







2014 - 2017      美国佛罗里达大学 化学工程博士

2011 - 2013      美国佛罗里达大学 化学工程硕士

2006 - 2010      南昌大学               化学学士


2020 - 至今    西安交通大学仿生工程与生物力学中心 助理教授

2018 - 2020   美国迈阿密大学米勒医学院西尔维斯特综合癌症研究中心  博士后研究员


项目编号 项目名称 项目来源 起讫时间 承担角色 项目类别
2022ZDLSF04-03 力学调控促进创面无瘢痕愈合的新策略及新型创面生物敷料的研发 陕西省重点研发计划 2024-12~2022-01 骨干成员 纵向项目
82173277 Amot-p130通过PTEN/Cdc42轴影响细胞外基质重构抑制乳腺癌侵袭转移的机制研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2022-01~2025-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
52175547 柔性模具毛细折叠技术制备三维微凝胶生物支架的成形机理研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2022-01~2025-12 骨干成员 纵向项目
2022-MS-1 肿瘤物理微环境调控癌细胞化疗耐药性的机制研究 陕西省感染与免疫疾病重点实验室开放课题 2022-01~2024-12 负责人 纵向项目
12102334 基质刚度介导核纤层蛋白B1增强DNA损伤修复影响癌细胞耐药行为的力学生物学机制研究 国家自然科学基金项目 2022-01~2024-12 负责人 纵向项目


论文标题 作者 发表/完成日期 期刊名称
Mechanotherapy in oncology: targeting nuclear mechanics and mechanotransduction Liu S. *, Li Y. *, Hong Y., Wang M., Zhang H., Ma J., Qu K., Huang G.Y. #, Lu T.J.# 2023-02-02 Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews
Targeting tumor physical microenvironment for improved radiotherapy Wang J. *, HanY. L.*, Li Y., Zhang F.P., Cai M.J., Zhang X.Y., Chen J., Ji C., Ma J.L. Xu F.# 2022-09-18 Small Methods
The effects of serum albumin pre-adsorption of nanoparticles on protein corona and membrane interaction: A molecular simulation study Li L.X., Yang Y.Y., Wang L., Xu F., Li Y. #, He X. # 2022-08-02 Journal of Molecular Biology
Torsional and translational vibrations of a eukaryotic nucleus, and the prospect of vibrational mechanotransduction and therapy Liu S.;Yang H.; Wang M.; Tian J., Hong Y.; Li Y.; Genin G.M., Lu T.J. #, Xu F.# 2021-07-15 Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids
MT1-MMP-dependent ECM processing regulates laminB1 stability and mediates replication fork restart Thakur V.; J Tiburcio de Freitas; Li Y.; Zhang K.; Savadelis A.; Bedogni, B.# 2021-05-27 PLoS ONE
Nuclear deformation in mechanotransduction: A new role for heterogeneity Hong Y.; Li Y.; Xu F.# 2021-04-20 Biophysical Journal
Targeting extracellular matrix remodeling restores BRAF inhibitor sensitivity in BRAFi-resistant melanoma Marusak, C., Thakur, V., Li, Y., Freitas, J.T., Zmina, P.M., Thakur, V.S., Chang, M., Gao, M., Tan, J.F., Xiao, M., Lu, Y.L., Mills, G.B., Flaherty, K., Frederick, D.T., Miao, B.C., Sullivan, R.J., Moll, T., Boland, G.M., Herlyn, M., Zhang, G., Bedogni, 2020-08-20 Clinical Cancer Research
Nuclear size changes caused by local motion of cell boundaries unfold the nuclear lamina and dilate chromatin and intranuclear bodies Katiyar, A.*, Tocco, V.J.*, Li, Y., Aggarwal, V., Tamashunas, A., Dickinson, R.B., Lele, T.P.# 2019-10-23 Soft Matter
Apical cell protrusions cause vertical deformation of the soft cancer nucleus 5 Kent, I., Zhang, Q., Katiyar, A., Li, Y., Pathak, S., Dickinson, R.B., Lele, T.P. # 2019-03-21 Journal of Cellular Physiology
The nucleus is irreversibly shaped by motion of cell boundaries in cancer and non-cancer cells Tocco, V.J.*, Li, Y.*, Christopher, K.G., Matthews, J.H., Aggarwal, V., Paschall, L, Luesch, H., Licht, J.D., Dickinson, R.B., and Lele, T.P.# 2017-05-24 Journal of Cellular Physiology
The mammalian LINC complex regulates genome transcriptional responses to substrate rigidity 2016Alam, S., Zhang, Q., Prasad, N., Li, Y., Chamala, S., Kuchibhotla, R., KC, B., Aggarwal, V., Shrestha, S., Jones, A., Levy, S., Roux, K., Nickerson, J., and Lele, T.P.# 2016-12-01 Scientific Reports
Moving cell boundary drives nuclear flattening during cell spreading Li, Y., Lovett, D.B., Zhang, Q., Kuchibhotla, R. A., Neelam, S., Zhu, R., Gundersen, G.G., Lele, T.P.#, Dickinson, R.B. # 2015-07-07 Biophysical Journal
Direct force probe reveals the mechanics of nuclear homeostasis in the mammalian cell Neelam, S., Chancellor, T.J., Li, Y., Nickerson, J., Roux, K., Dickinson, R.B., and Lele, T.P.# 2015-03-31 Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences


2022 - 至今    陕西省抗癌协会转化医学专委会委员 委员

2021 - 至今    西安市侨联青委会第二届委员会 委员


期刊审稿人:International Journal of Molecular Sciences, Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine International Journal of Biological SciencesPeerJCytoskeletonInternational Journal of Cell Biology 
