

1)Bohao, Chen., Jun, Zha.*, Zhiyan, Cai., Ming, Wu. (2025): Predictive Modelling of Surface Roughness in Precision Grinding Based on Hybrid Algorithm. CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 59, 1-17.

2)查俊*,陈勃昊. (2025): 机理驱动的闭式静压导轨运动误差建模方法. 机械工程学报,录用

3)Jun, Zha.*,  Zhiyan, Cai., Xiaofei, Peng., Bohao, Chen. (2025): Nickel-based alloy efficient milling with ceramic tool and experimental verification in closed impeller. Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 239(5), 1663-1676. https://doi.org/10.1177/09544062241296306

4)Lijun, Chen., Rushen, Deng., Jun, Zha.*, Jianning, Gu., Tianxiang, Xia.*, Runlin, Chen. (2025) Research on Rotor Dynamic Characteristics of High Speed Aviation Piston Pump. Lubricants, 13, 51. https://doi.org/10.3390/lubricants13020051


1)Jun, Zha.*, Kai, Cheng., Fei, Xue., Dongxu, Wu., Xin, Liu. (2024): Hydrostatic guideways for precision machines: the state-of-the-art and future perspectives. Tribology International, 200, 110060. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.triboint.2024.110060

2)Jun, Zha.*, Xiaofei, Peng. (2024): Geometric Error Identification and Compensation of Swiveling Axes Based on Additional Rotational Rigid Body Motion Constraints. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Accept

3)Jun, Zha.*, Huijie, Zhang. (2024): Geometric error identification of gantry-type CNC machine tool based on multi-station synchronization laser tracers. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2024, 37, 46. https://doi.org/10.1186/s10033-024-01028-2

4)Lai, Hu., Hua, Zhang., Jun, Zha.*et al. (2024): Surface topography of cylindrical  precision grinding based on multi-source information fusion. Proc IMechE Part E:  J Process Mechanical Engineering, 238(6), 28942907. https://doi.org/10.1177/09544089231166657


1)Jun, Zha., Nagore Villarrazo, Rubia.*, et al. (2023): An accuracy evolution method applied on five-axis machining of curved surfaces. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 125(7-8), 3475–3487. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-10864-w

2)Lai, Hu., Jun, Zha.*et al. (2023): Multi-dimensional research on material and processing technology of bearings under multi-working conditions, Journal of Materials Science, 58:3260–3282. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10853-023-08207-x

3)Cong, H.D., Zha, J., Chen.Y.L.* (2023): One-step measurement method of five-axis machine tools using a laser tracer, Measurement Science and Technology, 34(1), 015009.

4)Cong, H.D., Zha, J., Chen.Y.L.* (2023): Efficient compensation method of 5‑axis machine tools based on a novel representation of the volumetric error.The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 126, 1109-1119. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-11117-6

5)Jun, Zha.*, Xiaofei, Peng., Huijie, Zhang. (2023): Milling path planning of Nickel-based super alloy closed impeller. CNCM2023, Changsha, China. August 11-13.

6)Xiaofei, Peng., Bohao, Chen., Jun, Zha.* (2023): Temperature Rise Characteristics of Hydrostatic Screw. 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC 2023) , Chongqing, China. November 23-26(Poster)

7)Bohao, Chen., Xiaofei, Peng., Jun, Zha.* (2023): A CNN-LSTM Model based on Dung Beetle Optimizer for Milling Tool Wear Monitoring. 20th International Manufacturing Conference in China (IMCC 2023) , Chongqing, China. November 23-26. (Oral)

8) Lai, Hu., Jun, Zha.*et al. (2023): Surface Integrity and Fatigue Life Test of Products under Coupling Grinding Force and  TemperatureThe International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 129:1035–1052. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00170-023-12243-x
9) Hu, L., Zha, J.,  Chen, Y.L. (2023):  Multi-dimensional controllability analysis of precision ball bearing integrity. Advances in Manufacturing, 11:682-693DOI: 10.1007/s40436-022-00424-y

10) 查俊*,张会杰.  (2023):   竖直静压圆柱导轨系统运动误差理论模型研究. 机械工程学报,59(9): 116-124. https://doi.org/10.3901/JME.2023.09.116


1)Zha, J.*, Zhang, H.J., Lyu,D. (2022):  Performance of Water-Lubricated Ceramic Journal Hybrid Bearing. Journal of Engineering Tribology,  236(12), 2328-2339.

2)Zhang, P.H.*, Wang, T., Zha, J. (2022): A study on accuracy of linear ball guide. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,236(7): 3293-3312.

3)Zha, J.*. (2022): Influencing factors of rotary table geometric error measurement using four-station laser tracers. Measurement Science and Technology, 33(2), 025008.

4)Hu, L., Zha, J.,  Chen, Y.L. (2022): Grinding wheel with on-line grinding force collecting. EM 2022, Portugal

5)Hu, L., Zha, J., Chen, Y.L. (2022): Study on optimization of grinding parameters under different diameters.Euspen’s 22nd International Conference & Exhibition, Geneva, CH, May/June 2022.

6)Zhang, L.F., Wu, Z.K., Zha, J., Chen, Y.L. (2022): A strategy for improving the form accuracy of ultra-precision single point diamond turning.Euspen’s 22nd International Conference & Exhibition, Geneva, CH, May/June 2022.

7)Zhang, L.F., Wu, Z.K., Zha, J., Chen, Y.L. (2022): Surface finish improvement during single point diamond turning based on in-situ balancing of the spindle with CNC controller.Euspen’s 22nd International Conference & Exhibition, Geneva, CH, May/June 2022.

8)Wu, Z.K., Zhang, L.F., Xue, C., Zha, J., Chen, Y.L. (2022): Research on CNC polishing technology of rotational symmetric aspheric optical elements. Euspen’s 22nd International Conference & Exhibition, Geneva, CH, May/June 2022.


1)Wang, C.P., Zha, J.*,  Chen, Y.L. (2021): Thermal Characteristics of Motorized Spindle with Active Cooling. 21th Euspen, 7th-11th June, Copenhagen, Denmark.

2)Cong, H.D., Zha, J., Li, L.H., Li, Y.P., Chen, Y.L.*(2021): Accuracy evaluation of geometric error calibration using a laser tracer via a formulaic approach. Measurement Science and Technology, 32(2), 025003.

3)Zhang, P.H.*, Zha, J. (2021): Dynamic accuracy model of porous journal air bearing considering rotational speed. Tribology International, 161,107064.

4) Hu, L., Zha, J., Kan, F., Long, H., Chen, Y.L.* (2021): Research on a Five-Axis Machining Center Worktable with Bionic Honeycomb Lightweight Structure. Materials, 14(1), 74.

5)Li, C., Zha, J.,*, Chen, Y.L. (2021): Geometrical shape and dimension errors and surface roughness of stepped holes in a beryllium bronze-aluminum alloy joint produced by forming reamer. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 117, 3029-3039.
6)Liu, X.T., Chen, Y.L.,*, Zha, J., Zhang, P.H. (2021): Research on improved hydrostatic guideway base thermal characteristics by flattening temperature distribution. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 115, 1735-1744.

7)胡涞,查俊, 等. 基础装备制造及高档集成数控机床研究进展. 中国机械工程, 32(16):1891-1903. 


1)Zha, J., Yuan, Z.L.*,Zhang, H.C., Li, Y.P., Chen, Y.L. (2020): Nickel-Based Alloy Dry Milling Process Induced Material Softening Effect. Materials 2020, 13, 3758.

2)Zha, J.*, Wang, T., Li, L.H., Chen, Y.L. (2020): Volumetric Error Compensation of Machine Tool Using Laser Tracer and Machining Verification. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 108, 2467-2481.

3)Zha, J.*, Li, L.H., Han, L., Chen, Y.L. (2020): Four-station laser tracer-based geometric error measurement of rotary table. Measurement Science and Technology, 31, 065008.

4)Zha, J.*, Liang, J.X., Li, Y.P., Chen, Y.L. (2020): Large cutting depth and layered milling of titanium alloy thin-walled parts. Materials, 13,1499.

5)Zha, J.*, Zhang, H.C., Li, Y.P., Zhang, H.J., Chen, Y.L. (2020): Pseudo-random Path Generation Algorithms and Strategies for the Surface Quality Improvement of Optical Aspherical Components. Materials, 13, 1216.

6)Zha, J.*, Zhang, H.C., Chen, Y.L. (2020): A strategy to evaluate and minimize parallelism errors of a rotor system in a precision rotary table. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 106(9-10), 3641-3648.

7)Zha, J.*, Chen, Y.L., Zhang, P.H., Chen, Y.L. (2020): Effect of design parameters and operational conditions on the motion accuracy of hydrostatic thrust bearing. Proc IMech Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234(8), 1481–1491.

8)Hu, L., Zha, J.*, Chen, Y.L. (2020): Study on chuck performance of ultra‑precision machine tool based on CFRP pair bionic structure. Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 42:231

9)Hu, L., Zha, J.*, Chen, Y.L. (2020): Comparative study on destructive performance and energy absorption of aluminum tube by simulation and experiment. Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 12(5), 1-10.

10)Chen, R.L., Wang, X.Z., Du, C., Zha, J.*, Liu, K., Yuan, X.Y. (2020): Stiffness Model and Experimental Study of Hydrostatic Spindle System Considering Rotor Swing. Shock and Vibration, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1155/2020/5901432 .

11)Cao, W.J., Zha, J., Chen, Y.L.* (2020): Cutting Force Prediction and Experiment Verification of Paper Honeycomb Materials by Ultrasonic Vibration-Assisted Machining. Applied Science, 10(13), 4676.

12)Hu, L., Li. Y.P., Zha, J., Chen, Y.L.* (2020): A “Double Accuracy Theory” and Experimental Research on Precision Grinding. Applied Science, 10(6), 2030.

13)Zha, J.*, Li, Y.P., Liu, K.J., Chen, Y.L. (2020): A model-free machining error compensation method for symmetric free from component. 20th Euspen, 8th-12th June, Geneva, CH.


1)Zha, J.*, Zhang, H.C., Li, Y.P., Chen, Y.L., Liu, K.J. (2019): Geometry error precise measurement based rotation accuracy prediction method for hydrostatic rotary table. 19th Euspen, 3th-7th June, Bilbao, Spain.

2)Yuan, Z.L., Zha, J.*, Liang, J.X., Li, Y.P., Chen, Y.L. (2019): Nickel-based alloy dry milling force and temperature by using monolithic ceramic end mill tool. 15th International Conference on High Speed Machining, October 8-9, 2019, Prague, Czech Republic.


1)Zha, J., Chen, Y.L.*, Zhang, P.H. (2018): Precision design for hydrostatic thrust bearing in rotary table and spindle. Proc IMech Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 232(11), 2044-2053.

2)Zhang, P.H., Chen, Y.L.*, Zhang, C.Y., Zha, J., Wang, T. (2018): Influence of geometric errors of guide rails and table on motion errors of hydrostatic guideways under quasi-static condition. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 125, 55-67.

3)Zhang, L.F., Zha, J., Zou, C., Chen, X.Y., Chen, Y.L.* (2018): A new method for field dynamic balancing of rigid motorized spindles based on real-time position data of CNC machine tools. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 102(5-8), 1181-1191.

4)Zha, J.*, Zhang, H.C., Li, Y.P., Chen, Y.L. (2018): Geometric error measurement with high accuracy by ultra-precision CMM for closed hydrostatic guideways. 18th Euspen, 4th -8th June, Venice, Italy.

5)Zha, J.*, Chen, Y.L., Wang, Z.W. (2018): A tolerance design method for hydrostatic guideways motion accuracy based on error averaging effect. 15th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Tolerancing – CIRP CAT 2018, Procedia CIRP, 75, 196-201.

6)Han, L., Zha, J., Chen, Y.L.* (2018): Geometric Error Measurement of the Linear Axis of CNC Machine Tools by Multilateration Using Four Laser Tracers. 33th ASPE Annual Meeting, November 4 to 9, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

7)Sun, X.Y., Zha, J., Chen, Y.L.*, Li, Y.P. (2018): Modified Dwell time for free-form optical elements polishing. 33th ASPE Annual Meeting, November 4 to 9, Las Vegas, NV, USA.


1)Zha, J., Xue, F., Chen, Y.L.* (2017): Straightness error modelling and compensation for gantry-type open hydrostatic guideways in grinding machine. International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture, 112, 1-6.

2)Zha, J., Wang, Z.W., Xue, F., Chen, Y.L.* (2017): Effect of working position on vertical motion straightness of open hydrostatic guideways in grinding machine. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 30(1), 46-52.

3)Zha, J., Chen, Y.L.*, Zhang, P.H. (2017): Relationship between elliptical form error and rotation accuracy of hydrostatic journal bearing. Industrial Lubrication and Tribology, 69(6), 905-911.

4)Zha, J., Chu, J., Li, Y.P., Chen, Y.L.* (2017): Thin-Walled Double Side Freeform Component Milling Process with Paraffin Filling Method. Micromachines, 8(11), 332.

5)Zhang, P.H., Chen, Y.L.*, Zha, J. (2017): Relationship between geometric errors of thrust plates and error motions of hydrostatic thrust bearings under quasi-static condition. Precision Engineering, 50, 119-131.

6)Zha, J.*, Wang, J.L., Liu, K.J., Chen, Y.L. (2017): Design, development and testing of water-lubricated ceramic journal bearing. ASME 2017 IMECE, November 3-9, Tampa, Florida, USA.

7)Zha, J.*, Chu, J., Chen, Y.L. Li, Y.P. (2017): Improving surface quality of thin-walled double side aspheric component by machining process and measurement optimization. 32thASPE Annual Meeting, October 29 to November 3, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.


1)Zha, J., Lv, D., Jia, Q., Chen, Y.L.* (2016): Motion straightness of hydrostatic guideways considering the ratio of pads centers spacing to guide rail profile error wavelength. The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 82, 2065-2073.

2)Wang, T., Zha, J., Jia, Q., Chen, Y.L.* (2016): Application of low-melting alloy in the fixture for machining aeronautical thin-walled component. International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 87(9-12), 2797-2807.

3)Zha, J.*, Chen, J.Y., Zhang, P.H., Chen, Y.L. (2016): A novel gantry 5-axis milling-turning machine tool with four columns. 31th ASPE Annual Meeting, October 23 to 28, Portland, Oregon, USA.


1)Zha, J., Jia, Q., Wang, Z.W, Chen, Y.L.* (2015): The effect of working position on vertical motion straightness of open hydrostatic guideways in grinding machine. 16th International Manufacturing Conference in China, October 22-25, Hangzhou, China.

2)Zha, J., Han, Y., Chu, J., Jia, Q., Chen, Y.L.* (2015): Effect of geometric error on motion error of hydrostatic double-thrust bearing in ultra-precision rotary table. The 6th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology, August 15 to 19, Harbin, China.

3)Zha, J., Jia, Q., Cong, H.D., Chen, Y.L.* (2015): Uneven preload for improving motion straightness in closed hydrostatic guideways. ASME 2015 IDETC/CIE, August 2-5, Boston, Massachusetts, USA.

4)Chen, Y.L.*, Zha, J., Jia, Q., Zhang, C.X. (2015): Design, development and testing of precision hydrostatic rotary table for milling-grinding machine. 30th ASPE Annual Meeting, November 1 to 6, Austin, Texas, USA. 





专利名称 申请号 专利类型 申请日期
一直自由曲面抛光驻留时间计算方法 201910818841.6 发明 2019.08.30
基于四基站激光追踪系统的数控转台几何误差测量方法 201910818811.5 发明 2019.08.30
一种动横梁龙门结构以及应用此结构的机床 201510888154.3 发明 2015.12.07
一种可装配式射流器 201310289406.1 发明 2013.07.10
一种智能液压站 201310260701.4 发明 2013.06.27
柱面环形缝隙节流比可调节流器 201310190449.4 发明 2013.05.21
锥面环形缝隙节流比可调节流器 201310190936.0 发明 2013.05.21