(5.) Selected papers

论文标题    Dissipative preparation of entangled states between two spatially separated nitrogen-vacancy centers
作者    Peng-Bo Li, S. Y Gao, H. R Li, S. L Ma, F. L Li
发表/完成日期    2012-04-06
期刊名称    Phys. Rev. A
期卷    85
论文简介    We present an efficient scheme for the generation of entangled states of two spatially separated nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers with two whispering-gallery-mode (WGM) microresonators, which are coupled either by an optical fiber-taper waveguide or by the evanescent fields of the WGM. We show that the steady state of the two NV centers can be steered into a singletlike state through a dissipative quantum dynamical process, where the cavity decay plays a positive role and can help drive the system to the target state. The protocol may open up promising perspectives for quantum communication and computation with this solid-state cavity quantum electrodynamic system.