[1] 杨利花,石建华,刘恒,虞烈.弹性箔片动压径向气体轴承起飞转速和承载能力的实验研究[J].润滑与密封,2006,31(3):15-18.(EI:06239925724)
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[4] 杨利花,李辉光,虞烈.可倾瓦动压气体轴承动态特性的频率效应[J].西安交通大学学报,2007,41(3):330-333.(EI:071710571418)
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[9] Yang LH, Hu DY, Liu H, Yu L. Experimental Investigation on the Performance of Aerodynamic Compliant Foil Air Bearings [J]. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL’2008), Qingdao, China: 1285-1289. (ISTP: BIX25, EI: 084811743313)
[10] Yang LH, Qi SM, Yu L. Analysis on Dynamic Performance of Hydrodynamic Tilting-Pad Gas Bearings Using Partial Derivative Method [J]. Transactions of the ASME Journal of Tribology, 2009,131(1):011703-1-8. (SCI: 381DL, EI:20103213129542)
[11] Yang LH, Qi SM, Yu L. Limits of Dynamic Coefficients of Self-Acting Tilting-Pad Gas Bearings [J]. Transactions of the STLE, Tribology Transactions, 2009, 52(3):323-330. (SCI: 410JX, EI: 20091111950443)
[12] 李辉光,刘恒,杨利花,虞烈. 控制时滞对负刚度Duffing系统动力学特性的影响[J]. 西安交通大学学报,2007,41(7):811-814.(EI:073410776878)
[13] Yang Lihua, Qi Shemiao, Geng Haipeng, Yu Lie. Static Characteristics of Aerodynamic Tilting-pad journal bearings [J]. Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics (ICAL’2009), Shenyang, China: 560-565.(EI: 20094812516943)
[14] Yang Lihua, Li Huiguang, Yu Lie. Corrigendum to “Dynamic Stiffness and Damping Coefficients of Aerodynamic Tilting-Pad Journal Bearings” [Tribology International 40(2007)1399-1410][J]. Tribology International, 2010, 43(1-2): 518-521. (SCI: 519OJ, EI: 20100312648352)
[15] Yang Lihua, Qi Shemiao, Geng Haipeng, Yu Lie. Stability Analysis on Rotor Systems Supported by Self-Acting Tilting-Pad Gas Bearings With Frequency Effects [J]. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2011, 24(3): 380-385. (SCI: 768FA, EI: 20112314043713)
[16] Yang Lihua, Sun Yanhua, Yu Lie. Active Control of Unbalance Response of Rotor Systems Supported by Tilting-Pad Gas Bearings [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2012, 226(2): 87-98. (SCI: 881LT, EI: 20120514729791)
[17] Wang Weimin,Yang Lihua*, Wang Tiejun, Yu Lie. Nonlinear Dynamic Coefficients Prediction of Journal Bearings Using Partial Derivative Method [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2012, 226(4):328-339.(EI: 20121614953294, SCI: 962VM)
[18] Lihua Yang, Zhi Li, Lie Yu. Numerical Analysis on Mechanical Property of Bolted Joint[J]. 3rd International Conference on Material and Products Manufacturing Technology, September 25-26, 2013, Changsha,China. Advanced Materials Research, 834-836(2014), 1459-1463. (EI: 20134616986918)
[19] Yang Lihua, Wang Weimin, Yu Lie. Nonlinear Dynamic Oil-Film Forces in Infinite-Short Journal Bearings [J]. Proceedings of the ASME/STLE 2011 International Joint Tribology Conference, IJTC2011, October 23-26, 2011, Los Angeles, California, USA,IJTC2011-61045.( EI: 20122615153984)
[20] 杨利花,虞烈. 基于动态系数表征的转子系统非线性动力学分析方法. 2013中国力学大会论文摘要集.
[21] Yang LiHua, Wang WeiMin, Zhao Shiquan, Sun Yanhua, Yu Lie. A new Nonlinear Model for Dynamic Analysis of Rotor-System Supported by Oil-Film Journal Bearings [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2014,38(21-22): 5239-5255.(SCI源刊,EI: 201436018243)
[22] Lihua Yang, Zhi Li, Lie Yu. Dynamic Performance Analysis of Marine Propulsion Shafting[J]. 2014 International Conference on Computer Science and Technology, August 16-17, Kunming.
[23] Huiguang Li, Lihua Yang*, Shiquan Zhao, Weimin Wang, Xueyun Liu, Xiaobing Qi, Lie Yu. Dynamical Analysis on Circumferential Rod Fastening Rotor System in Heavy-Duty Gas Turbine[J]. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2014: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition, GT2014, Düsseldorf, Germany, June 16-20
[24] Ming Zhuo, Lihua Yang*, Lie Yu. The steady-state thermo-mechanical analysis of turbine rotor. Applied Mechanics and Materials, v 574, p 184-189, 2014 (EI: 20143418082321)
[25] Ming Zhuo, Lihua Yang*, Lie Yu. The stedy-state thermal effect on dynamic charactderistics of gas turbine rotor considering contact effect. IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 3-6, 2014, Tianjian, China
[26] Ming Zhuo, Lihua Yang*, Lie Yu. The stedy-state thermal effect on rotordynamics of a rod-fastened rotor-bearing system. ASME 2014 International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exposition, November 14-20, 2014, Montreal, Canada.
[27] Li Zhi, Yang Lihua*, Zhou Jian, Yu Lie. Pressure Distribution for Multi-Lobe Bearings Using Fourier Analysis [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J, Journal of Engineering Tribology, (SCI源刊,in press)
[28] 程文杰,耿海鹏,冯圣,虞烈,孙岩桦,杨利花.高速永磁同步电机转子强度分析[J].中国电机工程学报, 2012, 32(27): 87-94. (EI: 20124515655321)
[29] 田野,孙岩桦,杨利花,虞烈. 带弹性支撑和挤压油膜阻尼器的高速电机支撑系统实验研究[J].中国电机工程学报, 2012, 32(27): 79-86. (EI: 20124515655320)
[30] Ling Xiao, Chunhua Ding, Yanhua Sun, Lihua Yang, Lie Yu. Influence of the component size ratio on densification and magnetic property of soft magnetic composites [J]. International Journal of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics, 2012,39:547-553. (SCI: 017PM,EI: 20124115546622)
[31] Sheng Feng, Haipeng Geng, Baisong Yang, Lie Yu, Lihua Yang, et al. Exact solution of radial displacement and stress of rotating elastic interference fits. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013:Turbine Technical Conference and Exposion, GT2013-94270. (EI: 20135117102193)
[32] 田野,孙岩桦*,杨利花,虞烈. 箔片-电磁混合轴承的稳态承载特性及控制. 摩擦学学报,2013,33(1): 49-56. (EI: 20131216135934)
[33] 田野,孙岩桦,丁成伟,杨利花,虞烈. 不同支撑和转子装配方式的高速电机临界转速分析. 振动与冲击,2013,32(8): 24-30. (EI: 20132016340556)
[34] Wenjie Cheng, Yanhua Sun, Haipeng, Geng, Lihua, Yang, Ye, Tian, Lie Yu. An Analytical Model for Performance Estimation of High Speed PM Generator. 2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo Beijing, China in August 31 - September 3, 2014.
[35] Zhang Yanyan, Yang Lihua*, Li Zhi, Yu Lie. Research on static performance of hydrodynamically lubricated thrust slider bearing based on periodic harmonic. Tribology International, 2016, 95(3):236-244.
[36] 杨利花,徐郝亮,虞烈. 比特图案化介质磁盘-磁头的气膜静态特性研究. 西安交通大学学报,2016,50(6):110-115.
[37] 卓明,杨利花*,张岩岩,虞烈. 重型燃机转子的热弯曲变形及振动响应分析. 机械工程学报,2017, 53(3):57-62.
[38] 杨利花,杨凯,徐郝亮,虞烈. 图案化介质磁盘-磁头气体润滑动态特性分析,中国机械工程,2017, 28(17):2036-2042.
[39] Lihua Yang, Tengfei Xu, Haoliang Xu, Yao Wu. Mechanical behavior of double-row tapered roller bearing under combined external loads and angular misalignment [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 142-143(7): 561-574.
[40] Yao Wu, Lihua Yang, Tengfei Xu, Haoliang Xu. Interactive effects of rarefaction and surface roughness on aerodynamic lubrication of microbearings [J]. Micromachines, 2019, 10(2),155:1-19.
[41] M Zhuo, LH Yang*, K Xia, L Yu. Thermal effects on the tensile forces of rods in rod-fastened rotor of heavy-duty gas turbine [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019,233(8): 2753-2762.
[42] M Zhuo, LH Yang*, K Xia, L Yu. A new computational method for predicting the thermal bow of a rotor [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2019, 233(12): 4372-4380.
[43] 吴垚,杨利花*,徐腾飞,徐郝亮. 气体动压径向轴承超薄气膜润滑动特性分析[J]. 振动工程学报,2019,32(5):908-917.
[44] Yao Wu, Lihua Yang*, Tengfei Xu, Haoliang Xu. Combined effect of rarefaction and effective viscosity on micro-elasto-aerodynamic lubrication performance of gas microbearings[J]. Micromachines,2019,10(9), 657: 1-20.
[45] Yao Wu, Lihua Yang *, Wei Wu, Tengfei Xu. Research on static anddynamic characteristics of gas-lubricated Mmicrobearings for microfluidic devices [J]. Applied Sciences, 2020, 10,1634:1-19.
[46] Tengfei Xu, Lihua Yang *, Kai Wang. Characteristics of duplex angular contact ball bearing with combined external loads and angular misalignment [J]. Applied Sciences,2020,10(17): 5756-1-25.
[47] Yao Wu, Lihua Yang *, Tengfei Xu, Wei Wu. Thermo-elasto-hydrodynamic characteristics analysis of journal microbearing lubricated with rarefied gas [J]. Micromachines, 2020,11(11): 955-1-23.
[48] Tengfei Xu, Lihua Yang*, Wei Wu, Kai Wang. Effect of angular misalignment of inner ring on the contact characteristics and stiffness coefficients of duplex angular contact ball bearings [J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2021, 157(2):104178-1-22.
[49] Yaoyu Han, Lihua Yang*, Tengfei Xu. Analysis of static stiffness fluctuation in radially loaded ball and roller bearings [J]. Archive of Applied Mechanics, 2021, 91(4): 1757-1772.
[50] Haoliang Xu, Lihua Yang*, Tengfei Xu, Yao Wu. Effect of detuning of clamping force of tie rods on dynamic performance of rod-fastened Jeffcott rotor [J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 2021卷:6645978:1-11.
[51] 冯欣凯,杨利花*.重载下可倾瓦推力轴承的热弹流润滑特性分析 [J]. 航空动力学报, 2021, 36(9):1861-1870.
[52] Haoliang Xu, Lihua Yang*, Tengfei Xu. Dynamic analysis of the rod-fastened rotor considering the characteristics of circumferential tie rods [J]. Applied Sciences, 2021,11(9): 3829-1-25.
[53] Lihua Yang, Wei Wu, Kun Xie, Zhenfa Wang, Yong Huang. Study on fretting wear of contact interface of curvic coupling for circumferential rod combined rotor [J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2022,35(3):04022006-1-17.
[54] Tengfei Xu, Lihua Yang*, Wei Wu, Yaoyu Han, Endian Xu, Kai Wang. The stiffness characteristics analysis of the duplex angular contact ball bearings based on a comprehensive multi-degree-of-freedom mathematical model [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2022, 106: 601-626.
[55] Haolaing Xu, Lihua Yang*, Tengfei Xu. The influence of the preload on the nonlinear dynamic performance of the rod-fastened Jeffcott rotor system [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C-Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2022, 236(15): 8245-8260.
[56] Kai Wang, Lihua Yang, Haoze Wang, Xilong Ji, Kaidi Zhu. Transient analysis for offset-elliptical journal bearings under misalignment and dynamic loading [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part J- Journal of Engineering Tribology, 2023, 237(7):1511-1531.
[57] Xilong Hu, Zihang Li, Lihua Yang, Yaoyu Han, Endian Xu, Chongyang Wang. Mechanical properties analysis of cylindrical roller bearings with different profiles under combined load [J]. Journal of Testing and Evaluation, 2024,52(1):417-445.
[58] 许恩典,徐腾飞,杨利花,李子航,胡禧龙,王浩泽. 含局部缺陷的成对角接触球轴承接触载荷分析 [J]. 航空动力学报,网络版,DOI:10.13224/j.cnki.jasp.20220443
[59] Kai Wang, Chongyang Wang, Xinyuan Wang, Kaidi Zhu, Lihua Yang*. Nonlinear tribo-dynamic performance and transient stability for marine dynamically loaded offset-halves journal bearings [J]. Tribology International, 2024, 191: 109177.
[60] Zihang Li, Chongyang Wang, Xilong Hu, Haoze Wang, Lihua Yang*. Study on the effect of angular misalignment and axial preload on the mechanical properties of four-point angular contact ball bearings [J]. Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2024, 193: 105565.
[61] Chongyang Wang, Zihang Li, Kai Wang, Lihua Yang*. Nonlinear dynamic of the rod-fastening combined rotor system with rub-impact based on the Stribeck friction model [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2024, 128:685-706.
[62] Zihang Li, Chongyang Wang, Xilong Hu, Endian Xu, Lihua Yang*. Study on thermal-mechanical coupling performance and its influence on thermal stiffness of cylindrical roller bearing [J]. Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 录用,
[63] Kai Wang, Xinyuan Wang, Xilong Ji, Kaidi Zhu, Haizhou Huang, Le Pang, Lihua Yang. Bi-directional misalignment effects on transient tribo-dynamics of offset-halves journal bearings subjected to step loading [J]. Tribology International, 2024, 194: 109557.