
Ranking of the World’s Top Innovation Management Scholars and Universities
发布者: 陶蕾 | 2011-11-08 | 2847
Ranking of the World’s Top Innovation Management Scholars and Universities
In 2007 the Journal of Product Innovation Management published The World’s Top Innovation Management Scholars and Their Social Capital.” That article examined the productivity of innovation management scholars, and ranked the top scholars in the field.
This article provides an expanded ranking of innovation management scholars, and a new ranking of the innovation management research capabilities of universities. 
The ranking of scholars and universities is made on the basis of publications in the ten leading peer-reviewed research journals over a period of twenty years (1991–2010):
1.     Strategic Management Journal
2.     Management Science
3.     Administrative Science Quarterly
4.     Academy of Management Review
5.     Academy ofManagement Journal
6.     Journal of Operations Management
7.     Journal of Marketing
8.     Journal of Marketing Research
9.     Journal of Product Innovation Management
10.    IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management
Using a data set comprising 1,229 articles published in the above ten leading academic journals over a period of twenty years (1991–2010), we rank 1,718 innovation management scholars and 625 universities from around the world.  
We rank innovation management scholars using two scoring methods. In the “unadjusted” method, full credit for a publication is given to each author. An “adjusted” ranking gives each author a score of 1/n, where n is the number of authors of a given publication. 
We rank the innovation managementresearch productivities of universities by summing the publication records of their current faculties, reporting both “adjusted” and “unadjusted” rankings in the article.
Data from the past 20 years reveal that the world’s top ten innovation managementscholars (in order of the ranking) are:
#1: Michael Song (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
#2: Roger J. Calantone (Michigan State University)
#3: Erik Jan Hultink (Delft University of Technology)
#4: Mark E.Parry (University of Missouri-Kansas City)
#5: Kwaku Atuahene-Gima (China Europe International Business School)
#6: C.Anthony Di Benedetto (Temple University)
#7: Abbie Griffin (University of Utah)
 William E. Souder (Retired)
#9: Barry L.Bayus (University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill)
 Christoph H.Loch (INSEAD).
The World’s top ten innovation managementuniversities (in order of the ranking) are:
#1:  University of Missouri-Kansas City
#2:  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
#3:  Michigan State University
#5:  Harvard University
      University of Pennsylvania
#7:  Northeastern University
       Texas A&M University
#9:  Stanford University
#10:Delft University of Technology
       Temple University
This article has been accepted for publication in the Journal of Product Innovation Management, Volume 29, Issue 2, March 2012. The Journal of Product Innovation Management is the leading academic journal devoted to the latest research, theory, and practice in new product and service development.
For details of the ranking and an entire list of the ranking, please check out the links below: