Luo, Q. He, D. Wei, A novel flat electron emission lamp based on the porous silicon ballistic electron emitter, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 2021, 312: 110807.
10. R. Wang, Q. Wei, J. Li, J. Fu, Y. Liu, T. Zhu, Y. Cui, G. Niu, S. Wu*, H. Wang*, Effect of HfO2-based muti-dielectrics on electrical properties of amorphous In-Ga-Zn-O thin film transistors, Coatings, 2021, 11(11): 1381.
9. X. Wang, Z. Shen, J. Li, S. Wu*, Preparation and properties of crystalline IGZO thin films, Membranes, 2021, 11: 134.
8. L. He*, Y. Wang, X. He, J. Li, Q. He, D. Wei, The combined effects of anodization parameters on morphological of theporous silicon and the ballistic electron emission of PS-based emitter, Vacuum, 2020, 171: 108998.
7. B. Liu, J. Li*, S. Wu, W. Hu, M. Zhang, K. Wei, J. Zhang, H. Fan, Secondary electron emission performance of the surface Ni-doped MgO-Au thin film under continuous electron bombardment, Materials Letters, 2020, 278: 128452.
6. L. He*, X. He, J. Li, Improved cold emission property of the multilayer porous silicon by modulating the porosity sequence, Applied Surface Science, 2020, 521: 146392.
5. K. Wei, R. Wang, J. Li, B. Liu, Q. Wei, R. Wu, S. Wu*, W. Hu, H. Wang, Secondary electron emission properties of double-layer B-doped diamond films, Diamond and Related Materials, 2020, 106: 107826.
4. K. Wei, J. Li, B. Liu, Q. Wei, R. Wu, S. Wu*, W. Hu, H. Wang, Effect of hydrogen plasma treatment on secondary electron emission properties of polycrystalline diamond films, Vacuum, 2020, 172: 109046.
3. Y. Pang, W. Zhao, J. Li, Y. Yuan, W. Hu, S. Wu, Y. Li, S, Yang, Electron emission properties of silicon-rich silicon oxide film prepared by reactive magnetron sputtering deposition and rapid thermal annealing, Materials Research, 2020, 23(1): e20190401.
2. J. Li, W. Hu*, L. Hao, B. Gao, S. Wu, J. Zhang, Y. Li, Secondary electron emission enhancement of MgO/Au composite film by adopting a gold buffer layer, Materials Research Bulletin, 2019, 118: 110493.
1. J. Li, X. Yi, W. Hu*, B. Gao, Y. Li, S. Wu, S. Lin, J. Zhang, Substrate temperature dependent microstructure and electron-induced secondary electron emission properties of magnetron sputter-deposited amorphous carbon films, Materials, 2019, 12(16): 2631.