



图片来源于 http://dx.doi.org/10.1103/RevModPhys.85.623







63. Xue-Feng Pan, Peng-Bo Li*, Xin-Lei Hei, Xichao Zhang, Masahito Mochizuki, Fu-Li Li, and Franco Nori, Magnon-Skyrmion Hybrid Quantum Systems: Tailoring Interactions via Magnons, Phys. Rev. Lett. 132, 193601 (2024)  

(*: corresponding author)


62. Xue-Feng Pan, Xin-Lei Hei, Xiao-Yu Yao, Jia-Qiang Chen, Yu-Meng Ren, Xing-Liang Dong, Yi-Fan Qiao, and Peng-Bo Li*, Skyrmion-mechanical hybrid quantum systems: Manipulation of skyrmion qubits via phonons, Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023067 (2024) (*: corresponding author)


61. Xin-Lei Hei, Peng-Bo Li*, Xue-Feng Pan, Franco Nori, Enhanced tripartite interactions in spin-magnon-mechanical hybrid systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 073602 (2023) (*: corresponding author)


60. Yi-Xuan Ma, Peng-Bo Li*, Deterministic generation of phononic Fock states via weak nonlinearities, Phys. Rev. A 108, 053709 (2023)  (*: corresponding author)


59. Jun-Cong Zheng, Peng-Bo Li*, Few-photon isolation in a one-dimensional waveguide using chiral quantum coupling, Opt. Express 31, 21881 (2023)  (*: corresponding author)


58. Xing-Liang Dong, Peng-Bo Li*, Jia-Qiang Chen, Fu-Li Li, Franco Nori, Exotic quantum light-matter interactions in bilayer square lattices, Phys. Rev. B 108, 045407 (2023)  (*: corresponding author)


57. Yi-Fan Qiao, Jia-Qiang Chen, Yuan Zhou, Peng-Bo Li*, Wei-Bo Gao, Pure spin squeezing of -BN spins coupled to superconducting resonator, Phys. Rev. B 107, 195425 (2023)  (*: corresponding author)


56. CP Shen, JQ Chen, XF Pan, YM Ren, XL Dong, XL Hei, YF Qiao, Peng-Bo Li*, Tunable nonreciprocal photon correlations induced by directional quantum squeezing, Phys. Rev. A 108, 023716 (2023)  (*: corresponding author)


55. A Basit, H Ali, Peng-Bo Li, G Xianlong, Effects of reservoir squeezing on trace-distance correlations and emergence of the pointer basis, Phys. Rev. A 107, 042432 (2023)


54. Bo-Long Wang, Xin-Lei Hei, Xing-Liang Dong, Xiao-Yu Yao, Jia-Qiang Chen, Yi-Fan Qiao, Fu-Li Li, Peng-Bo Li*, Hybrid Quantum Systems with Strong Magnetic Coupling of a Magnetic Vortex to a Nanomechanical Resonator, Phys. Rev. Applied 19, 024045 (2023)  (*: corresponding author)


53. Xue-Feng Pan, Xin-Lei Hei, Xing-Liang Dong, Jia-Qiang Chen, Cai-Peng Shen, Hamad Ali, Peng-Bo Li*, Enhanced spin-mechanical interaction with levitated micromagnets, Phys. Rev. A 107, 023722 (2023)  (*: corresponding author)


52. Yi-Fan Qiao, Jia-Qiang Chen, Xing-Liang Dong, Bo-Long Wang, Xin-Lei Hei, Cai-Peng Shen, Yuan Zhou, Peng-Bo Li*, Generation of Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states for silicon-vacancy centers using a decoherence-free subspace, Phys. Rev. A 105, 032415 (2022)  (*: corresponding author)


51. Xing-Liang Dong, Cai-Peng Shen, Shao-Yan Gao, Hong-Rong Li, Hong Gao, Fu-Li Li, Peng-Bo Li*, Chiral spin-phonon bound states and spin-spin interactions with phononic lattices, Phys. Rev. Research 4, 023077 (2022)  (*: corresponding author)


50. Xiao-Yu Yao, H. Ali, Fu-Li Li, Peng-Bo Li*, Nonreciprocal phonon blockade in a spinning acoustic ring cavity coupled to a two-level system, Phys. Rev. Applied 17 (5), 054004 (2022)  (*: corresponding author)


49. Cai-Peng Shen, Xing-Liang Dong, Jia-Qiang Chen, Xin-Lei Hei, Yi-Fan Qiao, Bo-Long Wang, Peng-Bo Li*, Strong tunable phonon-phonon interactions induced by silicon-vacancy centers in one-dimensional chiral phononic waveguides, Phys. Rev. A 106 (2), 023717 (2022)  (*: corresponding author)


48. Xing-Liang Dong, Peng-Bo Li*, Tao Liu, and Franco Nori, Unconventional Quantum Sound-Matter Interactions in Spin-Optomechanical-Crystal Hybrid Systems, Phys. Rev. Lett. 126, 203601 (2021)  (*: corresponding author)


47. Xiao-Xiao Li, Peng-Bo Li*, Hong-Rong Li, Hong Gao, and Fu-Li Li, Simulation of topological Zak phase in spin-phononic crystal networks, Phys. Rev. Research 3, 013025 (2021)  (*: corresponding author)


46. Xin-Lei Hei, Xing-Liang Dong, Jia-Qiang Chen, Cai-Peng Shen, Yi-Fan Qiao, and Peng-Bo Li*, Enhancing spin-photon coupling with a micromagnet, Phys. Rev. A 103, 043706 (2021)  (*: corresponding author)


45. Jia-Qiang Chen, Yi-Fan Qiao, Xing-Liang Dong, Xin-Lei Hei, and Peng-Bo Li*, Dissipation-assisted preparation of steady spin-squeezed states of SiV centers, Phys. Rev. A 103, 013709 (2021)  (*: corresponding author)


44. Cai-Peng Shen, Xing-Liang Dong, Jia-Qiang Chen, Yi-Fan Qiao, and Peng-Bo Li*, Strong Two-Phonon Correlations and Bound States in the Continuum in Phononic Waveguides with Embedded SiV Centers, Advanced Quantum Technologies, 2100074 (2021)  (*: corresponding author)


43. Qing Ai, Peng-Bo Li, Wei Qin, Jie-Xing Zhao, CP Sun, Franco Nori, The NV metamaterial: Tunable quantum hyperbolic metamaterial using nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond, Phys. Rev. B 104, 014109 (2021)


42. Bo-Long Wang, Xin-Lei Hei, Xing-Liang Dong, Jia-Qiang Chen, Yi-Fan Qiao, Peng-Bo Li*, Vortex–photon–spin tripartite entanglement in a hybrid quantum system, Quantum Information Processing 20, 366 (2021)  (*: corresponding author)


41. Peng-Bo Li*, Yuan Zhou, Wei-Bo Gao, and Franco Nori, Enhancing Spin-Phonon and Spin-Spin Interactions Using Linear Resources in a Hybrid Quantum System, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 153602 (2020)  (*: corresponding author)


40. Yi-Fan Qiao, Hong-Zhen Li, Xing-Liang Dong, Jia-Qiang Chen, Yuan Zhou, and Peng-Bo Li*, Phononic-waveguide-assisted steady-state entanglement of silicon-vacancy centers, Phys. Rev. A 101, 042313 (2020)  (*: corresponding author)


39. Xiao-Xiao Li, Bo Li, and Peng-Bo Li*, Simulation of topological phases with color center arrays in phononic crystals, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 013121 (2020)  (*: corresponding author)


38. Xing-Liang Dong, and Peng-Bo Li*, Multiphonon interactions between nitrogen-vacancy centers and nanomechanical resonators, Phys. Rev. A 100, 043825 (2019)  (*: corresponding author)


37. Bo Li, Peng-Bo Li*, Yuan Zhou, Jie Liu, Hongrong Li, and Fuli Li, Interfacing a Topological Qubit with a Spin Qubit in a Hybrid Quantum System, Phys. Rev. Applied 11, 044026 (2019)  (*: corresponding author)


36. Peng-Bo Li*, Xiao-Xiao Li, and Franco Nori, Band-gap-engineered spin-phonon, and spin-spin interactions with defect centers in diamond coupled to phononic crystals, arXiv:1901.04650


35. Yuan Zhou, Bo Li, Xiao-Xiao Li, Fu-Li Li, and Peng-Bo Li*, Preparing multiparticle entangled states of nitrogen-vacancy centers via adiabatic ground-state transitions, Phys. Rev. A 98, 052346 (2018) 

(*: corresponding author)


34. Peng-Bo Li* and F. Nori, Hybrid Quantum System with NV centers in Diamond Coupled to Surface-Phonon Polaritons in Piezomagnetic Superlattices, Phys. Rev. Applied  10, 024011 (2018) SCI 一区  (*: corresponding author)


33.  Chang-Hao Li and Peng-Bo Li*, Coupling a single nitrogen-vacancy center with a superconducting qubit via the electro-optic effect, Phys. Rev. A 97, 052319 (2018)  (*: corresponding author)


32. Wei Qin, A. Miranowicz, Peng-Bo Li, Xin-You Lu, J. Q. You, and F. Nori, Exponentially-Enhanced Light-Matter Interaction, Cooperativities, and Steady-State Entanglement Using Parametric Amplification, Phys. Rev. Lett.  120, 093601 (2018)


31. Yuan Zhou, Sheng-Li Ma, Bo Li, Xiao-Xiao Li, Fu-Li Li, and Peng-Bo Li*, Simulating the Lipkin-Meshkov-Glick model in a hybrid quantum system, Phys. Rev. A 96, 062333 (2017)  (*: corresponding author)


30. Bo Li, Peng-Bo Li*, Yuan Zhou, Sheng-Li Ma, and Fu-Li Li, Quantum microwave-optical interface with nitrogen-vacancy centers in diamond, Phys. Rev. A 96, 032342 (2017)  (*: corresponding author)


29. Xiao-Xiao Li, Peng-Bo Li*, Sheng-Li Ma, and Fu-Li Li, Preparing entangled states between two NV centers via the damping of nanomechanical resonators, Sci. Rep. 7, 14116 (2017)


28. Dao-Quan Zhu and Peng-Bo Li*, Preparation of entangled states of microwave photons in a hybrid system via the electro-optic effect, Opt. Express 25, 28305 (2017)   (*: corresponding author)


27. Yunning Lu, Shaoyan Gao, Aiping Fang, Peng-Bo Li, Fuli Li, and M. Suhail Zubairy, Coherent frequency down-conversions and entanglement generation in a Sagnac interferometer, Opt. Express 25, 16151 (2017)


26Peng-Bo Li*, Ze-Liang Xiang, Peter Rabl, and Franco Nori, Hybrid Quantum Device with NV Centers in Diamond Coupled to Carbon Nanotubes,  Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 015502 (2016) Highlighted  as a PRL Editors' Suggestion paper, Coverage in Phys. org (SCI 一区) (*: corresponding author)



25. Peng-Bo Li*, and Fu-Li Li, Proposal for a quantum delayed-choice experiment with a spin-mechanical setup, Phys. Rev. A 94, 042130 (2016)  (*: corresponding author)


24. Zhen Li, Sheng-li Ma, Zhi-peng Yang, Ai-ping Fang, Peng-Bo Li, Shao-yan Gao, and Fu-li Li, Generation and replication of continuous-variable quadripartite cluster and Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger states in four chains of superconducting transmission line resonators, Phys. Rev. A 93, 042305 (2016)



23. Zhen-Fang Li, Peng-Bo Li*, and Fu-Li Li, Entangling a single NV center with a superconducting qubit via parametric couplings between photons and phonons in a hybrid system, J. Mod. Opt.  63, 2173 (2016)



22. Peng-Bo Li*, Hong-Rong Li & Fu-Li Li, Enhanced electromechanical coupling of a nanomechanical resonator to coupled superconducting cavities, Sci. Rep. 6, 19065 (2016)  (*: corresponding author)


21. Peng-Bo Li*, Yong-Chun Liu, S.-Y. Gao, Ze-Liang Xiang, Peter Rabl, Yun-Feng Xiao, and Fu-Li Li, Hybrid Quantum Device Based on NV Centers in Diamond Nanomechanical Resonators Plus Superconducting Waveguide Cavities, Phys. Rev. Applied 4, 044003 (2015), Editors' Suggestion paper (SCI 一区) (*: corresponding author)


20. Xue-Qin Li, Sheng-Li Ma, Peng-Bo Li*, Shao-Yan Gao, Hong-Rong Li and Fu-Li Li, Quantum information transfer with hybrid NV center-photon qubit encoding, J. Mod. Opt. 62, 487 (2015)


19. Shengli Ma, Zhen Li, Peng-Bo Li*, Aiping Fang, Shaoyan Gao and Fuli Li, Two-mode squeezing generation in hybrid chains of superconducting resonators and nitrogen-vacancy-center ensembles, J. Phys. B 48, 035504 (2015)


18. Sheng-Li Ma, Zhen Li, Peng-Bo Li,* and Fu-Li Li, Generation of squeezed states in coupled cavity chains via dissipation of gap-tunable qubits, Phys. Rev. A 90, 043810 (2014)  (*: corresponding author)


17. Sheng-Li Ma, Zhen Li, Ai-Ping Fang, Peng-Bo Li, Shao-Yan Gao, and Fu-Li Li, Controllable generation of two-mode-entangled states in two-resonator circuit QED with a single gap-tunable superconducting qubit, Phys. Rev. A 90, 062342 (2014)


16. Xin Wang, Hong-rong Li, Peng-Bo Li, Chen-wei Jiang, Hong Gao, and Fu-li Li, Preparing ground states and squeezed states of nanomechanical cantilevers by fast dissipation, Phys. Rev. A 90, 013838 (2014)


15. Peng-Bo Li,* Shao-Yan Gao, and Fu-Li Li, Robust continuous-variable entanglement of microwave photons with cavity electromechanics, Phys. Rev. A 88, 043802 (2013)  (*: corresponding author)


14. Sheng-li Ma, Peng-Bo Li,* Ai-ping Fang, Shao-yan Gao, and Fu-li Li,    Dissipation-assisted generation of steady-state single-mode squeezing of collective excitations in a solid-state spin ensemble, Phys. Rev. A 88, 013837 (2013)  (*: corresponding author)


13. Shaoyan Gao, Peng-Bo Li, and Fuli Li, Geometrical parameters controlled focusing and enhancing near field in infinite circular metal-dielectric multilayered cylinder, Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 123107 (2013)


12. Peng-Bo Li,* Shaoyan Gao, and Fuli Li, Engineering two-mode entangled states between two superconducting resonators by dissipation, Phys. Rev. A 86 012318 (2012)  (*: corresponding author)


11. Peng-Bo Li,* Shao-Yan Gao, Hong-Rong Li, Sheng-Li Ma, and Fu-Li Li, Dissipative preparation of entangled states between two spatially separated  nitrogen-vacancy centers, Phys. Rev. A 85, 042306 (2012)  (*: corresponding author)


10. Peng-Bo Li,* Shaoyan Gao, and Fuli Li, Engineering two-mode continuous-variable entangled states of distant atomic spin ensembles with superconducting quantum circuits, Phys. Rev. A 85, 014303 (2012)  (*: corresponding author)


9. Sheng-li Ma, Peng-Bo Li,* and Fu-li Li, One-step generation of Greenberger–Horne–Zeilinger states of multi solid-state spin qubits, J. Mod. Opt. 59 1617 (2012)


8. Peng-Bo Li* and Fuli Li, Deterministic generation of multiparticle entanglement in a coupled    cavity-fiber system,  Opt. Express 19 1207 (2011)  (*: corresponding author)


7. Peng-Bo Li,* Shaoyan Gao, and Fuli Li,Quantum-information transfer with nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to a whispering-gallery microresonator,    Phys. Rev. A 83 054306 (2011)  (*: corresponding author)


6. Peng-Bo Li* and Fuli Li, Engineering squeezed states of microwave radiation  with circuit quantum electrodynamics, Phys. Rev. A 83 035807 (2011)  (*: corresponding author)


5. Peng-Bo Li* and Fuli Li, Engineering two-mode squeezed states of cold atomic clouds with a superconducting stripline resonator, Opt. Comm. 284 294 (2011)


4. Peng-Bo Li,* Quantum interferences in four-wave mixing processes inside a cavity driven by quantized fields, Chin. Phys. B 20 054202 (2011)


3. Peng-Bo Li,* Quantum phase gates with trapped atoms coupling to a superconducting transmission line resonator, International Journal of Quantum Information 9 583 (2011)


2. Peng-Bo Li* and Fuli Li, Efficient scheme for entangled states and quantum information transfer with trapped atoms in a resonator, Chin. Phys. B 20 090304 (2011)


1. Peng-Bo Li* and Fu-Li Li, Controlled generation of field squeezing with cold atomic clouds coupled to a superconducting transmission line resonator, Phys. Rev. A 81 035802 (2010)  (*: corresponding author)