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Publisher: 陈敬国 | 2022-06-05 | 5456

       5月8日,收到GCCR主席Maria Veldhuizen的邮件,告知我成功入选了GCCR 的leader team团队。



    很高兴能够有机会加入这样一个全球化的嗅觉味觉研究联盟,能够认识到来自美国,澳大利亚,英国,以色列,土耳其,伊朗等全球5大洲的科学家/医生群体。GCCR LT团队成员包括了不同种族、不同肤色的人。

Leadership team

Surabhi Bhutani (GCCRManyLabs001), Oghogho Braimah (Clinical Interests Advocate), Jingguo Chen, Gernot Ernst, Daniel Hwang (Secretarial, project monitoring EDS/NDS), Paule Joseph, Kathrin Ohla, Parvaneh Parvin, Robert Pellegrino (Open Science Advocate), M. Yanina Pepino, Nicola Pirastu, Pamela Silberman (PAC representative), Maria Veldhuizen (Chair)



 很高兴能够有机会加入这样一个全球化的嗅觉味觉研究联盟,能够认识到来自美国,澳大利亚,英国,以色列,土耳其,伊朗等全球5大洲的科学家/医生群体。GCCR LT团队成员包括了不同种族、不同肤色的人。

Leadership team

Surabhi Bhutani (GCCRManyLabs001), Oghogho Braimah (Clinical Interests Advocate), Jingguo Chen, Gernot Ernst, Daniel Hwang (Secretarial, project monitoring EDS/NDS), Paule Joseph, Kathrin Ohla, Parvaneh Parvin, Robert Pellegrino (Open Science Advocate), M. Yanina Pepino, Nicola Pirastu, Pamela Silberman (PAC representative), Maria Veldhuizen (Chair)

 GCCR LT团队保持每周一次的小组会议。Each week I post an agenda for the weekly LT meeting on Wednesday or Thursday and you can add topics to that as desired. Please reply if you cannot attend (regular attendance is expected).Each week right after the meeting I post the link to the recording and minutes, so that whoever was not able to attend can still catch up. You are invited to discuss on our Slack channel here if you could not attend but have insights  / opinions to share.... The more interaction, the better.




Next week we have an LT meeting and then two hours later Townhall. It is desirable that as many LT members as possible attend the town hall. Here's the planning and other details:
Thursday, June 9th at 11 am EST, 17:00 CET (so

  • general business - including an update on the first (of hopefully many) GCCRManyLabs projects  (5 minutes)

  • preview of GCCR006 - to be launched new consortium wide paper using data from the "Smell challenge"  (5 minutes)

  • Project proposal 101 - what already exists, what is available in terms of data and how do I propose a project to use one of the rich GCCR datasets? 

Danielle Reed will invite all LT members as panelists, so you will receive an email. For other attendees, they can register in advance for this webinar: