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入选新一届Interpore China 委员
Publisher: 陈黎 | 2023-04-09 | 16754

                                        国际多孔介质学会中国分会委员会正式启动,InterPore China Committee Kick-off Meeting



1. 杨晓帆教授介绍Interpore National Chapter的近期情况;

2. 王沫然教授介绍InterPore China的基本情况及委员会成员组成;

3. 新委员个人介绍及自由讨论。


● 陈十一,南方科技大学教授,中国科学院院士

● 张东晓,东方理工大学教授,美国工程院院士

● 姚军,InterPore China前主席





InterPore Committees


● Didier Lasseux: 

chair, CNRS, Bordeaux University, France


● Eduardo Abreu: 

member, University of Campinas, Brazil


● Michel Quintard: 

member, CNRS, Institute de Mécanique des Fluides de Toulouse, France


● Nicolae Tomozelu: 

member, Canon Production Printing, Netherlands


● Xiaofan Yang: 

member, Beijing Normal University, China


● Maja Ruecker: 

member, Eindhoven University of Technology, the Netherlands



● National Chapter Committee: 

Xiaofan Yang

● Honors and Awards Committee: 

Moran Wang

● Membership Committee: 

Bo Guo, Sidian Chen, 

Yixiang Gan, Lei Zhang

● Interpore Council: 

Moran Wang