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[63]B. Li, Y. Gao, C. Li, Z. Cao, X. Yao, D. Wu, P. Bai, Z. Chen, Influence of MoB2 and ZrB2 ceramic particles on the microstructure, electrical conductivity, and mechanical properties of copper, Ceramics International, 2025 Accept  (SCI)

[62] Y. Pan, B. Li*, Y. Xu, D. Wu, X. Hou, Y. Gao, P. Bai, C. Liang, Effect of Sigma and L21  phases co-precipitation on the mechanical properties of CoCr0.6NiV0.6Al0.35Tix high entropy alloy, Materials Science & Engineering A, 2025, 923: 147689. (SCI)

[61] B. Li, Y. Gao, C. Li, Z. Cao, X. Yao, D. Wu, P. Bai, Z. Chen, Microstructural characteristics, electrical conductivity and mechanical properties of Cu matrix composites reinforced with dual-phase borides, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2025, 34: 1-14. (SCI)

[60] 盛颖航,王凯,高鹏,崔彤,李复丽,王志全,孙步功,李博,国洪建,高熵合金耐腐蚀性能研究现状及展望,材料保护,20241257

[59] B. Li*, M. Tian, L. Feng, D. Wu, H. Guo, Y. Gao, Y. Xu, C. An, C. Liang, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of TiAl alloys, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 33: 8545-8554. (SCI)

[58] Y. Shi, B. Li*, X. Hou, C. Li, D. Wu, Y. Gao, P. Bai, Y. Liu, C. Liang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of CoCrNiVAlx multi-principal component alloy, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2024, 31: 3515-3525. (SCI)

[57] L. Feng, B. Li*, Q. Li, Y. Gao, Z. Pei, C. Liang, Enhancement of mechanical properties and oxidation resistance of TiAl alloy with addition of Nb and Mo alloying elements, Materials Chemistry and Physics, 2024, 316: 129148. (SCI)

[56] X. Hou, S. Sun, P. Bai, X. Zhao, F. Lang, B. Li, Investigation of nanoscale strain fields induced by the L12-Al3Zr phase in Al-Zn-Mg-Cu alloys, Materials Letters, 2024, 359: 135933. (SCI)

[55] H. Guo, B. Li, P. Yan, Z. Wu, F. Li, Z. Wang, Z. Liu, Microstructure and tribo-mechanical properties of APS-sprayed NiAl/Cr2AlC composite coatings with various additions of self-made Cr2AlC, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2023, 457: 129302. (SCI)

[54] H. Guo, P. Yan, Z. Wu, B. Li, F. Li, J. Hu, Z. Chen, Lubrication mechanisms of Nb-contained oxides characterizing tribochemistry of NiAl/Nb/Ag composites coatings revealed by the density functional theory (DFT) computation, Tribology International, 2023, 182: 108352. (SCI)

[53] W. Zheng, X. Wang, B. Li, R. Gao,W. Shao, Z. Liu, Nonlinear resonance suppression method of 3D contact probe based on dynamic TSVD inversion, Measurement, 2023, 207: 112412. (SCI)

[52] H. Guo, B. Li, P. Yan, Z. Wu, Microstructures, mechanical properties and tribological behaviors of HVOF-sprayed CoMoCrSi alloy coatings before and after 800°C-annealed treatment, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2022, 909:164662. (SCI)

[51] H. Guo, B. Li, P. Yan, Z. Wu, F. Li, Z. Liu, Microstructures, mechanical properties and tribological behaviors of NiAl-based composite coatings with various addition of Nb, Surface & Coatings Technology, 2022, 449: 128977. (SCI)

[50] W. Zhu, Y. He, X. Cui, Y. He, B. Li, C. Zhang, Microstructure refinement and oxidation behavior improvement in Mo modified TiAl4822 alloy prepared by vacuum sintering, Vacuum, 2022, 202: 111122. (SCI)

[49] C. Li, R. Goei, Y. Li, J. Shi, B. Li*, F. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Gao, S. Li, S. Zhao, A. Tok, Fabrication and wear property of NiCo coated ZrO2-Al2O3 ceramic particles reinforced high manganese steel-based composites, Wear, 2022, 492-493: 204235. (SCI)

[48] C. Li, R. Goei, Y. Li, J. Shi, F. Liu, B. Li*, Y. Gao, Y. Li, S. Li, A. Tok, Effect of chromium on erosion-corrosion properties of ZrO2-Al2O3 particles reinforced Fe-based composites in artificial seawater slurries, Corrosion Science, 2022, 198: 110138. (SCI)

[47] M. Han, Z. Zhang, B. Li*, X. Hu, Z. Wang, Combined heterostructures between Bi2S3  nanosheets and H2-treated TiO2 nanorods for enhanced photoelectrochemical water splitting, Applied Surface Science, 2022, 598: 153850. (SCI)

[46] B. Li*, H. Guo, C. Li, Y. Gao, Y. Shi, Z. Pei, S. Wang, C. Liang, The microstructure characteristics and self-lubrication mechanism of the NiAl matrix composites prepared by vacuum hot-pressing sintering, Vacuum, 2022, 205: 111488. (SCI)

[45] B. Li*, H. Guo, C. Li, Y. Gao, L. Feng, Y. Pan, C. Liang, Microstructure, mechanical properties and high temperature tribological behavior of NiAl-based composites, Journal of Materials Research and Technology, 2022, 20:3255-3263. (SCI)

[44] B. Li*, R. Gao, H. Guo, C. Fan, High temperature oxidation behaviors of BaO/TiO2 binary oxide-enhanced NiAl-based composites, Materials, 2021, 14: 6510. (SCI)

[43] B. Li*, Y. Gao, C. Li, Y. Kang, X. Hou, F. Liu, S. Zhao, Improved tribological performance of nickel based high temperature lubricating composites with addition of metallic oxides, Wear, 2021, 480-481: 203938. (SCI)

[42] B. Li*, F. Liu, C. Li, Y. Gao, C. Fan, X. Hu, Effect of Cr element on the microstructure and oxidation resistance of novel NiAl-based high temperature lubricating composites, Corrosion Science, 2021, 188: 109554. (SCI)

[41] X. Huang, Y. Gao, Y. Liu, Q. Li, P. Xiao, B. Li, Y. Wang, Y. Qin, S. Zhao, New insight on mechanisms of Si element improving the oxidation resistance of titanium matrix composites, Corrosion Science, 2021, 191: 109733. (SCI)

[40] C. Li, Y. Li, J. Shi, B. Li*, Y. Gao, R. Goei, Y. Li, I. Shah, K. Wu, S. Zhao, A. Tok, Interfacial characterization and erosive wear performance of zirconia toughened alumina ceramics particles reinforced high chromium white cast irons composites, Tribology International, 2022, 165: 107262. (SCI)

[39] C. Li, Y. Li, J. Shi, B. Li*, Y. Du, R. Goei, Y. Gao, I. Shah, S. Zhao, A. Tok, Interfacial characteristics and wear performances of iron matrix composites reinforced with zirconia-toughened alumina ceramic particles, Ceramics International, 2022, 48: 1293-1305. (SCI)

[38] 康云川,高义民,李博,赵四勇,BaO/TiO2增强NiAl基复合材料的高温氧化行为,热加工工艺2021,(10):1-6.

[37] H. Guo, B. Li, P. Yan, Z. Wu, A novel oxide layer formed on the 800-annealed CoMoCrSi coating significantly reduced friction and wear at room temperature, Coatings, 2021, 290(11): 11030290. (SCI)

[36] B. Li*, Y. Gao, C. Li, H. Guo, Q. Zheng, Y. Li, Y. Kang, S. Zhao, Tribocorrosion properties of NiCrAlY coating in different corrosive environments, Materials, 2020, 13: 1864. (SCI)

[35] J. Sun, J. Zhao, Z. Huang, K. Yan, F. Chen, Y. Jian, H. Yang, B. Li, Preparation and properties of multilayer grapheme reinforced binderless TiC nanocomposite cemented carbide through two-step sintering, Materials and Design, 2020, 18:108495. (SCI)

[34] C. Li, Y. Li, J. Wang, B. Li*, D. Yi, J. Shi, Q. Zheng, Y. Gao, S. Zhao, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Fe matrix composites reinforced by nickel-chromium double-layer coated ZTAp ceramics, Ceramics International, 2020, 4: 16993-17002. (SCI)

[33] J. Sun, J. Zhao, Z. Huang, K. Yan, X. Shen, J. Xing, Y. Gao, Y. Jian, H. Yang, B. Li, A review on binderless tungsten carbide: development and application, Nano-Micro Letters, 2020, 12(13): 1-37. (SCI)

[32] L. Chen, Y. Li, J. Peng, L. Sun, B. Li, Z. Wang, S. Zhao, A comparable study of Fe//MCs (M=Ti,V) interfaces by first-principles method: The chemical bonding, work of adhesion and electronic structures, Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 2020, 138: 109292. (SCI)

[31] H. Guo, B. Li, C. Lu, Q. Zhou, J. Jia, Effect of WC-Co content on the microstructure and properties of NiCrBSi composite coatings fabricated by supersonic plasma spraying, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 789: 966-975. (SCI)

[30] C. Li, X. Wang, B. Li, J. Shi, Y. Liu, P. Xiao, Effect of cold rolling and aging treatment on the microstructure and properties of Cu-3Ti-2Mg alloy, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 818: 152915. (SCI)

[29] 陈璐,李烨飞,郑巧玲,刘庆坤,高义民,李博,周长猛,B2-B19'-NiTi表面原子弛豫、表面能、电子结构及性能的理论研究,物理学报,2019, 68(5): 053101.

[28] B. Li*, C. Li, Y. Gao, H. Guo, Y. Kang, S. Zhao, Tribological performance of a Ni-based composite coating in artificial seawater, Coating, 2019, 747(9): 1-9. (SCI)

[27] B. Li*, Y. Gao, C. Li, Y. Kang, Q. Zheng, S. Zhao, Study on microstructure of NiAl matrix high temperature lubricating composites containing BaO/TiO2 metallic oxide, Materials Research Express, 2020, 7: 016552. (SCI)

[26] B. Li*, Y. Gao, X. Hou, C. Li, H. Guo, Y. Kang, Y. Li, Q. Zheng, S. Zhao, Microstructure, mechanical and  tribological properties of NiAl matrix composites with addition of BaO/TiO2 binary oxides, Tribology International, 2020, 144: 106108. (SCI)

[25] B. Li*, C. Li, Y. Gao, H. Guo, Y. Kang, S. Zhao, Microstructure and tribocorrosion properties of Ni-based composite coatings in artificial seawater, Coatings, 2019, 822(9): 1-10. (SCI)

[24] B. Li*, S. Ma, Y. Gao, C. Li, H, Guo, Q. Zheng, Y. Kang, J. Jia, Mechanical, tribological and oxidation resistance properties of NiCrAlY coating by APS, Frontiers in Materials, 2019, 6: 67.

[23] B. Li*, C. Li, Y. Gao, H. Guo, Q. Zheng, Y. Kang, S. Zhao, Influence of heat treatment on corrosion-wear behavior of Ni-based coating in artificial seawater, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 2019, 28: 7828-7834. (SCI)

[22] B. Li*, Y. Gao, C. Li, Z. Liu, H. Guo, Q. Zheng, Y. Li, Y. Kang, Effect of heat treatment on the microstructure, mechanical property and tribological property of plasma-sprayed high temperature lubricating composite coating from nanostructured powder, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020, 816: 152671. (SCI)

[21] P. Xiao, Y. Gao, F. Xu, S. Yang, Y. Li, B. Li, S. Zhao, Hot deformation behavior of in-situ nanosized TiB2 particulate reinforced AZ91 Mg matrix composite, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 798: 1-11. (SCI)

[20] P. Xiao, Y. Gao, F. Xu, S. Yang, B. Li, Y. Li, Z. Huang, Q. Zheng, An investigation on grain refinement mechanism of TiB2 particulate reinforced AZ91 composites and its effect on mechanical properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2019, 780: 237-244. (SCI)

[19] P. Xiao, Y. Gao, X. Yang, F. Xu, C. Yang, B. Li, Y. Li, Z. Liu, Q. Zheng. Processing, microstructure and ageing behavior of in-situ submicron TiB2 particles reinforced AZ91 Mg matrix composites, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2018, 764: 96-106. (SCI)

[18] B. Li*, Y. Gao, C. Li, Q. Zheng, Z. Liu, Y. Li, J. Jia. Mechanical, tribological and oxidation resistance properties of Ni-based self-lubricating composite coatings at elevated temperature by APS, International Journal of Materials Research, 2018, 109(9): 858-864. (SCI)

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[16] H. Guo, M. Han, W. Chen, C. Lu, B. Li, W. Wang, J. Jia. Microstructure and properties of VN/Ag composite films with various silver content, Vacuum, 2017, 137: 97-103. (SCI)

[15] M. Han, H. Guo, B. Li, J. Jia, W. Wang. Controllable coverage of Bi2S3 quantum dots on one-dimensional TiO2 nanorod arrays by pulsed laser deposition technique for high photoelectrochemical properties, New Journal of Chemistry, 2017, 10: 1039. (SCI)

[14] B. Li, J. Jia, Y. Gao, H. Guo, M. Han, W. Wang. Influence of Silver Contents on the Tribological Properties of Ni-Based Self-Lubricating Coatings by Atmospheric Plasma Spraying, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 2017, 30: 801-808. (SCI)

[13] B. Li, Y. Gao, M. Han, H. Guo, W. Wang, J. Jia. Microstructure and tribological properties of NiCrAlY-Mo-Ag composite by vacuum hot-press sintering, Vacuum, 2017, 143: 1-6. (SCI)

[12] B. Li, Y. Gao, M. Han, H. Guo, J. Jia , W. Wang, H. Deng. Tribological properties of NiAl matrix composite coatings synthesized by plasma spraying method, Journal of Materials Research, 2017, 32: 1674-1681. (SCI)

[11] B. Li, Y. Gao, M. Han, H. Guo, W. Wang, J. Jia. Microstructure, mechanical and tribological properties of plasma-sprayed NiCrAlY-Mo-Ag coatings from conventional and nanostructured powders, Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, 324: 552-559. (SCI)

[10] B. Li, J. Jia, Y. Gao, M. Han, W. Wang. Microstructural and tribological characterization of NiAl matrix self-lubricating composite coatings by atmospheric plasma spraying, Tribology International, 2017, 109: 563-570. (SCI)

[9] B. Li, Y. Gao, J. Jia , M. Han, H. Guo, W. Wang. Influence of heat treatments on the microstructure as well as mechanical and tribological properties of NiCrAlY-Mo-Ag coatings, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2016, 686: 503-510. (SCI)

[8] M. Han, W. Chen, H. Guo, L. Yu, B. Li, J. Jia. Pulsed laser deposition of CuInS2 quantum dots on one-dimensional TiO2 nanorod arrays and their photoelectrochemical characteristics, Journal of Powder Sources, 2016, 318: 121-127. (SCI)

[7] H. Guo, B. Li, J. Wang, W. Chen, Z. Zhang, W. Wang, J. Jia. Microstructures, mechanical and tribological properties of VN films deposited by PLD technique, RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 33403-33408. (SCI)

[6] J. Wang, Y. Shan, H. Guo, B. Li, W. Wang, J. Jia, Friction and Wear Characteristics of Hot-Pressed NiCr-Mo/MoO3/Ag Self-Lubrication Composites at Elevated Temperatures up to 900 ℃, Tribology Letters, 2015, 59(48): 1-16. (SCI)

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